Archiv: Sri Lanka Krise / crisis 2022

10.07.2022 - 18:12 [ ]

Key Points from Speaker’s letter to President

In a letter addressed to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Speaker of Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena set out the matters that were agreed upon at the All Party Meeting that was held at the Speaker’s Official Residence.

The following:

– The President and the Prime Minister should resign with immediate effect.

– A decision to be taken to appoint an Interim President by Parliament within the coming week.

– Once the Interim President has been appointed, a Prime Minister to be appointed that would represent all Polital Parties.

– Call for Parliamentary Elections within a specified period of time

10.07.2022 - 17:54 [ ]

What happens after the President resigns? BASL explains process to elect new President

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka convening a special press conference on Sunday (10) afternoon elaborated on the process that should be followed by the President, and the Prime Minister in vacating their posts.

BASL President Saliya Pieris, PC told reporters that in terms of the constitution, the President must address to speaker a letter signed by him of his decision to step down, and when the position is vacant the Prime Minister would take over as acting President.

10.07.2022 - 09:50 [ / Youtube ]

Sri Lankan protesters storm presidential palace, swim in pool

Sri Lanka‘s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa will step down next Wednesday (July 13), the country‘s parliamentary speaker said on Saturday (July 9), after a day of violent protests in which demonstrators stormed the president‘s official residence and set fire to the prime minister‘s home in Colombo.

10.07.2022 - 09:23 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Protesters storm presidential palace in Sri Lanka

Hundreds of thousands of protesters broke into the presidential palace in Sri Lanka. The country has been facing a food, fuel, and medicine shortage not seen in 70 years. The country declared bankruptcy only days ago.

10.07.2022 - 08:45 [ ]

Sri Lanka: Demonstranten stürmen Präsidentenpalast

Zehntausende Demonstranten und Demonstrantinnen marschierten am Samstag durch die Hauptstadt Colombo und in das Regierungsviertel, einige stürmten den bis dahin schwer bewachten Palast von Präsident Gotabaya Rajapaksa und ein nahe gelegenes Büro, wie Fernsehbilder zeigen. Der Präsident sei bereits vor dem Wochenende in Sicherheit gebracht worden, hieß es aus Sicherheitskreisen, und werde an einem geheimen Ort beschützt.