Archiv: Roundup

21.03.2020 - 00:52 [ The Hill ]

EPA sued over reapproval of key Roundup chemical

One lawsuit against the EPA was filed Friday on behalf of the Center for Food Safety (CFS), Beyond Pesticides, the Rural Coalition, Organización en California de Lideres Campesinas, and the Farmworker Association of Florida.

06.10.2019 - 21:40 [ Reuters ]

Bayer says October U.S. glyphosate trial delayed until February

The number of U.S. plaintiffs blaming Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killers for cancer has been rising continuously to stand at 18,400 as of July 11, hitting Bayer’s share price.

19.05.2019 - 01:17 [ The Independent ]

Monsanto: Do cancer payouts and global protests signal the end for this agrochemical company?

On Sunday, hundreds of “March Against Monsanto” rallies are expected around the world. The campaign group of the same name behind the protests aims to “educate the world about the crimes Monsanto has committed against humanity”.

The marches – which attract people in their millions – are in their eighth year.

28.02.2019 - 01:24 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Bayer vor Gericht

Das Urteil gegen Bayer hat den Börsenwert um elf Milliarden Euro schrumpfen lassen. Die Aktie habe zudem, heißt es, auch deshalb ein Drittel ihres Wertes eingebüßt, da für manche Marktbeobachter die Übernahme lediglich ein „arrogantes“ Manöver zum „Bau eines Imperiums“ gewesen sei.