Archiv: Rebel News (independent media)

09.01.2023 - 22:51 [ ]

Justin Trudeau says 2023 is the year Rebel News must die.

(December 31, 2022)

When the Online Streaming Act becomes law in a few months, section 9.1(1)(e) will give Trudeau the power to order Internet companies like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to promote or hide whatever news sources he likes.

He can order them to promote the CBC and the Toronto Star, and to make it impossible to find Rebel News. Here’s the wording of the law. Trudeau can, „make orders… respecting the presentation of programs and programming services for selection by the public, including the showcasing and the discoverability of Canadian programs and programming services.”

Let me translate: Trudeau doesn’t have to ban Rebel News anymore. He can just order the big Internet companies to make us disappear. I’ve heard several journalists call this the “Kill Rebel Law” because it so clearly targets us.

But I’ve got news for Trudeau: we will not lay down and die.

As you know, we fight like hell when Trudeau tries to censor us. And we often win — we’ve beat him twice before in Federal Court.