Archiv: presentations

08.01.2020 - 02:24 [ CNN ]

Astronomers detect gravitational waves created by massive neutron star collision

Neutron stars are the smallest in the universe, the remnants of supernovae. Their diameters are comparable to the size of a city like Chicago or Atlanta, but they are incredibly dense, with masses bigger than that of our sun. So think of the sun, compressed into a major city — and then think of two of them violently crashing into each other.

01.05.2018 - 11:28 [ Newsweek ]

Israel‘s Netanyahu Can Now Declare War on Iran With Single Vote

Following a 20-minute presentation in which Netanyahu accused Iran of covertly pursuing nuclear weapons, reports emerged that the Israeli Knesset approved 62 to 41 the amendment to Israeli law regarding the authorization for the declaration of war. The new regime included a clause suggested by Netanyahu himself, one that requires only Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman‘s approval to initiate a war „in extreme situations,“ according to the state-run Kann News and Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

01.05.2018 - 11:26 [ Washington Post ]

Netanyahu is playing to Trump’s abject ignorance — and it might work

Naturally, you’d think the results of an espionage operation that lifted a treasure trove of Iranian documents would show some new evidence Iran is violating the deal. Nope. And despite genuine admiration for another Israeli intelligence coup, the entire presentation left observers wondering what all of this was about.