Archiv: New Orleans Police Department

29.07.2018 - 14:59 [ New Orleans Police Department ]

NOPD Arrests Two Officers For Assault, Begins Termination Proceedings

“After gathering multiple video accounts and eyewitness statements, the evidence collected by our PIB investigators clearly demonstrates that our officers were the aggressors in this incident,” NOPD Superintendent Michael Harrison said. “Members of our department are expected to comply with the law and adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct, whether on- or off-duty. The swift pace at which the Public Integrity Bureau investigated this incident and the decisive actions taken by the NOPD today by arresting the officers and starting the termination process clearly demonstrate how seriously our department views their actions.”

29.07.2018 - 14:54 [ ]

Alleged victim claims NOPD officers called him ‚Fake American‘ before fight

“He didn‘t like the way I dressed. That was pretty much I was dressed in a T-shirt like this and pants like this,” said Gomez.

Gomez says he was wearing clothing with camouflage print and would normally stay to himself, but Monday night Galman and Sutton called him over. He says Galman starting talking to him about being a Marine, to which Gomez responded that he served in the Army. But according to Gomez, that‘s when the conversation started escalating.

29.07.2018 - 14:51 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Racist Cops Beat „Fake American“

A man was nearly beaten to death by two cops who deemed him a “fake American”. Cenk Uygur, Brett Erlich, Jason Carter, and Francesca Fiorentini, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.