Archiv: Mirjana Spoljaric Egger

10.03.2024 - 18:45 [ International Committee of Red Cross ]

A statement on Gaza and Israel from the president of the ICRC

Five months into the escalation of hostilities, which began with the horrific events in Israel on 7 October, the situation in the Gaza Strip degenerates by the hour. There is nowhere safe for people to go. The civilian death toll and the ongoing captivity of hostages are shocking and unacceptable.

This brutal war has ruptured any sense of a shared humanity.

10.03.2024 - 18:40 [ ]

Gaza war has ‚ruptured any sense of a shared humanity‘ amid Israeli atrocities: ICRC

„As an occupying power, Israel must provide for the basic needs of the population or facilitate the safe and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian relief,“ Spoljaric said.

The war had „ruptured any sense of a shared humanity“, she said.

„The situation in the Gaza Strip degenerates by the hour. There is nowhere safe for people to go. The civilian death toll and the ongoing captivity of hostages are shocking and unacceptable,“ Spoljaric said.