Archiv: Mathew J. Golsteyn

16.11.2019 - 11:22 [ ]

Green Beret charged with murder after confessing to killing Afghan man in TV interview


But according to documents seen by NBC, Major Golsteyn told army investigators that he and his fellow soldiers were doing house-to-house searches when they found bomb-making materials they suspected were used in the attack on the Marines.

The soldiers took a local man who they believed was responsible for the materials into custody and brought him to the army base, from where he was later released.

It is unclear if this was because there was insufficient evidence to detain him. Military documents state that Major Golsteyn and another soldier returned the man to his home but instead of releasing him the major fatally shot the man and buried his body, NBC reported.

The documents seen by the news organisation do not include Major Golsteyn‘s explanation for killing the man but refer to the incident as an „assassination“.

16.11.2019 - 10:49 [ Daily Mail ]

Donald Trump defies Pentagon to pardon Green Beret who ‚murdered‘ Taliban bombmaker and Army officer who ordered killing of Afghan civilians as he reinstates rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher who posed with a corpse

All three also had been favorites among conservatives who see them as heroes who should not have been prosecuted. Trump, when the White House was considering intervening in Golsteyn‘s case, commented at the time, ‚We train our boys to be killing machines, then prosecute them when they kill‘!