Archiv: Madonna

27.05.2020 - 14:00 [ Madonna / instagram ]

Watching this Cop suffocate George Floyd with his knee on his neck, handcuffed and helpless, crying for his life with his face in the street is the most sickening, heartbreaking thing ive seen in a long time.

This Officer knew he was being filmed and murdered him with arrogance and Pride.
This has to stop!! Until we can over come Racism in America— no one should be allowed to carry a gun. Most of all cops.
God Bless you George Floyd Im so sorry for you and your family. And all the senseless killings that have gone before you. Will it ever end? ?? I pray to GOD it does one day.
Until then—Fuck The Police!
Yea I said it. Im not interested in being PC. Im interested in Justice.
@shaunking #georgefloyd #justice #guncontrol

19.05.2019 - 02:08 [ CNN ]

Eurovision: Madonna mixes politics with a classic hit during performance

„My heart breaks every time I hear about the innocent lives that are lost in this region and the violence that is so often perpetuated to suit the political goals of people who benefit from this ancient conflict. I hope and pray that we will soon break free from this terrible cycle of destruction and create a new path towards peace,“ the statement continued.