Archiv: Khaled al-Shawa

31.08.2024 - 15:25 [ Reporters Without Borders ]

Ismail al-Ghoul‘s killing: targeted and discredited, Palestinian journalists suffer double punishment in Gaza

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for an independent investigation of these killings and for Israel to stop targeting journalists. More than 130 media professionals have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli army since 7 October, including at least 31 while doing their job.

When questioned about targeting journalists, the Israeli army usually replies that these accusations “are false,” despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Yet the day after their attack on Ismail al-Ghoul’s car, the army took responsibility for killing the 27-year-old, stating on X (formerly Twitter) that it had eliminated a “terrorist” and “journalist.” Since then, the IDF’s official position has consisted of accusations discrediting al-Ghoul – without mentioning his cameraman Rami al-Rifi, who was also killed in the attack – based on insufficient, questionable evidence, according to RSF’s analysis.

31.08.2024 - 15:16 [ +972 Magazine ]

In memory of journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul, Gaza City’s voice to the world

(August 7, 2024)

Just two hours before his death, Ismail Al-Ghoul had appeared on Al Jazeera’s live broadcast from Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, where he was gathering reactions to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Then an Israeli drone strike targeted his car as he drove through Gaza City, killing Ismail and his cameraman Rami Al-Rifi, along with 17-year-old Khaled al-Shawa, who was riding his bicycle nearby.