Archiv: Green Party (USA)

15.07.2022 - 18:31 [ Matthew Hoh for Senate, US Senate candidate to represent the people of North Carolina. Green Party. Disabled Marine combat veteran ]

We‘re fighting back against the corrupt Democratic Party establishment‘s coordinated campaign to deny our rightfully earned place on the ballot. If you want to stand with us and fight for real democracy, here‘s how you can help!

15.07.2022 - 18:25 [ Matthew Hoh for Senate ]

We’re under attack – help us fight back!

The Matthew Hoh for Senate campaign and the North Carolina Green Party are facing a massive coordinated attack from the Democratic Party establishment, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Elias Law Group to the Democratic Party supermajority controlling the NC State Board of Elections.

After the DSCC launched a massive, deceptive, and well-funded voter intimidation campaign attempting to harass petition signers into requesting their names be removed, the State Board of Elections voted to deny certification of our petitions despite the fact that we had over 2,000 verified signatures more than needed – and all 3 Democrats on the board voted to deny us our rightfully-earned ballot line.

This is an outrageous attack on democracy, and we need your help to stand up and fight back.

Here’s how to help: