Archiv: Freedom Day (Australia)

11.10.2021 - 05:55 [ ]

‚Freedom Day‘: Sydney reopens as Australia looks to live with COVID-19

„I see it as a day of freedom, it‘s a freedom day,“ New South Wales (NSW) state Premier Dominic Perrottet told reporters in Sydney, the state capital. „We are leading the nation out of this pandemic but this will be a challenge.“

11.10.2021 - 05:49 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

D-Day or freedom daze for Morrison: the electoral risks and opportunities in reopening

If the next federal election is decided, as it certainly could be, in NSW, and if the Coalition wins, then Monday could be the most important day in that victory. It is hard to overstate the level of excitement in the state right now. Some people are eager to reopen their business – to see customers they haven’t seen in months. Others have taken the next few days off work to enjoy the sudden freedom.