Daily Archives: 19. Januar 2018

19.01.2018 - 18:15 [ KBS ]

Start koreanischer Trägerrakete wird um ein Jahr verschoben

(11/2017) Das Ziel des Projekts des Starts einer südkoreanischen Trägerrakete ist die Entwicklung einer dreistufigen Trägerrakete, die einen 1,5 Tonnen-Satelliten in eine Umlaufbahn von 600 bis 800 Kilometern bringen kann, und die Sicherstellung relevanter Technologien. Im Rahmen des 1,95 Billionen Won (1,79 Milliarden Dollar) teuren Projekts sollen alle Prozesse vom Entwurf bis zum Start der Trägerrakete mit eigener Technologie durchgeführt werden.

19.01.2018 - 18:10 [ Press TV ]

Israel trying to use Bollywood to boost own image

Indians are unhappy with Netanyahu’s visit and many of them maintain that their country needs to distance itself from Israel over its crimes against Palestinians.

19.01.2018 - 17:58 [ Rudaw ]

Afrin op has ‘de facto started,’ says Turkey’s defence minister

Damascus has permitted Kurdish forces to send reinforcements to its isolated Afrin canton through Aleppo province, according to media with ties to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Citing military sources, Al-Masdar News reported that YPG had sent hundreds of reinforcements over the last 48 hours…. Turkey has claimed the Russia has begun withdrawing its forces from the Afrin area in preparation for Turkey’s military operation. Anadolu Agency reported that Russian security forces in Afrin city started to leave the area on Friday.

The Observatory, however, contradicted the reports, stating “Russian forces have not withdrawn yet from Afrin area.”

Russia has not issued any statements on the matter, at time of publication.

19.01.2018 - 16:39 [ WSWS ]

World Socialist Web Site ruft zu internationaler Koalition sozialistischer und Anti-Kriegs-Websites gegen Internetzensur auf

Die Diskussion unter dem Titel „Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship“ (Widerstand gegen Internetzensur organisieren) wurde von einem großen internationalen Publikum verfolgt. Der Live-Stream wurde in den ersten 24 Stunden nach seiner Ausstrahlung mehr als 15.000mal auf Facebook und YouTube angesehen. Eine Solidaritätserklärung des WikiLeaks-Gründers Julian Assange wurde im Verlauf des Webinars verlesen.

19.01.2018 - 16:37 [ WSWS ]

World Socialist Web Site calls for international coalition of socialist and anti-war websites to counter Internet censorship

North issued the call during a livestreamed webinar with journalist Chris Hedges, Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship. The webinar attracted a substantial global audience and was viewed more than 15,000 times on Facebook and YouTube in the 24 hours after it aired. A statement from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange supporting the event was read during the broadcast.

19.01.2018 - 14:02 [ einartysken ]

Schattenarmeen: Der unsichtbare, aber echte US-Krieg in Afrika

Unter dem Vorwand des“Kriegs gegen den Terror“ konsolidierten die USA 2007 ihre verschiedenen militärischen Operationen in Afrika, um das United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) zu gründen. Mit einem Anfangsbudget von einer halben Milliarde Dollar wurde AFRICOM angeblich ins Leben gerufen, um mit afrikanischen Ländern in Sachen Diplomatie und Hilfe zusammenzuarbeiten. Aber im Laufe der vergangenen 10 Jahre hat sich AFRICOM zu einem zentralen Kommando für militärische Übergriffe und Interventionen entwickelt.

19.01.2018 - 13:36 [ silicon ]

US Senate Renews NSA Web Surveillance Program

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act had been set to expire on 31 December, but it is viewed as a vital piece of law by US intelligence agencies, as it allows them to carry out surveillance, and indeed store vast amounts of digital communications from foreign suspects living outside the United States.
But this program also collects and gathers communications of US citizens, who are not surveillance targets and are not communicating with targets.

19.01.2018 - 13:20 [ Bandcamp ]

Falling on Your Arse in 1999 by Tommy No 1 + Eddie Too Tall

Made in a bedroom 1999 these mixtapes were never really finished.
Lyrics written and performed by Tom Hardy. Music written and produced by Ed Tracy.
released January 8, 2018

19.01.2018 - 12:44 [ Dawn ]

Interior Ministry shuts down Radio Mashaal following ISI report

The Interior Ministry on Friday ordered to close down operations of Radio Mashaal, a Pashto language broadcaster linked to the US-funded Radio Free Europe, on recommendations of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

19.01.2018 - 09:02 [ europa.eu ]

Entschliessung des Rates vom 17. Januar 1995 über die rechtmäßige Überwachung des Fernmeldeverkehrs

2. Die gesetzlich ermächtigten Behörden benötigen eine permanente Überwachung des Fernmeldeverkehrs in Echtzeit. Verbindungsrelevante Daten sollen auch in Echtzeit bereitgestellt werden. Falls diese verbindungsrelevanten Daten nicht in Echtzeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden können, benötigen die gesetzlich ermächtigten Behörden die Daten so bald wie möglich nach Anrufende.

19.01.2018 - 09:02 [ Guardian ]

Intercepting the Internet

(29.April 1999) The plans require the installation of a network of tapping centres throughout Europe, operating almost instantly across all national boundaries, providing access to every kind of communications including the net and satellites. A German tapping centre could intercept Internet messages in Britain, or a British detective could listen to Dutch phone calls. There could even be several tapping centres listening in at once.

19.01.2018 - 08:59 [ fm4.orf.at ]

Grenzüberschreitende Überwachung der Telekomnetze ab 2018 in der EU

(27.12.2017) Im European Telecom Standards Institute (ETSI) arbeitet man bereits daran.

Am Werk ist dort das technische Kommitee TC-LI, das im Wesentlichen aus Technikern von Telekoms und ihren Zulieferern, aus Polizeitechnikern und einer Reihe von Beamten nationaler Geheimdienste besteht. Erst im Oktober wurde der neueste Stand des ETSI-Basisdokuments veröffentlicht, das die technisch-prozedurale Grundlage für Fernzugriffe durch Polizeibehörden auf Inhalte und Metadaten im EU-Raum bilden wird. Dasselbe ist auch mit den USA geplant.

19.01.2018 - 08:31 [ Signal ]

Fast, simple, secure. Privacy that fits in your pocket.

Signal messages and calls are always end-to-end encrypted and painstakingly engineered to keep your communication safe. We can‘t read your messages or see your calls, and no one else can either.

19.01.2018 - 08:27 [ Ring ]

Chat. Talk. Share. Ring is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users‘ privacy and freedoms.

Ring is free software for universal communication which respects the freedoms and privacy of its users. It is published under the GNU General Public License 3. Ring is developed by Savoir-faire Linux with the help of a global community of users and contributors. Savoir-faire Linux is a Canadian company specialized in Linux and free software.

19.01.2018 - 08:25 [ Viber ]

Viber connects over 800 million users

We connect people, no matter who they are or where they are from.
Make calls, send messages and much more – freely and securely.

19.01.2018 - 08:24 [ Tox ]

tox – A New Kind of Instant Messaging

Whether it‘s corporations or governments, digital surveillance today is widespread. Tox is easy-to-use software that connects you with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, Tox is completely free and comes without advertising — forever.

19.01.2018 - 08:21 [ derStandard.at ]

Wie man Chats und Telefonate vor Überwachung schützen kann

In Zeiten, in denen Österreich ein massives Überwachungspaket bevorsteht, ausländische Geheimdienste großflächig Internetkommunikation überwachen und auch kriminelle Hacker auf Nutzerdaten lauern, sollten Bürger grundlegende Schritte zur digitalen Verteidigung ihrer Daten treffen.

19.01.2018 - 08:18 [ Washington Post ]

House approves bill to keep government open as Senate Democrats take heat for threatening to block it

The House passed a short-term extension of government funding late Thursday after Republican leaders, with help from President Trump, cobbled together enough GOP votes to overcome an internal revolt.

Still, the possibility of a federal shutdown moved closer to a certainty after Senate Democrats rallied against the GOP proposal, announcing they would not lend their votes to a bill that did not reflect their priorities on immigration, government spending and other issues.

19.01.2018 - 08:11 [ Chosun Ilbo ]

U.S. Nuke Sub Kept out of Busan for Fear of Agitating N.Korea

The U.S. has canceled a plan for a 7,800-ton Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarine to dock at Busan for refueling on Thursday to avoid fresh tensions with North Korea.

A government official said Seoul told Washington that the submarine had better not enter the naval operations base.

Instead it suggested that the sub should dock in Jinhae, but the U.S. military declined and abandoned the port call entirely.

19.01.2018 - 08:05 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Regierung will sich für Friedensschaffung anlässlich PyeongChang-Olympiade einsetzen

Die Regierung will ihr Bestes tun, um die Olympischen Winterspiele in PyeongChang erfolgreich auszutragen und aus diesem Anlass Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel zu schaffen.

Fünf Ministerien teilten bei einer gemeinsamen Berichterstattung über ihre Arbeit mit, dass sie für einen Erfolg der Olympischen Spiele alle Kräfte aufbieten würden.

19.01.2018 - 08:03 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Regierung will Truppenstärke bis 2022 auf 500.000 Mann reduzieren

Das Verteidigungsministerium teilte bei einer gemeinsamen Berichterstattung von fünf Ministerien in Seoul den Plan mit, die Zahl der Soldaten von derzeit 610.000 schrittweise auf 500.000 zu reduzieren.

Zugleich will das Ressort den Wehrdienst von derzeit 21 Monaten schrittweise auf 18 Monate verkürzen. Der Anteil der Soldatinnen soll bis 2022 auf 8,8 Prozent erhöht werden.

19.01.2018 - 08:02 [ Reuters ]

Japan criticizes U.S. for military flights over school in Okinawa

The Marines blamed the incident on ground personnel failing to secure the window properly and promised to try to fly around the school in future.

A string of recent aircraft incidents, including the falling window and emergency landings by two helicopters this month, have spurred renewed calls in Okinawa for the Americans to close some or all of their bases.

19.01.2018 - 01:36 [ KBS ]

Nordkorea wird in PyeongChang in vier Wettbewerben starten

Nordkoreanische Athleten werden ihm zufolge im Paarlauf, Alpinski, Skilanglauf und Frauen-Eishockey antreten.

Im Frauen-Eishockey soll eine gesamtkoreanische Mannschaft spielen. Hierfür werde die 23-köpfige südkoreanische Mannschaft um fünf oder sechs Nordkoreanerinnen ergänzt.

19.01.2018 - 01:36 [ KBS ]

Nordkoreas Sportminister zu Gesprächen beim IOC in Lausanne eingetroffen

Nordkoreas Sportminister Kim Il-guk ist zu Gesprächen beim Internationalen Olympischen Komitee (IOC) in Lausanne eingetroffen.

Kim reiste gemeinsam mit Nordkoreas IOC-Mitglied Chang Ung über Peking ein.

Die nordkoreanische Delegation wird am Samstag mit südkoreanischen Vertretern bei vom IOC organisierten Gesprächen zusammenkommen.

19.01.2018 - 01:33 [ Palestine News & Info Agency ]

PLO calls on EU to take effective political steps to salvage peace

Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Saeb Erekat Thursday called on the European Union to take effective political steps to save peace in the region.

This came during a meeting with representatives of the EU countries at the PLO’s headquarters in Ramallah, in which he briefed them on the latest political developments and the outcomes of the PLO’s Central Council meeting.

He called on the EU to protect the principles and the human rights‘ system that it has built over the years, by translating and embodying its firm position on the two-state solution based on the 1967 borders and recognizing East Jerusalem as the capital of a recognized State of Palestine.

19.01.2018 - 01:32 [ Palestine News & Info Agency ]

After Jenin raid, Israeli army leaves behind devastation, both physical and psychological

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in the morning that Ahmad Nasr was killed in the attack, but his family ruled out the report and said the corpse which was found at the home and taken by the army belongs to someone else and not Ahmad.

Hours later, the Ministry corrected its earlier report and identified the dead person as Ahmad Ismail Jarrar, 31, a cousin of Ahmad Nasr Jarrar.

The Israeli army had actually taken the body away and the Palestinians had no way to exactly identify the corpse other than the information they would get from the Israeli army.

The army also took away another young man was also reportedly injured by their gunfire during the attack.

Israeli media accused Ahmad Nasr Jarrar of being behind an attack earlier in the month near Nablus in the northern West Bank that left an Israeli settler dead. Israel has been carrying out intensive search for the alleged attacker or attackers since the incident, raiding villages, towns and cities, blocking roads and detaining people. They have also dismantled and seized every surveillance camera placed in homes, shops and businesses in the northern West Bank.

With Ahmad Nasr Jarrar apparently not yet in Israeli hands, the manhunt for him is expected to continue.

19.01.2018 - 01:21 [ Reuters ]

Jordan says Israel apologizes for deaths of two Jordanians at embassy

Israel said at the time the armed guard opened fire after being attacked and lightly wounded by the workman, who was delivering furniture at his home within the embassy compound, and acted in self-defense in what Israeli officials called a “terrorist attack”.

Israel then said it was highly unlikely it would prosecute the security guard.

Jordanian officials have treated the shooting as a criminal case and say the two unarmed Jordanians – the other was a bystander – were killed in cold blood by the armed guard.

19.01.2018 - 01:19 [ Techdirt ]

A Bunch Of Politicians Who Complain About Trump‘s Authoritarian Tendencies Just Gave Him 6 Years To Warrantlessly Spy On Americans

As was widely expected after Tuesday‘s close vote on cloture, the Senate officially voted to renew (in a somewhat expanded way) Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act by a vote of 65 to 34. That also means a few of those who voted against cloture switched over and voted for the program, including Senators Ted Cruz and Chuck Schumer. President Trump will almost certainly sign the bill shortly, despite confusing basically everyone last week by tweeting out complaints about the program, despite his White House vehemently supporting it.