Das Gesetz über die Ermächtigung für den Einsatz militärischer Streitkräfte 2001 (AUMF), das auf den 11. September 2001 folgte, wurde von den Präsidenten seitdem breit ausgelegt, indem es ihnen erlaubte, grenzenlose Kriege zu starten, und seit einiger Zeit gibt es einigen Kongressabgeordnete, die daran interessiert sind, das in Frage zu stellen, das alte AUMF zu beenden und es durch reale, spezifische Ermächtigungen für spezifische Kriege zu ersetzen.
Der Anschlag am 4. Oktober in Niger, der zum Tod von vier US-amerikanischen Soldaten in Sondereinheiten führte, hat diesen Vorstoß in großem Ausmaß verstärkt, denn diese Operation war nicht nur offensichtlich vom Kongress nie genehmigt worden, sondern der Kongress wurde in diesem Fall nicht einmal informiert, dass sie stattgefunden habe.
Eine kubanische Expertenkommission hat nun die Aufzeichnungen untersucht, berichtet die Zeitung „Granma“. Die Kriminalisten und Mediziner geben an, dass es unmöglich sei, dass die US-Diplomaten in ihren Wohnungen von außerhalb in großen Lautstärken beschallt wurden, ohne dass Nachbarn und Anrainer etwas davon mitbekommen hätten oder ebenfalls erkrankt wären.
Unklar ist momentan, ob Puigdemont in Belgien Asyl beantragen will. Zu dieser Frage wollte sich Bekaert nicht äußern. Der belgische Staatssekretär für Asyl und Migration, Theo Francken, hatte diese Möglichkeit am Sonntag ins Spiel gebracht.
Saudi Arabia plans to extract uranium domestically as part of its nuclear power program and sees this as a step towards “self-sufficiency” in producing atomic fuel, a senior official said on Monday.
A Moscow-backed congress of all Syria’s ethnic groups may take place in Russia and begin working on a new constitution as early as next month, the news agency RIA reported on Monday, citing a source familiar with the situation.
Gemeinsam mit dem Arbeitskreis gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung und zahlreichen anderen Organisationen fordert Digitalcourage mit einem Jamaika-Appell die FDP und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen dazu auf, die flächendeckende und verdachtsunabhängige Überwachung von Telefonen und Computern durch die Vorratsdatenspeicherung zu beenden.
Hintergrund: Union, FDP und BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN wollen sich zum Abschluss ihrer Sondierungsgespräche am Montag mit den Themen „Innen, Sicherheit, Rechtsstaat“ befassen. Liberale und Grüne fordern in ihren Wahlprogrammen ein Ende der verdachtslosen Datensammlung.
Der designierte sächsische Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer fordert einen Ausbau der Videoüberwachung auf den Autobahnen in Grenzrichtung. Laut „Bild“-Zeitung hat der CDU-Politiker auch klare Vorstellungen, nach welchen Verdachtsmustern mittels der Videoüberwachung Kriminalität erkannt werden soll: „Wenn ich da sehe, dass ein Gepiercter ein großes Auto fährt, dann ist das verdächtig und [man] kann ihn kontrollieren.“
„Today‘s encryption has got to the point where it‘s rather difficult, even for ourselves, to break it, to break our own encryption… it‘s not an easily breakable thing. We will only attempt to do that if we have the right court order. The fact that we will honor the court order doesn‘t imply we could actually get it done.“
Declassified documents in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives show that while the CIA was looking to include the Freedom Of Information Act in its war on leaks, the National Security Agency was seriously considering using the Espionage Act to target target Puzzle Palace author James Bamford for using FOIA.
While Bamford has briefly discussed this on a handful of occasions, the declassified memos and briefings from NSA confirm that this was more than just an intimidation tactic or a passing thought – the NSA had truly wanted to jail a journalist for his use of public records.
„It is false to talk of mediation,“ Burke said. „It is not mediation and it is not a summit either.
„It is a high-level conference on nuclear disarmament“.
Iran is fulfilling its commitments under the nuclear deal with world powers and U.N. inspectors are facing no problems in their verification efforts, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director-general said on Monday.
The former employee, a 24-year-old ultra-Orthodox woman, worked for a month at the residence, up until several weeks ago. According to the lawsuit, Sara Netanyahu preferred employing ultra-Orthodox women because they are supposedly more introverted and less likely to leak information.
“Netanyahu doesn’t want the main news broadcasts to open with stories about his wife and son or the investigation against him and is flooding the media with stories,” one minister said, saying insisting on voting on the bill was merely “to divert attention.”
„I have known Netanyahu for many years. He was never this way. He used to be stately, he used to be serious. In the past, he knew to put Israel‘s good before his own personal benefit.
Growing tensions within Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition have all but paralyzed the legislative process, with the major point of contention being a law that would grant a sitting prime minister immunity from prosecution.
It comes as Netanyahu is facing a series of corruption investigations which has led him to being questioned under caution several times.
Die USA bemühen sich weiter um eine Annäherung zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern. Der US-Nahostgesandte Jason Greenblatt veröffentlichte am Montag bei Twitter ein Bild von einem Treffen zwischen dem palästinensischen Ministerpräsidenten Rami Hamdallah und Israels Finanzminister Mosche Kachlon. Greenblatt sprach von „wichtigen Fortschritten“ bei den Gesprächen.
Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon (Kulanu) met Sunday in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, Ha’aretz reported, noting that the meeting took place following US pressure that’s being exerted on Israel in recent days in an effort to promote its economic cooperation with Ramallah.
As Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon said when coalition chairman MK David Bitan (Likud) asked for his support: “I don‘t work for you.” That sharp message was aimed at Netanyahu; Bitan was just the relay station.
Ah, and the prime minister coined a term, “Hamutzim” (sourpusses), which he hurled at those citizens who dare to criticize him, his character, the corruption, the moral decay in his personal life, and what’s happened to the country in recent years. At the opening of the next Knesset session, maybe he’ll just give his opponents the finger.
Minister of Intelligence and Transportation Yisrael Katz (Likud), who initiated the “Greater Jerusalem” bill, told NRG on Monday that the Netanyahu cabinet will manage to change the White House’s position on the bill. On Sunday, the Trump Administration applied heavy pressure which forced the Prime Minister to remove the bill from the legislative agenda.
Donald Trump lost Middle Israelis well before his election 12 months minus 12 days ago.
(29.10.2017) Die US-Regierung verweigert einem weitreichenden israelischen Annexionsplan für die Umgebung von Jerusalem offenbar die Zustimmung. Der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanyahu habe bei einer Kabinettssitzung gesagt, über den Plan zur Annexion jüdischer Siedlungen bei Jerusalem müsse zunächst noch mit der US-Regierung debattiert werden, berichtete die Tageszeitung “Haaretz” am Sonntag.
Washington versuche zu verhindern, dass vom Pfad der Friedensverhandlungen abgewichen werde, sagte ein US-Regierungsvertreter, der nicht mit Namen genannt werden wollte.
US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe.
Die Anklagen gelten als bedeutende Eskalation in Muellers Untersuchungen, auch wenn sie anscheinend keinen direkten Zusammenhang mit dem Kern der Ermittlungen haben. Es wird aber spekuliert, dass das FBI Manafort dazu bewegen könnte, im Gegenzug zu Strafmilderung etwaige Informationen in der Russland-Affäre zu geben.
His killing is the latest violent death under mysterious circumstances for American troops on little-known missions in that region of Africa. Four American soldiers were killed in an ambush this month in neighboring Niger while conducting what was initially described as a reconnaissance patrol but was later changed to supporting a much more dangerous counterterrorism mission against Islamic militants in the area.
The Navy SEALs’ potential involvement also raised the prospect of a highly unusual killing of an American soldier by fellow troops, and threatened to stain SEAL Team 6, the famed counterterrorism unit that carried out the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
The Foreign Relations Committee has wrestled for months over a new AUMF, which the White House has argued it does not need. But the Oct. 4 Niger ambush has ratcheted up urgency for a debate on Capitol Hill about the legal basis of the global war on terrorism, according to numerous lawmakers.
On Monday, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson will testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as lawmakers renew a debate over whether they should update and replace that law, revitalizing Congress’s constitutionally assigned role of making fundamental decisions about going to war.
„For 16 years, Congress has remained largely silent on this issue, allowing administrations to go to war anywhere, anytime,“ Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said.
The 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that followed 9/11 has been broadly interpreted by presidents since then as allowing them to launch limitless wars, and for some time there’s been interest among some in Congress toward challenging this, ending the old AUMF and replacing it with real, specific authorizations for specific wars.
The October 4 ambush in Niger, which led to the deaths of four US special forces, has added to that push in a big way, because not only was this operation obviously not ever authorized by Congress, but in this case Congress wasn’t even told it was happening.
The source added the Iraqi military side were adamant that Fish Khabour crossing should be handed over to Baghdad, but “agreed for the Iraqi government and Peshmerga border guards as well as an American force to run the crossing.”
The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the Movement for Change and Gorran said in separate statements several of their offices in the Duhok region, north of the Kurdish capital Erbil, were looted or burnt overnight. No casualties were reported.
Spain’s control over Catalonia will be tested on Monday when politicians and civil servants return to work amid uncertainty over whether they will accept direct rule imposed by the central government to stop the region’s independence bid.
Katrin Goering-Eckardt, a top negotiator with the Greens who also participated, said Sunday’s gathering had smoothed the waters for now. “Now we’ll have to see if it has any effect on the talks this week,” she said.
Peter Tauber, secretary general of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), said sideline comments last week and over the weekend had been unhelpful, but he viewed the current atmosphere as ”positive and constructive.
Der Sonderausschuss im Verteidigungsministerium arbeitet die Rolle der Streitkräfte zur Zeit des Demokratieaufstandes 1980 auf.
Weitere Geheimdokumente des Cyberkommandos der Armee sind entdeckt worden, die zur Zeit der Lee Myung-bak-Regierung dem Präsidialamt vorgelegt worden waren.
Eine Taskforce des Verteidigungsministeriums zur neuen Untersuchung politischer Aktivitäten des Cyberkommandos im Internet konnte durch die Wiederherstellung des geheimen Intranets der Streitkräfte KJCCS 701 weitere Dokumente entdecken.
Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said that his annual meeting with senior South Korean military officials will address everything from bolstering ballistic missile defense to fortifying computer networks against cyberespionage. Dunford called the meeting a “forcing function” that dates back to 1978 and keeps South Korean and U.S. military officials assessing each other’s priorities.
Die entsprechende Äußerung machte Kang bei einer parlamentarischen Untersuchung des Außenministeriums am Montag. Hintergrund ist, dass über die Stationierung einer weiteren THAAD-Batterie spekuliert wird.
Südkorea halte unverändert an der Position fest, sich nicht an der US-Raketenabwehr MD zu beteiligen, und bemühe sich darum, seine eigene Raketenabwehr KAMD frühzeitig aufzubauen, sagte sie.
Beide Seiten würden ihre Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Situation im Zusammenhang mit Nordkoreas Atomwaffen und Raketen austauschen und über Wege zur Kooperation für eine friedliche und diplomatische Lösung in der nordkoreanischen Nuklearfrage diskutieren, hieß es.
Russia hopes that Turkey can stabilize the situation in Syria’s Idlib Province where Moscow believes there is a high threat of attacks by militants, a senior Russian diplomat said on Monday, the RIA news agency reported.
On board the presidential plane, Oct. 30 (CNA) President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has promised to boost Taiwan‘s defense budget by at least 2 percent each year, taking into consideration the United States‘ concern over a growing military imbalance between Taiwan and China, Tsai Ming-yen (蔡明彥), deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council (NSC), said Monday.