(14.8.2017) India and Turkmenistan on Monday discussed ways to establish a transport transit corridor between Iran, Oman and Turkmenistan.
Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport and Shipping, met Rashid Meredov, Deputy Prime Minister and Trade Minister of Turkmenistan, on Monday. The two sides discussed India’s joining the Ashgabat Agreement that envisages establishment of International Transport and Transit Corridor between Iran, Oman and Turkmenistan, said an official source. They also discussed ways to expand and deepen bilateral cooperation.
Daily Archives: 27. August 2017
MP: British delegation to visit Tehran for consular talks
Member of Majlis (parliament) national security and foreign policy commission Alireza Rahimi said on Saturday that a delegation from British Foreign Office is to visit Iran to hold negotiations on consular affairs, IRNA reported.
UN envoy for Syria due in Tehran late Sunday
In Tehran, de Mistura is to hold talks with several Iranian officials on the issue of Syria. De Mistura‘s visit to Tehran is taking place on the eve of the sixth Astana talks on Syria to be held in the upcoming days in the capita of Kazakhstan.
Better Uzbek-Kyrgyz ties to make Central Asia attractive for China
“Although Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations have been in a sorry state during the last couple of decades because of the dispute over the border issue, the recent thaw in their bilateral ties started ever since Shavkat Mirziyoyev came to power in Uzbekistan in September 2016,” he said.
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Is Russia Really Arming the Taliban?
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this week became the latest U.S. official to say Russia was supplying arms to the Afghan Taliban, calling it a violation of international norms. His remarks, which came just days after President Trump announced a new open-ended U.S. military commitment to Afghanistan, echo those of General John Nicholson, the head of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, and Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, commander of the U.S. European Command. Russia, which has been critical of U.S. policy in Afghanistan, has vehemently denied the accusations.
Russia urges US to clarify its stance on contacts with Taliban without preconditions
„We noted that this new US strategy [on Afghanistan] specifies the White House’s stance on relations with the Taliban, which is quite interesting,“ he said. „A reminder that to date, we have said that our contacts with the Taliban stemmed from two factors, firstly, resolving practical issues the security of our citizens and missions in Afghanistan depends on and, secondly, prompting the Taliban to maintain dialogue with the official authorities on the basis of the criteria set by the UN Security Council.“
Syrien: Al-Kaida übt vollständige Kontrolle über Idlib aus – Dank westlicher Beihilfe
Die Provinz Idlib im Nordwesten Syriens mit ihrer gleichnamigen Hauptstadt ist nach mehr als sechs Jahren Krieg das einzige Gouvernement des Landes, das noch vollständig unter Herrschaft von Aufständischen steht. Schon seit der Eroberung der Provinz im Frühjahr 2015 war Al-Kaida die dominante Kraft. Damals firmierte der syrische Ableger des Terrornetzwerks noch unter dem Namen Al-Nusra Front, bevor er sich inzwischen in Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS) umbenannte.
Interview With Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday
QUESTION: So what do you make of this division between America Firsters and so-called globalists?
SECRETARY TILLERSON: I don’t see any division, Chris. I think it’s a question of tactics and how you achieve those objectives. I think the President has been clear in his speech on Afghanistan that we are not undertaking nation building. So we will be shifting our diplomatic and aid and development programs as well to coincide with the President’s view that the Afghan Government and the Afghan people must own their form of government and they must come to some reconciliation with all ethnic groups, including the Taliban, as to how they can secure their country as a peaceful country, one that does not support terrorism, does not provide safe haven for terrorists, and does not align itself with any terrorist organizations or countries that do. That’s what winning looks like.
Tillerson on Trump‘s values: The president ‚speaks for himself‘
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday that President Trump „speaks for himself“ when he was asked about the president‘s values and response to the racially charged violence in Charlottesville, Va.
„I don‘t believe anyone doubts the American people‘s values or the commitment of the government or the government‘s agencies to advancing those values and defending those values,“ Tillerson told Chris Wallace on „Fox New Sunday,“ adding „the president speaks for himself.“
Tillerson says U.S. will keep up ‚peaceful pressure‘ on North Korea
„We do view it as a provocative act against the United States and our allies,“ Tillerson said in an interview on Fox News Sunday. „We‘re going to continue our peaceful pressure campaign as I have described it, working with allies, working with China as well to see if we can bring the regime in Pyongyang to the negotiating table.“
White House Official: Kushner Never Said Settlement Freeze Will Topple Netanyahu
A senior White House official strongly denied on Saturday a report in Arab newspaper al-Hayat which said that Jared Kushner, President Trump‘s son-in-law and senior adviser, told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that Israel will not be asked to freeze settlement building because that could lead to a breakdown of Benjamin Netanyahu‘s government.
„This is nonsense. This comment was never made,“ the senior official told Haaretz.
Benjamin Netanyahu is Israel’s Donald Trump
His former top aides have said that he is unfit for office. He is surrounded by a swirl of scandal. His family is not helping matters, with crazy statements that are intended to be supportive but just make matters worse. He is dependent on the far right and is so politically vulnerable that he is making decisions that put his entire country at risk. He has targeted groups on the basis of religion and background, which could lead to great unrest. You look at his record and you start wondering if he is drawn to the extremists because he really is one.
Hundreds of Israelis gather in anti-Netanyahu protest
Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of Israel’s attorney general’s home on Saturday to demand he indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges.
The weekly vigils have become the vanguard of a grassroots protest movement against Netanyahu’s alleged financial misdeeds and illicit ties to executives in media, international business and Hollywood.
Temmes letzter Auftritt im NSU-Ausschuss lässt alle Fragen offen
Contemplations on Solitude and Strings by Samantha Bouquin
A delicate and immersive combination of original string quartet music, with deep and atmospheric ambient sound design.
Mythical Records Tampa, Florida
released July 26, 2017
30 – ambient electronic sampler by Spotted Peccary Artists
This compilation features tracks from Spotted Peccary‘s 30th year in existence.
released January 13, 2017
+++EIL+++ #putin will #merkel verhindern – oder #schulz. Unsere Sicherheitsdienste sind noch nicht sicher! In jedem Fall: Gefahr für #btw17
Antwort an @spdbt @kahrs: vor allem muss es bei uns Reichen von der SPD ankommen und nicht beim Pack und Pöbel haha
Was uns die Parteien sagen wollen
Auf dem Feld der Politik arbeitete Puttner später auch für die Wahlkämpfe von Franz Vranitzky oder Michael Häupl. Seine Referenzliste aus der Wirtschaft reicht heute von A wie AMA bis V wie Visa. Über die Jahre textete der gebürtige Kärntner weithin bekannte Slogans: „Nur ein Mercedes ist ein Mercedes“, „Crisan ist sauteuer, aber es wirkt“ oder auch „Schau in die Krone“ – für Hans Dichand, seinen ersten Medienkunden.
Häupl übergibt Ende Jänner den Parteivorsitz der Wiener SPÖ
„Mitten im Wahlkampf über einen Nachfolger zu diskutieren, kann ich ja wohl schwer jemanden anempfehlen. Jedenfalls wenn er betroffen ist“, sagte der Bürgermeister – der auf einen harmonischen Wechsel hofft. Dass mehrere Kandidaten beim Parteitag antreten, sei „nicht unbedingt wünschenswert“, stellte er klar.
Häupl glaubt an SPÖ-Sieg: „Haben schon größere Rückstände aufgeholt“
Der Wiener Bürgermeister Michael Häupl versprüht Zuversicht: Die SPÖ hat den Kampf um den ersten Platz bei der kommenden Nationalratswahl noch nicht verloren, zeigte er sich im Interview mit der APA überzeugt.
Psalms for the Sunder by Alder & Ash
Alder & Ash Montreal, Québec
released July 28, 2017
Gnashing Metals from The Sum of its Parts by William Ryan Fritch
released July 14, 2017
Gomel, 1986 by V/A
To commemorate the 31st anniversary of Chernobyl disaster, in April 2017 the art collective Food of War and Naviar Records organized Clouded Lands, a show which aimed to raise awareness on the consequences that such catastrophic events bring in people’s culture and everyday life.
Naviar Records London, UK
released August 25, 2017
Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet
Berliner Bürgerrechtsdemonstration Freiheit 4.0: Geht doch!
Nach dem üblichen „Äh, äh, ja, nee, macht ihr mal, ah, es läuft, na dann bin ich natürlich auch dabei!“ unterstützen mittlerweile fünfundvierzig Gruppen und Organisationen die am 9. September in Berlin startende Bürgerrechtsdemonstration Freiheit 4.0. Darunter drei Parlamentsparteien, die ja schließlich auch von was leben müssen.
Der von mir zwecks psychologischer Demokratieführung erstellte Mobilisierungs-Trailer ist nach Vimeo und Facebook auch auf Youtube erschienen. Er darf übrigens schon vor dem üblichen Rausgerede geteilt und eingebettet werden.
Bundestagswahl: Union und SPD droht Verlust Dutzender Mandate
Nur vier Parteien sitzen derzeit im Bundestag. Sehr wahrscheinlich kommen im Herbst mit FDP und AfD zwei weitere hinzu – mit denen sich die anderen dann die Sitze im Parlament teilen müssten. Vor allem für Schwarze und Rote bedeutet das wohl massive Verluste bei den Mandaten.
Labour makes dramatic Brexit shift and backs single market membership
Labour is to announce a dramatic policy shift by backing continued membership of the EU single market beyond March 2019, when Britain leaves the EU, establishing a clear dividing line with the Tories on Brexit for the first time.
In a move that positions it decisively as the party of “soft Brexit”, Labour will support full participation in the single market and customs union during a lengthy “transitional period” that it believes could last between two and four years after the day of departure, it is to announce on Sunday.
Barcelona hat „keine Angst“
Mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen haben sich gestern allein in der katalanischen Metropolie Barcelona versammelt, um den Opfern des Terrorismus zu gedenken und den Terroristen zu zeigen, dass sie ihr zentrales Ziel verfehlt haben. „Ich habe keine Angst“, lautete das Motto, unter dem sich Menschen aus allen sozialen Schichten und Religionen versammelt haben, um Friedenssignal zu senden
Durchsuchungen wegen Linksunten: Doch keine Waffen bei Journalisten gefunden
Beim Vorgehen gegen vermeintliche BetreiberInnen von Indymedia Linksunten wurden keine gefährlichen Gegenstände bei den Verdächtigen gefunden. Dies teilte das Bundesinnenministerium (BMI) auf unsere Nachfrage mit. Der Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) hatte auf einer Pressekonferenz am Morgen der Durchsuchungen erklärt, bei den Betroffenen seien Waffen beschlagnahmt worden. In vielen Medien wurde die Darstellung ungeprüft übernommen.
This Week In Techdirt History: Techdirt Was Born!
As you likely know by now, we‘re celebrating Techdirt‘s 20th anniversary this week. We‘ve got a podcast episode about our history as well as some limited edition gear featuring a revamped version of the very first Techdirt logo:
Emnid: Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre …
CDU/CSU 38 %
SPD 23 %
Grüne 7 %
FDP 9 %
Linke 9 %
AfD 8 %
Sonstige 6 %
Merkel’s doublespeak: “Greece and Italy alone cannot bear the burden of refugees”
Commenting on German media reports, according to which asylum seekers made holidays in their home countries, Merkel said “It cannot happen that one makes holidays in the country one is being persecuted.” If this is the case, “it may be an occasion to review the asylum decision again,” the Chancellor warned.
Flüchtlingspolitik: Merkel würde wieder wie 2015 handeln
Statement der Kanzlerin: Flüchtlinge werden plötzlich zum Wahlkampfthema
Merkel ist nicht die einzige, die plötzlich auffällig viel über Migrationspolitik spricht. Nachdem das Thema lange totgeschwiegen wurde, sind nun auch Vertreter vieler anderer Parteien wieder recht redselig geworden.
France‘s President Macron sees popularity falls to 40% in poll
French President Emmanuel Macron‘s popularity rating slumped a further 14 points in August to hit 40 percent, following a sharp 10-point drop the previous month, according to a poll released Sunday.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe also saw his popularity fall nine points over the same period, with 47 percent now satisfied with his performance, the Ifop poll carried out for the Journal du Dimanche newspaper showed.