Daily Archives: 21. Juli 2017
Israeli Crackdown on Worship at Al-Aqsa and Power Cuts in Gaza Risk Major Escalation
Underlying issues of siege and occupation must be addressed in reporting on the current violence
Photo of the second man killed, Birzeit University student Mohammad Abu Ghanam, being smuggled out of hospital for the same reason.
3 Palestinians killed in Jerusalem. Mohammad Sharaf was buried immediately bc family feared Israel would confiscate his body. Imagine that.
GRAPHIC: Mohammad Abu Ghanam, 21, studying in Bir Zeit was killed by Israeli forces, bled to death before Palestinians could take him back.
Palestinians killed in Jerusalem clashes
High tensions in Jerusalem‘s Old City boiled over into skirmishes on Friday after security restrictions were introduced by Israeli authorities. CNN‘s Ian Lee reports.
Palestinian youth killed in east Jerusalem
Veröffentlicht am 21.07.2017
A Palestinian youth was shot dead in east Jerusalem in unclear circumstance on Friday as clashes continued for a sixth day in and around the Old City.
Israeli officer punches Muslim worshiper in the face as clashes continue near Temple Mount
Veröffentlicht am 19.07.2017
Israeli police appeared to punch a Palestinian man in the face which was followed by clashes between security forces and Muslim worshippers outside a gate to the Old City in Jerusalem on Wednesday.
Now official: Israeli police will use our own tax money in order to sue us when we publicly expose their brutalities
Israeli forces storm hospital in Jerusalem al-Quds to arrest those injured during Friday’s protests #SaveAlAqsa
UPDATE Palestinian Youth fatally shot by Israeli settler in occupied Jerusalem al-Quds
Israeli forces attack Palestinian women at gate of Jerusalem‘s Old City #SaveAlaqsa
Watch how Israeli forces treat Palestinian worshipers at al-Aqsa #SaveAlAqsa
Footage of ongoing riots today near #TempleMount in #Jerusalem.
Tempelberg für muslimische Männer unter 50 gesperrt
Wie ein israelischer Polizeisprecher mitteilte, dürfen muslimische Männer, die jünger als 50 Jahre sind, den Tempelberg nicht mehr betreten. In der Altstadt und im Umkreis seien Polizeikräfte in erhöhte Bereitschaft versetzt worden. Man wolle Freitagsgebete ermöglichen, gleichzeitig aber die Sicherheit gewährleisten, sagte der Polizeisprecher.
East Jerusalem: 3 Palestinians killed as clashes erupt against Temple Mount security measures
Footage from the site shows scores of Palestinians conducting a noon prayer outside the walls of the Old City, followed by police launching tear gas into the crowd.
Remembering Norman Dorsen
Norman’s death, on July 1, 2017, was cushioned by his loving family and friends, especially his extraordinary daughters, Caroline, Annie, and Jennifer and his brother David. I know the entire ACLU family joins me in expressing our condolences to the Dorsen family. We also have lost someone very special to us.
Norman, we will miss you, but your life’s work continues. You will not be forgotten.
When an uprising breaks out in #Palestine, it does so DESPITE Mahmoud Abbas‘ regime of repression & collaboration with Israel.
Only in #Palestine, people are forced to smuggle a body of martyr over hospital‘s walls to escape Israel‘s kidnapping & holding the body.
Beautiful: Palestinian Christian prays amidst Palestinian Muslims who were not allowed by Israel to worship at Al-Aqsa Mosque جمعة_الاقصى
Rex Tillerson’s State Department Slams Israel Harder Than Obama’s Did in New Report
(20.7.2017) “Continued drivers of violence included a lack of hope in achieving Palestinian statehood, Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, the perception that the Israeli government was changing the status quo on the Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount, and IDF tactics that the Palestinians considered overly aggressive.”
Live aus Jerusalem: Muslime strömen zum Freitagsgebet und protestieren gegen Auflagen am Tempelberg
Livestream vor 12 Stunden
Anti-BDS law can’t be ‘pro-Israel’ if it tramples on free speech
(14.6.2017) If you’re a supporter of Israel and of the Jewish community, you should be very worried about a new executive order issued by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on June 5.
While billed as an initiative to prevent New York state from supporting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, the law actually constitutes a frightening attack on free speech while likely creating a backlash that will do harm both to Israel and the Jewish community.
Abbas asks Kushner to intervene in Temple Mount crisis
Returning to Ramallah in the middle of trips abroad to deal with looming violence on Temple Mount, PA president reaches out to President Trump‘s top Mid. East advisor, asking administration to order Israel to remove metal detectors.
ACLU Letter to the Senate Opposing Israel Anti-Boycott Act
The ACLU wrote to members of the Senate to urge them to oppose and refrain from co-sponsoring the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (H.R. 1697/S. 720). The impacts of the legislation would be antithetical to free speech protections enshrined in the First Amendment and we urged members to oppose the legislation in the absence of significant revisions.
Bill making it a federal crime to support BDS sends shockwaves through progressive community
Adam Schiff, one of the supporters of bill making it a crime to support BDS
There is only one story in the news, for followers of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and that is Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Grim’s report at the Intercept yesterday on new legislation in the Congress that would criminalize support for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Yes, criminalize.
The bill is such a crude example of overreach by the Israel lobby that it is sure to backfire on its supporters as Greenwald and Grim’s report ricochets around the Democratic Party:
Netanyahu’s Message to the World: Accept Israel as It Is, Occupier and Settler
On his Europe trip, the prime minister criticized the Trump administration amid its weakness in Congress. Now he hopes Israel‘s corruption investigators will be deterred by his tough talk
Tempelberg-Unruhen: Drei Tote und 400 Verletzte in Jerusalem
(16:52 Uhr) Seit Tagen protestieren Palästinenser in und rund um die Altstadt von Jerusalem gegen Israel. Bei den neuerlichen gewaltsamen Demonstrationen sind am Freitag drei Palästinenser getötet und rund 400 verletzt worden.
Angreifer erstach drei Israelis im Westjordanland
Die Armee hatte zunächst von zwei Toten und zwei Verletzten gesprochen. Wenig später erklärte sie, eines der Opfer sei seinen Verletzungen erlegen. Der Täter sei erschossen worden. Angaben zu dessen Identität machte die Armee nicht
Palästinenser frieren Kontakt mit Israel ein
Wegen der verschärften Kontrollen am Jerusalemer Tempelberg beschloss Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas den momentanen Abbruch der Beziehungen „auf allen Ebenen“. Abbas sagte, der Abbruch der Kontakte gelte solange, bis die „Besatzungsmacht“ Israel die Maßnahmen aufhebe. Zunächst war nicht klar, ob die Palästinenser ihre seit Langem bestehende Sicherheitszusammenarbeit mit Israel stoppen.
TLS-Zertifikate: Symantec fällt auf falschen Key herein
Eine OpenSSL-Funktion namens x509_check_private_key klingt laut ihrer Beschreibung so, als würde sie den privaten Schlüssel tatsächlich prüfen. Allerdings findet sich in der Dokumentation eine Sektion „BUGS“, in der beschrieben ist, dass dies nicht wirklich geschieht und diese Funktion ebenfalls nur den öffentlichen Teil des Schlüssels vergleicht.
Google Street View lets you tour International Space Station
Google revealed Thursday the tech giant had “mapped” the ISS, marking the first time Street View has captured imagery beyond our planet.
Trumps Sprecher Sean Spicer tritt zurück
Der Sprecher von US-Präsident Donald Trump tritt einem Medienbericht zufolge zurück. Die „New York Times“ berichtete am Freitag, Sean Spicer lege sein Amt nieder.
Heilbronner Stimme: Nouripour: Flüchtlingspakt mit der Türkei aufkündigen – Erdogan tut alles, um deutsch-türkische Beziehungen zu ruinieren
Omid Nouripour, außenpolitischer Sprecher der Grünen, fordert, den Flüchtlingspakt mit der Türkei aufzukündigen. Nouripour sagte der „Heilbronner Stimme“ (Donnerstagausgabe): „Erdogan meint, er könne uns nach Lust und Laune erpressen. Wenn wir aus seinen Fängen entkommen wollen, müssen wir den Flüchtlingspakt aufkündigen. Gleichzeitig müssen wir aber den Griechen beim Grenzschutz helfen.“
UN-Chef begrüßt Südkoreas Gesprächsangebot an Nordkorea
Die Wiedereröffnung und Verstärkung von Kommunikationskanälen, insbesondere solchen zwischen Militärs, sei für die Senkung des Risikos von Fehleinschätzungen und Missverständnissen zwischen beiden Koreas und für die Entspannung in der Region notwendig, hieß es weiter.
Südkorea hatte Nordkorea am Montag vorgeschlagen, militärische und Rot-Kreuz-Gespräche zu führen.
CIA chief signals desire for regime change in North Korea
„It would be a great thing to denuclearize the peninsula, to get those weapons off of that, but the thing that is most dangerous about it is the character who holds the control over them today,“ Pompeo said in a discussion moderated by conservative New York Times columnist Bret Stephens at the Aspen Security Forum.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo: ‚Of course‘ Russia interfered in the 2016 election, ‚and the one before that‘
At the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, Pompeo was asked whether he supports the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.
„Of course,“ he replied. „And the one before that, and the one before that.“
‚Trump decision to end CIA covert ops in Syria will be severely attacked by Neocons‘
Rick Sterling: It’ll be a significant step. One thing that should be pointed out is that the US, through the CIA, or the Defense Department, the arming of extremist groups is illegal under international law. It has been a tremendous waste of money; between 2014 – 2015, $500 million of US taxpayer funds were spent to train a grand total of 54 so-called moderate rebels, most of whom immediately turned the weapons over and joined Al-Nusra or Al-Qaeda. That has been the real effect of it.
SitRep: Trump Pulls CIA From Syria, Russia Cheers; Trump Downplays Afghan Strategy
While Washington continues to seek a political resolution to the various wars tearing through Syria, it won’t insist on Syrian President Bashar al- Assad’s ouster, Trump’s homeland and counterterrorism adviser Tom Bossert said Thursday. “I don’t think it’s important for us to say Assad must go first,” Bossert said at a security conference. “The U.S. would still like to see Assad go at some point. That would be our desired outcome.”
A new dawn: South Korea seeks new talks with Pyongyang
Earlier this month South Korea proposed military talks with the North. The formal initiative from Seoul‘s new government could lead to the first high-level discussions between the rival states since 2015.
Rheinische Post: Maas fordert mehr EU-Kooperation zu Cyber-Verfolgung
Top European Court To Consider If EU Countries Can Censor The Global Internet
Last month we wrote about the tragic and hugely problematic ruling in Canada that said a Canadian court could order global censorship of content it deems to be illegal. As lots of people pointed out, that is going to have dangerous consequences for speech around the world. If you accept that Canada can censor the global internet, what‘s to stop China, Iran or Russia from claiming the same rights?
And now we‘ll get to find out if the EU similarly believes in the ability of one country to demand global censorship online.
Jihadist insurgents surround rivals near Syria-Turkey crossing: resident, rebel
A source in Ahrar al-Sham also said Tahrir al-Sham had surrounded the crossing, but vowed not to give it up.
War monitors reported that Tahrir al-Sham attacked military positions of Ahrar al-Sham on Tuesday, in the heaviest fighting between the two sides which have long vied for control in Idlib.
In clashes early this year, several more hardline Islamist groups joined Tahrir al-Sham, which is headed by al Qaeda‘s former Syria branch, previously known as the Nusra Front.
U.S. will not pay Pakistan for military reimbursements: Pentagon
The Pentagon will not make military reimbursements to Pakistan for fiscal year 2016 after U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told Congress that Islamabad had not taken sufficient action against the Haqqani network, a U.S. official said on Friday.
FCC Won‘t Release Data To Support Its Claim A DDOS Attack, Not John Oliver, Brought Down The Agency‘s Website
You might recall that when HBO comedian John Oliver originally addressed net neutrality on his show in 2014, the FCC website crashed under the load of concerned consumers eager to support the creation of real net neutrality rules. When Oliver revisited the topic last May to discuss FCC boss Ajit Pai‘s myopic plan to kill those same rules, the FCC website crashed under the load a second time. Both instances did a fantastic job highlighting how satire often tops traditional journalism in driving interest toward what can often be rather wonky tech policy issues.
But then something weird happened. The FCC issued a statement (pdf) by FCC Chief Information Officer David Bray, who proclaimed that comprehensive FCC „analysis“ indicated that it was a malicious DDoS attack, not angry net neutrality supporters, that brought the agency‘s website to its knees:
Internationaler Gerichtshof nimmt 29 Militärs aus Kolumbien ins Visier
Wegen des IStGH-Berichts warf der Verteidigungsminister Luis Carlos Villegas seinerseits der internationalen Justizbehörde vor, entschieden zu haben, dass es „in Mode“ sei, sich mit Kolumbien zu beschäftigen. Es sei nicht bewiesen, dass die kolumbianische Justiz nicht agiert, denn jeden Tag sähe man, wie die Staatsanwaltschaft handle.
Peruvian Govt. Declares State of Emergency Amidst Strikes
Under the decree, the armed forces and police have been enlisted by the government to enforce public order.
After 36 days of strike action by teachers in 12 different regions, the Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency in the effected areas, effectively suspending constitutional rights of individual liberty, security, free travel and assembly for a duration of 30 days.
Kommentar zur Überwachung von TLS: Verrät die IETF ihre Ideale und uns?
Die IETF hat – erstmals in ihrer Geschichte mit einem Unentschieden – so gerade noch einen Standard zur Überwachung von TLS-gesichertem Netzwerkverkehr abgelehnt. Heißt das jetzt, dass fast die Hälfte der IETF bereit ist, unsere Sicherheit den Interessen von Banken zu opfern und unsere Privatsphäre der NSA zum Frühstück zu servieren? Ist das der Kniefall vor den Mächtigen und der Verrat der einstigen Ideale?
IETF: Wie TLS abgehört werden könnte
(20.7.2017) Ein Versuch der Bankenlobby, das PFS-Prinzip in TLS 1.3 durch die Wiedereinführung des RSA-Handshakes zu umgehen, hatte die TLS-Arbeitsgruppe im Herbst vergangenen Jahres noch sehr klar verhindert. Der aktuelle Entwurf mit den „statischen Schlüsseln“ nimmt laut Entwurf explizit Bezug auf die RSA-Handshakes und versucht, das damit umgesetzte Monitoring auf die Technik von TLS 1.3 zu übertragen.
Banks force IETF to weaken TLS 1.3 – #cryptograpy #security
Präsident Erdoğan reist in die Golfstaaten
Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan plane zwischen dem 23. und 24. Juli Saudi-Arabien, Kuwait und Katar zu besuchen, teilten diplomatische Quellen am Dienstag mit.
Erdoğan ist ein fester Verbündeter von Katar und bekräftigt immer wieder seine Unterstützung für das Land, er forderte bereits mehrmals die vollständige Aufhebung der von den arabischen Staaten verhängten Blockade.
Katar ändert seine Anti-Terror-Gesetze
Vergangene Woche unterzeichnete Katar ein Abkommen mit den USA, das Maßnahmen zur gemeinsamen Bekämpfung von Terrorismusfinanzierung vorsieht. Details der Vereinbarungen wurden nicht öffentlich gemacht. Mit dem Vorgang vertraute Personen sagten jedoch, vorgesehen sei unter anderem, dass zwei Vertreter des US-Justizministeriums bei Katars Generalstaatsanwaltschaft angesiedelt würden. Sie würden Hand in Hand mit den Katarern arbeiten, wenn es darum gehe, Einzelpersonen anzuklagen.
Südkorea fordert von Nordkorea erneut Annahme von Gesprächsangebot
Die südkoreanische Regierung hat Nordkorea angesichts dessen ausbleibender Reaktion auf das Gesprächsangebot erneut aufgefordert, in einen Dialog einzuwilligen.
Der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums, Moon Sang-kyun, sagte am Freitag vor der Presse, der Norden habe bisher keine Position zum Vorschlag für militärische Gespräche mitgeteilt.
‚ISIS is falling fast,‘ Trump remarks before entering Pentagon meeting
President Donald Trump held a top-level meeting at Pentagon to discuss anti-ISIS efforts in Iraq and Syria as well as Afghanistan.
Trump was upbeat on ISIS fight but when asked about possible new troop deployments to Afghanistan he responded, „We‘ll see.“
After the meeting, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretaries of Defense and State briefed House members on the ISIS fight.
Hezbollah and Syrian army launch attack on border area
A commander in the military alliance fighting in support of President Bashar al-Assad confirmed the assault to the Reuters, while a Lebanese security source explained to DPA news agency that shells were „raining down“ on posts belonging to Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, the former Syrian branch of al-Qaeda previously known as al-Nusra Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS).
The Qalamoun Mountains between Syria and Lebanon has also been a base of operations for ISIL fighters.