Daily Archives: 8. April 2017

08.04.2017 - 23:43 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Wenn das Militärische die Gesellschaft durchdringt

Militarisierung bedeutet die ge­sellschaftliche Durchsetzung von militärischen Prinzipien wie Gehorsam und Hierarchien und die gewalttätige Durchsetzung von Interessen. Das militärische Konzept frisst sich dabei in alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche und durchdringt das Denken. Mili­tarisierung ist ein Angriff auf Selbstbestimmung und Emanzi­pation und steht Gewaltfreiheit und Pazifismus diametral ent­gegen.

08.04.2017 - 23:36 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Noch vor der Bundestagswahl: Staatstrojaner soll auch gegen Alltagskriminalität eingesetzt werden

Die Freigabe des Überwachungstrojaner-Einsatzes für die normale Polizeiarbeit gegen Alltagskriminalität bedeutet, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit massiv steigt, Betroffener einer staatlichen Rechner-Infiltration zu werden. Die Beteuerung von Regierungspolitikern und Behörden, der Trojanereinsatz sei nur eine Ultima Ratio für schwerste Fälle, stellt sich – wie zu erwarten – als zielgerichtete Lüge heraus.

08.04.2017 - 19:19 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Generalstreik gegen Politik von Präsident Macri in Argentinien

Nach Angaben von Schmid sind in den bisherigen 16 Monaten der Regierung Macri „mehr Arbeitsplätze vernichtet als geschaffen worden und den Preis dafür zahlen die Angestellten und sozial ohnehin benachteiligten Schichten“. Macri selbst verschärfte indes seinen Ton gegenüber den Gewerkschaften, die er als „Mafias“ bezeichnete.

08.04.2017 - 17:25 [ Duckhome ]

Duckhome: Der letzte Gang

In stiller Trauer und unsere Gedanken bei den Angehörigen, verabschieden wir uns heute von einem lieben, offenen und stets hilfsbereitem Menschen, Vater sowie Großvater, Bruder, Kollegen und Freund. Jochen verstarb in der Nacht zum 8. April 2017.

08.04.2017 - 16:48 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Erklärung des Außenministeriums Russlands anlässlich der bewaffneten Aktion der USA in Syrien am 7. April 2017

Es liegt auf der Hand, dass der Angriff durch US-Marschflugkörper im Voraus vorbereitet wurde. Jedem Spezialisten ist klar, dass der Beschluss über das Versetzen der Angriffe in Washington vor den Ereignissen in Idlib getroffen wurde, die einfach als Vorwand zum Zeigen der Kraft genutzt wurden.

Die russische Seite stellt die Gültigkeit des Memorandums über Verhinderung der Vorfälle und Gewährleistung der Sicherheit der Flüge der Fliegerkräfte während der Operationen in Syrien ein, das mit den USA abgeschlossen wurde.

Wir rufen den UN-Sicherheitsrat zur Durchführung einer Sondersitzung zur Besprechung der entstandenen Situation auf.

08.04.2017 - 16:43 [ Al Manar ]

Iran Condemns Sweden Truck Attack

Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahran Qasemi sympathized with Swedish people and government on the sad occasion, IRNA news agency reported.

“Amid all the jubilation of some Western and Arab countries over US recent missile strike in Khan Shyknun region near Idlib in northern Syria which is by itself an effort to breathe new life to the dead bodies of terrorists, we are witnessing a criminal act conducted by one who has been nurtured by the dogmatic, lunatic and bloody ideologies in Europe,” he said.

08.04.2017 - 16:25 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Terrorists are happy about US strike in Syria/Iran calls for forming commission to find out about chemical weapons in Syria/Americans invaded Syria cruelly, ignoring all int‘l principles/Elections display national power/One cannot reach justice roof

Speaking at the National Conference on Resistive Economy and Rural Development on Saturday, Dr Rouhani added: „Today, on the pretext that chemical weapons have been used in a part of Syria, of course it is not clear who has used it and of what kind it was, Syria is under missile attack“.

„However, the United Nations has explicitly announced that it has carried out the required tests and investigations in Syria three years ago, collecting such weapons,“ the President said.

He continued: „Today, it must be clarified how and through which border these chemical weapons have reached Syria“.

08.04.2017 - 16:06 [ RT ]

US-Angriff in Syrien: Bundesregierung war informiert

Ein Sprecher des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums sagte am Freitag, Ministerin Ursula von der Leyen sei „kurz vorher vorab“ von ihrem US-Kollegen James Mattis in Kenntnis gesetzt worden. Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert ergänzte, die Ministerin und der außen- und sicherheitspolitische Berater von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Christoph Heusgen, hätten darauf die Kanzlerin zeitnah informiert. Merkel habe dann am Morgen mit Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) und mit SPD-Chef Martin Schulz gesprochen.

08.04.2017 - 16:00 [ Radio China ]

Zweites Gespräch zwischen Xi und Trump

Der chinesische Staatspräsident Xi Jinping hat seinen amerikanischen Amtskollegen Donald Trump am Freitag in Mar-a-Lago im US-Bundestaat Florida zu einem zweiten Gespräch getroffen.

Die beiden Staatschefs tauschten dabei Meinungen über die konkrete Kooperation zwischen China und den USA in wichtigen Bereichen sowie internationale und regionale Fragen von gemeinsamem Interesse aus. Beide waren der Ansicht, ihr Treffen sei positiv und erfolgreich gewesen. Sie wollten sich außerdem gemeinsam für die Erweiterung der Kooperation von gegenseitigem Nutzen einsetzen und Meinungsverschiedenheiten auf der Grundlage des gegenseitigen Respekts kontrollieren.

08.04.2017 - 15:31 [ New York Times ]

Trump Must Get Congress’s O.K. on Syria

It is up to Congress, not the president, to declare war; in 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution to maintain its final say over the matter. Once a president initiates “hostilities” against a new enemy, the resolution gives him 60 days to gain congressional approval to continue his military initiative. If he fails to gain the approval of the House and Senate, he must stop his campaign within the next 30 days.

The president’s airstrike has set off the 60-day period.

08.04.2017 - 14:04 [ Reuters ]

Israel quiet over ‚hotline‘ with Russia on Syria

(22.10.2015) It took until this week for the United States, whose forces have long been in sync with Israel on Syria, to agree on similar coordination with Russia.

Alexander Shein, Russia‘s ambassador to Israel, said his country‘s operations were limited to air and missile strikes on „terrorist groups.“

„In this context there is no reason to talk about any alliance between the Russian side, Hezbollah and the Iranian side in Syrian affairs,“ he said in an emailed response to questions from Reuters.

08.04.2017 - 14:01 [ Daily Times ]

US attack on Syria: King Salman congratulates Trump on ‘courageous decision’

A state news agency said that King Salman congratulated the US President on this courageous decision which serves the regional and world interest.

The Saudi king and the US President also discussed US-Saudi bilateral relations and reviewed the situations in the region and the world.

The statement said Riyadh holds the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad responsible for the military strikes.

08.04.2017 - 13:32 [ Huffington Post ]

Why Russia and Israel are Cooperating in Syria

(24.6.2016) In return, Israel agreed not to intervene militarily in Syria and to allow Russian jets to fly over Israeli air space, without risk of a Turkey-style shoot-down crisis. By offering Netanyahu credible security guarantees, Russia is able to carry out its military campaign in Syria, with little risk of Israeli retaliation that could jeopardize Putin’s pro-Assad objectives.

08.04.2017 - 11:30 [ USA Today ]

Was that Syria attack legal? Only Congress can say: Column

Without the limiting principles provided by the Constitution, presidential war power is dangerously unconstrained. When the only limits are set by the executive branch itself, as seems to be the case now, the constitutional system of checks and balances is broken. The Constitution was not designed to leave these questions up to the sole discretion of the president.

Congress has all the constitutional tools needed to impose meaningful limits on presidential power. The question is whether Congress will play its constitutionally assigned role, or once again hand its power to a president.

08.04.2017 - 11:18 [ Fox News ]

Rep. Gabbard: Syria missile strike ‚illegal and unconstitutional‘

In January, Gabbard met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus. When host Tucker Carlson asked if she believed Assad‘s forces to be responsible for the chemical weapons attack that precipitated the missile strikes, Gabbard answered, „It doesn’t matter what I believe or not. What matters is evidence and facts.

„If the Trump administration has the evidence, unequivocally proving this, then share it with the American people,“ Gabbard continued. „Share it with Congress. Come to Congress and make your case before launching an unauthorized, illegal military strike against a foreign government.“

08.04.2017 - 11:09 [ Samidoun ]

NYPD attacks and detains Palestine activists, including Samidoun organizer

Palestinian and solidarity activists in New York City, including organizers with Samidoun, New York City Students for Justice in Palestine, the ANSWER Coalition, Workers World Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Peoples Power Assembly and SPARC, were arrested on Friday, 7 April by the NYPD as their demonstration against U.S. bombing of Syria was attacked by police. Nine activists were arrested and two more were detained – one seriously attacked physically by police – before being released. The nine arrestees are now all released after several hours of jail support and advocacy by fellow organizers.

08.04.2017 - 11:04 [ Answer Coalition ]

Protest: Stop Trump’s War against Syria — 5:00 p.m. Friday

The ANSWER Coalition is calling on people and organizations to mobilize nationally coordinated protests Friday at 5:00 p.m. and throughout the weekend to demand an end to the U.S. war against Syria. These protests will be taking place in cities across the country, including Washington, D.C., at the White House.

It is noteworthy that in the hours before Trump ordered military strikes on Syria, Hillary Clinton emerged back into the public spotlight to demand that Trump carry out military strikes against Syria.

Again, following a tried and true script, U.S. imperialist military actions against an independent, sovereign Middle Eastern government takes place under the pretext of protecting civilians from weapons of mass destruction.

08.04.2017 - 11:01 [ Ruptly TV / Youtube ]

USA: Arrests made during NYC anti-war protest

Police arrested at least two anti-war activists in New York City, Friday, as the demonstrators marched to protest US President Donald Trump-ordered airstrikes on Al-Shayrat Airbase in Syria.

The demonstrators held signs with slogans such as „No war on Syria“ and chanted „Donald J what do you say, how many kids have you killed today.“

08.04.2017 - 10:50 [ Veterans for Peace ]

Veterans For Peace Condemns U.S. Actions In Syria

Veterans For Peace condemns the illegal U.S. attack in Syria. We call on the Trump Administration to immediately end all military actions in Syria and to begin intense U.S. diplomatic efforts to end the conflict in the region. We call on our members and all those who want an end to U.S. wars to contact the President and Congress, to meet and talk to people about peaceful means to end the war in Syria and hit the streets to make our resistance to war visible.

Call the White House 202-456-1111 and your Senators and Congressional Representatives 202-224-3121 and tell them that military action only increases the dangers and intensifies the humanitarian catastrophe in the region.

08.04.2017 - 10:46 [ fightbacknews.org ]

Vicious police attack on Jacksonville anti-war protest

About six Trump supporters attempted to disrupt the 50-person anti-war rally. A Trump supporter got behind the speakers with a pro Trump flag and hit a protester with it; at that point the cops launched their attack.

On demonstrator, Connell Crooms, was punched in the face and kidneys, while a taser was in his back. He was arrested and is now in the hospital. A member of Veterans for Peace, Will Haeger, was punched in the face by the cops. Rally emcee Dave Schneider was arrested across the street, where he was encouraging protesters to go to the jail to support those who had be detained.

“Police completely ignored the pro-Trump provocateurs, as they moved in to unleash merciless beatings. I have never seen this kind of brutality,” said Richard Blake, one of the protest organizers.

08.04.2017 - 09:52 [ Verteidigungsministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Statement of the Russian Defence Ministry spokesman on the missile strike carried out by the US Navy against the Shayrat Air Base in Syria

It is to be stressed that in the years 2013-2016 the Syrian government undertook all measures to eliminate chemical weapons, its delivery systems, production facilities. All chemical weapons stocks have been eliminated. The components for their production have been transported from the Syrian Arab Republic to the enterprises of the United States, Finland, Great Britain, and Germany where they have been destroyed.

The US administrations have changed but the methods for unleashing wars have remained the same since bombardments of Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya. Allegations, falsifications, grandstand playing with photos and test-tubes with pseudo results in international organizations became the reason for aggression initiation instead of an objective investigation.

It is to be stressed that a large-scale offensive of the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra armed formations has been launched right after the massive missile strike against the Syrian Air Base.

The Russian Defence Ministry hopes that the activities of the insurgents had not been coordinated with the American party.

Today it is obvious that the American cruise missile strike had been planned long before this event.

It is necessary to conduct reconnaissance operations, to plan and prepare the missile flight paths, and put them on full combat alert.

It is clear for any specialist that the decision for the missile strike on Syria had been made well in advance of the events in Khan Sheikhoun, which have become just a formal reason for the attack, while the demonstration of military power has been dictated only by reasons of internal policy.

In the near future, the effectiveness of the Syrian Armed Forces air defence system will be improved in order to cover the most important objects of the Syrian infrastructure.

08.04.2017 - 09:49 [ spiegel.de ]

Bundeswehr nach US-Attacke in Syrien: Tornados bleiben vorerst am Boden

Der vorübergehende Einsatzstopp ging auf aktuelle Hinweise der Amerikaner zurück, die in den letzten beiden Tagen die Angriffe mit Tomahawk-Raketen bereits intensiv vorbereiteten. Für die Attacken mit den Marschflugkörpern wollten die USA zum einen den Luftraum über Syrien freihalten, um mögliche Unfälle oder gar Kollisionen mit Flugzeugen der Koalition, die aus mehr als 60 Ländern besteht, zu vermeiden.

08.04.2017 - 09:45 [ Hurriyet ]

US military strikes in Syria positive but not enough: Erdoğan

U.S. military strikes on chemical weapons sites in Syria are “positive concrete steps” but not enough, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on April 7.

“We find this [operation] positive as a step against the al-Assad regime’s war crimes committed with chemical and conventional weapons. But is it enough? I don’t see it as being enough,” Erdoğan said at a rally in the border province of Hatay.

08.04.2017 - 09:41 [ RT ]

Russisches Verteidigungsministerium stellt Hotline-Kanäle mit Pentagon in Syrien ein

Das Verteidigungsministerium Russlands hat an das Pentagon eine diplomatische Note geschickt. Laut dem Dokument wird die Unterhaltung von Hotline-Kanälen, die zur Vorbeugung von Zwischenfällen im syrischen Luftraum dienten, eingestellt. „Information der US-Medien, dass das Verteidigungsministerium Russlands die Kommunikationskanäle ‚offen hält‘, entspricht der Realität absolut nicht“, erklärte der offizielle Sprecher der Behörde, Generalmajor Igor Konaschenkow.

08.04.2017 - 09:41 [ Fox News ]

US threatens more pressure on Syria after missile strikes

Standing firm, the Trump administration on Friday signaled new sanctions would soon follow the missile attack, and the Pentagon was even probing whether Russia itself was involved in the chemical weapons assault that compelled President Donald Trump to action. The attack against a Syrian air base was the first U.S. assault against the government of President Bashar Assad.