Five Years Ago: The anti-SOPA momentum continued to gain steam at an exponential rate this week in 2011. Both polls and wildly successful petitions were demonstrating that Americans across the political and demographic spectrum were opposed to the bill.
Daily Archives: 26. Dezember 2016
Beifahrer war Opfer – Spediteur: „Er war einer der letzten guten Fahrer“
„Es ist, als hätte jemand geübt, ihn zu fahren“, sagte er.
Laut den von ihm überprüften GPS- Daten des Fahrzeugs habe jemand um 15.44 Uhr sowie weitere Male um 16.52 und um 17.37 Uhr den Motor gestartet.
Attentat von Berlin: Lkw-Fahrer bekam Kopfschuss nachmittags
Pinned Chats and IFTTT Integrations
If you’re like us, you probably have dozens of active chats on Telegram. But none of them matter when you miss a new message from your Mom. Or Spouse. Or Mad Boss. Today we’re launching Telegram 3.15, which allows you to pin important conversations to the top of your inbox.
New Egyptian law establishes media regulator picked by president
The law, approved by parliament and signed into law by Sisi, creates the so-called Supreme Council for the Press and Media whose chairman will be picked by Sisi and whose remaining members will be appointed by him based on nominations from various bodies including the judiciary and parliament.
Chefermittler zum Oktoberfest-Attentat abgelöst
»Die bisherige Ermittlungsarbeit des Bayerischen Landeskriminalamtes ist in keiner Weise zu beanstanden«, heißt es dazu in einem Schreiben der Bundesanwaltschaft an Dietrich zur Ablösung des Soko-Chefs. »Sie lässt insbesondere keine Anhaltspunkte für eine «Befangenheit» oder «Voreingenommenheit» erkennen.« Das gelte auch für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem bisherigen Leiter der Soko. Warum er dennoch die Funktion nicht mehr ausübt, ließ die Behörde in dem Schreiben offen.
Three DECADES of terror: War with ISIS will last thirty years, claims former CIA spy boss
(22.11.2015) The veteran spy boss urged Britain to invade Syria and bring the fight to the jihadis, who he said would continue their reign of terror for another three decades.
The sobering prediction from General Michael Hayden, who headed up the CIA from 2006 to 2009, came a week after the world was rocked by the devastating terror attacks in Paris, which left 130 dead.
Bundeswehrverband: Anti-IS-Einsatz wird „weit mehr als 10 Jahre dauern“
Syrien: Ankara fordert für seine Armee Luftunterstützung von US-Koalition
„Die internationale Koalition muss ihre Pflicht erfüllen, indem sie uns im Kampf um al-Bab aus der Luft unterstützt“, sagte der Pressesprecher des türkischen Staatschefs, Ibrahim Kalin. „Eine Verweigerung dieser Unterstützung, die wir so sehr brauchen, ist absolut unzulässig“, so der Sprecher weiter.
US-Atombomben in Europa: „Deutsche Führung wagt nicht, diese Frage aufzuwerfen“
Solche Bomben lagert die US-Armee laut Kantor in Deutschland, Belgien, Italien, der Türkei und den Niederlanden. Wie der Experte erläuterte, gibt es keine internationalen Verträge zur Begrenzung der nichtstrategischen Atomwaffen.
„Russlands Position bestand immer darin, dass jegliche Gespräche über die Begrenzung der nichtstrategischen Atomwaffen erst beginnen könnten, wenn die USA diese Waffen aus Europa abtransportieren werden.“
Activists Around the World Could Learn From Peru‘s History of Protest
Victor Vich‘s book, “Symbolic Disobedience: Performance, Participation, and Politics at the End of the Fujimori Dictatorship,” offers an interesting analysis of the mobilization strategies in Peru that helped weaken the Fujimori regime during those years.
Kazakhstan‘s Nazarbayev says ready to host Syria peace talks in Astana
Putin said on Friday that Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had all agreed the Kazakh capital should be the venue for new Syrian peace negotiations.
Alles ist miteinander verbunden
Kommentar von Captain Wyanda Lublink vom 24.12.2016
Aleppo: A peaceful Christmas inside a bombed church
In Aleppo, home to one of the largest Christian communities in the Middle East, Christmas Day was celebrated inside a church half destroyed by war.
Social Media Users Surprised to Learn About Syria‘s Christmas Traditions
Footage of the president‘s gesture, and of joyous Christmas celebrations taking place across the country, has prompted social media users to ask: ‚Why isn‘t the mainstream media covering this?!‘
25. Dezember 1837: verheimlichte Niederlage in Florida von U.S.-Militär als Sieg deklariert
Obwohl den Streitkräften unter Taylor eine empfindliche Niederlage am 25. Dezember 1837 beigebracht wurde, bezeichnete der Oberst, der sich mit dem Rest seiner Truppen nach Fort Gardner zurückzog, diese als Sieg und wurde befördert.
Rheinmetall has booked a follow up order for Fieldguard 3
(Dez 2015) The program was conceived in partnership with Avibras of Brazil to track its new long range Astros 2020 multiple rocket launcher system. Fieldguard 3 is capable to cover a range up to 100 Kilometers. Rheinmetall´s open, professional working relationship with AVIBRAS Brazil offers a textbook example of successful international defence cooperation. Both companies see growth potential in the custumer‘s region of eight to twelve more systems.
German Infantry Fighting Vehicles for Lithuania will get Israeli Turrets, Missiles
The vehicles will be produced by two German defense manufacturers – the KMW group and Rheinmetall Defense. The selection of the German vehicle was announced on December 11, 2015. Deliveries of the Boxer vehicles will commence by the second half of next year and will last through 2019. They will equip the ‘Iron Wolf’ mechanized brigade, and; possibly another infantry brigade to be formed in 2021. KMW will manufacture 53 vehicles, Rheinmetall will make the remaining 35.
Avibras also manufactures civilian transportation through a division called Tectran, telecommunications equipment, electronic industrial equipment (Powertronics), automotive painting and explosives.
Yemen: Brazil-Made Cluster Munitions Harm Civilians
Human Rights Watch identified the remnants of ASTROS II surface-to-surface rockets, each containing up to 65 submunitions, delivered by a truck-mounted multi-barrel rocket launcher. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have purchased ASTROS cluster munition rockets from Brazil, where they are manufactured by Avibrás Indústria Aeroespacial SA.
US Government Quietly Starts Asking Travelers for Social Media Accounts
Controversial program met with opposition from civil liberties groups when first proposed in June
Mexican Environmental Protest: What Does It Mean to Defend Territory in a Repressive Context?
Mexico is going through a violent and repressive period not only because of the well-known assassination of six people and the disappearance of forty-three students at the rural school of Ayotzinapa in the state of Guerrero in September 2014, but also due to regular attacks on activists, journalists, women and citizens.
UN Vote: World Beginning to Rescue Israel From Itself
Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights have not received any international support.
By the same token, the Knesset could legislate that there are 25 hours in a day, and it would have the same effect for the rest of the world.
Security Council Punch Knocks Netanyahu Down From Hubris to Humiliation
The prime minister recruited Trump against Obama but the gambit blew up in his face, just as it did in the Iran deal.
Trump Bucks UN On Israel
The UN sought to pass a resolution on Israel, and Trump is against it. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz, and Jimmy Dore, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.
Überwachungsstaat: Kommunen-Chef fordert mehr Videoüberwachung
Unter dem Deckmantel der Sicherheitsbedürfnisse fordern der Städte- und Gemeindebund-Chef nach dem Terroranschlag in Berlin den Ausbau der Videoüberwachung ein.
Idiocracy – Trailer (Deutsch)
Idiocracy ist eine im Jahre 2006 erschienene Science-Fiction-Komödie des amerikanischen Regisseurs Mike Judge. Er zeigt eine Dystopie der Welt des Jahres 2505, in der eine geistig degenerierte Gesellschaft vor ihrem Ende steht.
Mehrheit der Deutschen für stärkere Videoüberwachung
In einer Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts YouGov für die Deutsche Presse-Agentur sprachen sich 73 Prozent für eine Aufstockung der Polizeikräfte aus, 60 Prozent sind für mehr Videoüberwachung.
Kommunen wollen Überwachung ausbauen – Datenschutz abbauen – Berliner Morgenpost
Videoüberwachung in Großbritannien: Millionen Kameras und Zweifel am Nutzen
Angabe von Facebook-Konten bei US-Einreise gewünscht
Wer als Tourist oder geschäftlich in die USA reist, wird beim Grenzübertritt nach seinen Konten bei Youtube, Facebook und Twitter gefragt. Was mit den Daten geschieht, ist unklar
The Surveillance Oversight Board Is Dead And It‘s Unlikely President Trump Will Revive It
The Associate Press reports that Donald Trump is being handed the keys to a well-oiled surveillance machine, but with hardly any of the pesky oversight that ruins the fun.
Top US Surveillance Lawyer Argues That New Technology Makes The 4th Amendment Outdated
Reuters has an interesting piece looking at how many experts are concerned that mass surveillance efforts by the federal government are making a mockery of the 4th Amendment. The focus of the article is on the scan of all Yahoo email that was revealed back in October, but it certainly touches on other programs as well.
Trump Vows Nuclear Arms Race
Donald Trump tweeted out that he’s ready for a new nuclear arms race. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz, and Jimmy Dore, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.