Daily Archives: 19. Dezember 2016

19.12.2016 - 18:50 [ RT ]

UN-Sicherheitsrat verabschiedet einstimmig Resolution zu Aleppo

Alle 15 Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates haben die Resolution zur Stationierung von internationalen Beobachtern im syrischen Aleppo gebilligt. Der Text wurde von Russland und Frankreich vorgeschlagen. Laut dem Dokument müssen alle Parteien in Syrien den Beobachtern sofort einen sicheren und ungehinderten Zutritt in die betroffenen Bezirke Ost-Aleppos gewährleisten, um die Evakuierung der Zivilisten zu koordinieren. Dabei müssen auch Bedingungen für humanitäre Lieferungen geschaffen werden.

19.12.2016 - 18:42 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

President in a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart: Developing Tehran-Moscow consultation, cooperation in helping Syrian people essential/Slamming West‘s inattention to Syrian people under terrorists‘ oppression

Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation had a telephone conversation late on Monday and discussed the most important bilateral, regional and international issues.
During the conversation, Dr Rouhani stressed the need for Iranian and Russian governments to support the Syrian people during the current hard times, adding: „It is very important that the Syrian people feel that they are not alone in their fight against terrorism“.

Slamming on the West‘s inattention towards the innocent people in Syria who are under the terrorists‘ oppression, he said that Tehran and Moscow should further deepen their consultation and cooperation in this regard and continue delivering medicine and food supply to the Syrian people and also encourage other countries to send these kinds of aids.

19.12.2016 - 18:39 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with President of Iran Hassan Rouhani

At Iran’s initiative, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani.
The two presidents discussed in detail the Syrian crisis, particularly the situation around Aleppo. They stressed the need for joint efforts to facilitate the launch of a real political process to bring about a swift resolution of the conflict in Syria.

19.12.2016 - 18:00 [ Hurriyet ]

Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov shot dead in Ankara

Karlov was shot by a gun while making a speech at a photography exhibition in the Turkish capital, the Russian embassy said, adding that it believed that it was a radical Islamist attack. (…) Hürriyet Ankara representative Deniz Zeyrek said the attacker first shot into the air and later shot the envoy in the back. (…) It has also been reported that the attacker entered the scene by showing a police identity and wearing a suit.

19.12.2016 - 15:46 [ Telegraph ]

Rupert Murdoch: ‚I don‘t ask for anything from any prime minister‘

Mr Murdoch has taken the unusual step of publicly disputing claims that he wields influence over the head of the Government by claiming: “I have made it a principle all my life never to ask for anything from any prime minister.”

19.12.2016 - 15:33 [ Élysée.fr ]

Résolution du Conseil de sécurité

Ce texte reprend les exigences que les acteurs humanitaires ont demandé à la France de porter auprès de ses partenaires: évacuation des civils dans la sécurité et la dignité, sous la surveillance et la coordination des Nations Unies ; libre accès donné aux Nations Unies pour porter l’assistance humanitaire et médicale nécessaire aux populations ; protection des installations et personnels médicaux dans l’ensemble du pays.

19.12.2016 - 13:27 [ theNation.com ]

Why Are the Media Taking the CIA’s Hacking Claims at Face Value?

Fast-forward to December 2016, and one can see that there isn’t much need for a covert government program these days. The recent raft of unverified, anonymously sourced and circumstantial stories alleging that the Russian government interfered in the US presidential election with the aim of electing Republican Donald J. Trump shows that today too much of the media is all too happy to do overtly what the CIA had once paid it to do covertly: regurgitate the claims of the spy agency and attack the credibility of those who question it.

19.12.2016 - 13:22 [ Jonathan Cook ]

Is the CIA editing your newspaper?

Here is a great overview by Ed Jones of why corporate media are the arch-exponents of “fake news”. The media are overwhelming owned and controlled by billionaires and gargantuan corporations, who depend on the support of other corporations for ad revenue, and employ journalists from a narrow, privileged class whose careers depend on maintaining access to elite sources. It would be simply astounding in these circumstamces if we had anything resembling a pluralistic media.

19.12.2016 - 13:12 [ Ansa.it ]

MPS loses 9%

Monte dei Paschi di Siena‘s share price dropped 9%, taking it down to 20.08 euro, in early trading on Monday, the first day of a five-billion-euro capital increase offer that the troubled bank needs to complete to stay afloat.

19.12.2016 - 13:11 [ Standard ]

Insider: Staat könnte Monte dei Paschi 900 Millionen zuschießen

(16.12.2016) Die Regierung in Rom hat signalisiert, Monte dei Paschi (MPS) notfalls mit Staatsgeld davor zu bewahren. Doch in diesem Fall müssten nach den EU-Regularien auch Privatanleger zur Kasse gebeten werden. Ein Insider sagte der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, der Staat würde in diesem Fall rund 900 Millionen frisches Kapital bereitstellen.