Daily Archives: 19. Dezember 2016
Mut dem deutschen Volk #IchBinEinBerliner #PrayForBerlin
Die „Welt“ wieder: „Seit mehreren Tagen Hinweise“. Lasst uns raten – von zufällig zur Tatzeit am #Breitscheidplatz weilenden Pro-Asiaten?
Once more together we stand against any terrorist or tyranny attacking our freedom and peace and we proudly say again: ich bin ein Berliner!
I know #Berlin well and have spent more time there than cork limerick and galway combined. It in many ways is my city
My thoughts are in my birthplace now
Heartbroken for Berlin today. It will always be home to me. Bleib stark Berlin. #ichbinberlin #breitscheidplatz #IchBinEinBerliner
My second #home #prayforberlin #ichbineinberliner #sad #sadness #heartbroken #speechless #momentofsilence #sadday #prayfortheworld #crying
#Breitscheidplatz #iloveberlin #ichbineinberliner #fuckyouterror WIR BLEIBEN STARK!
@mbondach Ik was ook in shock ! Ik zet mijn telefoon even neer. Enkele uurtjes later zie ik overal #IchBinEinBerliner
Please help us. Stay home and do not spread rumors. Follow us here for important information. #Breitscheidplatz
Solidarität mit dem Deutschen Volk… #ichbineinberliner
Traurig, was in Berlin passiert ist. Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und Hinterbliebenen
#ichbineinBerliner against anyone trying to attack our peace!
Condolences to the family & friends of those that have lost their lives Stay Strong #Berlin #IchBinEinBerliner
mir blutet das Herz! Scheiss Dejavu!
À cette heure, nous sommes tous des Berlinois en deuil. Les assassins paieront leurs crimes !
ARD; Berlin LKW rast in Weihnachtsmarkt – Islamistischer Terroranschlag im Nizza Stil ?
Tagesthemen Live: 9 Tote und ca. 50 Verletzte. Der Beifahrer des LKW ist tot, der Fahrer ist geflüchtet. Der Fahrer wurde nun an der Siegessäule gefasst.
Der LKW soll eine polnische Nummer haben. Truck plows into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin, reports of multiple casualties
Widersetzt Euch dem Terrorkrieg. Berlin ist unsere Stadt. Das ist DIE BERLINER REPUBLIK! HÄNDE WEG VOM GRUNDGESETZ! #ichbineinBerliner
Meine Unterstützung zum deutschem Volk, der heute eine Tragödie noch einmal gelitten hat
Anschlag in Berlin auf Weihnachtsmarkt
Bei dem Anschlag mit einem Lastwagen auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt in Berlin sind am Montagabend nach Angaben der Polizei mindestens neun Menschen getötet worden
Berlin: LKW rast in Weihnachtsmarkt – War es ein Unfall oder ein Anschlag?
Dieses Video zeigt Handyaufnahmen kurz danach.
#Breitscheidplatz #Berlin Minst nio döda. Olycka eller attentat? Fruktansvärt oavsett. #IchbineinBerliner
#ichbineinBerliner #berlin Deutsche Geschwister sind wir mit Ihnen von ganzem Herzen! Wir lieben dich! ein freund von Frankreich !!!
#ichbineinBerliner Pau, Frieden, Peace!
Ich bin ein Berliner! #berlin #Breitscheidplatz #attentat
UN-Sicherheitsrat verabschiedet einstimmig Resolution zu Aleppo
Alle 15 Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates haben die Resolution zur Stationierung von internationalen Beobachtern im syrischen Aleppo gebilligt. Der Text wurde von Russland und Frankreich vorgeschlagen. Laut dem Dokument müssen alle Parteien in Syrien den Beobachtern sofort einen sicheren und ungehinderten Zutritt in die betroffenen Bezirke Ost-Aleppos gewährleisten, um die Evakuierung der Zivilisten zu koordinieren. Dabei müssen auch Bedingungen für humanitäre Lieferungen geschaffen werden.
President in a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart: Developing Tehran-Moscow consultation, cooperation in helping Syrian people essential/Slamming West‘s inattention to Syrian people under terrorists‘ oppression
Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation had a telephone conversation late on Monday and discussed the most important bilateral, regional and international issues.
During the conversation, Dr Rouhani stressed the need for Iranian and Russian governments to support the Syrian people during the current hard times, adding: „It is very important that the Syrian people feel that they are not alone in their fight against terrorism“.
Slamming on the West‘s inattention towards the innocent people in Syria who are under the terrorists‘ oppression, he said that Tehran and Moscow should further deepen their consultation and cooperation in this regard and continue delivering medicine and food supply to the Syrian people and also encourage other countries to send these kinds of aids.
Telephone conversation with President of Iran Hassan Rouhani
At Iran’s initiative, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani.
The two presidents discussed in detail the Syrian crisis, particularly the situation around Aleppo. They stressed the need for joint efforts to facilitate the launch of a real political process to bring about a swift resolution of the conflict in Syria.
Live aus Ankara – Attentat auf russischen Botschafter
Aktiver Livestream seit 37 Minuten
Russia: A ‚tragic day in the history of Russian diplomacy,‘ Zakharova says of ambassador‘s death
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said today is a „tragic day in the history of Russian diplomacy,“ from Moscow on Monday.
Footage – Live scenes while Russian ambassador shooted by gunman. #Karlov #Russia
Iran: Syrien-Gespräche morgen in Moskau
Nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur IRNA treffen sich zudem auch die Verteidigungsminister der drei Länder in Moskau, um die Lage in Aleppo zu besprechen.
Gunman Who Killed Russian Ambassador in Turkey Was a Police Officer
The Turkish police officer who killed Russian Ambassador Andrew Karlov has been identified as Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş of the Ankara Riot police.
Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov shot dead in Ankara
Karlov was shot by a gun while making a speech at a photography exhibition in the Turkish capital, the Russian embassy said, adding that it believed that it was a radical Islamist attack. (…) Hürriyet Ankara representative Deniz Zeyrek said the attacker first shot into the air and later shot the envoy in the back. (…) It has also been reported that the attacker entered the scene by showing a police identity and wearing a suit.
Türkei: Russischer Botschafter in Ankara erschossen
Das teilte das Außenministerium in Moskau mit. Am Rande einer Kunstausstellung wurden demnach mindestens drei Schüsse auf ihn abgefeuert. Dem Nachrichtensender NTV zufolge hat die türkische Polizei den Angreifer erschossen.
Russia, Iran and Turkey to hold Syria talks in Moscow on Tuesday
The foreign and defense ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey will discuss the future of Syria and the city of Aleppo at talks in Moscow on Tuesday, Turkish and Russian officials said.
simple song #3 (2015) 6′
as heard in the soundtrack to Paolo Sorrentino‘s film YOUTH.
Rupert Murdoch: ‚I don‘t ask for anything from any prime minister‘
Mr Murdoch has taken the unusual step of publicly disputing claims that he wields influence over the head of the Government by claiming: “I have made it a principle all my life never to ask for anything from any prime minister.”
Résolution du Conseil de sécurité
Ce texte reprend les exigences que les acteurs humanitaires ont demandé à la France de porter auprès de ses partenaires: évacuation des civils dans la sécurité et la dignité, sous la surveillance et la coordination des Nations Unies ; libre accès donné aux Nations Unies pour porter l’assistance humanitaire et médicale nécessaire aux populations ; protection des installations et personnels médicaux dans l’ensemble du pays.
Deutsche Bank could settle US penalty this week: source
Deutsche Bank, which used to be a major player in the U.S. mortgage market, is set to pay far less than the US$14 billion penalty the U.S. authorities had initially asked for, the source indicated. Deutsche Bank declined to comment.
Arctos by Unison Theory
Listen to Unison Theory Bandcamp
SoftBank to invest $1 billion in U.S. venture OneWeb as part of $50 billion pledge
The latest investment will come directly from SoftBank, not from a $100 billion tech fund it is launching with Saudi Arabia, even though Son has said that large-scale investments would be made through the tech fund to avoid a further expansion of its debt.
IMF chief Lagarde found guilty of negligence by French court
Despite the ruling the judges did not hand down any sentence in the case on her decision to allow the rare out-of-court arbitration payment
Lagarde has left France for Washington and was not present for the verdict.
Why Are the Media Taking the CIA’s Hacking Claims at Face Value?
Fast-forward to December 2016, and one can see that there isn’t much need for a covert government program these days. The recent raft of unverified, anonymously sourced and circumstantial stories alleging that the Russian government interfered in the US presidential election with the aim of electing Republican Donald J. Trump shows that today too much of the media is all too happy to do overtly what the CIA had once paid it to do covertly: regurgitate the claims of the spy agency and attack the credibility of those who question it.
Flat Earth News: An Award-winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media
(2009) Are newspapers seriously damaging your insight?
Does what you read every day contain lies, PR, propaganda and distortion?
Find out who‘s controlling your news in this shocking expose from the ultimate insider.
Five reasons why we don’t have a free and independent press in the UK and what we can do about it
Britain‘s press is controlled by the same networks of people as run everything else. Is it really free?
Is the CIA editing your newspaper?
Here is a great overview by Ed Jones of why corporate media are the arch-exponents of “fake news”. The media are overwhelming owned and controlled by billionaires and gargantuan corporations, who depend on the support of other corporations for ad revenue, and employ journalists from a narrow, privileged class whose careers depend on maintaining access to elite sources. It would be simply astounding in these circumstamces if we had anything resembling a pluralistic media.
CIA apologizes to Turkey over ISIL oil trade allegations
“We know who gave you this information. Some Arab countries are reacting to us because of disagreements over the Egypt issue. They are conducting a campaign on the issue. This is a very serious accusation,” Çavuşoğlu told Kerry at the time, according to the official.
CIA entschuldigt sich bei der Türkei
Die USA haben sich wegen falschen Koordinaten zu den angeblichen Ölgeschäften mit dem IS bei der Türkei entschuldigt.
Government wants Brexit deal for whole UK: PM May‘s spokesman
The British government is working to win a Brexit deal that will work for Scotland, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday after the Scottish government said it would publish proposals for remaining in the EU‘s single market.
Krisenbank Monte Paschi erneut auf Talfahrt
Die Regierung in Rom hat bereits Unterstützung signalisiert, falls Monte dei Paschi mit den Maßnahmen die erforderlichen 5 Milliarden Euro nicht zusammenbekommt.
MPS loses 9%
Monte dei Paschi di Siena‘s share price dropped 9%, taking it down to 20.08 euro, in early trading on Monday, the first day of a five-billion-euro capital increase offer that the troubled bank needs to complete to stay afloat.
Insider: Staat könnte Monte dei Paschi 900 Millionen zuschießen
(16.12.2016) Die Regierung in Rom hat signalisiert, Monte dei Paschi (MPS) notfalls mit Staatsgeld davor zu bewahren. Doch in diesem Fall müssten nach den EU-Regularien auch Privatanleger zur Kasse gebeten werden. Ein Insider sagte der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, der Staat würde in diesem Fall rund 900 Millionen frisches Kapital bereitstellen.