Daily Archives: 18. Dezember 2016

18.12.2016 - 20:54 [ World Socialist Web Site ]

EU und IWF fordern neue Sparmaßnahmen in Griechenland

Auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz demonstrierten die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und ihr griechischer Amtskollege Alexis Tsipras am Freitag in Berlin Einigkeit. Griechenland wolle „nicht mehr als Teil der Krise, sondern als Teil der Lösung“ wahrgenommen werden, sagte Tsipras.

18.12.2016 - 16:03 [ Irish Times ]

Isis video claims to show abandoned Russian base in Palmyra

(14.12.2016) A video released by Amaq, Islamic State’s news agency, appears to show a hasty Russian retreat from a forward base near the Syrian city of Palmyra, recaptured by Isis over the weekend, with half-eaten bowls of soup, bank cards and a significant amount of weaponry left behind.

Palmyra’s recapture comes just seven months after a Russian orchestra held a symbolic concert in its amphitheatre to celebrate its liberation from the terrorist group.

18.12.2016 - 15:33 [ Spiegel.de ]

Kampf gegen den IS: Deutschland liefert Abhörtechnologie nach Jordanien

(11.12.2016) Vorgesehen ist die Lieferung von drei sogenannten GSM-Interceptor-Einheiten für Anfang 2017, heißt es in einem vertraulichen Vermerk aus dem Bundesverteidigungsministerium.
Mit den hochsensiblen Geräten, die Hunderte Mobilfunkverbindungen gleichzeitig belauschen können, sollen die Jordanier mögliche IS-Zellen im eigenen Land und an der Grenze aufklären. In dem Vermerk aus dem Ministerium heißt es, die Technik sei für die „aktive und passive Gesprächsaufklärung“ gedacht.

18.12.2016 - 15:18 [ Military.com ]

Video Shows 3 US Soldiers Being Shot Outside Jordan Base

(19.11.2016) A U.S. official on the condition of anonymity confirmed the video shows the Jordanian waived the first vehicle through the checkpoint and then opened fire on and ultimately killed two of the Americans in the second vehicle, which was first reported by CBS. U.S. troops in a third vehicle returned fire and a third American was killed.

The U.S. official also confirmed the possibility that the Americans were specifically targeted.

18.12.2016 - 14:59 [ Washington Post ]

Fearing abandonment by Trump, CIA-backed rebels in Syria mull alternatives

(3.12.2016) Among the options, say U.S. officials, regional experts and the rebels themselves, are a closer alliance with better-armed al-Qaeda and other extremist groups, receipt of more sophisticated weaponry from Sunni states in the Persian Gulf region opposed to a U.S. pullback, and adoption of more traditional guerrilla tactics, including sniper and other small-scale attacks on both Syrian and Russian targets.

18.12.2016 - 11:40 [ Yonhap ]

Opposition parties may face cut in state support if Saenuri splits

Saenuri is on the verge of splitting in two, as loyalists of President Park Geun-hye and her dissenters have been actively attacking the other side as they collided over the issue of impeaching the chief executive earlier this month on alleged corruption charges.

18.12.2016 - 11:00 [ Zeit.de ]

Iran: US-Kongress votiert für Verlängerung von Sanktionen

(2.12.2016) Der US-Senat hat einer Verlängerung von Sanktionen gegen den Iran um zehn Jahre zugestimmt. Zuvor hatten bereits die Abgeordneten des Repräsentantenhauses dafür votiert. Die Maßnahme wird von Republikanern und Demokraten gleichermaßen unterstützt.

18.12.2016 - 10:50 [ moneycontrol.com ]

Venezuela postpones currency move after chaos, protests

Maduro, speaking from the presidential palace, blamed a „sabotage“ campaign by enemies abroad for the delayed arrival of three planes carrying the new 500, 2,000 and 20,000 bolivar notes.
„One plane, contracted and paid for by Venezuela, was told in flight to change direction and go to another country,“ he said, without specifying who had given the orders. „There‘s another which was not given flyover permission.“

18.12.2016 - 09:35 [ teleSUR ]

Ñuqanchik: First Quechua Language Newscast Launches in Peru

Widely known as the main language of the Inca Empire, Quechua is one of the oldest languages still spoken today. Nearly 4.5 million Quechua language speakers in Peru can now enjoy a newscast in their native language, which is the most widely spoken language family of Indigenous peoples of the Americas.