Browne writes: „I did not know anything about Kelcy Warren’s other business as the production of this album went forward. Although as a music publisher there is no legal way to deny permission to a record company to cover a song that has been previously published, I could have dissuaded the artists from appearing on this record had I known.“ Browne goes on to say, „I do not play for oil interests. I do not play for companies who defile nature, or companies who attack demonstrators with trained attack dogs and pepper spray. I certainly would not have allowed my songs to be recorded by a record company whose owner’s other business does what Energy Transfer Partners is allegedly doing—threatening the water supply and the sacred sites of indigenous people.“
Daily Archives: 3. November 2016
Krieg in Afghanistan: Mindestens 20 Zivilisten in Kundus bei Nato-Luftangriff getötet
Bei Luftangriffen auf die nordafghanische Provinz Kundus sind nach Behördenangaben mehr als 20 Zivilisten getötet worden. Das teilten mehrere Mitglieder der Provinzregierung mit.
Die Nato hatte in der Nacht Angriffe auf Stellungen der Taliban geflogen.
#Aleppo :Militants Advance 0 meter .. 3000 is save .. 1070 save .. new Aleppo save .. minyan : clashes area .. SAA Repel Attack .. retweet for NEWS .
VIDEOS: Hundreds injured as Islamist rebels unleash artillery bombardment on Aleppo
On Thursday afternoon, Syrian authorities confirmed that 12 civilians were killed and over 200 wounded after Jaysh al-Fateh fired hundreds of rockets into government-held Aleppo.
US-Wahl: Obama spricht dem FBI-Chef sein Vertrauen aus
(1.11.2016) Der Präsident glaubt nicht, dass James Comey den Wahlkampf beeinflussen wollte.
Israel is considering a measure to force people who watch porn online to ask for permission
Although the country’s law already mandates that internet service providers put in content-filtering systems upon a customer’s request, proponents of the bill argue that many parents are not aware of the option.
Thai Government Demands Popular Chat App Reveal Any Time Any User Insults The King
The company has apparently now refused to obey a Thai government demand that it alert the government to anyone insulting the Thai royal family on the messaging app. For years, we‘ve written about Thailand‘s ridiculous lese majeste laws, which make it a crime to insult the king. As we‘ve noted, the law is used as a way to censor and crack down on political opponents.
Chinese Police Dub Censorship Circumvention Tools As ‚Terrorist Software‘
The Great Firewall of China is pretty well-known these days, as is the fact that it is by no means impenetrable. The Chinese authorities aren‘t exactly happy about that, and we have seen a variety of attempts to stop its citizens from using tools to circumvent the national firewall.
Giulio Regeni
Nach einer ersten offiziellen Stellungnahme wurde er von Drogendealern umgebracht, nach einer zweiten Version wurden die Mörder im Umkreis der ägyptischen Gewerkschaften identifiziert. Nach der letzten Version wurde er von einer kriminellen Bande entführt, ausgeraubt und umgebracht. Die ägyptische Polizei habe in einer Polizeiaktion alle Mitglieder der Bande getötet. Auch diese Version wurde nach kurzer Zeit dementiert.
Sisi says will meet Regeni family
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has said he is willing to meet the family of Giulio Regeni, the Italian student tortured and murdered in Cairo earlier this year, according to the Italian member of a six-strong MEP delegation who went to Egypt from October 30 to November 2.
This goes out to the Russian Federation, too. Teaming up with bad guys while fighting against bad guys is a sign of moral weakness. #Egypt
Syrians should be ashamed of teaming up with this Saudi-backed fascist regime in #Egpyt that killed thousands for winning elections.
Syrian government and Egypt agree to ‚fight terrorism‘
(17.10.16) Syrian security services chief Ali Mamluk met Egyptian officials in his first public foreign visit in five years, state media in Damascus said on Monday.
State news agency SANA said Mamluk met with Egyptian head of general intelligence Khaled Fawzy and other „high-level security officials“ during his one-day visit.
Russian-Egyptian Military Exercises Continue Until Late October
(20.10.16) Military maneuvers between Russia and Egypt troops on the Mediterranean coast near the city of Alexandria, will take place until October 26th.
Egyptian soldiers arrive in Syria: reports
The Egyptian, Russian and Syrian militaries have not confirmed these reports; however, if true, it could be an important step towards reconciliation.
Recently, the Egyptian and Syrian governments began their diplomatic rapprochement after the Morsi regime cutoff ties with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in 2012.
#Syria #Aleppo Drone view when Rebels tanks enter 3000 Apartments Project from west
US-Luftangriffe bei Mossul: Sie haben die achtköpfige Familie meines Bruders getötet
Mohammed war sich zum Zeitpunkt der Filmaufnahmen noch nicht sicher, ob die Angriffe durch „französische, kanadische oder US-amerikanische“ [Jets] durchgeführt wurden. Mittlerweile bestätigten die Vereinigten Staaten aber, dass sie die Angriffe in der Gegend am besagten Tag durchführten. Die Koalition werde eine Untersuchung zu den Angriffen in die Wege leiten, hieß es von US-Seite. Nach internationalen Menschenrechtsorganisationen sind seit dem Beginn der Anti-IS-Operation am 17. Oktober in Mossul bereits Hunderte Zivilisten getötet worden.
No Russian air presence in Aleppo despite massive jihadist attack
Unlike the previous battles in Aleppo, the Russian Air Force is not present over the skies of the provincial capital, leaving the protection of the western suburbs to the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah.
In addition to the Russian Air Force‘s absence, the Syrian Arab Air Force is has also been grounded, per orders from the Syrian High Command and their Russian military advisors.
Rebels claim to have captured first block buildings inside 3000 Apartments Project in #Aleppo city
RT crew comes under fire as Aleppo militants launch massive new assault (VIDEO)
RT’s Murad Gazdiev and his crew came under fire in Aleppo as militant groups holding the eastern part of the city launched a new assault on government-held western areas, trying to break the blockade, after rejecting an offer to leave the city with their arms.
JFS launch large scale assault on New Aleppo after 2 VBIED attacks against Syrian Army positions
Nusra’s “Mobilize” Campaign to Recruit Children
Nusra does not ask for parental approval. “Defending religion and family are a duty, but those who want to join should leave matters of atonement to the scholars, and consider the blood of Muslims; those who do so consider it both a matter of Sharia and a military need,” the Nusra statement said. In order to achieve the widest distribution possible, millions of leaflets were printed and several social media accounts were created to promote the campaign.
Noch mehr freie Hand: Geheimdienstlicher Zugriff auf die Vertrauensdienste
Das Signaturgesetz wird abgelöst. In Zukunft wird das Vertrauensdienstegesetz eine EU-Verordnung zur elektronischen Identifizierung umsetzen. Auch über dieses Gesetz werden sich die deutschen Geheimdienste freuen: Sie dürfen bei den Vertrauensdiensten personenbezogene Daten anfragen und müssen Betroffene praktisch gar nicht mehr informieren.
NATO, Russia to hold parallel drills in the Balkans
NATO is holding an emergency exercise drill in Montenegro while Russian troops will participate in a war game in Serbia as the two Balkan neighbors seem to be heading in different directions strategically.
Serbian FM: We won‘t join European anti-Russian sanctions
Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin met on Thursday in Suzdal, RF.
Zwei Drittel der Deutschen schätzen Kriminalitätsentwicklung falsch ein
Seit Jahren bleibt die Kriminalität in Deutschland auf niedrigem Niveau – bei sinkender Tendenz der Gesamtzahlen und steigenden Aufklärungsraten durch die Polizei. Deutschland wird von den unterschiedlichsten Quellen übereinstimmend zu den sichersten Ländern der Erde gezählt. Trotz dieser Fakten werden die Deutschen immer ängstlicher. Die grassierende diffuse Angst und ein subjektives Unsicherheitsempfinden der Mehrheit der Bevölkerung befeuern den Abbau von Grund- und Freiheitsrechten.
Syria opposition says ‘impossible to refuse jihadist help in Aleppo’
People stuck in war-ravaged Aleppo do not have the luxury of refusing help from jihadists, a high-level member of Syria’s main opposition said, lashing out at international “inaction” in breaking the siege. Damascus and its Russian ally have used the presence of fighters with former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham Front-previously called Al-Nusra Front-to justify their offensive on rebel-held eastern Aleppo.
Russian soldiers headed for Serbia for „Slavic Brotherhood“
The Russians will participate in the exercise, dubbed „Slavic Brotherhood 2016,“ together with Serbian soldiers. They will also be joined by members of the Belarus military.
Umfrage bei Jugendlichen: Praktisch null Vertrauen in die Mainstreammedien
Auch bei der Politik haben die 18 bis 34-jährigen eine klare Meinung. Nur ein Prozent der Teilnehmer erklärte, der Politik völlig zu vertrauen. 27 Prozent vertrauen mehr oder weniger. Unglaubliche 71 Prozent haben kein Vertrauen in die Politik. Nur geringfügig besser erwischt es die religiösen Institutionen. Nur die Hälfte der Befragten spricht hier ihr Vertrauen aus.
SCO Council of Heads of Government meeting kicks off in Bishkek
The meeting plans to adopt the SCO budget for 2017
Police Fire Rubber Bullets as Pipeline Protesters Try to Protect Burial Site
Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets and used pepper spray on demonstrators — who call themselves water protectors — on the shoreline of the Cantapeta Creek, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation here on Wednesday.
Star-#Clown Oleg #Popow weist #Steinbrück in die Schranken
(1.3.2013) Steinbrück hatte am Dienstag nach dem Wahlausgang in Italien gesagt: „Bis zu einem gewissen Grad bin ich entsetzt, dass zwei Clowns gewonnen haben.“ Damit bezog er sich auf den ehemaligen TV-Komiker Beppe Grillo und Ex-Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi. Italiens Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano sagte daraufhin ein Treffen mit dem SPD-Kandidaten ab.
Russia’s World-Famous ‘Sunshine Clown’ Oleg Popov Dies at 86
The Russian State Circus Company, Rosgostsirk, said in a Facebook statement in the early hours of Thursday that the time and location of Popov’s funeral were being discussed with his daughter, who is currently in Germany.