Daily Archives: 21. August 2016

21.08.2016 - 15:22 [ Sputnik ]

Putin kondoliert Erdogan und bekundet Bereitschaft zu stärkerem Anti-Terror-Kampf

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat dem türkischen Amtskollegen Recep Tayyip Erdogan sein tiefes Beileid wegen der Tragödie bei einer Hochzeitsfeier in Gaziantep geäußert und die Bereitschaft zur höchstmöglichen Verstärkung der Anti-Terror-Kooperation bekundet. Dies verlautete aus einer Mitteilung des Kreml-Pressedienstes.

21.08.2016 - 15:20 [ Wirtschaftsblatt.at ]

USA drohen Syrien mit Abschuss von Kampfjets

Bei einem weiteren Zwischenfall am Freitag hätten zwei syrische Kampfflugzeuge versucht, in den Luftraum über Hasaka einzudringen. Sie seien aber von Koalitions-Jagdflugzeugen vom Typ F-22 abgedrängt worden, die sich den syrischen Maschinen bis auf 1,6 Kilometer Entfernung angenähert hätten.

21.08.2016 - 15:14 [ Heise.de ]

Erdogan sucht die Eskalation in Rojava

Unter Verweis auf die Bombardierungen Hasakas durch die syrischen Regimetruppen erklärte der türkische Regierungschef, Damaskus habe endlich verstanden, dass die Kurden eine Bedrohung darstellten. Die antikurdische Allianz zwischen Damaskus und Ankara wird auch an einer rhetorischen Annäherung deutlich.

Das syrische Regime hat in seinen jüngsten Erklärungen die Sprachregelung Ankaras übernommen, indem es die Selbstverteidigungskräfte Rojavas als den „militärischen Flügel der PKK“ bezeichnete.

21.08.2016 - 15:13 [ Reuters ]

Syrian rebels prepare attack from Turkey on Islamic State town

Turkey, an important supporter of the FSA groups, is worried that Kurds are using the SDF‘s westwards expansion against IS to extend their influence across northern Syria. The SDF already holds the eastern bank of the Euphrates opposite Jarablus.

On Saturday Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that Ankara would play a more active role in addressing the conflict in Syria in the coming six months to stop it being torn along ethnic lines

21.08.2016 - 15:08 [ Star ]

2 words keep sick Samsung workers from data: trade secrets

(16. August) Samsung is by far South Korea’s biggest company, with about 100,000 workers. It has dominated memory-chip makers since the early 1990s, but that success involves use of toxic and often carcinogenic chemicals such as arsenic, acetone, methane, sulphuric acid and heavy metals such as lead, well-known risks in the production of semiconductors, mobile phones and LCDs.

21.08.2016 - 15:06 [ Reuters ]

Iraq hangs 36 people sentenced to death for killing of troops in 2014

The government came under increased pressure from local Shi‘ite politicians to execute militants sentenced to death after a massive bombing that targeted a shopping street in Baghdad on July 3, killing at least 324 people.

Claimed by Islamic State, the truck bomb that blew up in the Karrada district was the deadliest since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

21.08.2016 - 15:04 [ NPR ]

U.N. Admits Role In Haiti Cholera Outbreak That Has Killed Thousands

In the fall of 2010, months after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, a new disaster began: a cholera outbreak that killed thousands of people and continues to sicken people across the country.

Experts determined that the source of the disease was a U.N. peacekeeping camp. And now, nearly six years later, the United Nations has admitted it played some role in the deadly outbreak.

21.08.2016 - 15:03 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Crete: German tourist to taxi driver “I don’t pay you because you owe to my country”

The transfer of two German tourists from a hotel in Agia Pelagia to Heraklion airport ended up in the local police station. When the taxi driver stopped at the airport, the tourists refused to pay the fare of 40 euro arguing that …Greece owes money to Germany!

The passengers initially told the taxi driver that they had paid for the taxi transfer hotel-airport when they booked their hotel in Germany.

21.08.2016 - 15:01 [ Techdirt ]

Recording Industry Whines That It‘s Too Costly To Keep Copyright Terms At Life Plus 50, Instead Of Life Plus 70

We‘ve discussed how ridiculous it is that the TPP includes a provision saying that every country that signs on must make sure the minimum copyright term is life plus 70 years. This will impact many of the countries that negotiated the agreement, which currently have terms set at life plus 50. This was a key point that the recording industry and Hollywood fought hard for.

21.08.2016 - 14:50 [ The Daily Star ]

In Egypt, IMF deal brings austerity few can afford

„We are not below the poverty line. We are below the ground…. They want us to be so preoccupied looking for bread that we think of nothing else,“ he said. „Anyone who protests or speaks out now is accused of being Brotherhood.“

21.08.2016 - 14:38 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israeli violation of Lebanese sovereignty to be reported to UN Security Council

Jobran Bassil has sent a letter referring to Israel’s violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 regarding the rights of the Lebanese people and Lebanon’s sovereignty. “Since the Israeli occupation forces persist in violating Lebanon’s sovereignty and fail to comply with international resolutions, particularly 1701, we hereby ask you [the diplomats] to inform the concerned authorities in the United Nations, particularly the Security Council, of Israel’s offences in the occupied Lebanese part of Al-Ghajar and Shebaa Farms.”

21.08.2016 - 09:40 [ Radio Utopie ]

Beweis: deutsche Regierung nimmt Atomkrieg bewusst in Kauf

Am 19. August 2016 wurde in der Arbeitsgruppe (Open-Ended Working Group, OEWG) der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen über ein Verbot von Nulearwaffen vor der Weltöffentlichkeit der Beweis erbracht, dass Deutschland nicht einmal gewillt ist, Verhandlungen im Jahr 2017 über ein Verbot von Atomwaffen aufzunehmen und dazu eine U.N.O.-Generalversammlung einzuberufen.

Deutschland stimmte dagegen.

21.08.2016 - 09:05 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey restructures intelligence after coup attempt

“We are exerting new efforts regarding MİT. Due to the developing communications technologies and world conditions, intelligence agencies should be renewed. For instance, Sept. 11, 2001, was a milestone for the U.S. They reconstructed their intel agencies after that date,” he told foreign correspondents in a meeting in Istanbul, adding that the domestic intelligence should be strengthened and that preventive intelligence was “very significant.”

21.08.2016 - 09:00 [ Welt ]

Der Fall „Curveball“: Wie ein BND-Informant den Irak-Krieg auslöste

(28.August 2011) Diese bis heute verbreitete Darstellung ist unangenehm für die Bundesrepublik. Deutschland steht da als ein Land, das ein Doppelspiel betrieben hat: nach außen den Pazifisten geben – und hintenherum über seinen Geheimdienst einen entscheidenden Grund für die militärische Intervention liefern. Der Bundesnachrichtendienst nahm die Vorwürfe schweigend hin.

21.08.2016 - 08:57 [ Washington Times ]

Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says

(5.8.2015) “It has now been four years since Extortion 17 was shot down,” said Doug Hamburger, whose Army air crew son, Patrick, was one of the 30 Americans killed. “I find it quite disturbing that the government is not willing to give us the answers we deserve. I find it very irritating that we will not question the Afghans about their knowledge of what took place that night.”

U.S. Central Command’s official investigation concluded that a rocket-launched grenade from a Taliban fighter standing near the landing zone clipped a rotary wing, sending the Ch-47 Chinook into a violent downward spin.

21.08.2016 - 08:46 [ Phillymag.com ]

How Did Michael Strange Really Die in Afghanistan?

(26.6.2014) There also seemed to be no way for the families to learn why their loved ones had been so helpless, because the black box was nowhere to be found. In the report, one commander said the black box had washed away in the flash flood. Charlie found that unlikely: How often did it rain in Afghanistan?

21.08.2016 - 08:35 [ WND.com ]

Navy SEAL‘s dad: Obama sent my son to his death

(25.7.2013) Charles Strange, the father of slain SEAL Michael Strange, told Savage Wednesday night that in June 2011, on at least three separate occasions his son grabbed him by the bicep and announced that he had prepared his will.

The bewildered father finally was able to find out what it all meant.

Michael Strange, his father recalled, said, “Something’s going on with the team. Somebody’s leaking things out. Something’s going on.”

Savage, reacting with emotion, asked: “Your son knew he was being sent to his death?”

“They knew,” Strange replied. “They knew something was up. Every one of them.”

Other families of the victims have reported similar experiences with their sons the last time they saw them, Strange said.

21.08.2016 - 08:28 [ Wikipedia ]

Call Sign Extortion 17: The Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six

The book is written based largely upon a review of the official, non-classified military record of the crash, which was mysteriously leaked to several family members in October 2011, one month after the official military investigation was closed. Brown believes that the SEAL team may have been sacrificed, either through extreme gross negligence in the mission-planning or for other reasons, and has stated in interviews that the military is covering up key facts germane to the case, including the identities of seen Afghans who slipped on the helicopter without authority, and the true status of the helicopter‘s black box, which has been the subject of conflicting reports by the military.

21.08.2016 - 08:16 [ New York Times ]

What Do We Really Know About Osama bin Laden’s Death?

(15.10.2015) The official narrative of the hunt for and killing of bin Laden at first seemed like a clear portrait, but in effect it was more like a composite sketch from multiple perspectives: the Pentagon, the White House and the C.I.A. And when you studied that sketch a little more closely, not everything looked quite right. Almost immediately, the administration had to correct some of the most significant details of the raid.

21.08.2016 - 08:11 [ Techdirt ]

Why The NSA‘s Vulnerability Equities Process Is A Joke (And Why It‘s Unlikely To Ever Get Better)

According to Lawfare‘s contributors, there are several reasons why the NSA would have kept quiet, even when confronted with evidence that these tools might be in the hands of criminals or antagonistic foreign powers. They claim the entire process — which is supposed to push the NSA, FBI, et al towards disclosure — is broken. But not for the reasons you might think.

21.08.2016 - 05:39 [ Springer.com ]

Einwilligungsunfähige Personen – Rechtskonzept der Einwilligungsfähigkeit und Teilhaberecht

Zu überkommenen Kontroversen hinsichtlich der maßgeblichen rechtlichen Kriterien für die Feststellung des Vorliegens oder Fehlens von Einwilligungsfähigkeit haben sich in jüngster Zeit neue Rechtsentwicklungen ergeben, von denen zwei besonders hervorzuheben sind. Dies betrifft zum einen das von Gerichten und Gesetzgeber zunehmend betonte Postulat der jedenfalls kommunikativen Einbeziehung auch nicht einwilligungsfähiger Personen in die Entscheidungsfindung. Zum anderen ist eine grundsätzliche medizinethische Diskussion zu Konzepten assistierter Selbstbestimmung und unterstützter Entscheidungsfähigkeit im Gange, deren Auswirkungen auch auf rechtlicher Ebene relevant werden.

21.08.2016 - 05:24 [ Behörden Spiegel ]

BMI schafft neue Körperscanner an

(19.August) Die Bundespolizei wird den R&S QPS200 künftig für Sicherheitskontrollen auf Basis von Millimeterwellen-Technologie einsetzen. An Sicherheitsschleusen in Ministerien können die Scanner ebenfalls genutzt werden.
Der Körperscanner detektiert automatisch, ob eine überprüfte Person potenziell bedrohliche Objekte unter der Kleidung oder am Körper mitführt – egal ob hart, biegsam, flüssig, metallisch oder nichtmetallisch.

21.08.2016 - 05:19 [ BfR ]

Japan als Partner für Deutschland im internationalen Netzwerk für Lebensmittelsicherheit

(5.August) Weitere Bereiche der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit liegen laut Abkommen im Bereich der Antibiotikaresistenz sowie der Lebensmittelsicherheit von Fisch und Fischereierzeugnissen. Die Vereinbarung ermöglicht den Aufbau einer formellen Zusammenarbeit von FSCJ und BfR sowohl auf dem Gebiet der wissenschaftlichen Risikobewertung als auch in der Forschung sowie in der technischen und administrativen Kooperation in diesen Feldern.

21.08.2016 - 01:26 [ The Indian Express ]

China, Myanmar vow closer ties after Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit

The neighboring countries said in a joint statement they would strengthen trade and cooperation on issues along the border, where fighting between Myanmar government forces and rebels have occasionally spilled over. There was no mention of progress, however, on a stalled $3.6 billion dam project in northern Myanmar primarily funded by Chinese energy interests, which was a key concern during the visit.