Daily Archives: 6. August 2016

06.08.2016 - 22:18 [ Gareth Porter / The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity ]

The Sham Rebrand of al-Qaeda‘s Nusra Front

The Nusra Front’s adoption of the new name Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and claim that it has separated itself from al-Qaeda was designed to influence US policy, not to make the group any more independent of al-Qaeda.

The objective of the manoeuvre was to head off US-Russian military cooperation against the jihadist group, renamed last week, based at least in part on the hope that the US bureaucratic and political elite, who are lining up against a new US-Russian agreement, may block or reverse the Obama administration’s intention to target the al-Qaeda franchise in Syria.

06.08.2016 - 18:11 [ Daniel McAdams / The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity ]

Libya War Escalates – Congress AWOL

Asked about the scope of this new US war on Libya, Pentagon Spokesman Peter Cook said, „We don‘t have an end point.“ Thus far Congress has been silent on this new war. We are not silent, however. Tune in to today‘s Liberty Report:

06.08.2016 - 18:10 [ RT ]

Syrien: Saudi-Arabien droht mit Eskalation – Türkei operiert auf syrischem Gebiet

(18.5.2016) „Es wurde klar gestellt, dass Präsident Baschar al-Assad zwei Möglichkeiten hat: Entweder er wird durch einen politischen Prozess abgesetzt oder mit Gewalt“, sagte Adel al-Dschubeir gegenüber Reportern nach einer Sitzung der ‚Internationalen Syrien Unterstützungsgruppe‘ (ISSG), deren Vorsitz Russland und die USA innehaben.

„Wir glauben, wir sollten lange vorher zum ‚Plan B‘ übergehen“, sagte er. „Wenn sie auf die Bitte der internationalen Gemeinschaft nicht reagieren, dann werden wir sehen, was ansonsten getan werden kann.“

06.08.2016 - 17:40 [ Youtube ]

//// The Largest Nuclear Bomb //// Tsar Bomba

Documentary: TSAR Bomb and Thermonuclear Warhead – – The largest nuclear bomb ever tested.. October 30, 1961… The Tsar Bomb.. Soviet era 50 megaton = 50 millions tons of TNT. Total destruction – 15 mile radius.. 3rd degree burns – 64 mile radius .. visible 600 miles away. Original design was to be 100 megaton – –

06.08.2016 - 17:33 [ Youtube ]

The Hiroshima and Nagazaki Bombings – REAL FOOTAGE!

At 2:45 in the morning of August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber flew north from Tinian Island in the Marianas toward Japan. Three and a half hours later, over the city of Hiroshima, the Enola Gay dropped an 8,900-pound atomic weapon from its specially modified bomb bay. Two thousand feet above the ground, the bomb, dubbed „Little Boy“ by its makers, detonated, leveling almost 90% of the city.

On August 9, another B-29, Bockscar, set out for the Kokura Arsenal on the southwest Japanese island of Kyushu. Foul weather, however, persuaded the pilot to proceed instead toward Nagasaki, the home of a Mitsubishi torpedo factory.

06.08.2016 - 17:00 [ IraqiNews ]

Shia militia prepares list of 1800 ISIS members

“Security forces in Karma district, after liberating the areas in the district, began preparing lists of the wanted ISIS members. The list includes the names of 1800 members of the outfit, including ISIS military emir and the sheikh of Jamila tribe Rafe’ al-Moshahen along with his son Omar.”

06.08.2016 - 16:44 [ Al-Manar TV ]

Bahrain Imposes Internet Curfew near Protests

Since the shutdowns are regular and appear to be coordinated across multiple ISPs, namely Balteco and Zain, Bahrain Watch says, „it is possible that the disruptions are a result of a Service Restriction Order from the Bahrain Government, in relation to the protests.“(…)
The United Nations Human Rights Council unequivocally condemns any government‘s practice of restricting internet access for its citizens. In July, the council passed a resolution reaffirming and expanding its stance upholding internet rights across the globe.

06.08.2016 - 16:30 [ Bandcamp ]

Welt in Scherben I-IV Remastered and extended by Thomas P. Heckmann

Keyfigure of early and contemporary german Techno, EBM-Techno and Acid, Thomas P. Heckmann has shaped the landscape of electronic music since the very beginning!
Thomas P. Heckmann Mainz, Germany
released October 8, 2012

06.08.2016 - 15:05 [ Magic Bullet Records/Bandcamp ]

INTEGRITY „Those Who Fear Tomorrow“ by Integrity

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the album and its lasting impact, Magic Bullet Records is proud to be reissuing the album across all digital platforms and formats with an exclusive remastering treatment of the original Mars Recording Compound mixes by Audiosiege’s Brad Boatright. The CD version features a complete set of Dwid Hellion’s lyrics and some behind-the-scenes liner notes from founding guitarist Aaron Melnick.

06.08.2016 - 15:04 [ antikrieg.com ]

Die Kriegsverbrechen mit Atomwaffen

„Über das Pro und Contra von Hiroshima lässt sich streiten,“ sagte einmal Telford Taylor, der Chefankläger von Nürnberg, „aber ich habe nie eine plausible Rechtfertigung für Nagasaki gehört“ – das er als ein Kriegsverbrechen einstufte.

06.08.2016 - 10:44 [ Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty ]

In Syria, Rebel Victories At Ramouseh Come With A Price

Furthermore, if the base falls and the regime does not quickly recapture it, Assad could be in danger of losing all of Aleppo. This battle is a testament to how weak the Assad military has become. Even with direct support from the Russian Air Force, tanks, and troops, as well as militants from Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran, Assad may have just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

06.08.2016 - 09:56 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

The army kills terrorists in an ambush Daraa countryside, carries on fierce battles in Aleppo

A military source told SANA that the terrorist groups on Saturday morning repeated attacks along the axis of the military academies with large numbers as the army units are carrying on fierce battles, backed by the Syrian army air force and artillery, against the terrorist groups.

The source added that a number of terrorists were killed and many of them were injured in the clashes, in addition to inflicting heavy losses upon them in the arms and personnel.

Meanwhile, SANA reporter in Aleppo said that thousands of terrorists, most of them mercenaries, attacked the axis of the academies with car bombs at midnight.

06.08.2016 - 09:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

Der Schuss, der im ganzen Land gehört wurde

Ohrenzeugen berichten, Asaria habe erklärt: „Der Terrorist muss sterben“. Später behauptete Asaria auf den Rat der geschlossenen Front seiner Rechtsanwälte hin, er habe befürchtet, dass der verletzte Palästinenser Sprengstoff am Körper getragen habe und im Begriff gewesen sei, die Soldaten in seinem Umkreis zu töten. Diese Behauptung wird eindeutig von den Bildern widerlegt. Diese zeigen, dass die Soldaten, die in der Nähe standen, offensichtlich ganz unbesorgt waren. Dann gab es da ein geheimnisvolles Messer, das zu Beginn des Clips noch nicht da gewesen war, und das man am Ende neben dem Leichnam liegen sehen konnte.

06.08.2016 - 09:21 [ FreedomPost.org / Youtube ]

Half-empty DNC during prime time Crooked Hillary Clinton nomination. Philly. Jul 26, 2016

Contrary to reports of astounding success from CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, and the rest of the dishonest, corrupted mainstream media as usual, an eyewitness shows clips of half-empty Democratic National Convention (DNC) during prime time just after Crooked Hillary Clinton nomination, as Bernie Sanders‘ supporters left the convention center to protest outside

06.08.2016 - 08:44 [ Zeit ]

Donald Trump auf Kuschelkurs

Angesichts fallender Umfragewerte und scharfer Kritik aus den eigenen Reihen hat Donald Trump eine Kehrtwende versucht. In einer Rede stellte er sich am Freitagabend hinter zwei prominente Parteikollegen, die sich um ihre Wiederwahl in den US-Kongress bewerben: den Vorsitzenden des Abgeordnetenhauses, Paul Ryan, und den Senator von Arizona, John McCain.

06.08.2016 - 08:42 [ CNN ]

Trump endorses Paul Ryan

(6.8.2016) Trump earlier in the week had declined to endorse Ryan, as well as Sens. John McCain and Kelly Ayotte. But he then endorsed the Arizona and New Hampshire senators in their primary races.

06.08.2016 - 08:41 [ diePresse.com ]

US-Wahl 2016: Panik greift um sich in Trumps Partei

(5.8.2016) Fast auf den Tag genau drei Monate vor der Wahl am 8. November sind solche Umfrageergebnisse mit großer Vorsicht zu bewerten, zumal das Ergebnis innerhalb der Schwankungsbreite von plus/minus vier Prozentpunkten lag. Doch in der Zusammenschau mit zahlreichen neuen landesweiten und auf Einzelstaaten bezogenen Meinungserhebungen verdichtet sich ein Bild, das für Trump nicht sehr erfreulich sein dürfte.

06.08.2016 - 08:40 [ Washington Post ]

The Daily Trail: Donald Trump‘s love affair with polls is definitely over

The best polling news for Donald Trump on Thursday was that an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll had him down only 9 points to Hillary Clinton.

That survey was released a little while after a poll from McClatchy/Marist that showed Trump down 15 points, pulling only 33 percent of the vote. Those numbers are, to put it bluntly, shocking.

06.08.2016 - 04:55 [ Awesome Tapes from Africa ]

Salah Mustafa

Sudanese legend among the old guard of the new-school-ish artists who helped bring traditional songs and swagger into the modern era. Performing in all manner of ensembles and formats, Salah Mustafa has had a long career. This collection of songs scratches the surface on a vast world of great music that is pretty hard to find outside Sudan and it’s immediate neighborhood, unless you’re nimble with copying and pasting Arabic into google and riding the wave of amazing, labyrinthine free streaming sites…

06.08.2016 - 02:36 [ Salon ]

WATCH: Reporter trolls U.S. State Dept. after Israeli forces steal Palestinian child’s bike

In a surreal moment in the daily press briefing on Thursday, a reporter asked the U.S. State Department spokesperson about the theft of the bicycle of a crying 8-year-old Palestinian girl by Israeli occupation forces.

The State Department spokesperson responded robotically with a detailed description of Israel’s “security concerns,” its “strong democracy” and its “ironclad” alliance with the U.S.