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Daily Archives: 29. Juli 2016
Nuklearer Amoklauf des französischen Energiekonzerns EdF
„Für die Rettung des aktuellen Druckwasserreaktors EPR, dem Kernreaktor-Typ des französischen Nuklearkonzerns, des Reaktors mit der unendlichen Bauzeit, wurde ein unüberschaubares Risiko für die ohnehin überschuldete EDF und letztendlich den französischen Staatshaushalt beschlossen“, so Paticia Lorenz von GLOBAL 2000.
After attack on convoy, UN suspends aid delivery in areas of restive north-eastern Nigeria
UNICEF also confirmed that one of its staff along with a contractor from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) who were injured in the attack were being treated at a local hospital. All other staff from UNICEF and IOM, as well as the UN Population Fund (UNFPA were safe.
S China Sea: Flight display screens at Vietnam airports hacked
State-run media said the messages were about the South China Sea and denounced Vietnam and the Philippines, which are at odds with Beijing over maritime sovereignty. Vietnamese media said the hack was claimed by a group called 1937CN.
Top US general coming to Turkey on July 31: Sources
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford is scheduled to come to Turkey on July 31, according to diplomatic sources, private broadcaster CNN TÜRK has reported.
Aleppo vor und nach der „Revolution“
Fünf Jahre schon herrscht in Syrien Krieg. Das griechische Online-Portal Olympia.gr hat jetzt Fotos veröffentlicht, auf denen Orte in Aleppo vor und nach Ausbruch des Konfliktes gegenüber gestellt werden. Aleppo war vor dem Krieg die größte syrische Stadt, es ist eine der ältesten Städte der Welt und ihre Altstadt wurde von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt.
Neue Erfolge der Assad-Truppen: Aleppo-Viertel nach schwerer Schlacht befreit – VIDEO
Syrische Regierungstruppen haben am Donnerstag das Stadtviertel Bani Zaid in Aleppo nach schweren Gefechten von den Terroristen zurückerobert, wie die syrischen Staatsmedien melden.
Syria: Govt troops regain control of Aleppo district after fierce fighting – reports
Footage, some filmed by drone, captured Syrian government forces in action in the city. Syrian troops have begun clearing landmines in the newly captured district, with opposition fighters reportedly having fled the area or laid down their arms.
FM Çavuşoğlu lambasts Gen Votel who described putschists as ‘Pentagon allies’
Votel said some officers with whom the U.S. had relationships have now been imprisoned for their role in the coup attempt. „I am concerned that it will impact the level of cooperation and collaboration that we have with Turkey,“ he said. Çavuşoğlu described the remarks as „absurd“ and underlined that „the Turkish military is not just composed of coup plotters dressed in uniforms.“
Türkei entbindet Nato-Generäle von Aufgaben
Turkey coup bid: Erdogan says US general ‚taking side of plotters‘
Gen Votel had said on Thursday: „We have certainly had relationships with a lot of Turkish leaders – military leaders in particular. I am concerned about what the impact is on those relationships as we continue.“
President Erdogan said on Friday: „It‘s not up to you to make that decision. Who are you? Know your place! You are taking the side of coup plotters instead of thanking this state for defeating the coup attempt.“
US general is on side of coup plotters: Erdoğan
“The U.S. general [Joseph Votel] stands on the coup plotters’ side with his words. He disclosed himself via his statements,” Erdoğan said during a visit to the Gölbaşı Special Operations Department in Ankara, where bombing by coup plotting soldiers killed scores of police officers.
“Is it up to you to decide on this? Who are you? Instead of thanking the state for repelling the coup attempt, you stand with the coup plotters. The coup plotter is in your country. You are nurturing him there; it’s out in the open,” he said, referring to the U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who lives in Pennsylvania and who is believed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government to have masterminded the failed coup attempt.
#BREAKING Turkish Pres Erdoğan lashes out at U.S General Votel: Who are you, you are taking sides with coup plotters
French lawmaker notes situation around Crimea gradually changing
The French delegation led by Thierry Mariani will stay in Crime from July 29 through 31, 2016. The program of the visit includes meetings with the local authorities, local residents and the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Alexander Vitko. The French lawmakers will also take part in celebrations of the Navy Day in Sevastopol. The delegation is accompanied by member of the Russian State Duma lower parliament house Leonid Slutsky, like a year ago.
Moscow, Ankara discuss construction of two lines of Turkish Stream
Russia and Turkey are discussing construction of two lines of the pipeline Turkish Stream, one of which is to supply gas to Europe, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel on Friday.
„Overall, we are currently talking about construction of two lines. The second line is for European customers, consumers from southwestern European countries; the line can also be laid under the Black Sea and routed through Turkey,“
Willy Wimmer: Nato-Awacs in Abschuss von russischem Kampfjet in Türkei involviert
„Die amerikanische Maschine soll auf Zypern gestartet sein. Die andere ist von einem saudischen Stützpunkt gestartet. Die Nato hat ja für Grenzverletzungen, wenn es denn hier überhaupt dazu kam, Regeln, welche Konsequenzen das hat. Das läuft gewöhnlich so ab, dass erst zivile Einrichtungen das grenzverletzende Flugzeug ansprechen und auf den Irrtum aufmerksam machen oder es zur Landung veranlassen. Wenn das nicht reicht, übernehmen militärische Einrichtungen, die in Friedenszeiten ein Flugzeug auch bestenfalls zur Landung zwingen. Was dort abgelaufen ist, hat in keinster Weise den international verbindlichen Regeln entsprochen. Man hat das russische Flugzeug runtergeholt, weil man es runterholen wollte.“
US-Geheimdienst besorgt | Erdogans „Säuberungen“ helfen ISIS
Pentagon Allies Jailed in Turkey Amid Coup Backlash, General Says
One of the Pentagon’s current strategies in combating Islamic State is to “overwhelm them” with numerous operations simultaneously in Iraq and Syria, he said.
Türkei: Protest für Schließung der NATO-Basis in Incirlik und gegen US-Atomwaffen-Stationierung
(29.7.2016) Vor der Incirlik Militärbasis in Adana, haben gestern über 1.000 Menschen gegen die US- und NATO-Streitkräfte sowie die Stationierung taktischer US-Atomwaffen protestiert. Die Demonstranten forderten die Schließung der Militärbasis. Einige von ihnen behaupteten, dass Kräfte des Stützpunktes den gescheiterten Militärputsch am 15. Juli unterstützt haben.
Ankunft in Incirlik: Tornados sind einsatzbereit
Veröffentlicht am 06.01.2016
Zur Unterstützung der internationalen Allianz gegen den so genannten islamischen Staat sind am 5. Januar 2016 insgesamt vier Tornados mit dem Aufklärungssystem „RecceLite“ aus Deutschland in die Türkei gestartet. Dort landeten sie planmäßig auf der NATO-Airbase in Incirlik.
Neun-Punkte-Plan: Merkel erklärt Islamisten den Krieg – oder so ähnlich
Anti-ISIS-Einsatz: Elite-Truppe KSK soll im Notfall nach Syrien.
German Special Forces Join Operation in Syria‘s North – Reports
Tens of German special forces troops entered the Syrian territory on Tuesday joining French and US troops that are participating in a military operation near the northern Syrian city of Manbij, Arab media reported.
Georgia’s Defense Minister resigns
Georgian minister of Reconciliation and Civil Equality Paata Zakareishvili resigned too. The Government Administration reported that new candidates for the posts of ministers will be announced in the near future.
US allies jailed in Turkey coup roundup – head of US Central Command
“We have certainly had relationships with a lot of Turkish leaders — military leaders in particular. I am concerned about what the impact is on those relationships as we continue,” Gen. Joseph Votel said while speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, a think tank, in Colorado.
Middle East: America‘s Friends Get Arrested in Turkey‘s Post-Coup Purges
Many of the Turkish officers that are the key counterparts for U.S. counterterrorism efforts have been arrested or purged after a failed coup earlier this month.
This is the frank assessment of both the U.S. general in charge of the Middle East and South Asia, Joseph Votel, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
US Concerned Turkish Coup Attempt May Impact Military Operations
The United States is concerned that the failed coup in Turkey could impact US military operations in the region, Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Joseph Votel said at the Aspen Security Forum on Thursday.
General: Nuclear deal hasn‘t changed Iran‘s behavior
(28.7.2016) „No, I don‘t think it has changed their behavior,“ Gen. Joseph Votel said at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. „I think it addresses a specific threat that existed, and I think it‘s probably been successful in addressing that or certainly at least putting it off for a number of years. But it has not necessarily changed the behavior that we see in Central Command.“
‚Forever war:‘ General hints at permanent troops in Afghanistan
(28.7.2016) „I don‘t know if it‘s a ‚forever war;‘ define forever,“ Army Gen. Joseph Votel, who leads the United States Central Command, said during a Q&A at the Aspen Institute. „I think we have to be committed to this. I think this is a protracted conflict against these organizations. A successful operation in Mosul won‘t eliminate ISIL. They will go to the next version of ISIL. They will adapt and we will have to adapt.“
NEW MAP: #YPG secured the Youth Housing, #SAA captured Bani Zeid, Liwa al-Quds attack #Handarat camp. #Aleppo #Syria
#YPG With #SAA in Bani Zaid
Aleppo: Armee siegt
Nach Angaben des Oberkommandos ist der von islamistischen Rebellen beherrschte Westteil der Millionenstadt Aleppo seit Mittwoch von der Außenwelt abgeschlossen, alle Nachschublinien sind unterbrochen. Das meldete am Donnerstag die staatliche syrische Nachrichtenagentur SANA.
BND wusste seit 1966 von Folter in Colonia Dignidad
Allerdings will der BND dies nur aus örtlichen Presseberichten erfahren haben.
Der Lehrer Michael Csaszkóczy durfte 20 Jahre lang vom Geheimdienst beobachtet werden. Gespräch mit Rolf Gössner
„So konstruiert der Geheimdienst aus legalen Berufskontakten zu nicht verbotenen Vereinigungen eine verfassungswidrige ›Kontaktschuld‹. Erst später zog der Verfassungsschutz auch die Inhalte meiner Vorträge und Publikationen in Misskredit und setzte sie einem Extremismusverdacht aus. Einer seiner abstrusen Vorwürfe lautet: Ich würde mit meiner Kritik an Sicherheitspolitik, Polizei und Geheimdiensten, an Berufsverboten – die es niemals gegeben habe – oder am KPD-Verbotsurteil die Sicherheitsorgane diffamieren und wolle den Staat wehrlos machen gegen seine Feinde.“
Bundeswehr: Waffeneinsatz im Inneren – Ja, Nein, Vielleicht?
Um ihre persönlichen Kompetenzen und die der Bundeswehr zu erweitern, hatte von der Leyen jedoch eine Grundgesetzänderung vorgeschlagen. Nur so hätte sie ihre Vorstellung einer Bundeswehr „mit mehr Befugnissen“ durchsetzen können. Die SPD sorgte dafür, dass die entsprechende Passage entschärft wird.
Nach den jüngsten Attacken und Anschlägen in Deutschland dürfte die Änderung auf mehr Gegenliebe stoßen, sowohl innerhalb der verschiedenen Parteien, aber auch bei den verunsicherten Teilen der Bevölkerung.
Im Krieg, meinetwegen
Merkel hat – wenn auch in skurriler Beiläufigkeit – vom Kampf »oder meinetwegen Krieg« gegen den islamistischen Terrorismus gesprochen. Sie hat in diesem Sinn Offenheit gezeigt für eine neuerliche Debatte über Inlandseinsätze der Bundeswehr, die verfassungsmäßig bekanntlich an innere Kriegszustände gebunden sind.
„Im Kontext wachsender Spannungen“ – Chinesisch-russische Manöver im Südchinesischen Meer
Der Sprecher des chinesischen Verteidigungsministeriums, Yang Yujin, hat angekündigt, dass die Volksrepublik China und die Russische Föderation im September gemeinsame Seeübungen im Südchinesischen Meer abhalten werden.
China urges Japan, U.S., Australia to do right things for peace in Asia-Pacific
China on Wednesday urged Japan, the United States and Australia to view and deal with the South China Sea issue in a right attitude.
None of the three nations are directly-concerned parties to the issue, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang in response to question on a trilateral statement issued by the three countries on Monday evening, which touched upon the South China Sea situation.
Two children abused in Australian prison being counter-sued by state
Two of the six aboriginal children teargassed by police while in custody in Australia are being counter-sued by the Northern Territory government for damaging the prison in an escape attempt, according to court documents.
United Arab Emirates Makes Using A VPN A Crime… To Protect The Local Telcos From VoIP Competition
A few years ago, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) seriously clamped down on the internet, with new regulations designed to silence criticism on the internet. There have also been efforts there to ban the use of BlackBerries and other devices that offer encryption. So, perhaps it‘s of little surprise that the UAE has expanded a law that had originally been designed to block VoIP usage, to ban any use of a VPN or proxy that changes your IP address, and makes it all a crime that can get you jail time:
“IMF, The 1000+1 Errors” – Fund’s watchdog criticizes programs in Greece, Ireland and Portugal
The much awaited report of the International Monetary Fund’s independent watchdog (Independent Evaluation Office- ΙΕΟ) is out: 700 pages featuring one by one all the errors, mistakes, miscalculations in the design and implementation of the IMF’s programs in Greece, Ireland and Portugal 2010-2011 and the way it handled the crises in the eurozone.
The report looked into how the IMF handled the eurozone crisis, which began with the May 2010 bailout of Greece, but subsequently spread to Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus.
NSA Surveillance Compliance Reports Show Typos, Lack Of Communication Resulting In Erroneous Targeting And Collection
The Director of National Intelligence‘s office (ODNI) has just released three Section 702 compliance reports covering December 2012 – May 2014.