Daily Archives: 20. März 2016

20.03.2016 - 23:10 [ Truthout ]

After Keystone failure, TransCanada comes up with another pipeline scheme in the U.S.

On Thursday, The New York Times reported that TransCanada, Canada’s second-largest pipeline operator, said it would buy CPG for $10.2 billion. CPG owns about 15,000 miles of natural gas pipeline, mainly in the heavily fracked Marcellus and Utica shale regions. After the deal is made, TransCanada will own about 57,000 miles of gas pipelines in all.

20.03.2016 - 23:07 [ Truthout ]

Why We Must Listen to Survivors of Solitary Confinement

After years of relentless pressure by activists and writers — both inside and outside of prison — solitary confinement is solidly on the national political radar. Thanks in no small measure to the hunger strikes organized by prisoners in California, most notably in 2011 and 2013, momentum around the issue has been building steadily, and even making its way into mainstream politics. In January, President Obama issued an executive order banning solitary for juveniles, and urging limits on the use of solitary for adults.

20.03.2016 - 21:02 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Landesweiter Streik und Demonstrationen gegen Santos in Kolumbien

Trotz starker Regenfälle sind am 17. März in Kolumbien über zwei Millionen Menschen auf die Straße gegangen, um gegen dei Regierung von Präsident Juan Manuel Santos zu demonstrieren. Aufgerufen zu einem Streik und Demonstrationen hatten fast alle Strömungen der Linken.

20.03.2016 - 19:49 [ William Blum / Consortium News ]

To Cuba with Hate

The CIA’s motto might well be: “Proudly overthrowing the Cuban government since 1959.” Now what? Did you think that the United States had finally grown up and come to the realization that they could in fact share the same hemisphere as the people of Cuba, accepting Cuban society as unquestioningly as they do that of Canada?

20.03.2016 - 16:43 [ Curved.de ]

Nimm das, FBI: WhatsApp verschlüsselt bald auch Telefonate

(14.3.2015) Das sieht nach einem klassischen Eigentor aus: Nachdem das FBI Apple zwingen wollte, das iPhone eines Terroristen zu hacken, stellen sich nicht nur immer mehr Tech-Firmen hinter den iPhone-Hersteller, sondern verstärken Ihr Engagement bei der Verschlüsselung von Inhalten. Neuestes Beispiel: Facebook plant, in einigen Wochen auch die Telefonate über seinen Messenger WhatsApp zu verschlüsseln. Dies berichtet die britische Zeitung „The Guardian“.

20.03.2016 - 16:39 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

EU-Turkey deal: An “army” of EU staff to move to Greece (details)

– For the asylum process: 200 Greek asylum service case workers, 400 asylum experts from other Member States deployed by EASO and 400 interpreters
– For the appeals process: 10 Appeals Committees made up of 30 members from Greece as well as 30 judges with expertise in asylum law from other Member States and 30 interpreters
– For the return process: 25 Greek readmission officers, 250 Greek police officers as well as 50 return experts deployed by Frontex. 1,500 police officers seconded on the basis of bilateral police cooperation arrangements (costs covered by FRONTEX)
– Security: 1,000 security staff/army

20.03.2016 - 16:31 [ Mehr News Agency ]

Iran, Turkey reach agreement on gas price

The International Court of Arbitration court ruled against Iran in its gas dispute with Turkey in February, 2016.

Turkey, which buys around 10 billion cubic meters of gas from Iran, opened two separate cases against Iran in 2012. One of the files was over higher gas prices and another was over deficiencies in gas distribution. In the second case, the court sided with Iran.

20.03.2016 - 16:27 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Did Turkey lie to EU about the number of Syrian refugees?

According to data from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees the number of registered Syrian refugees are 2,715,789 as of 6. March 2016.

But the numbers refer to registration accumulating since 2012.

But not all of these registered Syrian refugees have stayed in Turkey. More than a million of them have left Turkey for Europe?

According to UNHCR:

1,000,573 refugees arrived in Europe via Greece and Italy alone in 2015, a total of 856,723 reached Greece from Turkey.

20.03.2016 - 16:24 [ Kurier ]

IS weiterhin mit Bankensystem verbunden

(3.3.2016) Die Dschihadistenorganisation Islamischer Staat hat offensichtlich immer noch Zugang zum weltweiten Bankensystem. Das berichtete das ARD-Magazin „Kontraste“ unter Berufung auf Angaben des deutschen Bundesfinanzministeriums. Demnach hat der IS trotz gegen die Organisation verhängter Sanktionen Zugang zu dem Finanzdienstleister Swift, über den internationale Transaktionen abgewickelt werden, hieß es in einer Vorausmitteilung zur Sendung am Donnerstagabend.

20.03.2016 - 16:12 [ thebureauinvestigates.com ]

Somalia: reported US covert actions 2001-2016

(22.2.2012) The Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is the lead agency in the covert ‘war on terror’ in Somalia, although the CIA also has a strong regional presence.

The US has been carrying out extensive covert military operations inside Somalia since 2001, as a major six-part investigation by the US Army Times recently revealed.

20.03.2016 - 14:39 [ Guardian ]

Ministry of Defence military exercise will feature ‚killer robots‘

The exercise, to be held in the Minch strait between the Inner and Outer Hebrides in October, will focus mainly on the use of unmanned and autonomous maritime craft – both on the surface and under the waves – and air surveillance. The focus will be on areas such as anti-submarine warfare and mine countermeasures as well as intelligence gathering.

20.03.2016 - 13:55 [ Azer News ]

U.S. secretary of state congratulates nations in Central Asia, Caucasus and Iran over Nowruz

„I am delighted to join President Obama in wishing a happy, healthy, and prosperous Nowruz to all our friends around the world who celebrate this holiday. As Americans, we rejoice along with all those from the Islamic Republic of Iran to Central Asia to the Caucasus to communities here in the United States, who come together to celebrate the arrival of Spring and a new year.

20.03.2016 - 06:15 [ Radio Utopie ]

„Konflikt“ von 1983: vom Krieg der Zündhölzer bis zum kollektiven Feuertod

In der Animation löscht ein Atomkrieg letztendlich alles Leben aus und hinterlässt nur verbrannte Erde. Keiner entkommt und ist Sieger in diesem Konflikt. Die Verwendung von Zündhölzern als Akteure vertieft die brisante Botschaft auf geniale Weise – sowie das Umfunktionieren der Streichholzschachtel, einst ein Hort der Gemeinsamkeit, als zerstörerische Langstreckenrakete mit den atomaren Sprengsätzen.

20.03.2016 - 06:15 [ Defense News ]

Carter Open to DoD-wide Nuclear Weapons Fund

For the first time, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has shown public support for the idea of a national nuclear modernization fund, one which would cover all three legs of the nuclear triad.

Appearing Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carter said that a nuclear deterrent fund “may make sense.”

20.03.2016 - 06:13 [ The Herald Scotland ]

Warnings from history of relying at our peril on nuclear weapons

In spite of a blackout on the media, a historic David v Goliath struggle is taking place which effects every person on earth. One of the smallest countries in the world – the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) – is suing all nine nuclear-armed states at the International Criminal Court (ICJ) for their failure to implement the Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), which they signed in 1968. Under Article VI, all signatories agreed, “to work in good faith for the elimination of nuclear weapons”. However, far from eliminating them, the nuclear-armed states are all at present engaged in modernizing their weapons.