Hundreds of Indigenous people took part in a protest for Mapuche Resistance Day in Chile. The Mapuche community – Chile‘s largest Indigenous group – have long struggled against the state and local industry over land rights.
Daily Archives: 12. Oktober 2015
Argentina Replaces Columbus Statue with Indigenous Heroine
Juana Azurduy was a South America guerrilla military leader and critical figure in the South American struggle for independence.
October 12: Day of Indigenous Resistance
On Monday, some Latin American countries are celebrating the Day of the Indigenous Resistance, instead of Christopher Columbus‘ non-discovery of the continent in 1492 and the beginning of its so-called „civilization.“
The Mother of the Saudi Arabian Protester Awaiting Crucifixion Has a Message for the World
As of this writing, neither President Obama nor any prominent US official has opposed the Saudi government’s death sentence. When the State Department’s spokesman was asked about Ali’s case, he claimed he hadn’t heard of it—despite the broad international coverage the case has received. US Uncut contacted the State Department for clarification of the US position on the issue, but received no response.
The US and Saudi Arabia have a very close relationship: just weeks ago Saudi Arabia’s King Salman enjoyed a meeting with Obama at the White House.
Stop talking about a Third Intifada – Israel’s occupation must end
To consider what is happening just as a „new wave of violence“ mainly overlooks the point that Palestinians have been under a belligerent occupation for decades, that Israel continues with its Apartheid policies and to build illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land, and that Israel has been aiming to change Palestine‘s identity; particularly occupied East Jerusalem. Israeli attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, incited by members of Netanyahu‘s government, are just one example of the daily Israeli incitement not only against Palestinian rights as a whole, but against the very existence of an independent State of Palestine as a sovereign nation.
Putin im Interview: Keine Entsendung von Bodentruppen und Militärhilfe für Syrien soll Weg für politische Kompromisse bahnen
Offen räumte Putin den Umstand ein, dass der in den letzten Monaten durch türkische, saudische und katarische Stellvertreter in Nordsyrien geschwächte Präsident nur dann politische Kompromisse erwarten könne, wenn die syrische Armee ihre Kampfbereitschaft beweist.
Mit Blick auf den Marschflugkörper-Angriff vom Kaspischen Meer auf Stellungen des selbsternannten „Islamischen Staates“ sagte Putin, dass der Einsatz eine absolute Überraschung für die US-Geheimdienste gewesen wäre. Er betonte, dass es jedoch nicht die Zeit dafür sei, mit Steinen auf die US-Geheimdienstlandschaft zu werfen:
Updated -Syrian Army and Air Force inflict heavy losses upon terrorists across the country
Units of the army and the armed forces, backed by the Syrian army air force, on Monday carried out wide-scale military operations against the Takfiri terrorist organizations across the country, destroying their dens and positions and inflicting heavy losses upon them in the personnel and the equipment.
Our support for Palestine remains steadfast, says Pranab
India’s traditional support for the Palestinian cause remains “steadfast and unwavering,” and the country is ready to “work with all like-minded nations” for amicably solving the Israel-Palestinian conflict, President Pranab Mukherjee said on Sunday.
Addressing students and academics at the Jordan University here, on the second day of his six-day tri-nation tour to West Asia, President Mukherjee sought to ease concerns among the Arab nations about India’s growing ties with Israel.
#spd #edathy #Hartmann freut sich über neue Ermittlungen wegen Falschaussage
Die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen den Mainzer SPD-Bundestagsabgeordneten Michael Hartmann wegen des Verdachts der uneidlichen Falschaussage. Es gehe um Hartmanns Aussagen vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestags zur Edathy-Affäre, bestätigte ein Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft am Wochenende in Berlin. Bereits im September habe man den Bundestagspräsidenten informiert und das Ermittlungsverfahren eingeleitet.
FDA advisers to weigh concerns over Bayers Essure contraceptive
„After two years I started losing hair. Then I started losing teeth, and over time it got to where my whole body was hurting.“ In 2012 she had the device removed and underwent a hysterectomy. „After three days it was like I woke up from a 5-year flu,“ she said.
Kooperation bleibt geheim
Da sich die Universität und das Unternehmen über die Entscheidung des Landesbeauftragten, wonach der Vertrag dem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz unterliege, hinweggesetzt hatten, reichte die CBG im Jahr 2010 trotz der unwägbaren Kosten Klage ein. Zahlreiche Verbände unterstützten die Forderung nach Offenlegung des Vertrags, darunter Transparency International, der Ärzte-Verband IPPNW, medico international, der AStA der Uni Köln sowie der Deutsche Hochschulverband.
Putin and the Press: The Demonology School of Journalism
The corollary is that ‘Western powers’, despite their peace-loving propensities and fraternal attempts to bring Russia into the democratic ‘fold’, have been ‘forced’ to now surround Russia with NATO military bases and missiles; to finance a violent coup in the Ukraine (on Russia’s frontier) and arm the Ukrainian putsch government and neo-fascist militias to ‘restore democracy’ and violently suppress ethnic Russian ‘separatists’ in Eastern Ukraine. We are told that US and EU sanctions against Russia were carefully crafted ‘diplomatic’ measures designed to punish the Moscow ‘aggressor’.
In reality, the Western media has relentlessly demonized Vladimir Putin in a campaign to further NATO military expansion and undermine the Russian economy and its national security.
PKK to keep to ceasefire as conflict drags on in Turkey‘s southeast
At least 97 people, many from the pro-Kurdish Peoples‘ Democratic Party (HDP), were killed on Saturday in the deadliest such attack in modern Turkey‘s history when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in the middle of a rally near Ankara‘s main train station.
„We will not break the halt to hostilities,“ he said.
Call to the International Community
Regarding this chain of massacres, we have a number of expectations and clear demands from the international community and from political leaders. In making this call, we wish to underscore that the Ankara massacre and the aforementioned previous attacks are international in scope, and to make clear that we see the potential for such events to open the way to regional insecurity.AKP’s policy of relying on radical groups as proxies, which began with President Erdogan’s support of, and even channeling through the intelligence organization MIT, the activities of such groups as ISIS, Al-Nusra, andAhrar Al-Sham—used particularly against Kurds in Rojava—is at the heart of today’s tragedy.
Terror attacks may repeat, warns Turkish intelligence
The National Intelligence Organization of Turkey (MIT) has warned about possibility of repeated terrorist attacks in the country, the Turkish Milliyet newspaper said Oct.12 referring to the MIT.
Another 20 suicide bombers prepare to carry out attacks in different cities of Turkey, according to the MIT.
Turkey not to join Russia against IS (exclusive)
Turkey will not join Russia’s operation in Syria, Paul Goble, the publicist, the former analyst at CIA and the US Department of State, told Trend on Oct. 12.
He was commenting on possible accession of Turkey to Russia’s operations against the Islamic State (IS) in Syria after the recent terrorist act committed in Ankara.
“Single army of Turkic-speaking countries needed for fighting terrorism”
“Both Turkey and Azerbaijan suffer from terrorism,” he said.
Some political forces want to weaken Turkey, said the NGO head, adding that Azerbaijan has been suffering from Armenia’s terrorist activities for over 20 years.
US intelligence was aware of Russia‘s plan to launch operation in Syria
„We knew that Russian President Vladimir Putin was planning to render military assistance to Syrian counterpart Bashar al Assad because they were worried about Assad quitting,“ Obama said.
Video: Palästinenser verübt Messerangriff auf israelische Polizisten und wird niedergeschossen
Eine kürzlich veröffentliche Videoaufnahme zeigt, wie ein 19-jähriger Palästinenser, nachdem er nach seinen Ausweisdokumenten gefragt wurde, auf zwei israelische Polizisten in der Nähe des Damaskus-Tors in der Altstadt von Jerusalem einsticht.
India, U.S., Japan kick off naval drills likely to annoy China
India, Japan and the United States will hold joint naval exercises each year, Indian government sources said on Monday, as the three countries kicked off the first such drills in the Bay of Bengal in eight years, a move likely to concern China.
US government deporting Central American migrants to their deaths
Guardian investigation into consequences of Obama’s migration crackdown reveals US deportees have been murdered shortly after return to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, with study saying as many as 83 killed since 2014
Reports RAF ‘ordered to shoot down Russian jets’ prompts Moscow demands for meeting
Russia summoned Britain’s military attache to explain reports RAF pilots had been given approval to shoot down Russian warplanes in the Middle East, the Foreign Office has said.
An “official explanation” was asked to be provided following reports that RAF Tornado fighters in Iraq had been fitted with missiles designed for aerial combat. The Russian ambassador in London, Alexander Yakovenko, said he “urgently requested explanations” from the Foreign Office, according to The Times. The reports have been described by the Foreign Office as “inaccurate”.
Julian Assange: police removed from outside Ecuadorian embassy
“The MPS will not discuss what form its continuing operation will take or the resourcing implications surrounding it,” it continued. “Whilst no tactics guarantee success in the event of Julian Assange leaving the embassy, the MPS will deploy a number of overt and covert tactics to arrest him.”
Überwiegende Mehrheit der israelischen Bürger mit Netanjahu unzufrieden
Zwei Meinungsumfragen haben ergeben, dass die meisten israelischen Bürger mit der Vorgehensweise ihres Ministerpräsidenten, Benjamin Netanjahu, bezüglich der jüngsten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Palästinensern und den israelischen Streitkräften unzufrieden sind, und die Ansicht vertreten, dass seine politischen Gegner die Lage besser handhaben könnten.
General strike called Tuesday for Arab sector to protest police, support al-Aksa
All Joint List MKs and members of the Committee are also planning to visit al-Aksa on the Temple Mount on Wednesday, despite an order by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prohibiting MKs from visiting the site.
Arab Joint List Head Denounces Terror Attack
Arab Joint List Head Ayman Odeh denounced tonight‘s (Sunday) attack near Gan Shmuel, in which four people were injured.
„I denounce this terrible attack on civilians and the very fact that there were children among the wounded breaks my heart,“ said MK Odeh. „We are facing horrible days that the irresponsible and brutal government has brought upon us, but it is not and has never been our way. The responsibility for the terrible situation belongs to this government and its prime minister.“
Geldwäscheskandal als Grund für Rückzug von Deutsche Bank aus Russland?
Die Bank gab an, dass es Angebote fortan über Drittanbieter in Russland feilbieten wolle.
Saudi Arabia Grants PA $60M to Support Budget
In a press conference, Qattan said this grant was made possible following a decision to increase Saudi Arabia’s monthly contribution toward PA’s budget from $14 million to $20 million.
Abbas Can’t Control the Lost Generation of Oslo
Tens of thousands of families in East Jerusalem and the West Bank fear for the safety of their children, but are also proud that the young people collectively are showing that they are fed up.
Israel‘s Lawless Death Penalty Without Trial Buoyed by Cheers of the Masses
The people of Israel see these pictures and most of them are filled with delight and pleasure, as the media inflames their animal urges.
Verhinderter IS-Terroranschlag in Moskau – Bombenmodell gleicht dem in Ankara
Während in Ankara nach bisherigem Ermittlungsstand Selbstmordattentäter den Terroranschlag begangen haben, sollte die Bomben in Moskau per Handy gezündet werden. Aus Ermittlungskreisen des HAK wurde bekannt, dass als Ziele die Moskauer U-Bahn, ein Einkaufszentrum sowie die zwei Moskauer Flughäfen Domodedowo und Scheremetjewo als Anschlagsorte ausgewählt waren.
Putin im Interview: Keine Entsendung von Bodentruppen und Militärhilfe für Syrien soll Weg für politische Kompromisse bahnen
In einem ausführlichen Fernsehinterview mit dem russischen Staatsfernsehen hat der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin betont, dass die Entsendung von Bodentruppen nach Syrien nicht zur Debatte steht. Zudem negierte Putin imperiale Bestrebungen mit den Worten: „Wenn Sie auf die politische Weltkarte schauen, dann sehen Sie, was Russland ist. Es ist evident, dass wir weder ausländisches Territorium benötigen noch natürliche Ressourcen. Wir sind ein autarker Staat.“
TTIP: Lügen haben dicke Backen – Gut 250.000 Menschen haben Gabriel geantwortet
Die dickste und unverschämteste Lüge aber lässt der Mann in seiner Anzeige ab, wenn er behauptet, ein Zwang zur Privatisierung sei nicht vorgesehen. Munter verhandeln seit 2012 von ihm beauftragte Leute mit den USA über das „Trade in Services Agreement“ (TiSA). Natürlich wieder mal geheim. Über ein US-Handelsdiktat, das „Handelshemmnisse im Sektor Dienstleistungen beseitigen“ soll. Handelshemmnisse wie „Öffentliche Dienstleistungen zur Gesundheits-, Wasser- und Energieversorgung, bei der Bildung, im Finanzsektor“. Und natürlich soll TiSA die „Rückübernahme von privatisierten Energie- und Wasserunternehmen (Rekommunalisierung)“ unbedingt ausschließen.
Gabriel, der kleine Kläffer an der kurzen Leine der USA, will ja nicht mal deutschen Abgeordneten den Zugang zu TTIP-Akten verschaffen, die in der US-Botschaft liegen.
Syria ‚opposition‘ says will boycott UN-backed peace negotiations
A report released by the Wall Street Journal last week said Russian airstrikes were also targeting militants backed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Syria.
Russian air force jet fighters have reportedly demolished numerous vehicles, command posts, communication centers, fuel and ammunition depots, plants used for making bombs and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), as well as several training camps, all used by Daesh.
Email to Hillary Clinton shows the US tried to cover up a WikiLeaks story on Turkey, PKK
The extent of the collaboration might be. In the WikiLeaks document, PKK leader Murat Karayilan said the US provided Turkey with a „special assassination aircraft“ that the group considered direct American involvement in the conflict.
British military helicopter crashes in Afghanistan, five killed
The UK Puma Mk 2 helicopter reportedly crashed in what NATO officials called a „non-hostile incident“ in the capital Kabul on Sunday afternoon.
Putin: Lukashenko‘s victory testifies to his high political authority and trust of people
Alexander Lukashenko recorded a convincing victory at the Belarus President election, Russia President Vladimir Putin believes. He has sent a message of greetings to Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA learned from the press service of the Kremlin.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian in East al-Quds
The killing reportedly took place at Lions Gate in East al-Quds’ Old City on Monday.
HRW slams Israel’s firing on employee, Palestinians
“Indiscriminate or deliberate firing on observers and demonstrators who pose no imminent threat violates the international standards that bind Israeli security forces,” said Kenneth Roth, the executive director of the international rights group.
Lateinamerika erkrankt an der Fehlentwicklung in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Am 16. Oktober findet der Welternährungstag statt. Im neuen Jahrbuch von „Brot für die Welt“ und der Menschenrechtsorganisation FIAN, werden die Lebensmittelkonzerne angepragert. Es sei zwar schön, dass die Konzerne immer mehr Lebensmittel auf den Markt bringen. Diese sind möglicherweise sogar mit dem Ziel Hunger und Mangelernährung zu beseitigen, mit unzähligen künstlichen Zusatzstoffen
Tote bei Protesten im irakischen Kurdistan gegen Barzanis KDP Regierung. Konkurrenz:die PUK
Speaker of Iraqi Kurdish parliament denied entry to capital: assistant
Speaker Yousif Mohammed‘s personal assistant said forces loyal to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) had turned him back on the road from Sulaimaniyah to Erbil, where the parliament is located.
UPDATE 2-Three killed in violent unrest in Iraq‘s Kurdistan region
Sulaimaniyah is ruled by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Gorran party, which are locked in a power struggle with the KDP over the region‘s presidency, vacant since August.
Another KDP office in the town of Said Sadiq came under attack on Saturday from protesters hurling stones.
»Wer etwas anderes als die offizielle Version für das Wahrscheinliche, für das immer Wahrscheinlichere hält, ist nicht mit den Fakten vertraut, sondern irregeleitet«, gibt er die staatstragende Haltung wieder. »›Verschwörungstheorie‹ wird dann geraunt, von jenen am lautesten, die die Praxis dazu sehr gut beherrschen.«
Sicher, manchmal trifft die Killerphrase zufällig die Richtigen – gibt es doch zu dieser Thematik jede Menge Wortmeldungen von Bloggern oder Publizisten, die im harmlosesten Fall wirr und abgeschmackt, wenn nicht interessengeleitet wirken.
15.10.2015 – Buchvorstellung: „Der Rechtsstaat im Untergrund“ in Berlin
Wolf Wetzel befasst sich mit drei zusammenhängenden Strängen untergründiger Staatsaktivitäten. Der erste handelt von den Auswirkungen des permanenten Kriegszustands, begründet mit dem 11. September 2001. Der zweite Strang ist die totale Erfassung und Überwachung der eigenen Bevölkerung, Der dritte Strang staatlichen Untergrunds verfolgt die Spur des NSU. Dreizehn Jahre lang konnten nach offizieller Version Neonazis unerkannt morden. Nun verbrennen Akten und sterben Zeugen. Was ist von dem konstatierten Behördenversagen zu halten, wenn keiner, der daran maßgeblich beteiligt war, zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird?
Moderation: Sebastian Carlens (jW)
U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish militia joins new military alliance: statement
The Democratic Forces of Syria includes the YPG, various Arab groups including Jaysh al-Thuwwar (Army of Rebels), and an Assyrian Christian group.
Experts: Likely Russia-PYD cooperation will not repel ISIS
Claiming that Russia would want to use the opportunity to cooperate with the PYD, Professor Ferhat Pirinççi from Uludağ University’s Department of International Relations said even in the event of such cooperation, “advancements of ISIS might be stopped, but cannot be rebuffed.”
“The YPG’s war power is weak. Moreover, the population structure in YPG-led areas and ISIS-led areas are not the same. Namely, it is hard to say that there will be an impact on the field.”
INTERVIEW: Kurdish autonomy should be a model to end Syrian conflict
Russian airstrikes are a step forward in the war against terrorism, says Sihanouk Dibo, political advisor to the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a leading Syrian Kurdish opposition party and member of the Syrian opposition group in Cairo.
Dibo believes that negotiations with the Bashar Al-Assad regime are inevitable if a solution to the Syrian conflict is to be reached.
„We welcome any intervention that would help fighting terrorism,“ says Dibo, who refutes the claim that Russia has mostly attacked rebels fighting the Syrian government, not the Islamic State (IS) group.
Rand Paul wins ‘liberty voter’ straw poll, Ted Cruz claims otherwise
„Liberty unites people, and I am honored to win the Republican Liberty Caucus straw poll,“ Paul said in a statement. „I will continue to represent the Liberty wing of the Republican Party.“
Ted Cruz sets sights on Rand Paul’s libertarian base
(9.Oktober) Both Cruz and Paul organized intensely for the event, which culminates in a straw poll Saturday night, and representatives for both candidates hovered around attendees with clipboards, urging them to vote. For Cruz, it’s the latest effort to encroach on Paul’s turf, a move that follows the roll-out of a libertarian-stacked team that includes people who backed Ron Paul in 2012.
Donald Trump calls Angela Merkel ‘insane’ for allowing Syrian refugees into Germany
“They’re going to have riots in Germany,” the Republican presidential frontrunner told CBS’ “Face the Nation” about the German leader’s decision to allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the country.
“I always thought Merkel was, like, this great leader. What she’s done in Germany is insane. It’s insane … letting in that many people,” Trump said.
Updated – The Syrian army and air force continue fighting terrorists in different areas
The army established control on Skeik town in Hama northern countryside after eliminating a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists.
The army’s air force killed terrorists in Latmin, Lahaya, al-Latamneh and Kafr Naboudah in Hama countryside.
A military source affirmed that the terrorist organizations have been inflicted heavy losses in personnel and equipment in the wide land military operation carried out by the Army under a support of the Russian air force and in cooperation with the Syrian air force in Hama northern countryside.
Mit russischer Luftunterstützung: Syrische Armee befreit weitere Orte in Hama
Die Terrororganisation Al-Nusra wurde unter anderem aus den Ortschaften Atshan, Tel-Skek und Imkhareint verdrängt, wie ein Korrespondent der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti vor Ort berichtet.
Russland fliegt seit der vergangenen Woche auf Bitte der syrischen Regierung Angriffe gegen den IS, der in den letzten Jahren weite Teile Syriens erobert hat.
Opposition Party Leaders Avoid Canada‘s Role in Global Arms Trade and Wars
Richard Sanders and Justin Podur say Canada‘s leading role in the global arms trade and its participation in war coalitions are in contradiction with the prevailing myth of the nation as a peacemaker
Moderne Evolutionstheorie schlägt Ökonomie (02): Wilsons Buch “Die soziale Eroberung der Erde”
Eine von mehreren Grundannahmen ist bekanntlich die des rationalen Agenten[6], der seinen persönlichen Nutzen maximiert. Diese Annahme wird in der Ökonomie nicht erklärt, sondern nur postuliert[7]. Wilson dagegen leitet seine Erkenntnisse evolutionsbiologisch ab mit entsprechenden empirischen Untersuchungen.