Daily Archives: 16. März 2015

16.03.2015 - 17:59 [ Hackesche Höfe Kino ]

The Visitor

Eine junge Frau, die Regisseurin selbst, wandert stumm durch die drei Metropolen, beobachtet und lässt sich vom Zufall treiben. Sie bricht die Regel der Bezugslosigkeit im öffentlichen Raum, nimmt Bezug auf den einzelnen Menschen, ohne die üblichen Höflichkeitsformen und Erklärungen, überhaupt ohne Sprache, dafür in Anwesenheit der Kamera. Drei Menschen kommt sie so überraschend nah: einem brasilianischer Taxifahrer, der seit 15 Jahren in seinem Taxi wohnt, einer erfolgreichen Marketingmanagerin in Shanghai und einem chinesischen Wanderarbeiter. Mit ihnen teilt die Regisseurin Zeit, Essen und Schlafplatz. Durch die Anwesenheit der Besucherin im fremden Leben verschwimmen langsam die Grenzen zwischen „Ich“ und „dem Anderen“, zwischen Beobachterin und Beobachtetem.

16.03.2015 - 17:58 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘We aim to shape the democratic and moral alternative in this country’ — an interview with Ayman Odeh

O: I believe in dialogue with other parties. If there was a party prepared to meet with us halfway– for example, I will be glad to meet them halfway and maintain our differences in the rest of the cases. I also say to the Jewish-Israeli public and all the marginalized people, the poor: vote for what you see.

We will be with you. I say to those disabled: vote for what you want, we will vote with you. I say to the pensioners: vote for who you want, we will be with you.

16.03.2015 - 17:56 [ Mondo Weiss ]

The farewell party of the mezuzah-kissers

As I heard this and heard the sea of Jews in Rabin Square chant Bibi Bibi, I had to wonder: Why did Obama ever meet with this man, let alone meet with him more than a dozen times? Why didn’t he just say, You know my number, when you are willing to cut a deal, call me? The US press which also presumes to support the idea of two states never asked this question.

16.03.2015 - 17:51 [ Tagesspiegel ]

Funkzellenauswertung: So wird abgefragt

(24.1.2012) Der Berliner Vizepolizeipräsidentin zufolge wurden auf der Suche nach Autobrandstiftern nur benutzte Handys erfasst: Diese Verbindungsdaten, also geführte Telefonate, verschickte und empfangene SMS oder Internetnutzung per Smartphone, werden gespeichert.

16.03.2015 - 17:42 [ Techdirt ]

EU Releases Its Regulatory Approach For Drones; US Puts Out ‚Request For Comments‘ On Commercial And Private Use

As Techdirt has reported, the FAA is being strangely unhelpful when it comes to authorizing commercial drone use. In that article, Mike warned that this might lead to other countries moving ahead in this fast-developing area, and he was right: the EU body for air safety, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), has now presented its regulatory approach for drones. It is based on three categories of operations and their associated regulatory regime: open, specific and certified (pdf):

16.03.2015 - 17:39 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

“Democratic” Germany wants to overturn Greece’s democratically elected government

Well.. well… well… Τhe Kommandatur in Berlin wants to have Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis replaced. The first articles on this issue started to circulate a couple of weeks ago. There were claims that the German ambassador in Athens had intervene towards this direction. Along the way, the German intervention towards Athens has got out of control, reaching a dangerous, if not a truly shameless point.

16.03.2015 - 17:38 [ RT ]

Putin im Krim-Interview: USA trainierten rechte Nationalisten vor dem Kiew-Putsch

“Die Finte, die in dieser Situation ausprobiert wurde, war, dass die ukrainische Opposition nach außen hin am stärksten von den Europäern unterstützt wurde”, so Putin im Interview und erläuterte weiter:

“Wir wissen aber mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass unsere amerikanischen Freunde die eigentlichen Ideengeber hinter der Aktion waren. Sie haben dabei geholfen, die Nationalisten und ihre bewaffneten Einheiten in der Westukraine, in Polen und zum Teil in Litauen zu trainieren. Sie haben den bewaffneten Staatsstreich auf diese Weise erleichtert.”

16.03.2015 - 16:56 [ Dances with bears ]

IMF makes Ukraine war-fighting loan – allows the US to fund military operations against Russia, may repay russian bond and Gazprom bill – Franklin Templeton bond deal in freefall

Referring to military spending by the government, the IMF dossier acknowledges the “risks to the outlook are exceptionally high and predominantly on the downside. Fighting in the East may resume and spread. This would unravel confidence, increase the direct loss of economic and export capacity while military spending may rise sharply.” This is an admission that the war is what the IMF charter labels “measures destructive of national or international prosperity.”

16.03.2015 - 08:07 [ Weißes Haus ]

President Obama Marks the 50th Anniversary of the Marches from Selma to Montgomery

(8.März) Many of those original „foot soldiers“ joined him yesterday, including Congressman John Lewis, who helped to organize the first march over this bridge in 1965, who endured a tragic beating on that „Bloody Sunday,“ and who yesterday strode arm in arm with the President of the United States.

16.03.2015 - 08:06 [ Haaretz ]

Rightist rally proves: Likud turned from party of the masses to party of settlers

Whoever walked around Rabin Square and the surrounding streets Sunday night could not be confused about the makeup of the crowd of 25,000 at the right-wing rally. The majority of the audience was young people wearing knitted skullcaps. There were some Likud placards at the rally, but the dominant color was the green on the signs of Habayit Hayehudi.

16.03.2015 - 07:59 [ National Post ]

Benjamin Netanyahu claims ‘worldwide’ conspiracy trying to unseat him in last-ditch effort to rally support

In an extraordinary message posted on Facebook, the prime minister wrote: “The government of the right is in danger. Leftist activists and the foreign and international media are conspiring to get Tzipi and Buji [Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog, the joint leaders of the Zionist Union] elected via illegitimate means, using innuendo and foreign money.

“Those foreign organizations understand that if Tzipi and Buji are in charge, they will give up everything. They’ll withdraw to the 1967 boundaries and they will divide Jerusalem — just as Tzipi and Buji promised they would do. They know that unlike Tzipi and Buji, the Likud and I will never surrender to pressure.”

16.03.2015 - 05:37 [ ACLU ]

Q&A: Why is the Wikimedia Foundation suing the NSA?

Q: How does surveillance or the fear of surveillance affect readers and editors of Wikipedia and its sister projects?
A: Mass surveillance is a threat to intellectual freedom and a spirit of inquiry, two of the driving forces behind Wikimedia. Wikipedia is written by people from around the world who often tackle difficult subjects. Very frequently they choose to remain anonymous or pseudonymous. This allows them to freely create, contribute, and discover, without fear of reprisal. Surveillance might be used to reveal sensitive information, create a chilling effect to deter participation or, in extreme instances, identify individual users. Pervasive surveillance undermines the freedoms upon which Wikipedia and its communities are founded.

16.03.2015 - 05:22 [ 972Mag.com ]

How the Joint List has already made history in Israel

The fact that the Joint List is likely to be the third largest slate in the next Knesset means they cannot be ignored. All the Israeli papers, analysts and news broadcasters are suddenly forced to relate to “the Arabs” — the 20 percent of the population that are normally out of sight and mind when Israelis goes to the polls.

16.03.2015 - 05:19 [ The Jewish Press ]

Report: Tony Blair to Resign as Quartet Mideast Envoy

Nevertheless, according to a report Sunday by the Financial Times, Blair’s role as representative to the region — recommended by then-U.S. President George W. Bush — as envoy for the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations, was always controversial.

16.03.2015 - 03:23 [ youtube ]

Let The Path Grow Over – John Callaghan

From the forthcoming album `If Every Day Were Like This One´ (Antigen Records). http://johncallaghan.co.uk

Copyright & property John Callaghan 2015.

16.03.2015 - 03:14 [ Hambacher Forst ]


RWE-Belegschaft mal wieder lebensbedrohlich
Die Mitarbeiter*innen von RWE haben angekündigt, den besetzten Bagger zu schwenken, nachdem die Aktivist*is schon oben waren. Dies könnte allerdings lebensbedrohlich für die Kletter*innen sein, die teilweise am Turm des Baggers und teilweise an beweglichen Teilen hängen. Nachdem die Angestellten schon klar auf diesen Umstand hingewiesen worden waren, haben sie noch ausdrücklich gedroht, die Maschinen anzuschmeißen, wenn die Menschen nicht innerhalb von fünf Minuten unten wären. Und ein Ende der offenen Morddrohungen ist nicht in Sicht.

16.03.2015 - 03:01 [ Bandcamp ]

Anger Management by Legacy ID

Legacy ID is band from Latvia. Formed in February of 2013, the group consists of guitarist Artis Apinis, vocalist Andis Jekabsons, drummer Ivars Logins and bassist Andrey Nikitin.
(via got-djent.com)

16.03.2015 - 02:52 [ The Raw Story ]

Here are 10 horrifying facts about one of the worst bullies in the Senate — Tom Cotton

7. He received $700,000 for his senate campaign from the Emergency Committee for Israel. That’s correct — $700,000! Such an exorbitant amount of money ensures that Cotton is one of the most pro-Israel senators in Congress. During the 2014 Israeli invasion of Gaza, when over 500 Palestinian were killed, Cotton called the Israeli defense force “the most moral, humanitarian fighting force in the world.”

16.03.2015 - 02:30 [ Think Progress ]

Tom Cotton Seems Confused About The Basic Geography Of Iran

The Iranians frequently bluff to walk away from the table. if they bluff this week, call their bluff. The Congress stands ready to impose much more severe sanctions. Moreover we have to stand up to Iran’s attempts to drive for regional dominance. They already control Tehran increasingly they control Damascus and Beirut and Baghdad and now Sana’a as well. They do all that without a nuclear weapon. imagine what they would do with a nuclear weapon.

16.03.2015 - 02:29 [ Agora Vox ]

Ariane Walter à `Marianne´ au sujet des `Fous du complot´

Les citoyens sur le Net sont trop informés. Il faut donc des menaces, du „patriot act“ dans l’air, des sanctions, pour que la liberté de réfléchir n’existe plus. Les projets de la clique Valls-Hollande sont effrayants.“Marianne“, dans une édition consacrée aux fous du complot, rejoint l’armada de la presse atlantiste. Qu’ils utilisent l’expression „théorie du complot“ qui est une invention de la CIA, est un signe qui ne trompe pas. Etant citée dans leur goulbi-boulga de copier-coller, je me fais un plaisir de leur répondre.

16.03.2015 - 02:12 [ L`Express ]

Conspirations, rumeurs, parodies: l`annuaire des sites `d`infaux´

`C´est quoi ce site?´ Certaines `informations´ trouvées en ligne peuvent surprendre. L‘Express recense les sources à consulter avec précaution, parce qu‘elles sont satiriques ou insuffisamment fiables.Cette base de données est collaborative et a vocation à évoluer en fonction de vos retours…

16.03.2015 - 02:00 [ Saker ]

France at war with alternative medias

A full fledged media campaign against “conspiracy theories” has just started, telling the good people of France that all Websites challenging the single worldview the French government want to impose are all nests of fascists, Nazis, terrorists, lunatics and anti-semitics. All this in the name of Freedom of Thought.
Next will come a law prohibiting all those sites, that could lead to forced closure and arrest of those who just question the official thinking.
In the meantime, many French are thanking those magazines for the opportunity to introduce them to informative Websites they were longing for. An eloquent proof that the French still believe in the plurality of views.

16.03.2015 - 01:51 [ Boring Machines/Bandcamp ]

La Piramide di Sangue – Tebe LP

Thousands of perfumed rivulets invade the city streets of Turin and meet below the Egyptian Museum becoming stronger and melting into furious anthems. La Piramide di Sangue is a mosaic of meditative and restless sounds with no sonic boundaries which embrace spores of psychedelic rock of all ages, mediterranean cultures and wah-wah explosions.