Daily Archives: 10. Februar 2015

10.02.2015 - 23:20 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Russland und Kuba diskutieren gemeinsame Projekte

Nach dem Besuch von Präsident Wladimir Putin in Kuba im vergangenen Sommer plant Russland, in den kommenden Jahren wichtige Industrieprojekte in Kuba auf den Weg zu bringen. Zu den besprochenen Vorhaben zählt unter anderem die Errichtung eines Kraftwerks zur Stromerzeugung in der Sonderwirtschaftszone von Mariel, mit einer Kapazität von 800 Megawatt. Auch die Erneuerung eines Stahlwerks in Havanna sowie die Beteiligung des russischen Energiekonzerns Sarubeschneft bei Offshore-Ölbohrungen wurde erörtert.

10.02.2015 - 20:56 [ Voice of America ]

Exclusive: US Gives Uzbekistan Military Equipment Boost

The United States is giving Uzbekistan hundreds of military vehicles, says a top U.S. diplomat in an exclusive interview with VOA Uzbek. It is one of the largest equipment transfers by the United States to a Central Asian nation and a move likely to renew concerns over Uzbekistan‘s human rights record.

Daniel Rosenblum, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central Asia, said Uzbekistan needs the vehicles for counter-terrorism and counter-narcotic efforts.

10.02.2015 - 20:55 [ Trend ]

US to always support territorial integrity of Central Asian countries – State Department

The US will always support the territorial integrity and independence of each country in Central Asia, said the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central Asia Daniel Rosenblum during a telephone press conference Feb.10.

“We will support the independence, as well as sovereignty and territorial integrity of each Central Asian country as before,” said Rosenblum.

He said that the US plans to expand cooperation with the countries of the region in security sphere.

“We do not want to see the countries of Central Asia as a haven for terrorists,” said a spokesman for the US State Department. “We are for the expansion of our cooperation in security, as well as confronting such transnational threats as terrorism, drug trafficking and “Islamic state.”

10.02.2015 - 18:54 [ Universität des Saarlandes ]

Saarbrücker Cybersicherheits-Studenten entdecken bis zu 40.000 ungesicherte Datenbanken im Internet

Am meisten erschreckte die Studenten die Kundendatenbank eines französischen börsennotierten Internetdienstanbieters und Mobiltelefoniebetreibers, die Adressen und Telefonnummern von rund acht Millionen Franzosen enthielt. Laut Aussage der Studenten befanden sich darunter auch eine halbe Million deutscher Adressen. Die Datenbank eines deutschen Online-Händlers inklusive Zahlungsinformationen hätten sie ebenfalls ungesichert vorgefunden. „Die darin gespeicherten Daten reichen aus, um Identitätsdiebstähle durchzuführen. Selbst wenn diese bekannt werden, plagen sich die betroffenen Personen noch Jahre danach mit Problemen wie beispielsweise Verträgen, die Betrüger in ihrem Namen abgeschlossen haben“, sagt Backes.

10.02.2015 - 17:40 [ Boddinale ]

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015: 18 to 23 _On 5 Screens / Loophole + Kaleidoskop /

Sounds Queer
by Dan Bahl

Skandal im Wald
by Miss Vergnügen

by Anton Hempel

Open Eyes
by Felipe Frozza

Church and State
by Umberto Baccolo

10.02.2015 - 17:36 [ Gideo Levy / Middle East Eye ]

The death of the Israeli left

The Israeli left, if it has ever existed at all, is dead. The Israeli Peace Camp, the preferred way to designate the left in the Israeli context, breathed its last breath about 15 years ago and has never been resurrected.

10.02.2015 - 17:35 [ Techdirt ]

Obama To Germans Worried About NSA Surveillance: ‚Hey, Trust Us!‘

It‘s often been said that trust is something that you earn — or that you completely destroy in irredeemable ways. So it‘s a little bizarre to see President Obama trying to restore German trust in the US (and specifically over NSA surveillance) with a bogus „hey, trust us“ line, when his own government has spent the past few years doing everything possible to undermine any residual trust. Yet here he is, in a joint appearance with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asking for „the benefit of the doubt.“

10.02.2015 - 17:33 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Guest post: Why IMF’s Greek program cannot work: wrong fiscal multipliers and wrong forecasts

Why is the Greek austerity program wrong and the bailout conditions totally wrong? Because the IMF “Multiplier” was wrong! Remember the International Monetary Fund report from June 2013 admitting that the IMF failed to realize the damage caused by the austerity and that IMF applied wrong fiscal multipliers? “Hence the Troika and the bailout conditions for Greece are wrong and the Greek govt is perfectly within its rights to ask for new one, that is not based on errors” notes our economist friend Cheshire Cat, who sent us an article explaining the madness.

10.02.2015 - 17:19 [ Techdirt ]

French Government Declares Independence From Free Speech: Broad Internet Take-Down Powers Now In Place

As its plan to completely shatter the support it received recently by attacking the very same concept of free speech its enemies declared war upon with terrorist attacks on a parody magazine not so many weeks back, the French government‘s ability to be laughable and simultaneously dangerous never ceases to amaze.

10.02.2015 - 16:00 [ AlterNet ]

7 Fascist Regimes Enthusiastically Supported by America

President Barack Obama inspired a great deal of debate when, in December, he asserted that it was time for the United States to begin to normalize relations with Cuba and start loosening the embargo that has been in effect since the early 1960s.

10.02.2015 - 15:31 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Lügen und Drohungen

Demgegenüber erklärte der Präsident des BND, Gerhard Schindler, er gehe mit einem „guten Gefühl“ in die „Diskussion“ über die Kooperation mit den US-Geheimdiensten. Dass diese die von seinem Spionageapparat erhobenen Daten für Drohnenangriffe und illegale Hinrichtungen nutzen, problematisierte er nicht.

10.02.2015 - 15:30 [ Youtube ]

Aufruf der Studenten von der Krim an die Studenten der Ukraine

Seid gegrüßt, Studenten der Ukraine! Die Krim, über die Ihr so viel in Eurem Videoaufruf gesprochen habt ist meine Heimat! Hier bin ich geboren und ging zur Schule. Hier bin ich aufgewachsen. Ihr sagtet, dass das Referendum unter vorgehaltenen Waffen stattfand? Wart Ihr etwa hier vor Ort? Ihr nicht die Freudentränen der Krimeinwohner gesehen. Ihr habt auch nicht gehört, wie sie sich gegenseitig zu

10.02.2015 - 08:44 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Imperium will “globale Koalition” für Terrorkrieg 2.0 und bastelt an “Nachrüstung” der Kriegsvollmacht aus 2001

(2.9.2014) Was also nun? Die Totalüberwachung der Bevölkerung beenden? Das Internet nicht mehr als Beute-Reservoir plündern, Geschäftsgeheimnisse nicht mehr rauben, demokratische Prozesse nicht mehr sabotieren, “Meinungsführer”, Funktionäre und Personen in Schlüsselpersonen, die die Macht des Spionage-Apparates und der Nomenklatura gefährden, nicht länger bespitzeln, beglotzen oder erpressen?

Nicht doch. Was für eine zivilistische Vorstellung. Ihre Majestäten müssen sich doch in Acht nehmen, vor dem Hunpower-Media Complex. Dazu braucht man doch Vorwissen. Oder waren es “Erkenntnisse im Vorfeld”?

Aufgrund der Zwickmühle, in die die imperiale Lügenmaschinerie geraten ist, versucht nun die Machtzentrale des U.S.-Imperium, das Weiße Haus, offensichtlich seinen 13-jährigen Terrorkrieg zu retten und stattdessen noch zu eskalieren und in Orwellscher Manier (“Ostasien? Eurasien! Da lang! Nein, da lang!”) umzudefinieren. Entsprechend soll die Kriegsvollmacht aus 2001 “nachgerüstet”, umgeschrieben und auf einen neuen Feind gemünzt werden, damit der Terrorkrieg weitergeht, der Westblock militärisch in Bewegung bleibt und nicht etwa ein Frieden ausbricht.

10.02.2015 - 08:38 [ Techdirt ]

CIA Wanted To Throw The CFAA At Senate Staffers For Unauthorized Googling

According to the CIA‘s investigators, Senate staffers accessed documents they weren‘t supposed to see, apparently by „abusing“ the shared network set up explicitly for the Torture Report compilation. What Wheeler spotted — in a very thorough fisking of the CIA investigative report by Katherine Hawkins of Just Security — is the attempted criminalization of Google searches.

10.02.2015 - 08:36 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘My time in the US has come to an end‘: Dr. Sami al-Arian on his deportation and the fight for justice in post 9/11 America

Three decades ago Palestinian Islamic Jihad was one of the most well known militant groups in the world. It wreaked havoc on Israel, carrying out numerous suicide bombings that took the lives of more than 100 during the intifada years. One of its leaders had taught at the University of South Florida and in the wake of his relocation to Syria his colleague who taught at the same university, Dr. Sami al-Arian, became the center of a terrorism investigation. Al-Arian was an unexpected presumed jihadist. He was a known civil rights activist who was invited to the White House, and had ties to congress and top GOP operatives. In 2000 he campaigned for Muslims to vote for George W. Bush.

10.02.2015 - 08:29 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Juncker, Schaeuble react to Greek gov’t program, France & Austria favor an agreement

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras pleasantly surprised Greeks with the announcement of a series of measures to boost the social welfare state, to provide aid to vulnerable groups of the society and tax breaks to low-incomers, to cut state expenditure and to overhaul the institutions. The Greek PM also rejected the Eurogroup proposal for a bailout extension and asked for a bridge program until June, instead.

10.02.2015 - 03:22 [ Space Daily ]

Rivers might constitute just 20 percent of continental water flowing into oceans

If you think rivers are what send terrestrial rainfall back into the oceans, you don‘t know the half of it. And that fraction keeps shrinking. According to new research, it might be that only one-fifth of the water flowing from the continents into the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans runs through overland channels of water. And just as surprising, a vast amount flows into the land from the ocean.

10.02.2015 - 03:06 [ Space Daily ]

Russia suspends joint space program with Ukraine

Likely as a response to the possibility of Russia‘s withdrawal, Sergei Boita, general director of Ukraine‘s Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, estimated the annual loss for the bureau at around 200 million U.S. dollars.

10.02.2015 - 01:23 [ ACLU ]

Congress Lines Up 3 Bills to Protect Our Emails From Unwarranted Government Intrusion

Don‘t get too excited, though: This bill, like similar efforts aimed at bringing the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act into the 21st century, wouldn‘t mess with the NSA‘s unconstitutional surveillance programs. Lofgren‘s bill, Sen. Leahy‘s Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015, and a similar bill brought by Reps. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and Kevin Yoder (R-Ky.) provide loopholes for what the federal government calls „foreign“ intelligence surveillance. In other words, NSA/FBI programs like PRISM wouldn‘t be affected if these important bills were signed into law.