Daily Archives: 12. Januar 2015

12.01.2015 - 22:44 [ The Telegraph ]

Watch: Nine-year-old HS2 protester Alex Rukin appears before Parliament

He told the HS2 Hybrid Bill Committee that the new rail line will run over a viaduct opposite his mother‘s house in Balsall Common in the West Midlands and will disrupt his sleep, while construction works threaten to affect roads in the area for many years.

In his petition, Alex told MPs that he thinks HS2 is a „stupid“ idea which will cost more money than its supporters claim, and that people of his age-group will end up having to pay for it through their taxes.

12.01.2015 - 22:20 [ Gary Porter / Consortiumnews ]

Twisting the Iran-Nuke Intelligence

For more than three decades, the United States and its European allies have committed one fundamental error after another in the process of creating a commonly held narrative that Iran was secretly pursuing a nuclear weapons program.

12.01.2015 - 21:09 [ Alles Schall und Rauch ]

Saudi-Regime peitscht Blogger aus

Unser engster Alliierter in der arabischen Welt und bester Kunde für Waffen, das Regime in Saudi-Arabien, hat den Blogger Raif Badawi am Freitag öffentlich ausgepeitscht. Er erhielt die ersten 50 Peitschenhiebe von 1000 als Strafe für das Betreiben einer Webseite, die sich für die freie Meinungsäusserung in Saudi-Arabien einsetzt.

12.01.2015 - 19:40 [ Democracy Now! ]

„Circus of Hypocrisy“: Jeremy Scahill on How World Leaders at Paris March Oppose Press Freedom

… you have General Sisi, the dictator of Egypt, who apparently is showing his solidarity for press freedom by continuing to preside over the imprisonment of multiple Al Jazeera journalists whose only crime was doing actual journalism and scores of other Egyptian journalists that never get mentioned in the news media…

… the—let’s remember that the United States bombed Al Jazeera in Afghanistan very early on after 9/11, then bombed the Sheraton Hotel in Basra, Iraq, where Al Jazeera journalists were the only journalists. Then they killed one of the most famous Al Jazeera correspondents in Baghdad in April of 2003, when Victoria Clarke, George Bush’s Pentagon spokesperson at the time, basically said if you’re an unembedded journalist, you’re with the terrorists, and if you die, it’s not our fault. They shelled the Palestine Hotel, killing a Reuters cameraman and the Spanish cameraman José Couso. So, yes, we should be condemning any and all attacks, especially when they’re killing journalists, no matter who the perpetrators are, but let’s not act as though the West’s hands are clean and that any one of those world leaders marching yesterday, that their hands are clean on these matters.

12.01.2015 - 17:11 [ Golem ]

VoIP-Verweigerern droht die Telekom weiterhin mit Kündigung

Entgegen dem Versprechen der Deutschen Telekom geht es dieses Jahr mit den Kündigungen weiter: Kunden droht der Verlust ihres Festnetzanschlusses, wenn sie sich nicht bereiterklären, einen neuen Vertrag abzuschließen. Denn die Deutsche Telekom will bis Ende 2018 das eigene Netz in Deutschland komplett auf IP-Technik umstellen, und damit alle Altanschlüsse.

12.01.2015 - 16:45 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Notes from the Fight Against Surveillance and Censorship: 2014 in Review

We’re also continuing our efforts to encrypt as much of the web as possible through EFF technical projects like HTTPS Everywhere and Let’s Encrypt. We’re helping to protect online privacy with Privacy Badger, an add-on to ward off online trackers, and Surveillance Self-Defense, an extensive toolkit to teach technology users how to use encryption and resist government surveillance.

12.01.2015 - 16:40 [ ZDNet ]

UK spy chief warns Apple, Google privacy effort is „closing off“ ability to catch terrorists

Parker adds his name to the list of opposition to a move by Apple and Google to include device encryption by standard. The latest software version for iPhones, iPads, and Android devices encrypts user data with a passcode. Apple and Google say they do not have a master key, therefore forcing law enforcement and intelligence agencies to seek data from the device owner themselves.

12.01.2015 - 10:06 [ Counterpunch ]

Neoliberalism’s Latin American Struggle

Neoliberalism in Latin America has been a bust, a dud, a fiasco, except for the wealthy for whom it turned into the bonanza of a lifetime. The people know it, and they’re slowly, methodically, assuredly turning left.

What of the rest of the world?

12.01.2015 - 09:43 [ PressTV ]

Burkina Faso to rebuff French domination

Experts say the revolution currently taking place is not only a revolution against Compoare, but also against the French and Western power in the region.

Burkina Faso is the base for French Special Forces in Africa. It has also been subjected to a devastating Western economic program based on exploiting the country.

12.01.2015 - 09:32 [ International Middle East Media Center ]

Israeli Settler Opens Fire At A Palestinian Market In Jerusalem

Local sources said that the Israeli assailant lives in one of the illegal colonial outposts in the Old City, and that he started walking provocatively in the market, while carrying his government-issued automatic rifle.

12.01.2015 - 09:28 [ AIC ]

Two infants, man die from cold in Gaza

A two-month-old girl, Rahaf Abu Assi, from Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, died on Friday of „a pulmonary obstruction caused by the cold,“ said Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesman from the Palestinian Ministry of Health to AFP. Al Qudra added that a one-month-old boy, Adil Maher al-Lahham, also from Khan Yunis, died in his home on Saturday, but did not provide further details.

12.01.2015 - 09:13 [ B'Tselem ]

How can you weather the storm when you’re barred from building a home?

This is what it means to weather the winter in Susiya, as well as in dozens of other Palestinian communities in Area C, whose residents Israeli authorities are trying to displace.

Nasser Nawaj‘ah, B‘Tselem field researcher in the Southern Hebron Hills and a resident of Khirbet Susiya filmed scenes from the storm:

12.01.2015 - 07:34 [ Techdirt ]

When We Call Criminal Acts ‚Terrorism‘ We Destroy Our Rights And Sacrifice Our Principles

Every so often over the past decade or so in the „age of terrorism,“ someone has raised the issue of why we treat „terrorism“ as somehow distinct from criminal activity. We let the intelligence community, rather than law enforcement, focus on terrorism (even as some in law enforcement — notably, the FBI and the NYPD — have tried to redefine their missions as being about terrorism). In the past, I‘ve actually seen the wisdom of treating terrorism and criminal activities as separate, especially when terrorism was part of a larger, coordinated effort (especially when connected with state-level actors).

12.01.2015 - 07:32 [ Noam Chomsky / telesur ]

We Are All – Fill in the Blank

The passionate and ubiquitous chants “I am Charlie,” and the like, should not be meant to indicate, even hint at, any association with the journal, at least in the context of defense of freedom of speech. Rather, they should express defense of the right of free expression whatever one thinks of the contents, even if they are regarded as hateful and depraved.

12.01.2015 - 04:28 [ International Business Times ]

US Goes To War To Make Money, Not Save Lives – American Peace Activist

„All this of course conflict and violence is just what the oligarchs have ordered, using their age old winning formula of divide and conquer, always to blind people into hating and blaming other groups as scapegoats,“ Hagopian said. „The latest current events sweeping the headlines are part of the banking cabal‘s design to create war, destabilize and destroy nations and economies and impoverish, kill and reduce the global population.“

12.01.2015 - 04:22 [ Worcester Telegram ]

Obama taps Treasury official for CIA No. 2

In the past, the CIA‘s No. 2 job, which does not require Senate confirmation, has often been filled by agency veterans or senior military officers. Cohen, a lawyer who has no previous CIA experience, will replace Avril D. Haines, who left the CIA to become Obama‘s deputy national security adviser.

12.01.2015 - 04:15 [ Patch ]

Police Charge 2 Protesters with Trespassing at Dick Cheney‘s Home

The two arrested were part of a larger group of protesters, some dressed in orange and wearing black masks, who eventually made their way to the main entrance of the CIA headquarters in Langley Saturday morning. The entrance is at Dolley Madison Boulevard near Georgetown Pike. Cheney’s home is nearby.

According to messages posted to social media by a group called CODEPINK, the group stopped first at the homes of both CIA director John Brennan and at Cheney’s home before making their way to the CIA entrance.

12.01.2015 - 03:44 [ PressTV ]

Investigation to look into UK-US rendition report’s covered-up content

Now Don DeBar, a New York-based Radio Host and Political Commentator, says: “The British government should be accountable for the CIA’s torture program” the way the US should.

“Torture is a crime under international law. Every person involved should be accountable, and every government official who fails to hold them accountable should be held again accountable for their failure to perform their oath of office,” he told Press TV’s UK Desk on Sunday.

12.01.2015 - 01:11 [ Abgeordnetenwatch ]

abgeordnetenwatch.de verklagt den Deutschen Bundestag

Welche Lobbyisten gehen auf Einladung der Fraktionen im Deutschen Bundestag ein und aus? Weil die Bundestagsverwaltung dazu die Auskunft verweigert, hat abgeordnetenwatch.de Klage vor dem Berliner Verwaltungsgericht eingereicht. Es geht insbesondere um die Lobbykontakte der Großen Koalition, die nach dem Willen von Union und SPD geheim bleiben sollen.

12.01.2015 - 01:09 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Immer den Staat im Nacken

Das Geld vom Staat reicht fürs bloße Überleben. Ein Mehr, eine Teilhabe am Leben gibt es nicht mehr. Als ihr Freunde zu Weihnachten Geld aufs Konto überweisen, nimmt es der Staat ihr weg.