Daily Archives: 25. Dezember 2014
Deutschlands „wichtige Rolle in der Welt“, heute erklärt mit 300 Millionen Euro:
How democratic are Israeli elections?
This time around, at least nine of the parties contesting the election will not be holding any type of primary. In four of the parties – Livni’s Hatnua, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu, Yair Lapid‘s Yesh Atid, and a new party formed by a charismatic former Likud member Moshe Kahlon, the party leaders will decide on the slate of candidates. In the ultra-Orthodox parties, it is a council of rabbis who chooses.
Rate of child poverty increased 55% in last 15 years
A report released on Thursday by the Israel National Council for the Child (NCC) noted that while a decrease was noted in the number of poor children in Israel in 2013, there was a 55 percent increase in child poverty overall in Israel over the past 15 years.
The report also noted a rise in the number of children suffering abuse, and placed Israel in first place for the risk of child poverty among OECD countries.
APN: U.S. should support French U.N. resolution
Americans for Peace Now (APN) on Wednesday reiterated its call on the Obama administration to support French-led efforts to gain consensus around a United Nations Security Council laying out terms of reference and a timeline for Israeli-Palestinian, two-state negotiations. APN urged the Obama administration to reject efforts to delay such a resolution until after Israeli elections (March 2015).
President Park Geun-hye’s Korean peninsula unification strategy
Pyongyang’s principal response to the model declared that such a vision was indicative of South Korea’s desire to annex North Korea rather than to unify with it. Again, it deserves mention that one of the reasons for such a reaction by Pyongyang stems from the fact that President Park revealed this proposal in an East German city that was annexed by West Germany.
Prosecution to extend police officer‘s detention over document leak
The allegations of Jeong‘s behind-the-scenes intervention in state affairs have become a major scandal for the Park administration ahead of the start of its third year in power in February.
Some N. Korean websites remain down
Since going down Monday evening, the website of the North‘s main propaganda organ, Uriminzokkiri, remained inaccessible as of early Wednesday.
The access to other well-known North Korean propaganda websites, including Ryugyong and Ryomyong, was also blocked as of Wednesday morning.
The Internet outage comes as speculation continued over who is responsible for the blockage.
Die Mehrzahl der auf der als Tatwaffe angenommenen Radom-Pistole gesicherten DNA-Spuren stammt von „berechtigtem Personal“. Als ob die Polizei berechtigt wäre, auf den von ihr gesicherten Gegenständen Spuren zu hinterlassen. Allein dieser Umstand ist schon skandalös.
Von entscheidender rechtlicher Bedeutung für das hier relevante Strafverfahren sind jedoch die folgenden drei speziellen Spuren:
Die DNA-Spur einer unbekannten Person (P1) am Abzugsbügel als vollständiges Muster.
Ein weiteres vollständiges Muster einer unbekannten Person (P1) im Bereich Verschluss/Schlitten.
Und schließlich noch ein DNA-Befund einer weiteren unbekannten Person (P4) am unteren Bereich des Griffs/Magazinboden.
DNA Spuren von Mundlos und Böhnhardt konnten nicht festgestellt werden.
Im Ergebnis bedeutet die Spurenlage, dass die letzte Person, die aus der Radom einen oder mehrere Schüsse abgegeben hat, weder Mundlos noch Böhnhardt gewesen sein kann.
War Edathys Erpressbarkeit ein Grund für das Versagen des NSU-Ausschusses des Bundestags?
6. Ab wann war Edathy politisch erpressbar?
Spätestens seit 2005, als er zum Bundestags-Innenausschussvorsitzenden gewählt wurde. Eher schon zuvor.
@IreneMihalic im Interview über den #Edathy Untersuchungsausschuss
Yet no apology: CIA’s mistaken detention destroyed German man’s life
Masri’s case is one of the 26 instances detailed in the Senate Intelligence Committee report where the CIA snared someone in its web of secret dungeons by mistake, realized its error after weeks or months of mistreatment and questioning, then let them go. But the report, made public Tuesday, does not recount what that mistake meant to al Masri’s life.
“I was stunned by the torture report,” Gnjidic said. “They had known and privately admitted for years that they had made a mistake regarding Khalid,” who is a German citizen.
Dick Cheney confirms it: Bush deserves blame for CIA torture
The former vice president said this to NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday:
„What happened was [the president] and I met every single morning with the director of the CIA, with the national security advisers six days a week and reviewed everything basically in the intelligence arena. … This man knew what we were doing. He authorized it, he approved it. A statement by the Senate Democrats for partisan purposes that the president didn’t know what was going on is just a flat-out lie.“
Russia’s new gas pipeline to Turkey may be named Turkish Stream
Russia’s new natural gas pipeline, which energy giant Gazprom will built in place of the South Stream pipeline, might be called the Turkish Stream, Gazprom deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said on Monday.
Turkish court arrests 16-year-old student for insulting President Erdogan
The student, identified as M.E.A., who is a member of an online group called Democrat High School Students, attended a meeting organized on Dec. 23 to commemorate Lieutenant Mustafa Fehmi Kubilay, who was killed by a pro-sharia group in 1930 in the Aegean town of Menemen. M.E.A. reportedly made a press statement in the name of the group during the ceremony, citing the corruption probe in the speech.
Turkey to be able to close Internet access without court order
Elvan said his ministry will be given a right to temporarily close the Internet access, as well as close the access to Internet resources, which are detected to have unsafe content, national security wise.
The ministry will be then able to apply to the court for the final closure of such resources.
It is also envisaged to introduce a fine of 500,000 TRY (or $215,592 as of Dec. 25), if the content is not removed from a website, following a warning.
Sony email chain on behalf of Israel joined Russell Simmons and Michael Lynton with rightwing Zionists
Gawker has a juicy post up that everyone is sending around this morning: it’s about a group email that was leaked from the hacking of Sony; and the subject is the Gaza war of last summer.
Russia says NATO turning Ukraine into ‚frontline of confrontation‘
Russia said on Wednesday NATO was turning Ukraine into a „frontline of confrontation“ and threatened to sever remaining ties with the Atlantic military alliance if Ukraine‘s hopes of joining it were realized.
Die kleinen Verräter
„Wenn wir etwas darüber erfahren wollen, wie sich Menschen im Alltag verhalten, dann müssen wir untersuchen, wie sie sprechen“, sagt auch der Psychologe Matthias Mehl von der University of Arizona. Er und seine Kollegen verfolgen nun eine neue Strategie: Sie analysieren nicht mehr, was wir sagen – sondern wie wir es tun. „Der Inhalt ist meist durch die Gesprächssituation schon festgelegt“, sagt Mehl. „Psychologisch gesehen ist er langweilig.“
Die Papstpredigt: Die Welt braucht mehr Zärtlichkeit
Der Ursprung der Finsternis, von der die Welt umhüllt ist, verliert sich in der Nacht der Zeiten. Denken wir an den dunklen Moment zurück, in dem das erste Verbrechen der Menschheit begangen wurde, als Kain, blind vor Neid, seinen Bruder Abel erschlug (vgl. Gen 4,8). So war der Lauf der Jahrhunderte gezeichnet von Gewalt, Krieg, Hass und Unterdrückung. Gott aber, der auf den Menschen seine Erwartungen setzte – er hatte ihn ja als sein Abbild und ihm ähnlich erschaffen –, er wartete. Er hat so lange gewartet, dass er an einem bestimmten Punkt eigentlich hätte aufgeben müssen. Aber er konnte nicht aufgeben, er konnte sich selbst nicht verleugnen (vgl. 2 Tim 2,13). Deshalb hat er geduldig weiter gewartet angesichts der Korruption von Menschen und Völkern.
Der neue SPIEGEL im Video: Mekka Deutschland – Die stille Islamisierung
Mekka Deutschland – Die stille Islamisierung
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Der Schwarze Kanal: Aufmarsch der Netzverschwörer
(23.12.2014) Wir müssen dazu nur nach Dresden, Bonn oder Berlin schauen, wo jeden Montag Menschen ihrem Ärger Luft machen, die bei der Suche nach Informationen statt der von ihnen geschmähten „Mainstreampresse“ vorzugsweise Stellen im Netz vertrauen, die keinem etablierten Medium mehr zuzuordnen sind.
Somali Islamist rebels say attacking main African Union base in Mogadishu
Somali Islamist militant group al Shabaab attacked the main African Union (AU) peacekeeping base in the capital Mogadishu on Thursday, the group‘s military spokesman said.
Roger Cohen recites Livni talking points in ‘NYT’ column to blame Palestinians for peace process failure
Well, that didn’t take long. Roger Cohen waited eight months, perhaps hoping everyone would forget the truth, to blast out a misleading, elision-filled blaming of the Palestinian Authority for the Spring 2014 collapse of negotiations, in the form of a fawning interview of Tzipi Livni.
Fast jeder Zweite misstraut den Medien
(22.12.2014) In einer repräsentativen Umfrage von YouGov für ZEIT ONLINE unterstützten 47 Prozent der Befragten die Aussage, dass die Medien einseitig berichten und von der Politik gelenkt würden. 40 Prozent hingegen glauben, dass sie objektiv und unabhängig berichten.
Infratest-Umfrage: Deutsche trauen Medien immer weniger
(17.12.2014) Bei anderen Themen haben die Deutschen noch etwas größeres Vertrauen in die Berichterstattung der Fernsehsender, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften: Beim Lokführerstreik haben fünf Prozent sehr großes und weitere 49 Prozent großes Vertrauen – die Skeptiker bilden hier zusammengerechnet lediglich eine Minderheit von 40 Prozent. Geht es um die islamistischen Menschenmetzger in Syrien und im Irak (von deren Taten die deutschen Fernsehsender keine drastischen Dokumente zeigen), misstraut dagegen eine Mehrheit von 53 Prozent den Medien.
Sexarbeit/Prostitution in den Medien
19.00 – 21.15 Uhr
Fortsetzung der Arbeit vom Nachmittag
Anschließend in getrennten Gruppen
Prostitution/Sexarbeit in den Medien – Bilder im Kopf:
Journalisten_innen sehen die Sexarbeit (in Kleingruppen)
Sexarbeiter_innen und Mitarbeiter_innen der Fachberatungsstellen für Sexarbeiter_innen sehen die Medien (in Kleingruppen)
Pro & Contra: Das „Recht auf Vergessen“ im Internet
(14.05.2014) Auch die EU-Juristen werden bald feststellen, dass es nicht reicht, Links zu unterdrücken. Der nächste Schritt wird dann sein, die Informationen selbst zu löschen. Zur Erinnerung: Wir reden über Informationen, die der Wahrheit entsprechen. Gegen die Verbreitung von Lügen gibt es längst adäquate Rechtsmittel.
Without help, Libya could become next Syria, foreign minister says
Libya, torn by a growing political divide that threatens to engulf its oilfields, could become the next Syria if it does not patch its divided government and get help battling Islamic militants, the country‘s foreign minister said on Tuesday.
Die Deutschen und der Krieg in Libyen: Westerwelle vollzieht Kehrtwende bei Nato-Militäreinsatz
(28.08.2011) Bisher hatte Westerwelle es vermieden, den von Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat nicht unterstützten Militäreinsatz zu würdigen. In seiner Partei hatte dies erneuten Unmut über den Ex-Parteichef ausgelöst, der sich im Mai zum Rücktritt von der FDP-Spitze gezwungen sah. Westerwelle war aus Reihen seiner FDP vorgeworfen worden, eine klare Würdigung des militärischen Beitrags zur Entmachtung von Libyens langjährigem Machthaber Muammar Gaddafi zu vermeiden.
Angriff gegen Gaddafi: Westerwelle rechtfertigt deutschen Libyen-Sonderweg
(20.03.2011) Nach einer Emnid-Umfrage im Auftrag von „Bild am Sonntag“ finden 62 Prozent den Militäreinsatz gegen den libyschen Diktator richtig. Gleichzeitig befürworteten 65 Prozent, dass sich die Bundeswehr nicht an den Angriffen beteiligt.
Videos From Wearable Cameras Contain Natural Biometric Markers That Can Eliminate Anonymity
Video evidence figures quite frequently here on Techdirt, because moving pictures of incidents are generally compelling and incontrovertible. That‘s true even if they are released anonymously to protect the person recording the event from retribution. But new research suggests that videos from wearable cameras have embedded within them natural biometric markers
‘Israel is becoming an isolated ghetto,’ says Amos Oz
In yesterday’s New York Times, on the front page of the review section, columnist Roger Cohen in Jerusalem offers a bleak prediction from novelist Amos Oz:
“There is a growing sense that Israel is becoming an isolated ghetto, which is exactly what the founding fathers and mothers hoped to leave behind them forever when they created the state of Israel.”
Israeli intelligence: Danger of spillover from Syria war increasing
The civil war in Syria has become a strategic draw. Neither camp is able to defeat its rival and the fighting is focused on local battles for control, which cannot bring victory to either side.
Hillary Clinton’s decision to support Iraq war was driven by Israel concern, Chris Matthews says
In the last week, two conversations on television suggest that the idea that the Iraq war was undertaken because of concern for Israel’s security is now conventional wisdom among the chattering classes.
First there was a discussion about foreign policy at the Center for American Progress on December 15, aired later on CSPAN, in which James Mann, the scholar and author, said that Obama had set out to be an old-style realist, in the mode of Zbig Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft. The difference between him and the neocons was a question of the status of the Israel/Palestine conflict in considerations of how to get peace in the Middle East.
Sang- und klanglos verschwunden: Die Karriere einer “offiziellen EU-Definition des Antisemitismus”
es gab nie eine “EU-Definition des Antisemitismus” und vor einem Jahr verschwand auch die “Arbeitsdefinition” sang- und klanglos von der Seite der EU-Agentur FRA (früher EUMC).
Kommentar: Neue Entführungen in Nigeria sind eine Schande
(19.12.2014) Schon wieder: Kämpfer der radikal-islamischen Boko-…
Israel Offers To Send Counterterrorism Experts to Nigeria
(11.05.2014) Israel has offered to send a team of counterterrorism experts to Nigeria to assist in the search for the 276 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram terrorists in the country‘s northeastern region last month.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, according to a statement from his office on Sunday, said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the offer during a telephone conversation with him Sunday afternoon.
Rebel attacks in India kill 51, spark violent protests
The victims of the guerrilla attacks were mostly tea-plantation workers from other parts of India. Assam has a history of sectarian bloodshed and armed groups fighting for autonomy or secession.
Hundreds of plantation workers armed with spears and bows and arrows defied a curfew imposed in response to the rebel attacks and surrounded police stations in Sonitpur district, the area worst hit by the militant violence, saying authorities had failed to protect them.
Delhi‘s commandos never waste a bullet
(15.12.2014) When the SWAT team was founded in 2010, it received training from NSG and former Army commandos, but now, after training at Delhi Police Training School in Jharoda Kalan (southwest Delhi), they learn advanced skills from Israel‘s counter-terror and intelligence unit, Mossad.
India, Israel sign 3 agreements re homeland security: organized crime, human trafficking,cybercrime,counter-terrorism
Rajnath Singh arrives in Israel for crucial talks on security, terror
(06.11.2014) The Minister was in Monaco to attend Interpol‘s General Assembly.
Despite the unexpected change in Singh‘s plans, Israel has rolled out a red carpet welcome for him going out of the way to accommodate his revised schedule and the Prime Minister‘s Office here was quick to set up his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today evening.
India, Israel discuss counter-terrorism, homeland security
(29.08.2014) New Delhi: India and Israel on Friday discussed the implementation of agreement on counter-terrorism and homeland security between the two countries.
Israel‘s Ambassador to India Daniel Carmon met Home Minister Rajnath Singh here. The ambassador told the Home Minister that Israel is looking forward to a meaningful cooperation with India in the area of homeland security. He said that the recently signed agreement is a step further in this direction.
Were will the 180 votes for Greece’s next President will come from?
The second round of Presidential voting ended on Tuesday with candidate Stavros Dimas to have received 168 votes, far below the 200 needed. The votes came from the coalition Nea Dimokratia – PASOK (155) and 13 from independent MPs, among them two ex Golden Dawn.
2. round of voting – results:
Stavros Dimas 168
Present: 131
Absent 1
In the third round of voting, on 29. December 2014, the Presidential candidate will need only 180 votes to be elected.
Somali Parliament Approves New PM
Sharmarke spent the last few months as Somalia‘s ambassador to the United States. Previously, he served as prime minister for 18 months in 2009 and 2010.
New Presidential Powers Lead to Political Shakeups in Uganda
Other proposed constitutional changes would allow the president to direct police policies and make it tougher for members of parliament to shift political alliances.
US says ISIS not responsible for downing of Jordanian fighter jet
U.S. officials confirmed reports Wednesday that a Jordanian fighter jet was shot down in the fight against Islamic State militants in northern Syria and that the pilot had been captured.
We‘re one crucial step closer to seeing Tony Blair at The Hague
Desmond Tutu has helped us see the true nature of what the former prime minister did to Iraq and increased pressure for a prosecution
Russian diplomat calls for publishing all information on torture at US security prisons
“The world community should seek that Washington publish all the truth. The United States has not only violated its international commitments but also the principles and norms in the field of human rights and banned methods of torture,” Dolgov said.
North Korea says no ‘physical reaction’ to controversial Interview movie
Pyongyang promises no “physical reaction” but only a verbal condemnation to the release in the US of The Interview, a comedy film about a CIA plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, a North Korean diplomat said.
Weihnachten 1914 legten einhundertundtausend Soldaten die Waffen nieder
Diese Nacht schrieb Geschichte, die im englischen als “Christmas Truce” bezeichnet und der bis heute in einen viel grösseren Ausmass in den U.S.A. und Grossbritannien als in Deutschland in den Kirchen gedacht wird, vor allem auch mit dem Lied “Christmas in the Trenches”.
Did religion or culture change to accept torture?
Recent polls show that American Christians support the CIA’s use of torture by a margin of over 2 to 1. And let’s not be so naive as to pretend, by the way, that this was not torture. We executed German and Japanese soldiers “just following orders” by using these same techniques during World War II, which cost the U.S. over 400,000 lives (and we were more fortunate than many other countries).
Israel: Politicians Are Detained in a Broad Corruption Inquiry
More than 30 Israeli politicians and public figures have been detained for questioning in connection with a corruption probe, the police said Wednesday, unsettling the political establishment in advance of elections scheduled for March.
HK$3.6m recovered of missing HK$15m cash spilled from security van on Christmas Eve
„At first people did nothing, then one person went into the road,“ the witness said, before telling how others quickly followed suit.“