Officials are crediting strong tracking and isolation of people exposed to the virus, and aggressive rehydration of infected patients to counter the effects of vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.
Daily Archives: 20. Oktober 2014
In Japan, two female ministers quit, dealing a blow to Abe and ‘womenomics’
Two female Japanese cabinet ministers, appointed last month as part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plan to let women “shine,” resigned their posts Monday amid allegations of financial impropriety.
Libyen: Von Afrikas reichstem Staat unter Gaddafi zu einem gescheiterten Staat nach dem Überfall der NATO
1967 übernahm Colonel Gaddafi eines der ärmsten Länder Afrikas, zu dem Zeitpunkt, als er ermordet wurde, hatte Gaddafi Libyen zum reichsten Land Afrikas gemacht. Libyen hatte das höchste Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf und die höchste Lebenserwartung auf dem Kontinent. Es lebten weniger Menschen unter der Armutsgrenze als in den Niederlanden.
@zlando Well, it´s a start.
If you are USA, it‘s fine to kill terrorists with drones, even your own citizens. In Israel you get the UN and MEDIA all over your ass
Israel to testify on Gaza before UN in Geneva
The Human Rights Council, which was first created in 2006, is composed of representatives from 47 UN member states, that have censured Israel more than any other country. The Council is conducting a probe into the Gaza war, headed by Canadian human rights expert William Schabas who has already publicly stated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should be brought before the International Criminal Court.
Resolution und Beschlusstext vom U.N. Menschenrechtsrat
(24. Juli) Genf: U.N.O. Menschenrechtsrat richtet wegen mutmaßlicher Verletzungen von Völkerrecht und Menschenrecht im Zuge militärischer Operationen Israels in seiner Kolonie Gaza, Palästina eine Untersuchungskommisson ein.
Wenn jeder unfähige Haufen Schwachköpfe eine Terrororganisation wäre, ja, dann würde auch die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen und sein Menschenrechtsrat vor schweren Zeiten stehen. Hier nun der Text der gestern verabschiedeten Resolution des U.N.-Menschenrechtsrats, den die U.N.O. auf all ihren schicken Webseiten nicht schafft zugänglich zu machen.
#HRCtte is skeptical about what happens to victims when #Israel maintains the defence of #necessity for crime of #torture
#Gaza is not under our control and we have no #welfare duty in the #GazaStrip say govt of #Israel at #HRCtte review
Govt lets the #HRCtte know that #Israel will not consider the #abolition of the #deathpenalty due to the provisions of Biblical law
Internationaler Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte
Der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte (ICCPR-International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), kurz UN-Zivilpakt oder IPbpR, in der Schweiz auch UNO-Pakt II genannt, ist ein völkerrechtlicher Vertrag. (…)
Der Pakt garantiert rechtsverbindlich die grundlegenden Menschenrechte, die auch als Menschenrechte der 1. Generation bezeichnet werden: das Recht auf Leben, das Verbot der Sklaverei und Zwangsarbeit, das Recht auf persönliche Freiheit und Sicherheit, Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit sowie das Recht auf die Teilnahme an allgemeinen, gleichen und geheimen Wahlen. Außerdem werden die Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau und ein generelles Verbot der Diskriminierung ethnischer, religiöser und sprachlicher Minderheiten zugesichert. Zudem verbietet Artikel 20 Hass- und Kriegspropaganda.
Zusammen mit dem UN-Sozialpakt und der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte bildet er die grundlegenden Menschenrechtsabkommen der Vereinten Nationen.
#Israel review by UN Human Rights Committee #ICCPR continues now. Watch live from Geneva:
Civil & political rights in #Israel reviewed by UN Human Rights Committee #ICCPR 10am today in Geneva Watch live:
Kiew widerspricht Spiegel: MH17 nicht mit ukrainischem Buk-System abgeschossen
„Das Personal, die Technik und die Waffen des Fla-Raketenregiments, das im Gebiet Donezk stationiert war, waren bereits am 29. Juni 2014 auf Beschluss des Luftwaffenchefs der Ukraine zur Erfüllung von Aufgaben in andere Regionen verlegt worden. Als die Terroristen das Gelände des Truppenteils betraten, war dort nur noch veraltete und betriebsunfähige Automobiltechnik vorhanden.“
Deutschland veröffentlicht seine Version des Absturzes der Boeing über der Ukraine
Vor den Mitgliedern eines parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums erklärte der BND-Präsident Gerhard Schindler, das Flugzeug sei von einer Rakete des Luftabwehr-Raketensystems „Buk“, mit dem die ukrainische Armee ausgerüstet sei, abgeschossen worden. Allerdings zeigte er sich überzeugt, dass es die Rebellen getan haben. Folglich mussten jene ein solches Luftabwehr-Raketensystem in ihren Besitz gebracht haben. Herr Schindler hat seine Version nicht mit Beweisen belegt. Allerdings bemerkte er, die früher von Kiew zur Verfügung gestellten Satellitenaufnahmen seien eine Fälschung.
Rede des Außenministers Russlands, Sergej Lawrow, auf der zweiten Plenarsitzung des Asien-Europa-Treffens (ASEM) zum Thema „Die Partnerschaft Europas und Asiens bei der Lösung von globalen Fragen in einer gegenseitig abhängigen Welt“
(Mailand, 16. Oktober) Eine wichtige Aufgabe in der heutigen turbulenten Welt ist die Stärkung der moralischen Grundlagen der internationalen Beziehungen unter Stützung auf die traditionellen Werte, welche das geistige Fundament der allgemeinmenschlichen Solidarität bilden. Diesem Thema war eine hochrangige ASEM-Konferenz für den interkulturellen und interreligiösen Dialog gewidmet, welche im Juli dieses Jahres in Sankt Petersburg stattfand. Ich möchte allen Teilnehmern dieser wichtigen Veranstaltung für ihren aktiven Beitrag zu derem Erfolg danken.
Wir sind bereit, auch weiterhin mit allen ASEM-Partnern zur Erhöhung der Rolle unserer Vereinigung bei der Schaffung eines sichereren, demokratischeren, effektiveren internationalen Systems beizutragen.
Präsident Rohani In einem Interview mit dem staatlichen Fernsehsender Irib: Die Verhandlung über die Atomfrage im Iran wird zu einem Konsens und einem Abkommen mit Doppelgewinn führen
(13. Oktober) Nach Ansicht des iranischen Präsidenten Hassan Rohani werden bei den Atomverhandlungen zwischen Iran und der G5+1 sicherlich beide Seiten eine Einigung erzielen, die wie bei einem Win-Win-Spiel allen Seiten Vorteile bringt.
Keith Alexander Continues To ‚Play To The Edges‘ Of Propriety; NSA Now Checking Out His Partnership With Agency CTO
The long-delayed release of former NSA head Keith Alexander‘s financial documents failed to generate much in terms of conflicted interests. There was some investment in companies with government contracts, but nothing stood out as a direct connection between Alexander‘s investments and his previous day job. All things considered, a rather underwhelming set of disclosures, so, of course, it made perfect sense that they had to be forced out of the NSA‘s hands with a lawsuit, what with their supposed national security implications and all.
Greece’s Homeless: Jobless parents, two kids, one cat live in a car
Squeezed between steering wheel, handbrake, door and dashboard, Katerina reads in her history book, takes notes for school. Next to her, on the driver’s seat, cat Eddy stares right in the camera lens. It may look like a cute snapshot on a sunny day, if it wasn’t for a sad detail: a withering spring stuck in a roll of toilet paper. A distinctive memory of a former normal life that turned into a grim reality for a family of four.
“Das Eisenbahn-Bundesamt nimmt den selber erlassenen Planfeststellungsbeschluss nicht mehr ernst”
Die Rede von Dipl.- Ing. Hans Heydemann, Ingenieure 22, auf der heutigen 243. Montagsdemo der Bürgerbewegung gegen das staatlich-industrielle Umbauprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21). Die Rede trägt den Titel “Rostschwindel der Bahn mit Blauen Rohren geht weiter!”. Die Montagsdemo beginnt um 18 Uhr auf dem Stuttgarter Marktplatz.
Die verborgene Regierungsgruppe, die JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra und 9/11 miteinander verlinkt
Seit einiger Zeit nun habe ich die amerikanische Geschichte im Lichte dessen analysiert, was ich strukturelle Tiefenereignisse nannte: Ereignisse, wie die JFK-Ermordung, der Watergate-Einbruch, Iran-Contra oder 9/11, die immer wieder Gesetzesbrüche oder Gewalt beinhalten, von Beginn an mysteriös sind, in laufenden verdeckten Vorgängen eingebettet sind, politische Folgen haben, die die verdeckte Regierung vergrößern, und anschließend durch systematische Verfälschungen in den Mainstream-Medien und interne Regierungsunterlagen vertuscht werden.
Is Abbas one vote from Security Council majority?
(9. Oktober) According to diplomatic sources, at the moment they have nine votes. France is vacillating. If France were ultimately to join the nine others, thus securing the support of two-thirds of Security Council members, the Palestinians could proceed — the US veto notwithstanding — to the UN plenary. There, the resolution would be adopted if backed by a two-thirds majority, which is something the Palestinians should have no problem securing.
What makes Israel so hell-bent on lumping Hamas with ISIS?
Having failed to destroy Hamas militarily and liquidate the Palestinian people‘s enduring struggle for freedom and independence from Israel‘s Nazi-like occupation, Netanyahu is now trying to lump Hamas with ISIS.
His ultimate goal is to make the international community demonize Hamas and therefore distract the world‘s attention from Israel‘s nefarious occupation.
Lawrow: Russland zu Teilnahme an Koalition gegen IS bereit – Uno muss Einsatz billigen
„Im Uno-Sicherheitsrat müssen Beschlüsse gebilligt werden, die sich auf das Völkerrecht stützen“, sagte Lawrow am Montag bei einer öffentlichen Vorlesung in Moskau. „Es wäre nicht gerade richtig, ja sogar unmoralisch, den Antiterrorkampf geopolitischen Interessen und dem Streben unterzuordnen, nicht genehme Regimes zu ‚bestrafen‘.“
Erdoğan furious with US, adds al-Assad condition
(13. September) It is not something new that Erdoğan considers the removal of al-Assad as a priority in the fight against ISIL. Both he and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu have said before that they want to see “Neither ISIL, nor the al-Assad regime” on the other side of Turkey’s 910-km border with Syria.
But it is a new thing for Erdoğan to list this as a condition for full cooperation against ISIL.
Identities of minors who admitted to killing Mohammed Abu Khdeir to be revealed Monday
On Monday three Israelis who admitted to the killing of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, the 16-year old Palestinian who was burned to death over the summer after being abducted from behind his East Jerusalem home in a revenge killing for the unrelated kidnapping and slaying of three Israeli youths a month prior, will give their pleas in district court.
Yosef Haim Ben-David, a 29-year old settler is expected to plea insanity and is the assumed ringleader.
East Jerusalem construction to continue: Netanyahu
He said [settlement] construction would go on in East Jerusalem for both Jews and Arabs. He added that nobody could prevent his government from building homes for Jews in the ancient city.
„We are ready to fight with an iron fist anyone who seeks to divide our city,“ Netanyahu said assertively.
Joko Widodo takes office with plans for economic growth and political clout
A showdown could come as early as next month if Widodo sticks to his reported plan to cut government petrol and diesel fuel subsidies by almost half in order to meet budget deficit reduction targets. The subsidies currently cost the state about $23bn, which it can barely afford at a time of slowing economic growth.
IS = Hamas = Fatah = Abbas = Palästinenser
Alt, abgedroschen und öde: Diese ewigen Versuche Israels, Palästinenser als das Böse schlechthin zu zeichnen.
Jewish settler runs over two Palestinian children in West Bank, killing one
(19. Oktober) Palestinian and Israeli authorities have not yet commented on the incident.
Kindergarten Girl Killed, Another in Critical Condition after Hit and Run by Settler
(19. Oktober) Sources said that a settler deliberately ran over Inas Khalil and Toleen Asfoor, both aged five, while walking home from kindergarten near the entrance of the village of Sinjil; a settler, coming from nearby settlements, drove toward the two girls and ran them over before fleeing the scene.
Israel Arrests Six Palestinians, Summons One for Interrogation
Israeli forces Sunday arrested six Palestinians from the West Bank, including a physically disabled ex-detainee, and summoned one for interrogation, according to local and security sources.
Forces raided the town of Beit Ummar to the north of Hebron and arrested two brothers, one of whom is a released prisoner who suffers from physical disabilities due to injuries he sustained by Israeli forces fire. They were identified as Mahmoud and Zeyad Ikhleel.
Israel arrests 13 Palestinians for rioting in West Bank
Israeli troops arrested 13 Palestinians overnight Saturday across the West Bank, who were suspected of rioting and using violence towards Israeli civilians and security forces, the Israeli army said, Xinhua reported.
„…bedanken wir uns für Bestätigung, dass Dokumente echt sind und der #BND die Operation #EIKONAL durchgeführt hat“
ARD/MH17: Herr Becker kann das Wasser nicht halten
Die Stimmungsmache nimmt kein Ende. USA und ukrainische Putschisten hatten zuerst Beweise, dann Indizien, jetzt „Plausibilitäten“. Um die antirussische Hetze am Laufen zu halten, wird immer mal wieder eine Duftmarke gesetzt.
Wer ist der Wortschöpfer von „Plausibilitäten“? Wir kennen Rainald Becker, ARD Berlin, als selbsternannten “Terrorexperten“. Er meinte, wir sollten uns in der Sicherheitsstruktur an den USA orientieren und wer Telefonüberwachung, Onlinedurchsuchung, Datenspeicherung „und ab und zu einen Fingerabdruck“ nicht akzeptiert solle sich nach Hause hinter den Ofen scheren. Becker wusste auch schon, dass Breiviks Massenmord das Werk islamistischer Terroristen war.
Russland deeskaliert. NATO braucht Spannung. Schon treten Curveball-#BND u. Spiegel m. Altschnee auf den Plan. #MH17
OSCE Refuses to Use German UAVs for Monitoring in Ukraine: Official Representative
OSCE has refused Berlin‘s offer to monitor the situation in Ukraine with German drones, which have to be operated by the military, OSCE representative stated, Deutsche Welle reported Sunday.
Uzbekistan approves memorandum on creating int’l transport corridor
Uzbek President Islam Karimov has signed a decree to approve the memorandum of understanding on the implementation of the agreement on creating a Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman international transport and transit corridor, Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.
Solid Steel Radio Show Part 1 + 2 – Second Storey
Formerly known as Al Tourettes, his new project has an album out on Houndstooth this week and his mix takes in tracks from Sculpture, Efdemin, Laurel Halo, Cristian Vogel and Dopplereffekt.
Pentagon Fails to Strike Deal With Turkish General Staff
A US military delegation has returned to Washington empty handed after no result came out of negotiations held in Ankara between Turkey and American representatives over the use of the US Air Force İncirlik Air Base.(..)
The information further indicated that the US military delegation gave a list of four demands related to the base:
İncirlik to be extensively opened to US soldiers for the fight against ISIS
Both armed and unarmed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to be deployed at İncirlik for use in both intelligence and operational means.
İncirlik to be used as a logistics center and supply base. Tanker planes to be used to give support to aircraft of coalition nations serving in the fight against ISIS. The transfer of personnel, equipment, arms and ammunition from US Forces in Europe will be done at İncirlik
Linked to the first article, Turkish airspace to be opened to the aircraft of coalition nations. Besides İncirlik, the US administration wishes to benefit from airports in Hatay, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, and Batman for both operational and logistic purposes.
Hey! Leaders! Leave Our Kids Alone!
((14.10.) James Ryan discussed his criminal complaint against 12 countries including the US and Turkey to the International Criminal Court due to war crimes and shows us the way to deal with the criminal politicians turning world into a mass grave.
Trotzkisten übernehmen Linke
“Ziel der NaO war es nicht, eine neue trotzkistische Partei, sondern eine Organisation aufzubauen, die gesellschaftlich relevant ist, die wahrgenommen wird und die in der Lage ist, die politische Initiative zu ergreifen.”
Schießer bleibt zurückhaltend, was die Perspektive der NaO betrifft. Die Fusion beurteilt er bescheiden im PolitikerInnenjargon als “Schritt in die richtige Richtung”. Es gehe um einen gemeinsamen Lernprozess, der auch scheitern könne.
Attac, BUND, Courage
Nicht selten werden von den Finanzämtern die so genannten “Verfassungsschutzberichte” für ihre Entscheidungen herangezogen. Sie werden vom Inlandsgeheimdienst mit einem Nimbus der Objektivität erstellt. Tatsächlich sind es Kampfschriften der Innenministerien gegen missliebige Kritiker und Organisationen. Ein Vermerk im “Verfassungsschutzbericht” reicht aus, um die Gemeinnützigkeit zu entziehen.
Zulieferer deutscher Autokonzerne entlässt Gewerkschafter
Der Kollege Tay, bat uns die Öffentlichkeit in Deutschland aber insbesondere die Kolleginnen und Kollegen bei Volkswagen, Audi und Mercedes über ihren Kampf bei der CPS Automobil Textil zur unterrichten. Bei CPS wird Schutzvorrichtungen für Volkswagen, Audi und Mercedes- Benz produziert. Die Kolleginnen und Kollegen versuchen seit einiger Zeit gewerkschaftliche Strukturen bei der CPS Automobil Textil aufzubauen. Die aktivsten Deriteks Mitglieder werden immer wieder entlassen, gemobbt…”
Currywurst des Tages: Michael Müller
Die Berliner SPD hat genug von sexy (oder was sich dafür hält) und wählte als Nachfolger des noch amtierenden Regierenden Bürgermeisters Klaus Wowereit einen Bausenator mit der Attraktivität eines Leitz-Ordners. (…)
Als Bausenator hatte Müller sich vorgenommen, für bezahlbaren Wohnraum in Berlin zu sorgen. Das Gegenteil ist längst eingetreten: Immobilieninvestoren machen gewachsene Kiezstrukturen platt, Mieten in der Innenstadt explodieren. Und ausgerechnet in seinem Heimatbezirk erlebte Müller seine bisher krachendste Niederlage.
Videolexikon Special: Tarifeinheit
…empfohlen von der GDL:
Surveillance Reform Theater
n short,Comey suggests undermining digital security and privacy across an industry while concurrently asserting that he’s “looking for security that enhances liberty.”
This begs a question: why would the Director of the FBI knowingly advocate a strategy which is patently flawed? Does he assume collective amnesia? That thousand s of security professionals have somehow forgotten
the lessons of the past?
Muse – Bliss
Israeli deputy minister to Brits: Keep enjoying Islamic State
Deputy Education Minister Avi Wortzman (Habayit Hayehudi) was harshly criticized over the weekend for posting on his Facebook page last Tuesday that the British public should “keep on enjoying the Islamic State [group], they are developing nicely with you, they really feel at home.”
The arms trade and Israel‘s attack on Gaza
(18. Oktober) Military trade and joint military-related research relations with Israel embolden Israeli impunity in committing grave violations of international law and facilitate the entrenchment of Israel‘s system of occupation, colonisation and systematic denial of Palestinian rights. We call on the UN and governments across the world to take immediate steps to implement a comprehensive and legally binding military embargo on Israel, similar to that imposed on South Africa during apartheid.
Adolfo Peres Esquivel Nobel Peace Laureate, Argentina, Ahdaf Soueif author, Egypt/UK, Aki Olavi Kaurismäki film director, Finland, Alice Walker writer, US, Archbishop Desmond Tutu Nobel Peace Laureate, South Africa, Betty Williams Nobel Peace Laureate, Ireland, Boots Riley rapper, poet, arts producer, US, Brian Eno musician, UK, Caryl Churchill playwright, UK, Chris Hedges journalist, Pullitzer Prize 2002, US, Cynthia McKinney politician, activist, US, David Palumbo-Liu academic, US, Etienne Balibar philosopher, France, Federico Mayor Zaragoza former Unesco director general, Spain, Felim Egan painter, Ireland, Frei Betto liberation theologian, Brazil, Gillian Slovo writer, UK/South Africa, Githa Hariharan writer, India, Giulio Marcon MP (SEL), Italy, Hilary Rose academic, UK, Ilan Pappe historian, Israel, Ismail Coovadia former South African ambassador to Israel, James Kelman writer, Scotland, Janne Teller writer, Denmark, Jeremy Corbyn MP (Labour), UK, Joanna Rajkowska artist, Poland, Jody Williams Nobel Peace Laureate, US, John Berger artist, UK, John Dugard former ICJ judge, South Africa, John McDonnell MP (Labour), UK, John Pilger journalist and filmmaker, Australia, Judith Butler philosopher, US, Juliane House academic, Germany, Karma Nabulsi Oxford University, UK/Palestine, Ken Loach filmmaker, UK, Kool AD (Victor Vazquez) musician, US, Liz Lochhead national poet for Scotland, UK, Luisa Morgantini former vice president of the European Parliament, Italy, Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate, Ireland, Michael Mansfield barrister, UK, Michael Ondaatje author, Canada/Sri Lanka, Mike Leigh writer and director, UK, Naomi Wallace playwright, screenwriter, poet, US, Noam Chomsky academic, author, US, Nurit Peled academic, Israel, Prabhat Patnaik economist, India, Przemyslaw Wielgosz chief editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, Polish edition, Poland, Raja Shehadeh author and Lawyer, Palestine, Rashid Khalidi academic, author, Palestine/US, Richard Falk former UN special rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories, US, Rigoberta Menchú Nobel Peace Laureate, Guatemala, Roger Waters musician, UK, Ronnie Kasrils former government minister, South Africa, Rose Fenton director, Free Word Centre, UK, Sabrina Mahfouz author, UK, Saleh Bakri actor, Palestine, Sir Geoffrey Bindman lawyer, UK, Slavoj Zizek author, Slovenia, Steven Rose academic, UK, Tom Leonard writer, Scotland, Tunde Adebimpe musician, US, Victoria Brittain journalist, UK, Willie van Peer academic, Germany, Zwelinzima Vavi secretary general of Cosatu, South Africa
JVP Joined BNC Allies in Submitting a Petition to UN Secretary General Calling for Military Embargo on Israel
(15. Oktober) As international donors prepare to gather in Cairo on October 12 for a conference to rebuild Gaza after the devastation inflicted by Israel in its 51-day assault last summer, the Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) delivered a petition signed by over 60,000 people including Nobel Laureates, artists and public intellectuals, to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calling on the UN and governments around the world to take immediate steps to implement a comprehensive and legally binding military embargo on Israel, similar to that imposed on South Africa during the apartheid era.
Abbas is inciting jihad, has joined ranks with IS, Liberman says
(18. Oktober) Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman on Saturday compared PA President Mahmoud Abbas to the Islamic State and said that the Palestinian leader’s call to defend the Temple Mount from “settlers” is evidence of his attempt to fan the flames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and turn it into a religious war.
Lieberman and Indyk Bash Bennett for Bashing Kerry
(18. Oktober) Lieberman’s criticism of Bennett clearly reflects the dependence of the Netanyahu administration on the United States to cast a veto against any vote in the United Nations Security Council in favor of admitting the Palestinian Authority as a full member in the General Assembly.
Ya‘alon Warns Bennett Over Kerry Criticism
(18. Oktober) According to Ya‘alon, Bennett‘s criticism lacks respect for the financial and diplomatic support the US has provided for Israel‘s right to self-defense against Hamas terrorism.
„Relations between the United States and Israel are based on shared interests and values, and a dispute or other comments should not cast a shadow over that,“ Ya‘alon stated. „The United States supports Israel in a variety of fields – including, of course, security – and we need to remember that and to recognize and thank its leaders for that.“
Marie Harf, Deputy Spokesperson, Daily Press Briefing, Washington, DC October 17, 2014: ISRAEL/PALESTINIANS
(17. Oktober) QUESTION: To the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? I’d like to come back to, return to the remarks Secretary Kerry made yesterday. He said that it’s imperative to re-launch the peace process, something he did in Cairo two, three days ago. But I think, for the first time, he made the connection, a link between the conflict and the rise of extremism and the rise of ISIL. And this morning the Israeli officials are pretty upset and angered against the Secretary.
So I would like to know if the Secretary —
MS. HARF: Well, yeah.
QUESTION: — went a little bit too far.
MS. HARF: A couple comments. First, he did not make any linkage between Israel and the growth of ISIL, period. And we can go back over what he actually said, which I have in front of me. He did not make that linkage. What he was saying is in the course of his work, do leaders in Europe and in the Middle East tell him that they like that the U.S. wants to try to achieve peace? Of course they do. Do the leaders think peace would help create a more stable region? Of course they do. That is in no way a news flash. It’s something that presidents of both parties for decades have said, that if we could make progress on Middle East peace, that would help create a more stable region, and the Secretary was agreeing with what has been said publicly.
And I would take issue with the part of your question that Israeli leaders, plural, have disagreed with what they thought the Secretary said. I saw one in particular. And we would say to that that we know passions run high, politics are intense, but either this specific minister did not actually read what the Secretary said, or someone is engaging in the politics of distortion here. By any means it is an inaccurate reading of what the Secretary said. He did not make a linkage between Israel and the growth of ISIL, period.