Daily Archives: 17. August 2014
Da haben wir sie wieder, die „Hegelianer“:Terror > Krieg > Terror > Krieg. Ein Terrorkrieg. Und der Pöbel steht da und begreift es nicht. ^^
..und zeitgleich will die Regierung deutsche Truppen zur separatistischen Barzani-Regierung nach Kurdistan schicken
Bahahaaa.. der FOCUS redet von einer „Kampfzeitschrift auf deutsch“..
Waffenlieferungen an Kurden: Gabriel will bei Völkermord im Irak nicht tatenlos zusehen
Die Bundesregierung würde eine internationale Mission im Nordirak begrüßen und sie unterstützen. Das berichtet der SPIEGEL unter Berufung auf Regierungskreise. Bedingung dafür ist allerdings ein entsprechender Beschluss des Uno-Sicherheitsrats.
Kampfzeitschrift erstmalig auf Deutsch – IS-Kämpfer drohen mit Terroranschlägen in Deutschland:
Damit hält erstmals ein parl. Untersuchungsgremium behördliche Sabotage für eine der denkbaren Varianten
Ausschuss hält Kooperation von Behörden mit NSU für möglich
Thüringer Landtagsgremium erhebt schwere Vorwürfe zu Fahndungspannen und äußert Verdacht der Sabotage von Ermittlungen / Abschlussbericht soll Donnerstag vorgestellt werden
S. Nasrallah: Lebanon Facing Existential Threat, We will Change Path of Region
His eminence indicated that „the new path is more dangerous than the old one because it is not based on toppling regimes and replacing them with new ones, it is rather a path of destruction of the region, armies, people, and entities. An evidence on that is what is happening today, and the attempt to draw a new map for the region which is based on remains of people and countries and fearful hearts.“
Hezbollah Secretary general pointed out that this path seeks to turn the enemy into a savior in our eyes, stressing that „we must be aware that an existential and serious threat is facing us and who ever denies that is detached from reality.“ (…)
„First we must agree that the responsibility falls on the Lebanese Army and Security forces, and based on that, we must supply the Army with the appropriate equipment, as well as morale and financial support… We must hold on to the current government until electing a president and holding parliamentary elections… All kinds of incitements must be punished over … There must be cooperation with Syria in order to solve the Syrian immigrants file…“
Football fan slain by Israel predicted he would be next martyr
Muhammad emphasized that even after he was shot in the leg, Abu Hassan was detained in the settlement for almost an hour before being handed over to the Palestine Red Crescent Society — only when it was too late to save his life.
“He was clearly tortured in the settlement,” Muhammad said. “His face was bruised due to the beating he received. They beat him so badly before they they shot him.”
Iran reaffirms support for Iraqi national sovereignty
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham on Saturday renewed Iranˈs all-out support for Iraqi national sovereignty and territorial integrity, IRNA reported.
Referring to the peaceful transition of power in Iraq, Afkham described recent developments in Iraq as a unique opportunity for the Iraqi nation.
Irak: Steinmeier lehnt unabhängigen Kurdenstaat ab
„Ein unabhängiger Staat der Kurden würde die Region weiter destabilisieren und neue Spannungen hervorrufen, möglicherweise auch mit Nachbarstaaten des Irak“, sagte Steinmeier der Bild am Sonntag.
Er hoffe vielmehr, dass die staatliche Einheit des Irak erhalten bleibe.
Obama: No Iraq rescue; further airdrops unlikely
(14. August) Obama has said little about the potential external terrorist threat posed by the Islamic State militants, but he has been emphatic in his position that there is no American military solution to the insurgent threat facing Iraq. He has pushed for Iraqis to establish an inclusive government that represents the interests of each of the major sectarian factions — Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds — and gives more motivation for Iraqi security forces to fight the insurgents.
Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on Iraq
(14. August) Today, Iraqis took another major step forward in uniting their country. We commend Prime Minister Maliki for his decision to support Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi in his efforts to form a new government in line with the Iraqi constitution.
Ex-Außenminister Joschka Fischer: „Wir sollten den Kurden viel mehr Waffen liefern!“ #ISIS
#CDU-Außenpolitiker #Wellmann plädiert für unabhängigen Staat der #Kurden im #Irak … via @welt
Army tightens grip on terrorists across country
A military source told SANA that units of the armed forces foiled an infiltration attempt by terrorists in Drusha in Damascus countryside where a number of them were killed and injured.
Jordan, Russia to sign nuclear reactor deal
The two countries will also sign another agreement at the end of this year, in which they will support commitment to the project.
In October last year, the Jordanian government approved Russia‘ s Atomstroyexport, the country‘s leading nuclear power service exporter, as technology provider for the country‘s first nuclear reactor.
Lady Gaza comes to Melbourne
The Melbourne Palestine Action Group, a group consisting of Whistle Blowers Australian Citizens Alliance (WACA) and Renegade Activists, locked down Elbit Systems in the suburb of Port Melbourne and occupied the building’s roof for a few hours.
Arriving at the site at 5 in the morning, the activists erected a replica of Israel’s apartheid wall at the site’s entrance, locking the gates of Elbit Systems and disrupting what otherwise would have been a regular workday.
A bullet through the heart of a Palestinian man – and an entire community
A social worker and father of three, Hashem Abu Maria was killed by an IDF sharpshooter during a protest against the Gaza war. Two others were also shot to death.