Daily Archives: 11. August 2014

11.08.2014 - 22:58 [ Huffington Post ]

GMO proponents pressuring Reuters to remove journalist who presents both sides of GMO debate

In an April 9th Reuters article, „Bill seeks to block mandatory GMO food labeling by states,“ Gillam wrote: „Advocates of labeling say consumers deserve to know if the food they eat contains GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.“ A paragraph later she wrote: „Makers of biotech crops and many large food manufacturers have fought mandatory labeling, arguing that genetically modified crops are not materially different and pose no safety risk.“

11.08.2014 - 22:33 [ Tech Times ]

Antarctic ‘icequakes’ were magnified by Chilean earthquake 3,000 miles away

It isn‘t exactly earth-shaking news for tectonic plates to shift in the Antarctic: hundreds of these events, known by some as „icequakes,“ can occur every hour. However, a new research study done at the Georgia Institute of Technology shows that in 2010, an earthquake as far away as Chile caused the earth to shake harder than it normally would in the Antarctic.

11.08.2014 - 22:18 [ News24 ]

Undercover cop testifies in DRC coup plot trial

An undercover police colonel who infiltrated a group of rebels allegedly plotting to overthrow Democratic Republic of the Congo President Joseph Kabila‘s government started testifying in the group‘s trial in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria on Monday.

11.08.2014 - 21:28 [ Think Progress ]

Android Users Flip Out Over New Facebook Messenger Privacy Rules

Users have been denouncing the Facebook’s forced migration to the Messenger app for private conversations since the company announced the move in May. But the seemingly creepy terms to which consumers must agree — such as letting the app make unauthorized calls — has sparked outrage over privacy concerns. And Facebook isn’t taking the blame.

11.08.2014 - 21:12 [ The Independent ]

Israel-Gaza conflict: Garnier apologises after girly care packages sent to female IDF soldiers sparks boycott threats

“Shout out to the Garnier Israel|גרנייה for the amazing donation of facial soaps, minerals and deodorants!” The post has been shared over 22,000 times and saw many calling for an immediate boycott of Garnier products, with some posting pictures of products they were throwing away in protest.

11.08.2014 - 19:24 [ Truthout ]

Communal Lands: Theater of Operations for the Counterinsurgency

According to the May 2014 publication of the Army Manual of the United States (FM-3-24, MCWP-3-33.5), which outlines the strategic ways to break up any type of insurgency, in the section titled „Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies,“ when certain elements within the population grow dissatisfied with the status quo and are willing to fight to change conditions to be in their favor, using both violent and nonviolent means to effect change in the prevailing authority, these are the conditions that lead to insurgencies.

11.08.2014 - 18:30 [ The Telegraph ]

Fresh evidence of how the West lured Ukraine into its orbit

When the European Commission told a journalist that, between 2004 and 2013, these groups had only been given €31 million, my co-author Richard North was soon reporting on his EU Referendum blog that the true figure, shown on the commission’s own “Financial Transparency” website, was €496 million. The 200 front organisations receiving this colossal sum have such names as “Center for European Co-operation” or the “Donetsk Regional Public Organisation with Hope for the Future” (the very first page shows how many are in eastern Ukraine or Crimea, with their largely Russian populations).

One of my readers heard from a Ukrainian woman working in Britain that her husband back home earns €200 a month as an electrician, but is paid another €200 a month, from a German bank, to join demonstrations such as the one last March when hundreds of thousands – many doubtless entirely sincere – turned out in Kiev to chant “Europe, Europe” at Baroness Ashton, the EU’s visiting “foreign minister”.

11.08.2014 - 18:04 [ Luftpost ]

Das Recht der Palästinenser auf Selbstverteidigung

Kein Staat der Welt, einschließlich der islamischen Staaten, scheint dazu bereit zu sein,
die Palästinenser zu schützen. Keine Organisation der Welt, einschließlich der Vereinten
Nationen, scheint bereit oder fähig zu sein, Israel durch Sanktionen unter Druck zu setzen,
damit es sich an die Normen des Völkerrechts hält. Und je länger die Weltgemeinschaft
zögert, einzugreifen, desto schneller wird sich die Spirale der Gewalt drehen.

11.08.2014 - 18:02 [ RIA Novosti ]

Trotz Sanktionen: Deutsche, Franzosen und Amerikaner bei Waffenausstellung in Russland dabei

„Zu den Teilnehmern der Ausstellung gehören führende russische Rüstungsbetriebe“, heißt es in der von den Veranstaltern veröffentlichten Presseerklärung. „Daran nehmen außerdem Unternehmen aus Algerien, Armenien, China, Frankreich, Deutschland, Indien, der Schweiz, Tschechien, den USA und Weißrussland teil.“

11.08.2014 - 17:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

Untergrundbahn Gaza

Als die israelische Armee in den Gazastreifen einzog und dort ein erstaunliches System unterirdischer Tunnel vorfand, griff eine Idee um sich: Warum sollte man nicht die Hamas einladen, in Tel Aviv eine Untergrundbahn zu bauen? Sie hat das Fachwissen, die Technik, die Planer und die Arbeitskräfte.

11.08.2014 - 15:47 [ RT ]

China to start direct sales of fruit and vegetables to Russia

China will start selling fruit and vegetables directly to Russia, and Baorong company plans to set up a special logistics center in Dongning on the border with Russia’s Far East to do it.

The 70,000 square meter wholesale market and 30,000 square meter warehouse, fitted out with refrigerators and other equipment, will be in a special cross-border customs zone, ITAR-TASS cites the head of the Association of Applied Economy of the Heilongjiang Province Zhang Chunjiao.

“Direct export of fruit and vegetables to Russia will be organized from it,“ she said.

11.08.2014 - 15:43 [ Neues Deutschland ]

CDU-Politiker: Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Nordirak denkbar

»Für den Fall eines UN-Mandats könnte sich die Bundeswehr an der Absicherung von Hilfstransporten vor Ort beteiligen«, sagte Schockenhoff am Montag zu »Spiegel Online«. »Auch sollte Deutschland dann nicht ausschließen, bestimmte Gruppen in der Krisenregion mit Waffen zu unterstützen.« Ein UN-Mandat für einen Einsatz im Nordirak ist nach Schockenhoffs Einschätzung derzeit nicht in Sicht.

11.08.2014 - 15:41 [ Spiegel ]

MH17-Absturz: Schwarz-Rot streitet über Blauhelm-Einsatz

(19. Juli) Zuvor hatte schon der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Unionsfraktion, Andreas Schockenhoff, „schnellstmöglich“ eine Friedensmission gefordert. Er hält sogar eine Beteiligung der Bundeswehr an einem solchen Einsatz für denkbar: „Wenn eine solche Mission zustande kommen sollte, würde auch Deutschland gefragt sein“, sagte er der „Rheinischen Post“.

11.08.2014 - 15:30 [ RT ]

Russia and Ukraine agree on humanitarian operation – Lavrov

Moscow and Kiev have agreed on a humanitarian mission under the authority of the Red Cross, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated.

“With careful optimism, I can now say that, I think, all possible and impossible pretexts have been dismissed. I hope that in the very nearest future this humanitarian action will take place under the authority of the Red Cross,” Lavrov said.

“We’ve agreed on all details with the Ukrainian leadership,” the Foreign Minister declared.

11.08.2014 - 15:08 [ ceiberweiber.at ]

Trauerfeier für Nationalratspräsidentin Barbara Prammer

Genau eine Woche nach ihrem Tod wurde Barbara Prammer mit einer Feier vor dem Parlament verabschiedet; das Begräbnis fand dann im Kreis ihrer Familie auf dem Wiener Zentralfriedhof statt. Der Sarg Prammers war ein paar Tage in der Säulenhalle im Parlament aufgebahrt und wurde am 9. August für die Feier vor das Parlament getragen. Rund 600 Ehrengäste nahmen – bei Hitze in der prallen Sonne – auf Sesseln in einem abgesperrten Bereich Platz, während sich noch weitere ca. 1400 Personen abseits der Gitter versammelten.

11.08.2014 - 15:01 [ Niema Movassat, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Rede: Gegen die Massaker des „Islamischen Staates“

(8. Juli) Auch Deutschland steht in der Verantwortung. IS war noch vor kurzem eine kleine Organisation. Sie hat am Anfang des Bürgerkriegs in Syrien faktisch keine Rolle gespielt. Sie wurde groß gemacht: durch Gelder, Waffen und Unterstützung aus der Türkei, Saudi-Arabien und Katar. Das sind alles Länder, in die Deutschland Waffen liefert. Die Türkei ist sogar ein NATO-Partner! Es muss Schluss sein mit deutschen Waffenlieferungen! Keine deutschen Waffenexporte mehr! Und schon gar nicht in den Nahen und Mittleren Osten! Zudem muss Deutschland seine Patriot Raketen und Soldaten aus der Türkei abziehen und deutliche Worte in Richtung der türkischen Regierung finden! Die Türkei muss ihre Unterstützung der IS endgültig und umgehend beenden und für die Folgen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.

11.08.2014 - 14:42 [ Huffington Post ]

Debunking Israel‘s 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes

Let‘s be clear: I‘m no fan of Hamas, a brutal and anti-Semitic group which has been accused by Amnesty International and other NGOs of human rights abuses against the people of Gaza and of war crimes against the people of Israel. Firing rockets into civilian areas isn‘t justified under international law, even if it is framed as part of a (legitimate) struggle against foreign military occupation.

Having said that, however, in recent days I‘ve been debating supporters of Israel‘s latest assault on Gaza on radio and on Twitter and I‘ve been astonished not just by the sheer number of fact-free claims made by those supporters, but also by their confidence, slickness and sheer message discipline. According to the pro-Israel, pro-IDF crowd, Hamas is to blame for everything.

This, of course, is utter nonsense.

11.08.2014 - 14:39 [ i24 ]

10 Jews indicted for attempted lynch of Arab men in Jerusalem

According to the indictment, the group attacked the two Palestinians unprovoked, beating them with clubs and sticks. one of the Palestinians, 20-year-old Amir Shwiki from Beit Hanina suffered severe injuries and is still being treated in hospital. The other, Samer Mahpuz (20), was mildly hurt.

The indictment said that one of the attackers approached the two at a public park and asked them for a cigarette, allegedly to make sure that they were Arabs.

11.08.2014 - 14:36 [ Electric Frontier Foundation ]

UNSEALED: The US Sought Permission To Change The Historical Record Of A Public Court Proceeding

A few weeks ago we fought a battle for transparency in our flagship NSA spying case, Jewel v. NSA. But, ironically, we weren‘t able to tell you anything about it until now.

On June 6, the court held a long hearing in Jewel in a crowded, open courtroom, widely covered by the press. We were even on the local TV news on two stations. At the end, the Judge ordered both sides to request a transcript since he ordered us to do additional briefing. But when it was over, the government secretly, and surprisingly sought permission to “remove” classified information from the transcript, and even indicated that it wanted to do so secretly, so the public could never even know that they had done so.

11.08.2014 - 14:35 [ Ria Novosti ]

Nationalheld Glezos bittet Russland um Zulassung griechischer Produkte

Glezos wies ferner darauf hin, dass Griechenland der einzige Staat Europas war, der seine Truppen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges nicht an die Ostfront zum Kampf gegen die Sowjetunion geschickt hatte. „Das griechische Volk war gegen Handlungen der EU in Jugoslawien, gegen die Bombardierung Serbiens, gegen die Invasion im Irak und gegen Drohungen an die Adresse Syriens. Dafür muss Griechenland jetzt zahlen. Und die Griechen in Griechenland und auf Zypern wurden bei Experimenten zur gewaltsamen Durchsetzung einer neuen Weltordnung zu Versuchskaninchen“, betonte der Europarlamentarier.

11.08.2014 - 14:33 [ Techdirt ]

About Freaking Time: New York Times Will Finally Start Calling CIA Torture Practices ‚Torture‘

We‘ve questioned in the past why Senators like Dianne Feinstein won‘t come out and admit that what the CIA did was torture. Even President Obama has used the word to explain the CIA‘s actions. Yet, beyond Senator Feinstein, there was one other major hold out: the NY Times refused to use that word. Until now. In a note from the executive editor of the Times, Dean Baquet, he says that the NY Times will finally be accurate and will describe the CIA‘s actions as torture:

11.08.2014 - 14:16 [ Ynet ]

Survey: 74% of French don‘t take sides in Israeli-Palestinian conflict

According to the study conducted by the Ifop Institue, when asked the question – „In the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, which side gets your sympathy?“ – only 17% answered in support of the Palestinians while 9% said that Israel had their backing. The vast majority answered with, „Neither one of the sides.“

11.08.2014 - 13:55 [ Techdirt ]

NYPD Puts Terrorism On The Run By Ordering Twitter To Turn Over Parody Account User Data ‚Linked‘ To Brooklyn Bridge Flag-Switching

Late last month, some audacious pranksters (or possibly ultra-dangerous individuals) snuck to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge‘s two towers and replaced the American flags with the universal symbol for surrender: white flags. Or to be more specific, bleached-white American flags.

As city law enforcement mobilized into „panic mode,“ a tweet claiming responsilbily went out from a long-running parody Twitter account:

11.08.2014 - 13:52 [ trend.az ]

Meeting of presidents in Sochi was necessary, Azerbaijani top official says

Given the hostilities by the reconnaissance and sabotage groups of Armenia‘s occupation troops and the recent bloody clashes in the conflict zone, the meeting of Azerbaijani, Russia and Armenian presidents in Sochi was necessary, the head of Public and Political Issues Department of Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov said in his interview with AzerTAc news agency.