Daily Archives: 22. Juli 2014

22.07.2014 - 23:00 [ RT ]

80% of British Jews feel blamed for Israeli actions

It found the experience of anti-Semitism is often bound up with perceptions of the political and military decisions of the Israeli government. Publication of the survey has coincided with the Israel Defense Forces’ air and ground assault of the Gaza Strip, which has drawn tens of thousands of protestors onto the streets worldwide.

22.07.2014 - 22:57 [ RT ]

​UK to ‚decriminalize‘ file-sharing

The new scheme, named the ‚Voluntary Copyright Alert Programme (VCAP),‘ came after years of talks between internet service providers (ISPs), politicians, and the music and film industries.

22.07.2014 - 22:45 [ Time ]

Netanyahu’s Wikipedia Page Replaced With Palestinian Flag

Wikipedia works through consensus editing — Nearly anyone can make a change to a Wikipedia page, but records of each change are kept and pages can be quickly re-edited or reverted to an earlier version if enough Wikipedia editors or users see fit to do so.

22.07.2014 - 21:42 [ Truthout ]

Legalized Bribery Has Allowed Sheldon Adelson to Buy and Sell Politicians

And as the wealthy elite and corporations are profiting off of their investments in Washington, the rest of us are living in a very different America than we had just a generation ago. It‘s now an America that, despite its great wealth, looks more and more like a third-world country each day.

Our entire infrastructure, from our roads and bridges, to our electric grids and transportation systems, is stuck in the 19th century. Our intellectual infrastructure – our students – are failing and a trillion dollars in debt.

22.07.2014 - 21:41 [ ceiberweiber.at ]

Neue Spendenaktion für Flüchtlinge

Hilfe für syrische Kinder – Die Caritas verteilt in der Saure-Gurken-Zeit Gläser mit Gurken, um zur Spendensammlung im Bekanntenkreis und im Büro anzuregen. Man kann entweder die Gläser leeren und dann verwenden oder ein bereits vorhandenes Glas mit einem Aufkleber versehen und zu sammeln beginnen.

22.07.2014 - 19:08 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli professor‘s ‚rape as terror deterrent‘ statement draws ire

“The only thing that can deter terrorists, like those who kidnapped the children and killed them, is the knowledge that their sister or their mother will be raped.” This assertion was made by Middle East scholar Dr. Mordechai Kedar of Bar-Ilan University about three weeks ago on an Israel Radio program. “It sounds very bad, but that’s the Middle East,” added Kedar, of Bar-Ilan’s Department…

22.07.2014 - 18:54 [ BDS Movement ]

Fact sheet: The case for a military embargo on Israel

– Israel uses military force to maintain an unlawful regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid. This system is put in place in order to control as much land with as few indigenous Palestinians on it as possible, and to prevent the Palestinian people from exercising its inalienable right to self-determination.

– Between 2000 and 2010 alone, Israeli armed forces injured tens of thousands and killed more than 7,000 Palestinians.

22.07.2014 - 18:47 [ Weißes Haus ]

Readout of the Chief of Staff’s Meetings in Berlin, Germany

In follow up to the telephone conversation between President Obama and Chancellor Merkel, the respective Chiefs of Staff, Denis McDonough (US) and Peter Altmaier (Germany), accompanied by Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security, and Günter Heiss, Head of Directorate-General 6 (Federal Intelligence Service, Coordination of Federal Intelligence Services), Federal Chancellery, met on Tuesday in Berlin for intensive talks on the state of bilateral relations and future cooperation.

The full range of issues was addressed, including intelligence and security matters.

Mr. McDonough and Mr. Altmaier agreed to set up a Structured Dialogue to address concerns of both sides and establish guiding principles as the basis for continued and future cooperation. The Structured Dialogue will be overseen by the Chiefs of Staff.

22.07.2014 - 18:44 [ James Petras ]

The Soaring Profits of the Military – Industrial Complex And the Soaring Costs of Military Casualties

There are two major beneficiaries of the two major wars launched by the US government: one domestic and one foreign. The three major domestic arms manufacturers, Lockheed Martin (LMT), Northrop Grumman (NOG) and Raytheon (RTN) have delivered record-shattering returns to their investors, CEOs and investment banks during the past decade and a half.

22.07.2014 - 18:42 [ Techdirt ]

German Government Tries To Censor Publication Of Its List Of Censored Websites

A few weeks ago, an anonymous internet user was able to acquire and subsequently extract a website blacklist used by Germany‘s Federal Department of Media Harmful to Young Children (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien [BPjM]). This un-hashed list was posted to the user‘s Neocities blog, along with some analysis of the blacklist‘s contents and a rundown on the minimal protective efforts used for the list.

22.07.2014 - 18:42 [ Anna Biselli / Netzpolitik ]

Parlamentarier und NGOs gehen gegen Notstands-Überwachungsgesetz in Großbritannien vor (Update)

Letzte Woche wurde im Eilverfahren der Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIP) in Großbritannien verabschiedet. Mittlerweile wollen mehrere NGOs und Parlamentarier gegen das Notstandsgesetz vorgehen, dass nicht nur wie behauptet die Vorratsdatenspeicherung weiter aufrecht erhalten soll, sondern außerdem die Überwachungsbefugnisse Großbritanniens massiv ausweitet. Eine der Organisationen ist Liberty, die David Davis und Tom Watson dabei vertreten, eine richterliche Nachprüfung zu beantragen. Sie berufen sich auf das Recht auf Privatsphäre in der EU-Menschenrechtskonvention und der Grundrechtecharta. Libertys juristischer Vorstand James Welch begründet:

22.07.2014 - 18:39 [ Jonathan Cook - the Blog from Nazareth ]

Media follow Israeli line on captured soldier

First, Oron Shaul’s capture was treated as a non-story by the western media as long as it was only Hamas saying it. Now Israel agrees he is missing, his disappearance will be much commented on. When will we see our media treating Hamas claims with the same seriousness – let alone, credulousness – we do Israeli claims?

Second, the western media are echoing the Israeli media line – meaning the Israeli government line – that Shaul is “missing”. What can that possibly mean in Gaza at the moment apart from that he or his body is in Hamas’ possession? Given that Hamas had already both announced his capture and named him, the western media ought to stop slavishly following Israeli propaganda.

Third, if it becomes clear Shaul is alive, see how many western media outlets refuse to adopt Israel’s view that he has been “kidnapped”.

22.07.2014 - 15:56 [ Global Research ]

Saudi Hires “Israel Friendly” Security Firm to Overlook Hajj, Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca

This is not the first time that the Saudi government has hired the private security firm, which has recruited a staggering 700,000 to provide hajj-related services this year, according to exclusive information obtained by Al-Akhbar. Most of the leaked reports indicate that security for the hajj season since 2010 has been entrusted to al-Majal G4S, an affiliate of the parent company G4S.

22.07.2014 - 14:31 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Kongress lässt Kriegsvollmacht in Kraft: Fast 13-jähriger Terrorkrieg geht weiter

U.a. bekommt das U.S.-Militär dann für jede Kriegszone bzw erobertes Gebiet in Asien und Afrika jeweils einen Obolus extra, sowie für Internet-Spionage über seinen Geheimdienst “National Security Agency”, usw. Seit Beginn des Terrorkrieges in 2001 bekommt das U.S.-Militär so vom Kongress jährlich insgesamt rund eine Billion Dollar Steuergelder, welches die U.S.-Regierung und das Pentagon dann u.a. in der ganzen Welt an “Alliierte”, Söldner, spionage-technologische Konsortien, Milizen, etc, zu deren Verfügung weiterreicht und diese im Windschatten des eigenen Imperiums gewähren lässt.

Für die Debatte nahm sich das Repräsentantenhaus großzügige 10 Minuten Zeit. Die eine Minute Redezeit für Barbara Lee bekam sie von Adam Schiff.


Eintrag 22. Juni 2014, 12 Jahre, neun Monate und 11 Tage nach Ausbruch des Krieges:

Keine besonderen Vorkommnisse. Im Westen nichts Neues.

22.07.2014 - 14:25 [ Zeit ]

Worte der Woche

(10. November 1995) „Ich war 27 Jahre lang ein Mann des Militärs. Ich habe Krieg geführt, solange es keine Chance auf Frieden gab. Ich glaube, jetzt gibt es diese Chance, und wir müssen sie ausnutzen.“

Jitzhak Rabin in seiner letzten Rede

22.07.2014 - 14:24 [ Zeit ]

Wenn Haß zu Terror wird

(17. November 1995) Der Mord an Jitzhak Rabin ruft ein anderes politisches Attentat in Erinnerung, das auf den deutschen Außenminister Walther Rathenau im Juni 1922. Beide Männer wurden bei der Suche nach Frieden ermordet. Sie starben durch die Hand von Kriminellen, deren mörderische Absichten von haßerfüllten Agitatoren angefacht worden waren, die Verrat geschrien hatten, als ihre verfassungsmäßig gewählten Führer Frieden und Aussöhnung suchten.

22.07.2014 - 14:11 [ Ynet ]

Rabin‘s grandson to Netanyahu: You owe us peace

(12. Oktober 2013) 18 years after Israel‘s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was murdered, the official memorial rally in his honor was held Saturday in Tel Aviv‘s Rabin square, named after the late prime minister, who was assassinated at the square in 1995. According to initial estimates, some 35,000 people attended the rally.

Rabin‘s grandson, Yonatan Ben Artzi, addressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his speech, saying: „My grandfather was murdered over peace, and you owe us peace“

22.07.2014 - 13:33 [ Code Pink ]

Jewish Voice for Peace & CODEPINK Hold Israel Accountable for Gaza Deaths: Disrupt Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer at Christians United for Israel (CUFI) “Night to Honor Israel” in Washington DC

Tonight activists from Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and CODEPINK spoke out during Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer’s speech to the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) annual conference to protest Israel’s war of destruction in Gaza and call on all Americans to stand against Israel‘s brutal occupation and assault against the people of Palestine. CUFI is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and is led by controversial Christian evangelist Pastor John Hagee who among other things, claims that Hitler was part of a lineage of „accursed, genocidally murderous half-breed Jews.“

22.07.2014 - 13:29 [ Stuart Littlewood / Intifada ]

Slaughtering the men, women and children you illegally occupy and daily humiliate…It’s the new ‘self defence’

Britain’s newly-minted foreign secretary Philip Hammond has lost his shine already. A few days ago he warmly welcomed Egypt’s bogus ceasefire proposal which hadn’t even been shown to Hamas.

Yesterday he was asked three times on the the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show whether Israel’s military operations in Gaza were a proportionate response and he ducked the question every time .

However he did say: “We will be looking very carefully at what is happening on the ground to make sure that it is proportionate, that civilian lives are being protected in a proper way.”