Daily Archives: 22. Mai 2014

22.05.2014 - 23:10 [ The Star ]

Ottawa’s spying on Canadians has no place in free society

Here in Canada, OpenMedia.ca and over 50 major organizations from across the political spectrum have formed the OurPrivacy.ca Coalition. With support from tens of thousands of Canadians, we’re determined to stop invasive out-of-control spying by winning effective legal measures to protect our privacy.

22.05.2014 - 23:05 [ Fefes Blog ]

Habt ihr eigentlich mitgekriegt, was heute im NSA-Ausschuss abging?

Netzpolitik bloggt darüber. Kurzfassung: Die juristischen Sachverständigen haben darauf hingewiesen, dass Grundrechte Grundrecht heißen, weil sie immer und überall gelten. Auch in Afghanistan. Auch für die Afghanen in Afghanistan gilt das Fernmeldegeheimnis. Mit anderen Worten: Die „strategische Fernmeldeaufklärung“ des Bundesnachrichtendienstes ist (und war immer) rechtswidrig.

22.05.2014 - 16:52 [ defensenews.com ]

House GOP Votes to Keep Post-9/11 Force Authorization On Books

House members killed an amendment offered by California Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff and John Garamendi, which would have sunsetted the post-9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) next year, should it pass and Senate leaders agree to include it in the final measure.

The vote tally on Schiff-Garamendi was 233 nays to 191 yeas, breaking mostly along party lines. More than 200 Republicans voted against voiding the AUMF next year.

22.05.2014 - 16:45 [ Premium Times ]

Presidency convoy ‘shoots at’ protesting OAU students

The students were protesting, on the Ife Expressroad, the increase in their school fees by the university management when the 6-vehicle convoy arrived. The university management increased the fees from about N17,000 to over N100,000.
“We demand a total reversal to statusquo,” the student leader said.

It is not yet clear who the occupants of the presidential convoy are as some students said the main occupant is a relative to President Goodluck Jonathan.

22.05.2014 - 16:29 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

German FinMin Schaeuble: “A Greek politician proposed the Grexit”

Ayayayeee! Just three days before the EU elections that may put the Greek coalition government at risk, German Financial Minister Woflgang Schaeuble launched a ‘torpedo’. Asked to comment on recent reports of Financial Times, Schaeuble revealed that it was a Greek politician who made the proposal for Greece to exit the euro zone

22.05.2014 - 15:05 [ iPOLITICS ]

For Big Oil, Harper’s door is always wide open

Under Harper, the Prime Minister’s Office has dedicated itself to transforming Canada into an unabashed petro-state, making the country one of a handful of nations leading the world rapidly down a path to climate-change mayhem.

22.05.2014 - 13:13 [ C-Span ]

House Session, Part 2

The House continued consideration of H.R. 4435, a bill that would authorize programs of the Defense Department for fiscal year 2015, and another bill that would overhaul the National Security Agency’s process for collecting telephone records.

22.05.2014 - 12:24 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Kommentar des Departements für Information und Presse des Außenministeriums Russlands zur Gefangennahme russischer Journalisten des Fernsehkanals LiefeNews durch die ukrainischen Behörden

Unsere Aufmerksamkeit fiel auf die Erklärung der OSZE-Medienbeauftragten Dunja Mijatović, in der sie von einem Brief an den Innenminister der Ukraine, Arsen Awakow, mit der Bitte um Freilassung der Journalisten des Fernsehsenders LifeNews, Marat Sajtschenko und Oleg Sidjakin, und um eine sorgfältige Untersuchung dieses Vorfalls berichtet.

Auf unser Beharren hin erteilte der Schweizer OSZE-Vorsitz die Anweisung an die Leitung der OSZE-Sonderbeobachtermission in der Ukraine, sich für die Freilassung der Journalisten einzusetzen. Wir erwarten von der OSZE-Führung entschlossene Schritte in dieser Richtung und eine öffentliche Reaktion auf die eklatanten Fälle der Verletzung der Meinungsfreiheit in der Ukraine.

Wir gehen davon aus, dass die ukrainischen Behörden unverzügliche Schritte zur Befreiung der russischen Journalisten setzen und in Zukunft auf die Druckausübung und die Einschüchterung von Medienvertretern unter klar erdachten Vorwänden verzichten.

22.05.2014 - 12:13 [ Yonhap ]

Seoul urges N. Korea to abandon nuclear ambitions

„It will be good for all if North Korea abandons its plan for a nuke test and nuclear programs and holds dialogue with the international community, including with us,“ Cho Tai-young, spokesman at the foreign ministry, told a press briefing.

Cho made the remark when asked about the prospect of an upcoming meeting between North Korean and U.S. officials in Mongolia.

22.05.2014 - 12:11 [ Yonhap (Korea) ]

Park nominates new prime minister, sacks national security adviser, spy chief

Nam has been a main target of opposition criticism of the government over a series of scandals, including allegations that the spy agency meddled in the presidential election and that the agency forged evidence to charge a North Korean defector with espionage.

Park had shown deep trust in Nam, rejecting long-running calls for firing him.

22.05.2014 - 12:11 [ Kreml ]

Condolences to President of China Xi Jinping

Vladimir Putin sent a message of condolences to President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in connection with the casualties sustained as a result of the terrorist attack in Urumqi.

In his message of condolences, the President of Russia condemns this atrocious crime and expresses certainty that its perpetrators and organisers will be found and brought to justice.

22.05.2014 - 12:05 [ Syran Arab News Agency ]

MPs: Preventing Syrian expatriates from participating in elections aims at disrupt political life

Since People‘s Assembly (PA) declared the date of presidential elections in Syria, conspiring countries have not stopped political provocation against the Syrian state, as their armed terrorist groups have not stopped exercising criminal acts against the Syrian people.

French, German and Tunisian governments decided to prevent the Syrian citizens living in these countries from participating in the presidential elections though it is a right guaranteed by the international constitutions and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

22.05.2014 - 12:00 [ Reuters ]

Assad‘s forces enter Syria‘s Aleppo prison – monitor

Rebels, including fighters from al Qaeda‘s Nusra Front, have tried repeatedly to storm the prison and free its inmates, bombing and breaching its outer walls but failing to take full control. The complex holds around 3,000 prisoners.

The recapture of the prison and its surroundings means that Assad‘s forces have control over the north-east approach to Aleppo, the Observatory‘s Rami Abdulrahman said.

22.05.2014 - 11:59 [ Techdirt ]

How Congress & The White House Are Trying To Screw You Over In Secret With The Revamped USA Freedom Act

So we already wrote about how the House completely watered down the USA Freedom Act to the point that it really does very little, leading basically all of the civil liberties community to withdraw their support for the bill. If you want to know a little more about the politics at play, I highly recommend Jennifer Granick‘s explanation, in which she notes the unfortunate reality: this bill no longer ends bulk surveillance at all — and, in fact, appears to authorize some things that were previously considered questionable, such as the NSA‘s ability to do „about“ searches, rather than just „to“ and „from“ searches (i.e., rather than just looking for emails from or to a certain person, they want access to emails about that person too).

22.05.2014 - 11:56 [ Reuters ]

Pakistan says received Modi‘s invitation, to decide soon

India invited Sharif and other South Asian leaders to attend Modi‘s swearing-in on Monday. If he does attend, it would be a first in the history of the nuclear-armed rivals who have fought three wars since independence in 1947.

22.05.2014 - 11:53 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Athens: protesting cleaners “occupy” the Finance Ministry

On May 16th, the First Instance Court in Athens ruled that the Finance Ministry had to hire anew the 397 cleaners it had laid-off several months ago. According to the court, the finance ministry decision to sent home 397 cleaners in the context of ‘mobility and availability scheme’ was illegal and unconstitutional as it occurred without previous evaluation of their work.

22.05.2014 - 10:27 [ Radio Utopie ]

Kriegswaffen aus Jena kein Thema für StadtratskandidatInnen

Insgesamt sechzig KandidatInnen der sich um den Stadtrat bewerbenden Parteien, hatte der Trägerkreis Rüstungskonversion in den letzten Wochen angeschrieben. Nur zwei davon antworteten. Der vor einem Jahr gegründete Trägerkreis aus IG Metall, Verdi, Ev. Kirche, Initiativen und Einzelpersonen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Rüstungsproduktion in Jena zum Thema zu machen und langfristig eine Umwandlung in zivile Arbeitsplätze zu bewirken.

„Waffen aus Jena gehen in die ganze Welt, z.B. nach Indonesien und Katar, dafür tragen wir Mitverantwortung als BürgerInnen dieser Stadt“ sagte Joachim Misselwitz von der IPPNW. Deshalb komme der Position der zukünftigen Stadträte eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Der Trägerkreis befragte die KandidatInnen, wie sie zum Thema Rüstung aus Jena stehen und ob sie sich ein Konversionsnetzwerk vorstellen könnten. Nur Kirsten Limbecker von den GUTEN und Bastian Stein von den GRÜNEN antworteten und befürworteten die Notwendigkeit einer Umstellung auf zivile Produktion.

22.05.2014 - 10:00 [ Jenapolis ]

Benachteiligung der GUTEN in der TLZ und Irreführung der Wählerschaft

“Sehr geehrtes TLZ-Team, mit großem Unmut und Unbehagen haben wir von der Stadtratswahl-Liste DIE GUTEN den Artikel über die Wahlprognose der TLZ (Freitag 16.05.2014) wahrgenommen. Als einzige wählbare Liste wurden wir schlicht übergangen. Alle Listen erhielten in der grafischen wie textlichen Übersicht ihre Umfragewerte. Allein DIE GUTEN wurden als einzige Liste unter „Sonstige“ gefasst. Platzmangel kann kein Argument dafür gewesen sein, das Austauschen eines Wortes hätte genügt. Dass DIE GUTEN nicht relevant genug seien, kann auch nicht der Grund sein. Zum einen sind 3 % definitiv relevant für die Sitzverteilung – dafür gäbe es einen, fast zwei Sitze. Und zum anderen sind DIE GUTEN seit 2009 mit Martin Michel als fraktionslosem Mitglied seit fünf Jahren im Stadtrat vertreten.

22.05.2014 - 09:57 [ Jenapolis ]

OB Schröter: ‚Gott sei Dank leben wir in einer Demokratie!‘

Jena. Die Stadt Jena – vertreten durch den Oberbürgermeister – verstößt gegen Bundes- und Landesrecht. Wissentlich, nicht etwa fahrlässig. So werden Stadtratsbeschlüsse nicht umgesetzt oder nur widerwillig und halbherzig unzureichend erfüllt. Die “Betonkoalition – SPD, CDU, Grüne” im Stadtrat wird’ s schon schlucken.

22.05.2014 - 09:47 [ Radio Utopie ]


Wir protestieren heute in Berlin und Gorleben gegen das Mitmachtheater. Wir lassen uns nicht an die Kette legen.

22.05.2014 - 09:13 [ campact ]

Kein Deal mit den Atomkonzernen

Über Jahrzehnte hinweg haben die Stromkonzerne Milliardengewinne mit der gefährlichen Atomkraft gemacht. Doch die finanziellen Risiken wollen sie jetzt auf die Gesellschaft abwälzen. Für den Abriss der AKW und die Atommüll-Lagerung soll der Staat aufkommen. Und zudem die zunehmend unrentablen Meiler weiter betreiben.

22.05.2014 - 09:07 [ LobbyControl ]

Aktion: TTIP-Werbung der Bertelsmann-Stiftung stoppen

Die Bertelsmann-Stiftung wirbt massiv für ein Freihandelsabkommen zwischen den USA und der EU (TTIP). Zugleich ist der Bertelsmann-Konzern selbst möglicher Nutznießer des TTIP und unterstützt Lobbygruppen, die sich für das Freihandelsabkommen einsetzen. Die Stiftung verletzt damit ihren eigenen Grundsatz, nicht zu Handlungs- und Geschäftsfeldern des Bertelsmann-Konzerns zu arbeiten.

22.05.2014 - 08:17 [ Allgemeine Versammlung der Vereinten Nationen ]

66/261. Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union

1. Welcomes the efforts made by the Inter-Parliamentary Union to provide for a greater parliamentary contribution and enhanced support to the United Nations;

2. Encourages the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to continue to work closely in various fields, in particular peace and security, economic and social development, international law, human rights and democracy and gender issues, bearing in mind the significant benefits of cooperation between the two organizations, to which the report of the Secretary-General attests;

3. Encourages the Inter-Parliamentary Union to strengthen further its contribution to the work of the General Assembly, including its revitalization, and in relation to the process of United Nations reform and system-wide coherence;

4. Also encourages the Inter-Parliamentary Union to continue its efforts in mobilizing parliamentary action towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by the target date of 2015, as well as in bringing a parliamentary contribution to the design of the next generation of global development goals; (…)

13. Calls for a regular annual exchange between the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and the senior leadership of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, with a view to building greater coherence in the work of the two organizations, maximizing parliamentary support for the United Nations and helping to forge a strategic partnership between the two organizations;

14. Recommends that a new Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union be drawn up, so as to reflect progress and developments over the past sixteen years;

22.05.2014 - 08:10 [ Inter-Parlamentarische Union ]

UN calls a for new Cooperation Agreement with IPU

Sponsored by 87 countries, the resolution – Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and IPU – encourages IPU to continue to facilitate a parliamentary component to major UN conferences by bringing a legislative perspective to global talks and negotiations. UN headquarters in New York will be the venue for the Fourth Conference of Speakers of Parliament next year, just ahead of the UN Summit to mark the start of a new sustainable development era.

22.05.2014 - 08:08 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Speaks at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

(19.05.2014) The United States Congress was a founding member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and played an active and prominent role for many decades. That is why I am especially honored and pleased that the United States supports and joins consensus on today’s adoption of the resolution.

22.05.2014 - 07:59 [ Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ]

H. R. 4608 To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force, and for other purposes.


This Act may be cited as the „War Authorization Review and
Determination Act“ or „WARD Act“. (…)

(a) In General.–Within 60 days after a report is submitted
pursuant to section 2(a), the President shall terminate each operation or other action described in the report, unless a joint resolution described in subsection (b) with respect to the operation or other action is enacted into law in accordance with such subsection.

22.05.2014 - 07:58 [ http://stopendlesswar.com ]

Stop Endless War

On September 14, 2001, in the fog of 9/11, Congress voted to give the President expanded war powers. These powers made it much easier for any President to engage in acts of war. Since that fateful day, thousands of American troops and many innocent civilians have lost their lives based on the overly broad authorization for force which functions as a blank check for war without end.

If you’re outraged by the war in Afghanistan, drone strikes and warrantless wiretapping, we can help stop them if we repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).

Barbara Lee and other members of Congress, Republicans and Democrats, have introduced the War Authorization Review and Determination Act. Our goal is to obtain 100,000 citizen co-sponsors. Sign the petition now.

22.05.2014 - 07:57 [ Adam Schiff, Abgeordneter des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Schiff, Flake Introduce Bipartisan bill, the „NSA Oversight Act“

(16.03.2006) The bill, the NSA OVERSIGHT ACT, would:

Reiterate Exclusivity of Current FISA and Wiretap Laws – states that FISA and the federal criminal wiretap statutes shall continue to be the exclusive means by which domestic electronic surveillance may be conducted.
Clarify Military Force Statute – makes clear that the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), passed days after the September 11th attacks, does not provide an exception to that rule.

22.05.2014 - 07:24 [ Antiwar.com ]

House to Vote on Repeal of 2001 War Powers

Rep. Schiff pushed materially the same bill in July of last year, but it failed 185-236. President Obama has since given some support to the idea of repealing the AUMF, however, which may swing this year’s vote in favor of it.

The bill will be an amendment to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), one of over 100 amendments offered to the bill, which is itself also expected to come to a vote in the House Thursday.

22.05.2014 - 06:42 [ Techdirt ]

Amendments Offered To NDAA To Try To Stop NSA Surveillance Abuse

If you‘re wondering why the USA Freedom Act finally started moving forward again, a good place to look is tomorrow‘s vote on re-upping the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), with a variety of folks in the House proposing amendments that would lead to defunding certain NSA activities. As you may recall, last year, Rep. Justin Amash proposed defunding the NSA‘s Section 215 bulk data collection program, which came very close to passing. Fearing a similar effort, the House leadership decided to finally get moving on USA Freedom. Of course, with USA Freedom watered down, attention is turning back to the NDAA Amendments, with the vote on all of this happening tomorrow.