Daily Archives: 10. Mai 2014

10.05.2014 - 20:28 [ Republic News Agency ]

Residents of South Ossetia condemn the criminal actions of Ukrainian authorities

In South Ossetia, was held an anti-fascist rally of solidarity of the people of South Ossetia with the people of Ukraine, Odessa residents, Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, Kharkov and Luhansk. On the church square of Tskhinval gathered a lot of people – the leadership, the public and guests of the Republic.
The participants strongly condemned the criminal actions of the current Ukrainian authorities against the civilian population of the country.
Participants of the meeting made an appeal to the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the OSCE chairman Mr Didier Burkhalter and PACE President Ms Anne Brasseur, which contribute to call an immediate halt of the carnage in the south-east of Ukraine.
Below is the complete text of the letter:

10.05.2014 - 19:43 [ Asia Times ]

Putin displays Ukraine chess mastery

Lao Tzu Putin is far from going to checkmate. He may – and will – wait. The exceptionalist empire will keep doing what it does best – foment chaos – even as sensible Europeans, Merkel included, try somewhat for appeasement. Well, at least Washington‘s prayers have been answered. It took a while, but they finally found the new bogeyman: Osama Bin Putin.

10.05.2014 - 18:27 [ WSWS ]

How the revival of German militarism was prepared

What shocked many was carefully prepared. For more than a year, 50 leading politicians, journalists, academics and military and business figures discussed a more aggressive German foreign policy in a project under the auspices of the government-aligned Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP, German Institute for International and Security Affairs) and the Washington-based think tank German Marshall Fund (GMF).

10.05.2014 - 18:22 [ WSWS ]

Nigeria: Boko Haram kidnappings used to justify US military build-up in Africa

The move is in line with a broader “pivot to Africa,” aimed at securing control of the continent’s huge mineral and energy resources and containing, if not excluding, China from Africa. China has now surpassed the US as Africa’s foremost trading partner and has huge mining, energy and infrastructure investments in the continent.

10.05.2014 - 16:41 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Officers Kill Armed Civilians in Yemen Capital

American officials refused to identify the Americans or their jobs in Yemen, where the Pentagon and the C.I.A. have been training Yemeni security forces in addition to carrying out the drone strikes. But a senior American official said one individual involved in the shooting was a lieutenant colonel with the elite Joint Special Operations Command and the other was a C.I.A. officer.

10.05.2014 - 16:27 [ Ria Novosti ]

Kiew zwingt Flugzeug mit russischer Delegation zur Landung in Moldawien

Die Ukraine habe zunächst den Überflug für die russische Delegation, der Staatsduma-Abgeordnete, Mitarbeiter des Außenministeriums und Regierungsmitglieder angehören, genehmigt und dann sich eines anderen besonnen und das Flugzeug zur Umkehr gezwungen, so der Minister.

Wie RIA Novosti vom Delegationsmitglied Leonid Sluzki, Chef des Duma-Ausschusses für die Angelegenheiten der GUS, erfuhr, sollen die Delegationsmitglieder, die sich derzeit auf dem Flughafen von Chisinau aufhalten, in allernächster Zeit mit einer Linienmaschine abfliegen.

10.05.2014 - 15:58 [ Disvovery ]

Hidden Cameras to Spy on Berlin for 100 Years

“If anyone has a right to spy on us, it’s our descendants.”

So says conceptual artist and “experimental philosopher” Jonathan Keats in regard to his latest art-meets-science project — the century camera.

10.05.2014 - 15:42 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Oum al-Zennar Church, before and after terrorists passed through it

When looking at images of Oum al-Zennar Church in Homs Old City before and after terrorists passed through it, the contrast can be quite jarring. The wounded church stands today as a testament to the hate-fueled Wahabi mentality of the terrorist groups wreaking havoc in Syria.

The Church, whose Arabic name means „she who bears the girdle“ in reference to the Virgin Mary and the Girdle of Thomas, the relic which the Virgin Mary gave to Saint Thomas the Apostle before her assumption to heaven, can now be rebuilt anew after the terrorists who desecrated it have fled Homs Old City.

10.05.2014 - 15:40 [ Ynet ]

Sa‘ar slams PM‘s proposal to cancel presidency

Earlier, political sources announced that Prime Minister Netanyahu is continuing to seek ways to cancel the presidential elections. According to the sources, Netanyahu wishes to appoint Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein as acting president for several months, during which he will attempt to lead a move to dismiss the institution of presidency.

10.05.2014 - 15:27 [ Zeit ]

EU-Parlament: Gabriel warnt vor „Volksverdummung“ nach Europawahl

(05.05.) Der Chefposten der EU-Kommission steht formal zwar nicht zur Wahl. Aber von den Mehrheiten im Parlament wird abhängen, wer künftig die Kommission führt. Es dürfe keine Gedankenspiele geben, andere als einen der Spitzenkandidaten der Parteienfamilien an der Spitze der Kommission zu installieren, warnte Gabriel: „Wer das nach dem 25. Mai versucht, der wird die europäische Demokratie auf lange Zeit zerstören.“

10.05.2014 - 13:00 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Kongress: Kriegsvollmacht vom 14. September 2001 wackelt

(17.05.2013) Das deutlichste Anzeichen dafür, dass sich nun die Abgeordneten um Barbara Lee gegen die Kriegslobby langsam und zäh durchsetzen und die Stimmung auf dem Parlamentshügel Capitol Hill kippt, sind Äußerungen von Wetterhähnen wie Angus King. Der unabhängige Senator und ex-Gouverneur, Mitglied in den Senatsausschüssen für Geheimdienste, Militär und Staatsfinanzen (Haushalt), zeigte sich während der gestrigen Anhörung im Militärausschuss gegenüber Chuck Hagels Vize Sheehan und Pentagon-Berater Robert Taylor ungewöhnlich unverblümt. Nachdem beide Militärfunktionäre Kriegseinsätze wie in Pakistan und Somalia mit der A.U.M.F.-Ermächtigung aus 2001 gerechtfertigt hatten, äußerte sich der Senator wie folgt:

“Das ist die beunruhigendste Anhörung die ich seit langem erlebt habe. Ihr Kerle habt die Verfassung umgeschrieben.”

King warf den beiden Pentagon-Funktionären vor, sich sich selbst die Macht des Kongresses angemaßt zu haben den Krieg zu erklären.

10.05.2014 - 12:55 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Bipartisan Members, Introduce the War Authorization Review and Determination Act, H.R. 4608, to Limit Executive Branch’s ‘Blank Check’ for Military Force

Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced the bipartisan War Authorization Review and Determination Act (WARD Act, H.R. 4608), to reinsert Congressional oversight and determination into any future use of military force, as well as repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). As the House prepares to take up the FY15 National Defense Authorization Act, Congresswoman Lee introduced this legislation to end the executive branch’s “blank check” for military action.

Since her lone vote against the AUMF in 2001, Congresswoman Lee has consistently called for the repeal of this legislation, which has been used as legal justification for a wide range of activities, including targeted drone killings, warrantless surveillance and wiretapping, and the ongoing war in Afghanistan.

10.05.2014 - 12:54 [ Techdirt ]

Don‘t Expect To See The Declassified Senate Report On How The CIA Tortured People Any Time Soon

Sure, the Senate voted to declassify parts of its $40 million, 6,300-page report on the disastrous CIA torture program — and the White House said that it‘ll let the CIA handle the declassification. We knew that it would take some time to do the declassification, and expect that „some time“ to turn into „a very, very long time.“

10.05.2014 - 12:53 [ RT ]

​Lessons of World War II forgotten: Will Germany be the peacemaker?

The irony grows even greater as over the winter we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Kiev and the heart of Ukraine from the Nazi tyranny. Yet the current interim government in Kiev which was established, not by democratic process and lawful elections, but through a violent coup, is already moving to lift the ban on expressions of Nazism that was maintained by all previous Ukrainian governments of both the left and right since national independence at the end of 1991.

The May 2 horrific events in Odessa reminded many of its citizens of the similar tragedy in Katyn, a village in Belarus where on March 22, 1943, the entire population was massacred by the 118th Schutzmannschaft Nazi battalion, The battalion was formed in July 1942 in Kiev and was made up mostly of Ukrainian nationalists from Western Ukraine and collaborators.

10.05.2014 - 12:49 [ RT ]

APC set on fire in Ukraine’s Mariupol as Kiev troops announce withdrawal

An APC, allegedly captured by self-defense forces from Ukrainian troops, was set ablaze in the center of Mariupol in the aftermath of Friday’s bloody clashes. The Ukrainian National Guard has announced it will temporarily withdraw from the city center.

On Saturday afternoon, the sound of gunshots and explosions was once again heard in the center of the city, which is located on the Black Sea coast in southeast Ukraine.

10.05.2014 - 12:44 [ Techdirt ]

Head-In-Sand Approach: White House Bans Current & Former Intelligence Staff From Discussing Any Media Leaks

The Obama administration continues to make incredibly ridiculous decisions in response to the whole Snowden thing. A few weeks ago, we wrote about new rules from James Clapper that banned intelligence community employees from interacting with anyone who was a reporter (or who just had a social media account) without first getting approval. And the latest is that Clapper has issued a new „instruction“ which effectively bars all intelligence community employees (and contractors) from even referring to public news reports about any leaks.

10.05.2014 - 10:39 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ukraine: “Gouverneur” des Putsch-Regimes nennt Hitler einen “Befreier”

Der vom “Präsidenten” des Kiewer Putsch-Regimes Alexander Turtschinow Anfang März eingesetzte Gouverneur der ukrainischen Region Kherson, Yuri Odarchenko, gestern bei einer Gedenkveranstaltung in Kherson zum 9. Mai, dem Jahrestag der Kapitulation des faschistischen Deutschlands, dem Ende des 2. Weltkriegs auf dem Kontinent Europa:

10.05.2014 - 10:37 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Kommentar des Departements für Information und Presse des Außenministeriums Russlands zur Schändung des Heldendenkmals der Roten Armee in Wien

Unter Hinweis auf die völkerrechtlichen Verpflichtungen Wiens, die aus dem Staatsvertrag über die Wiederherstellung eines unabhängigen und demokratischen Österreich im Jahr 1955 hervorgehen, und unter Berücksichtigung des sich wiederholenden Charakters der Vandalenakte appellieren wir an die österreichischen Behörden, entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Gewährung eines sicheren Schutzes für das Denkmal auf dem Schwarzenbergplatz zu treffen.

10.05.2014 - 10:35 [ Ria Novosti ]

Nach Tragödie in Odessa: Mehr Opfer als offiziell bekannt

In dem Dokument werden die Todesursachen genannt: Schusswunden, Gasvergiftungen, Brandwunden, Stürze und Vergiftungen.

Bei dem Großbrand, den rechtsradikale Extremisten und ihre Anhänger am 2. Mai im Gewerkschaftshaus der Schwarzmeerstadt gestiftet hatten, starben Dutzende Aktivisten der Antimaidan-Bewegung. Laut behördlichen Informationen gab es 46 Tote und 214 Verletzte

10.05.2014 - 08:46 [ RT ]

Kherson governor calls Hitler ‚liberator‘ addressing veterans on Victory Day

“Those [Soviet] aggressors justified their capture not only by their desire to seize others‘ territory and enslave the people, but they also put forward slogans about liberating nations and people that inhabit the lands which Hitler hoped to capture,” Odarchenko told the crowd.

Painting his version of the events further, he challenged history by saying that “if you read history books, we have a number of documentaries on this, then we see that he [Hitler] first of all put forward a slogan of liberating people from the communist yoke, and liberating people from the tyrant Stalin,” Odarchenko said, sparking anger and outraged by the crowd.

As thousands yelled out “shame”, a young woman with a child approached the governor, stripped him of the microphone, before throwing it away.

10.05.2014 - 08:40 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Criminal Defendants Should Have Chance to Review FISA Materials, EFF and ACLU Argue in Amicus Brief

In the 36-year existence of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the government has never disclosed classified FISA materials—the specific applications for surveillance and the factual affidavits that support the surveillance request—to a criminal defendant. That all changed in January 2014 when a federal judge in Chicago ordered the government to turn over surveillance applications and affidavits to the attorneys representing Adel Daoud, a 19 year-old accused of attempting to blow up a bar in Chicago. As the government appeals that decision to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, we‘ve signed onto an amicus brief written by the ACLU and the ACLU of Illinois filed today that explains why Judge Sharon Coleman was right to order disclosure.

10.05.2014 - 08:33 [ Wikimedia ]

Opposing Mass Surveillance on the Internet

The Necessary and Proportionate Principles project was led by several groups, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Access, and Privacy International. The principles were developed through a consultation with civil society groups and international experts in communications surveillance law, policy, and technology. So far, the Principles have been advocated by over 400 organizations and many individuals. The signatories include Wikimedia Mexico and several Wikimedians. Today, we are proud to join their efforts.

10.05.2014 - 06:44 [ Cato Institute ]

Book Review: The Invention of the Jewish People

Countering official Zionist historiography, Sand questions whether the Jewish People ever existed as a national group with a common origin in the Land of Israel/Palestine. He concludes that the Jews should be seen as a religious community comprising a mishmash of individuals and groups that had converted to the ancient monotheistic religion but do not have any historical right to establish an independent Jewish state in the Holy Land. In short, the Jewish People, according to Sand, are not really a “people” in the sense of having a common ethnic origin and national heritage. They certainly do not have a political claim over the territory that today constitutes Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem.

An intellectual committed to the secular and liberal traditions of the West, Sand criticizes the Zionist historians and ideologues — he suggests that Zionist historians are ideologues — who introduced a mythical conception of the Jewish People as an ancient race. He charges them with racist thinking.