Daily Archives: 28. April 2014

28.04.2014 - 23:59 [ Business Recorder ]

COAS leaves for Saudi Arabia to witness military exercise

The COAS along with King of Bahrain, Crown Prince of United Arab Emirate (UAE), Prime Minister of Jordan and other military commanders from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries will witness the Exercise to be held on Tuesday (April 29).

28.04.2014 - 23:52 [ The News ]

Army chief Raheel Sharif reaches Saudi Arabia

According to the state run television the army chief is visiting the Kingdom on the invitation of Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz during which he will also examine military exercises.

28.04.2014 - 21:18 [ antikrieg.com ]

Hague: Britannien wird wirtschaftlichen Schaden in Kauf nehmen, um Russland zu sanktionieren

Hague erweckte die Vorstellung, dass es der britischen Regierung nichts ausmacht, ihre eigene Wirtschaft zu sabotieren, nur um es Russland zu zeigen, und Deutschlands Merkel-Regierung tat es ihr gleich, aber wie es mit ihrer Bereitschaft steht, sobald die politischen Folgen dieses Schadens offenkundig werden, bleibt abzuwarten.

28.04.2014 - 20:35 [ Trend ]

Cairo court bans group that helped topple Mubarak

The „Cairo Court for Urgent Matters“ that issued Monday‘s ruling was the same body that last year banned the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist movement that propelled Mohamed Mursi to the presidency in a 2012 election.

28.04.2014 - 20:29 [ Trend ]

Some 56 foreigners detained on Iranian-Turkish border

Some 56 foreigners trying to cross the border illegally have been detained at the Iranian border checkpoint in the city of Khoy last week , said Khoy‘s regiment commander of Iran`s Border Service Hasan Muhammadzade said. The detainees are the citizens of Turkey, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, he said, Iranian IRNA news agency reported.

28.04.2014 - 19:39 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Ein ungewöhnlicher Einsatz

Bei den drei deutschen Soldaten und ihrem deutschen Übersetzer, die seit Freitag gemeinsam mit drei weiteren Offizieren aus NATO-Staaten im umkämpften ostukrainischen Slawjansk festgehalten werden – ein vierter aus dem Nicht-NATO-Mitglied Schweden ist mittlerweile freigelassen worden -, handelt es sich nicht um Mitglieder der offiziellen OSZE-Beobachtermission. Deren Entsendung in die Ukraine war am 21. März für zunächst sechs Monate beschlossen worden; an ihr sind zehn Deutsche beteiligt. Die in Slawjansk festgehaltenen Deutschen waren hingegen, wie der stellvertretende Direktor des OSZE-Krisenpräventionszentrums, Claus Neukirch, am Wochenende ausdrücklich bestätigte [1], nicht im Auftrag der OSZE, sondern als Militärbeobachter im Auftrag der deutschen Streitkräfte unterwegs. Ein internationales Mandat konnten sie zu keinem Zeitpunkt vorweisen. Ihre Aktivitäten in der Ukraine werden in der Bundeswehr als „ungewöhnlich“ bezeichnet; ihre Reise ausgerechnet in das umkämpfte Slawjansk wirft zusätzliche Fragen auf.

28.04.2014 - 19:34 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

US-Blockade trifft Kultur- und Reisesektor in Europa

Havanna. Trotz der wiederholten internationalen Kritik an der US-Blockade gegen Kuba sind wieder aktuelle Fälle bekannt geworden, in denen Akteure aus Drittstaaten davon betroffen wurden. Erneut trifft es die Heavy Metal-Gruppe COR aus Rügen. Sie hatte Spenden für kulturelle Projekte in Kuba gesammelt, wo die Band demnächst eine Rundreise durchführt. Das Bezahlsystem Pay Pal, das mit dem Slogan „Mit einem Klick“ wirbt, hat das entsprechende Konto der Band eingefroren und das Geld an die Einzahler zurückgezahlt.

28.04.2014 - 19:27 [ Global Research ]

“Global Society Destruction” and The Ukraine Crisis: Decoding its Deep Structural Meaning

The EU’s financial rule by banker mechanisms has already been almost as great a failure as the oligarch-marketization of Russia after 1990. It is a complex system of one-way powers of life deprivation and social ruin which I define in The Cancer Stage of Capitalism: From Crisis to Cure (1999, 2013). Elected governments lose all control to the new absolute and overriding imperative of European rule – to grow and multiply private transnational money sequences. In accord with the ruling formulae, the Greek economy has been slashed by 25 per cent, unemployment is an official 28 per cent excluding the unpaid, the public health system is dismantled to pay foreign banks, wages are cut by a quarter, the public sector is sacked and privatized, and jobless youth rises to 60 per cent even with mass emigration. These outcomes now await Ukraine.

28.04.2014 - 18:37 [ RT / Youtube ]

Lavrov: Americans are not ready to admit they cannot run the show (FULL INTERVIEW)

(23.4.2014) As the standoff in the eastern Ukraine deteriorates into violence it‘s up to world powers to step in and calm things down. Despite tough talk from Washington, the US, EU, Russia and Ukraine have managed to reach a framework to peace in Geneva. But will it be enough to avert a civil war? Sophie asks the Russian Foreign minister himself — Sergey Lavrov is on Sophie&Co today.

28.04.2014 - 17:38 [ songtexte.com ]

Drug Raid at 4 AM Songtext

(police scanner) „I‘ve got him at gun point.“
(man) „This is your brain on drugs.“
(man #2) „Get back! Get up, you!“
(man #3) „Welcome to the glamorous world of drugs.“
(man #4) „Dr-drugs make me cool! Drugs make me cool! Drugs make me cool!“
(man #4) „Police!“

(Biafra yelling)
Stay right where you are! Get out of that bed and get down on the floor!
I don‘t care if you‘re nude, get down on the cement! I don‘t care if it‘s freezing!
Where‘s the drugs?! We know you‘ve got some drugs! Shut up, man!
Make him shut up, man! Stay right where you are! Where‘s the drugs?!
We know you got some drugs! Where you got ’em?! Where you got ’em?!
Just say you did it, man! We know you did it!

Sheets off
Flashlight in your eyes
Guns in your gut

Strip down
Body search
Cough up
Or stomach pump

To fight the war on drugs
You must give up your rights
You blink, you die
I hate you more than my job

Drug raid at 4 a.m.

Random neighborhood sweeps
Copters break up house parties
Zero tolerance for pot
Easier to get hard stuff

Costs over 3 times more
To keep an addict in jail
Than to treat those trying to quit
But no drug war funds for clinics



(Biafria yelling)
Hey, your name isn‘t on the lease! Where are you supposed to live?!
What is this, NWA?! Turn that off!
Smash that stereo! Drugs could be inside the speaker! Smash the speakers!
Smash that TV! Start cutting open their furniture!

Random neighborhood sweeps
Copters break up house parties
Zero tolerance for pot
Easier to get hard stuff

Costs over 3 times more
To keep an addict in jail
Than to treat those trying to quit
But no drug war funds for clinics



(Biafra yelling)
Hey, what‘s this wad of bills doing here?! Why are you keeping so much cash around?!
Huh, huh, huh, huh?!
Well, your kids use drugs, same difference! We‘ll have you all out of here!
You‘re all going to wind up out on the street! Say one word and we‘re gonna get you!
Do you fuckin‘ know that?! Do you know that?!
I‘ll bet you (?)
Whoops! Sorry! Wrong house.

28.04.2014 - 17:35 [ Techdirt ]

What Does It Say About The US Press That The Toughest Interview Keith Alexander Has Is From A Comedian?

Last night was the debut of comedian John Oliver‘s new show on HBO called Last Week Tonight. Oliver, of course, is well known from his years on The Daily Show (though, if you‘re not familiar with it, you should also listen to his podcast, The Bugle). On his first show, Oliver was able to get former NSA boss Keith Alexander, who retired about a month ago. The resulting ten minute interview is well worth watching, not just because it‘s pretty damn funny, but because it‘s one of the few times a journalist has actually asked Alexander direct tough questions about the NSA — and it‘s not even from a journalist:

28.04.2014 - 17:31 [ Techdirt ]

Driver Finds Himself Surrounded By Cops With Guns Out After Automatic License Plate Reader Misreads His Plate

Automatic license plate readers can scan plates at a rate of one per second. Nationwide, several hundred million plate/location records have been captured and stored by a variety of contractors. Mathematics alone says mistakes will be made. Except when mistakes are made with ALPRs, they tend to put citizens on the bad side of men with guns.

28.04.2014 - 17:05 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie das sich spieltheoretisch selbst beweisende Prinzip der Präventiv-Lüge in Staat und Gesellschaft neutralisiert werden kann

Es scheint der Bevölkerung immer noch nicht klar zu sein, dass Lügen von staatlichen Kadern und Funktionären keine “Schlamperei”, kein Zufall, kein Versehen, sondern quasi-religiöses Prinzip ist. Es ist das Fundament ihres Menschenbildes. Ein anderes kennen sie nicht.

Eine kurze Erläuterung, wie es dazu kommen konnte, wie das spieltheoretische Prinzip der sich auf unbestimmte Zeit selbst beweisenden präventiven Lüge funktioniert und wie es in Staat und Gesellschaft neutralisiert werden kann.

28.04.2014 - 16:59 [ Ansa ]

Govt to compromise on Senate reform

there have been calls from FI and from within Renzi‘s own centre-left Democratic Party for the new Senate to remain an elected assembly. The executive decided at a meeting Monday to allow amendments to its Constitutional reform bill that would create a mechanism for Senators to be elected via the country‘s regional assemblies, the sources said.

28.04.2014 - 16:57 [ Ghana Web ]

Common currency agenda may elude us – Veep

These failures Mr Amissah-Arthur attributed to the pace of the implementation of the ECOWAS Monetary Co-operation Programme (EMCP), particularly the establishment of the single monetary zone, which he observed failed to match expectations.

He also alluded to a major obstacle in the area of poor policy co-ordination and the harmonisation between the Anglophone and the Francophone West African countries which belonged to the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA).

28.04.2014 - 16:55 [ centraljersey.com ]

West Africa Single Currency: The Lesson To Learn From European Single Currency By Dr. Mehenou Amouzou

Western Africa states which are represented by Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a commission comprised of countries of 15 States with an equivalent of 300 million people. These numbers account for 4.5% of the world‘s population and just 0.5% of the world Gross Domestic Product (GDP). With an anticipated annual economic growth averaging approximately 5%, ECOWAS is now exploring the opportunity to create a single currency for ECOWAS member‘s states mirroring the Euro for European countries.

28.04.2014 - 16:51 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Teile und Herrsche”: Attentate auf die Bevölkerungen von Nigeria und Ägypten

(01.01.2011) In zwei brutalen Diktaturen, die von den USA und ihren alliierten Staaten wie Deutschland gestützt und finanziert werden, ereignen sich am Neujahrstag obskure Attentate. Die Darstellungen der “Sicherheitsbehörden” sind absurd, widersprüchlich und wechseln blitzschnell. Die Presse folgt ohne zu fragen. Aus dem Hut gezogen werden wieder einmal die “Islamisten” und die “Al Kaida”. Betrieben wird nach der alten römischen Strategie “Teile und Herrsche” die Spaltung der unterdrückten und ausgebeuteten Bevölkerung in sich bekämpfende Christen und Muslime. In Nigeria geht es zudem um die Transformation Westafrikas zur Eco-Zone.

28.04.2014 - 16:50 [ Reuters ]

Nigeria can handle Boko Haram, part of ‚raw democracy‘, says minister

A bombing at a bus station this month killed at least 75 people on the outskirts of the capital Abuja, which is hosting a World Economic Forum on Africa next week.

„The WEF is still going on,“ Okonjo-Iweala said. To host the „African Davos“, which has previously been held in cities such as Cape Town and Addis Ababa, Nigeria was mounting the largest security operation it had ever staged for an international summit, deploying 6,000 soldiers and police.

28.04.2014 - 15:13 [ campact ]

Martin Schulz, das ist zu wenig

Heute hat Martin Schulz sich dem TTIP-Widerstand gestellt und die über 460.000 Unterschriften von Bürger/innen entgegen genommen. Seine Versprechungen allerdings blieben vage. Glaubt er, dass er damit durchkommt?

28.04.2014 - 13:00 [ RT ]

Mayor of Kharkov, Ukraine shot in back, hospitalized – press service

At about 11:30 am (8:30 GMT) local time Kernes was taken to the local hospital. The City Hall‘s website says that doctors are fighting to save his life.

“They shot him in the back from the forest,” Kernes’s friend Yury Sapronov told Vesti Ukrainy news outlet. “The injury is serious. His lung is pierced and his liver pierced all the way through.”

28.04.2014 - 12:49 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Dr. Bashar Hafez al-Assad submits presidential candidacy application to Supreme Constitutional Court

Dr. Bashar Hafez al-Assad submitted on Monday a presidential candidacy application to the Supreme Constitutional Court.

Speaker of the People‘s Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, announced that the Assembly received a notification from the Supreme Constitutional Court stating that Mr. Bashar Hafez al-Assad, born in Damascus in 1965 and his mother‘s name is Anisa Makhlouf, submitted an application on April 28th, 2014 for presidential candidacy and he also submitted the required documents according to article 21st of the Supreme Constitutional Court‘s law.

28.04.2014 - 10:58 [ Huffington Post ]

Monsanto and Big Food Losing the GMO and ‚Natural‘ Food Fight

After 20 years of battling Monsanto and corporate agribusiness, food and farm activists in Vermont, backed by a growing movement across the country, are on the verge of a monumental victory — mandatory labels on genetically engineered foods and a ban on the routine industry practice of labeling GMO-tainted foods as „natural.“

28.04.2014 - 10:56 [ Food.com ]

Will Vertical Farming Kill Monsanto Company and Help Whole Foods Market?

Food production in the United States is currently dominated by two methods: organic farming and traditional farming that incorporates the benefits of engineered seeds. If early successes are any indication of the future, then it may soon be time to make room for a third: vertical farming. There are numerous benefits to vertical farms, which are springing up from Singapore to Pennsylvania, ranging from the elimination of pests to significant reductions in the amount of water used to irrigate crops. However, the disruptive shift in the way the world produces food will also reshape the battle between organic champions such as Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ: WFM ) and engineered seed producers such as Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON ) .

28.04.2014 - 10:53 [ Mother Jones ]

Monsanto GM Soy Is Scarier Than You Think

Soybeans are the second-largest US crop after corn, covering about a quarter of American farmland. We grow more soybeans than any other country except Brazil. According to the US Department of Agriculture, more than 90 percent of the soybeans churned out on US farms each year are genetically engineered to withstand herbicides, nearly all of them involving one called Roundup. Organic production, by contrast, is marginal—it accounts for less than 1 percent of total American acreage devoted to soy. (The remaining 9 percent or so of soybeans are conventionally grown, but not genetically modified.)

28.04.2014 - 09:43 [ Gemeinsame Mission der Organisation für das Verbot von Chemiewaffen und der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

92.5% of Syria’s chemical weapons material removed or destroyed in-country

(24.04.) The OPCW-UN Joint Mission confirms delivery of a further shipment of chemical weapons material. Today’s operation brings the total of chemical material removed and destroyed in country to 92.5%.

„I welcome the significant progress of the last three weeks, and I strongly encourage the Syrian authorities to conclude the removal operations as part of their efforts to achieve the 30 June 2014 deadline. Particular thanks goes to Member States for their steadfast support,“ said OPCW-UN Joint Mission Special Coordinator Sigrid Kaag.

In addition to the removal operations, the Syrian authorities have destroyed buildings, equipment and empty mustard gas containers, and decontaminated other containers in a number of chemical weapons storage and production sites. A majority of these sites are now closed.