Daily Archives: 5. Oktober 2013

05.10.2013 - 23:42 [ defence Web ]

Non-lethal weapons market worth $1.1 billion by 2018 – report

Anti-vehicle, blunt impact, direct energy, crowd disperse rounds and other electrical non-lethal weapons are currently being manufactured by this industry. Apart from the existing non-lethal weapons technology, a number of new capabilities are being developed, mainly by the U.S.

The global non-lethal weapons market is estimated to be $880.5 million in 2013 and is expected to register a CAGR of 5.42% to reach $1,146.2 million by 2018.

Major Players are BAE Systems, Boeing Company, Brugger & Thomet Ag, Condor Non-Lethal Technologies, Drs Technologies, Inc., Fiocchi, General Dynamics Corporation, Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc., Metal Storm Ltd and Moog.

05.10.2013 - 22:26 [ Asia Times ]

China: We don‘t do shutdowns

By Pepe Escobar

The latest superpower dysfunctional spectacular, aka the US shutdown, has forced President Barack Obama to cancel an entire Asian trip. First the White House announced Obama was shutting down Malaysia and the Philippines – supposed stars of the „pivoting to Asia“.

05.10.2013 - 19:55 [ CommonDreams ]

Shut It All Down: Report Calls for Nationwide Ban on Fracking

The explosion of hydraulic fracturing in the last several years, according to a new report, is creating a previously ‚unimaginable‘ situation in which hundreds of billions of gallons of the nation‘s fresh water supply are being annually transformed into unusable—sometimes radioactive—cancer-causing wastewater.

05.10.2013 - 19:21 [ Der Standard ]

Ein Komet auf dem Weg zur Sonne

Vor gut einem Jahr erst entdeckt, begeisterte der Komet C/2012 S1 (ISON) von Anfang an die Astronomen. Der Grund: Es ist kein periodischer Komet, der sich regelmäßig beobachten ließe. Vermutlich ist es sogar das erste Mal, dass ISON, aus der Oortschen Wolke am Rand des Sonnensystems kommend, eine Bahn durchs innere Sonnensystem zieht.

05.10.2013 - 18:40 [ antikrieg.com ]

Obama informierte Israel über bevorstehenden Angriff auf Syrien am 31. August

Präsident Obamas dramatische Überschätzung der Fähigkeit seiner Administration betonend, der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit einen Krieg gegen Syrien zu verkaufen, haben israelische Regierungsverteter enthüllt, dass sie von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika am 31. August kontaktiert und ihnen mitgeteilt wurde, dass ein Angriff unmittelbar bevorstehe und in den kommenden „24-48“ Stunden beginnen würde.

05.10.2013 - 18:29 [ Spiegel ]

Syriens Machthaber im SPIEGEL-Interview: Assad bringt Deutschland als Vermittler ins Gespräch

Über Obama sagt er, dieser habe „nichts zu bieten als Lügen“. Dagegen bezeichnet er die Russen als „wahre Freunde“. „Die verstehen viel besser, worum es hier wirklich geht.“ Deutschland hält er geeignet für eine Vermittlerrolle in Europa: „Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Gesandte aus Deutschland nach Damaskus kämen, um mit uns über die wahren Verhältnisse zu sprechen.“

05.10.2013 - 18:07 [ Truthout ]

The White Man’s Last Tantrum?

For years, political scientists have been talking about how the demographic changes in the United States are inexorably leading to a Democratic majority, with Hispanics and Asian-Americans joining African-Americans and liberal urban whites to erode the political domains of white conservatives and white racists.

05.10.2013 - 17:20 [ Ayatollah Khamenei, Oberster Rechtsgelehrter der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Supreme Leader Meets with Government Officials

(21.07.2013) Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: „The Americans are untrustworthy and illogical and they are not honest in their dealings.“

He added: „The positions that have been adopted by American officials over the past few months confirm once again that it is necessary to avoid being optimistic about them.“

05.10.2013 - 17:18 [ Russia Today ]

Art of resistance: Palestinians plant flowers in Israeli tear gas canisters

Residents of a Palestinian village have planted flowers in hundreds of Israeli, spent tear gas canisters, to honor those killed during their weekly protests against the separation barrier.

The village of Bil’in, 12 kilometers west of Palestinian de-facto capital Ramallah, has recently become a symbol of peaceful resistance to the Israeli settlement program.

05.10.2013 - 17:01 [ Al Jazeera ]

Vietnam‘s legendary Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap dies

Called the „Red Napoleon,“ he stood out as the leader of a ragtag army of guerrillas who wore sandals made of car tires and lugged their artillery piece by piece over mountains to encircle and crush the French army at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. The unlikely victory, which is still studied at military schools, not only led to Vietnam‘s independence but also hastened the collapse of colonialism across Indochina and beyond.

05.10.2013 - 15:47 [ Boston Herald ]

Egypt journalist gets 6-month suspended sentence

Abu Draa, who lives in Sinai, freelances for multiple Egyptian and foreign newspapers and television channels.

It was unclear when Abu-Draa would be released. The suspension runs for three years, meaning that if he commits another offense in this period, he would be punished for both.

05.10.2013 - 12:35 [ Madonna / Harper´s Bazaar. ]

Madonna‘s Back

If I can‘t be daring in my work or the way I live my life, then I don‘t really see the point of being on this planet.

That may sound rather extremist, but growing up in a suburb in the Midwest was all I needed to understand that the world was divided into two categories: people who followed the status quo and played it safe, and people who threw convention out the window and danced to the beat of a different drum. I hurled myself into the second category, and soon discovered that being a rebel and not conforming doesn‘t make you very popular. In fact, it does the opposite. You are viewed as a suspicious character. A troublemaker. Someone dangerous.

05.10.2013 - 11:48 [ scharf links ]

Noch so ein grandioses Ergebnis, und wir sind verloren!

Einen guten Wahlkampf führte Sarah Wagenknecht. Sie trat mit Wissenschaftlern und Intellektuellen in den Dialog, repräsentiert in Deutschland Linkspolitik mit Esprit. Durch Leistung empfiehlt sie sich für den Fraktionsvorsitz. Aber nein, das geht nicht, erläutert uns Stefan Liebich vom Forum demokratischer Sozialismus in der Mitteldeutschen am 30. September 2013, weil sie damals „gerade die Schule beendet(e)“, als Gregor Gysi „verhindert hat, dass unsere Partei zusammenbricht“. Offenbar tritt die Auseinandersetzung nun in eine neue Phase, Sarah Wagenknecht soll mit Argumenten aus der Tschernenko-Ära abgewendet werden.

05.10.2013 - 11:48 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Troika slaps free-lancers: tax in advance to increase from 20% to 26%

if a free-lancer (journalist, web-developer), a self-employed (electrician, plumber) and in general anyone offering services to companies, receives 500 euro gross as payment, he will receive first of all 370 euro at hand after the increased tax withholding (now he receives 400 euro).

What is 30 euro more for the tax office, but less for the free-lancer

05.10.2013 - 11:46 [ Ynet ]

US State Dept: Shutdown could hit military funding for Israel

„The State Department‘s ability to provide military assistance to Israel and other allies in the time frame that is expected and customary could be hindered, depending on the length of the shutdown,“ State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf told a news briefing.

05.10.2013 - 11:44 [ Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung ]

Armut in der EU

(11.05.2006) Rund 16 Prozent der EU-Bevölkerung haben nach Schätzungen von Eurostat im Jahr 2004 in Armut gelebt. Das sind fast 70 Millionen Menschen.

05.10.2013 - 10:56 [ Asia Times ]

Why the lessons of Vietnam do matter

By Pepe Escobar

Just as it took a few years for the Americans to lose the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese, it took them only a few weeks to lose the hearts and minds of the majority of Iraqis – which ultimately means losing the war, whatever the strategic final result. Topographic denials – this is the Mesopotamian desert, not the Indochinese jungle – don‘t work, nor do denials saying that the Iraqis are not as politicized as the Vietnamese were by communism. These totally miss the point: as happened in Vietnam, what is happening now in Iraq has everything to do with patriotism and nationalism.

05.10.2013 - 10:42 [ RTE.ie ]

O‘Connor: „Cowell and Walsh are murdering music“

„Because of Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh – they‘ve murdered music. I stand to say it on behalf of every musician in the world and they‘ll agree with me.

„The industry has taken over so much, the money-making side of it, the sexualising of extremely young people making records, and all the worship with money and bling and diamonds, all the Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh – it all amounts to the murder of music and that‘s what concerns me.“

05.10.2013 - 10:33 [ Sinead O'Connor ]

Link to Late late show interview…

Sinead’s interview can be see approximately 50 mins in….”The murder of the music by the music industry”