Daily Archives: 30. August 2013

30.08.2013 - 21:36 [ Guardian ]

Julian Assange told: stop using embassy to make fun of politicians

Julian Assange has been told to stop using the Ecuadorean embassy in London to poke fun at Australian politicians as part of his Senate election bid, it has been reported.

The South American nation‘s president, Rafael Correa, chastised Assange after a video appeared online in which the WikiLeaks founder – along with Juice Rap News – ridiculed Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.

30.08.2013 - 21:30 [ Russia Today ]

US intel assessment based on ‘terrorist lies’ and ‘media hype’ – Syrian Foreign Ministry

The intelligence assessment the US administration presented as evidence that the Syrian government deployed chemical weapons on its own people is baseless and based on “terrorist lies” and “media exaggeration,” Syrian foreign ministry sources say.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said during a speech Friday that US intelligence had determined “with high confidence” that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for killing hundreds of people in a chemical weapons attack last week.

30.08.2013 - 21:22 [ Russia Today ]

RT.com partially banned by Reddit

RT.com has been banned on Reddit’s /r/news section, with moderators accusing it of spamming. Puzzled with absurd allegations, RT views the sanctions as an act of censorship with many redditors expressing the same concern.

30.08.2013 - 20:02 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

An Illustration of How the NSA Misleads the Public Without Technically Lying

The Wall Street Journal published an important investigation last week, reporting that the National Security Agency (NSA) has direct access to many key telecommunications switches around the country and “has the capacity to reach roughly 75% of all U.S. Internet traffic in the hunt for foreign intelligence, including a wide array of communications by foreigners and Americans.” Notably, NSA officials repeatedly refused to talk about this story on their conference call with reporters the next day. Instead the Director of National Intelligence and the NSA released a statement about the story later that evening.

30.08.2013 - 17:44 [ Techdirt ]

Once Again, Will People Say That Reporters Revealing Details Of US Intelligence On Syria Be Called Criminals?

We‘ve pointed out many times now how the old guard media seems to hate the new guard, in part because they‘re not getting their stories the „old fashioned way“ — which is buddying up to government officials and having them as „sources“ where the reporter acts as an unofficial press officer for the government. Instead, when a Glenn Greenwald comes along, and gets information from Ed Snowden, he‘s accused of criminal acts.

30.08.2013 - 16:41 [ Crain's Detroit Business ]

Contractors await outcome to Egypt strife

The U.S. Army Tacom Life Cycle Management Command in Warren had a contingent of employees stationed in Egypt until this summer and recalled them to the U.S. when the political situation began to deteriorate, said Maj. Gen. Michael Terry, commander of Tacom since June 2012.

Terry, who attended the annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium in Troy last week, said he was unaware of any recent directives or administrative decisions to hold off on contracts or purchasing orders involving Egypt.

30.08.2013 - 16:02 [ Denkland ]

Seltener Moment in TV-Sendung “Beckmann”: Klare Worte ohne Blatt vor dem Mund

Gestern bei “Beckmann”, einer ARD-Tlak-Sendung, wagte sich Nahost-Experte Lüders von einer in der Syrien-Diskussion scheinbar allgemeingültigen Sprachregelung weg und wandte stattdessen reine Logik an. Aber nicht nur das. Er sprach auch offen über im Irak-Krieg verwendete Uranmunition, über US-Beteiligung an Giftgas-Einsätzen und über eine mögliche Verschwörung gegen Syrien.

30.08.2013 - 15:28 [ Ansa ]

Court Says Feds Don‘t Have To Reveal Secret Evidence It Gathered Against ‚Terror‘ Suspect Using FISA

Adel Daoud is an American teen who was arrested last year in one of the FBI‘s many infamous home grown plots, in which FBI agents entice people into claiming they want to take part in a terror plot, plan the whole thing, give the person a fake bomb, and then arrest them. In this case, the „plot“ which only involved Daoud and a bunch of FBI agents, was supposedly to bomb a Chicago bar. Daoud had no actual way of doing this until the FBI showed up and „helped.“ And then arrested him and celebrated, while admitting the public was „never at risk.“ Well, duh.

30.08.2013 - 14:07 [ Peer Steinbrück ]

Schritte aus der Gewaltspirale

Wir schlagen deshalb vor, den bevorstehenden G20-Gipfel zu nutzen, um einen Ausweg aus der Gewaltspirale in Syrien zu finden. Der Gipfel sollte eine Vierergruppe, bestehend aus dem UN-Generalsekretär, dem amerikanischen und dem russischen Präsidenten und dem Generalsekretär der Arabischen Liga bitten, gemeinsam Verantwortung zunächst für eine Durchbrechung der Gewaltspirale und mittelfristig für einen politischen Prozess zu übernehmen.

30.08.2013 - 14:06 [ Bundesregierung ]

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel telefonierte mit dem britischen Premierminister Cameron zu Syrien

(28.08.) Bundeskanzlerin Merkel telefonierte heute Abend erneut mit dem britischen Premierminister Cameron über die Situation in Syrien. Beide waren sich einig: Der flächendeckende Einsatz von Giftgas gegen die syrische Zivilbevölkerung ist inzwischen hinreichend belegt. Und: Das syrische Regime verfügt über die entsprechenden Kampfstoffe, das Know-how zu dessen Einsatz und die Träger für dessen Ausbringung.

Dieser Giftgasangriff ist eine Zäsur in dem schon lange andauernden internen Konflikt. Das syrische Regime darf nicht hoffen, diese Art der völkerrechtswidrigen Kriegführung ungestraft fortsetzen zu können. Daher ist nach Ansicht der Kanzlerin wie des Premierministers eine internationale Reaktion unabdingbar.

30.08.2013 - 13:26 [ George Galloway / Youtube ]

George Galloway HEATED Speech British Parliament Debate On Military Action Against Syria. 8/29/2013

George Galloway syria speech. Parliament Debates Military Action Against Syria. George Galloway speaks as The British House of Commons holds an urgent debate on possible military action against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Prime Minister David Cameron recalled parliament following reports of a chemical weapons attack against Syrian citizens.

30.08.2013 - 13:22 [ openPetition ]

Bürgerbetrug beenden! Raus mit dem Prüfbericht des Bundesrechnunghofes über Stuttgart 21!


Eine funktionierende Demokratie setzt Transparenz voraus – bei Volksabstimmungen wie bei Wahlen. Aber gerade bei Stuttgart 21 versuchen Befürworterparteien und Bahn Transparenz zu verhindern. So verschweigen sie Parteispenden von Firmen, die von Stuttgart 21 profitieren (tunnelbohrer.infooffensive.de/2013/07/warum-der-tunnelbohrer-ein-symbol-der-korruption-ist/), und versuchen mit allen Mitteln, die Bürger über die tatsächlichen Kosten des Immobilienprojekts im Unklaren zu lassen.
Zudem ist nach wie vor nicht geklärt, wer die zusätzlichen Baukosten von Stuttgart 21 tragen wird. Bund, Land, die Stadt Stuttgart und andere Vertragspartner weigern sich, und der Bahn fehlt dazu schlicht und einfach das Geld. Sollte sie die Baukosten dennoch vollständig und ersatzlos tragen, wird sie es an anderer Stelle einsparen müssen – am Schienennetz, am Personal, am Service. Zu diesem Problem hat keine Partei deutlich Stellung bezogen, obwohl sie dies gerade im Wahlkampf tun sollten.

30.08.2013 - 13:17 [ Eliot Engel, Abgeordneter des U.S.-Repräsentantenhauses ]


The White House made very clear that it is beyond a doubt that chemical weapons were used, and used intentionally by the Assad regime. I agree with the President that the use of these weapons not only violates international norms, but is a national security threat to the United States.

30.08.2013 - 13:11 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S.-Repräsentantenhauses ]


(29.08.) Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee was joined by 53 Members of Congress on a letter to President Obama condemning the reported use of chemical weapons in Syria and calling for full congressional debate and appropriate response. The letter comes on the heels of rumors surrounding a military strike in Syria.

30.08.2013 - 13:06 [ U.S.-Senator Ted Cruz ]

Sen. Cruz Statement on Syria

The President has in the past insisted that Assad must go, but this week his press secretary insisted that regime change is not part of any planned action in Syria. Given this lack of strategic consistency, Congress has every right to ask what the basic purpose of this action would be? On Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry expressed certainty that the Assad regime was responsible for the attack, but today we are learning there are outstanding questions about who actually ordered it and who controls the weapons. Given this confusion, Congress has every right to ask what the basis is for action at this time?

30.08.2013 - 13:03 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. military officers have deep doubts about impact, wisdom of a U.S. strike on Syria

Some questioned the use of military force as a punitive measure and suggested that the White House lacks a coherent strategy. If the administration is ambivalent about the wisdom of defeating or crippling the Syrian leader, possibly setting the stage for Damascus to fall to fundamentalist rebels, they said, the military objective of strikes on Assad’s military targets is at best ambiguous.