Daily Archives: 26. August 2013
Watch: Wisconsin Capitol police tackle man for photographing progressive protest
A photographer and activist was aggressively arrested at the Wisconsin Capitol on Monday during a daily singalong protest.
Video of the incident uploaded to YouTube showed two police officers approaching Damon Terrell, who can be heard saying, “This is not illegal.” As Terrell backed away, one of the officers grabbed him. Terrell ended up on the ground with three officers on top of him.
What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Syrian Chemical Attack
What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Syrian Chemical Attack :
Al Nusra Front Also Has Sarin Gas
Putin to Cameron: No evidence Syria chemical weapons attack took place
Russia has no evidence of whether a chemical weapons attack has taken place in Syria or who is responsible, Russian President Vladimir Putin told British Prime Minister David Cameron in a telephone call, according to Cameron’s official website.
Police Now Can Switch off iPhone Camera and Wi-Fi
Anyway, the fact is that Apple has patented the means to transmit an encoded signal to all wireless gadgets, commanding them to disable recording functions. The developers reveal that the policies would be activated by GPS, and Wi-Fi or mobile base-stations that would ring-fence around a building or a sensitive area in order to prevent mobile cameras from taking pictures or recording video.
Ohio Attorney General: State secretly uploaded all drivers license photos into police database
At a press conference today, Attorney General Mike DeWine informed Ohio citizens that a powerful facial recognition system with access to driver’s licenses photographs and mug shots went live on June 2.
Syrien-Konflikt: Finger weg vom Abzug
Will der Westen wirklich Einfluss auf den Syrien-Konflikt nehmen? Dann sollten die USA aufhören, mit Krieg zu drohen, und die Israelis den Finger vom Abzug nehmen. Hilfreicher wäre es, endlich das Verhältnis zu Iran zu verbessern.
Lawrow: Gewaltanwendung gegen Syrien wäre grober Verstoß gegen Völkerrecht
„Unsere westlichen Partner hatten schon mehrmals diesen Weg betreten. Ich hoffe, dass der gesunde Menschenverstand doch noch triumphieren wird“, sagte Lawrow.
Kerry: Obama determined to hold Syria accountable for using chemical weapons
In a strongly worded assessment, Kerry said that evidence now being gathered by United Nations experts on the ground in Syria was important but was not necessary to prove what is already “grounded in facts, informed by conscience and guided by common sense.”
Berlin: Neo-Nazis heckle Syrian refugees
Neo-Nazis build human chain around shelter for Syrian refugees in protest of government decision to build shelter, offer asylum. However, hundreds of Berliners faced off against radical rightwingers, prompting police intervention
Before He Was Assassinated, MLK Jr. Had A Really Radical Idea
Watch MLK Jr. unfurl some important history at 1:22 and take a minute to sit back and wonder what might have happened if he‘d been successful.
North Carolina police threaten to arrest church charity for feeding the homeless
Love Wins Ministries, a church group that tries to care for the city’s homeless, was preparing to serve breakfast on Saturday. The group had free coffee and sausage biscuits for more than 70 homeless people, but local police stopped the non-profit from handing it out. Police officers threatened to arrest anyone who tried to distribute food, claiming it violates one of the city’s ordinances but refusing to say which one.
Impeaching President Obama: A dream come true, for Democrats
“The reality is, one of the great things about this country is we do have a peaceful transfer of power,” said Jindal, chairman of the Republican Governors Assn.
The Escalating GOP Call to Impeach Obama
Before the partisan outrage machines rev their engines for a noisy fight about Obama‘s alleged „high crimes and misdemeanors,“ some context might be in order.
United Nations says it will contact United States over spying report
The United Nations said on Monday it plans to contact the United States over a report that the U.S. National Security Agency bugged its New York headquarters and warned that countries are expected to respect the world body‘s diplomatic inviolability.
Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran
The U.S. knew Hussein was launching some of the worst chemical attacks in history — and still gave him a hand.
Und noch eine Verschwörungstheorie, die sich als wahr herausstellt: Die Amis haben Saddam beim Irankrieg gesagt, wo er seine Chemiewaffen einsetzen soll.
UN unlikely to give mandate to airstrikes on Syria
In the absence of a formal ‚smoking gun‘ provided by the UN inspection, the security council is unlikely to back military action
Syrian Kurdish leader says Assad not to blame for attack
„The regime in Syria … has chemical weapons, but they wouldn‘t use them around Damascus, 5 km from the (U.N.) committee which is investigating chemical weapons. Of course they are not so stupid as to do so,“ Muslim told Reuters.
Syria crisis: warplanes spotted in Cyprus as tensions rise in Damascus
Warplanes and military transporters have begun arriving on Britain‘s Akrotiri air base on Cyprus, less than 100 miles from the Syrian coast, in a sign of increasing preparations for a military strike against the Assad regime in Syria.
Despite Sniper Fire, U.N. Team Reaches Syria Inspection Site
Snipers opened fire Monday on a convoy of United Nations inspectors heading toward the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria, disabling the lead vehicle with multiple shots to the tires and windshield, the United Nations said, but the inspectors still managed to visit two hospitals, interview witnesses and doctors and collect patient samples for the first time since the attack last week that claimed hundreds of lives.
Chemical experts can gather Syria evidence despite time lapse: U.N.
The United Nations said on Monday it was still possible for a U.N. team of chemical weapons experts to gather evidence necessary to investigate last week‘s alleged gas attack in suburbs east of Damascus, despite the lapse of time.
Analysis: Gulf Islamists irked as monarchs back Egypt‘s generals
After Sisi‘s military seized power last month, a group of clerics in the kingdom signed a letter calling on King Abdullah to reverse his position, and since the violence began two weeks ago, many Saudis have spoken out on social media.
„For Riyadh to be in the frontline of a confrontation like what is taking place in Egypt is unprecedented. It is making ripples inside Saudi Arabia,“ said a Saudi journalist.
Auftakt zu Bürgerrechtsdemonstrationen: Samstag, 31. August, Berlin
Eine Woche vor der großen Demonstration der Bürgerrechtsbewegung “Freiheit statt Angst” am 7. September startet unter dem Motto “#StopWatchingUs: Gegen Überwachung und für die Wiederherstellung unserer Grundrechte!” in Berlin eine weitere Bürgerrechtsdemonstration.
Ausnahmezustand und Krieg: Hunderte syrische Kriegsflüchtlinge in Ägypten inhaftiert
Vor der Invasion des eigenen Landes durch die Westmächte nach Ägypten fliehend, landen syrische Kriegsflüchtlinge dort in Gefangenschaft der Militärjunta.
Rassd News Network: Brutal Killings and Arrests Will Not Stop Our Media Mission
In a press release late on Sunday, the news monitoring Network RASSD condemned killings and arbitrary arrests of journalists, including 5 of its own correspondents.
Putin, Cameron discuss situation in Syria… Lavrov: Claims that Syrian government used chemical weapons unsubstantiated
Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday discussed with British Prime Minister David Cameron during a phone call the situation in Syria and issues related to the coming summit of G20 due next month in Petersburg. „The basic topic was related to the situation in Syria in light of press reports about the possibility of using chemical weapons near Damascus,“ Press office of the Russian Presidency announced.
Lawrow: Nur syrische Opposition braucht Rummel um C-Waffeneinsatz bei Damaskus
Der Rummel um die Anwendung von chemischen Waffen bei Damaskus ist offensichtlich nicht für die syrischen Behörden, sondern für jene nützlich, die Schläge gegen dieses Land von außen provozieren wollen, so der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow am Montag in Moskau in einer Pressekonferenz.
Syria: UN chemical weapons team reaches inspection site after convey hit with sniper fire
The team of United Nations inspectors probing the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria spent its first day in the suburbs of Damascus at the site of the alleged incident, interviewing witnesses, survivors and doctors, and collecting samples, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced today.
The team returned to the site after its convoy was hit by sniper fire earlier this morning. Though its vehicle was destroyed, the team, led by Swedish scientist Dr. Åke Sellström, was unharmed. The Secretary-General said that the UN will register a strong complaint with the Government and opposition authorities about an attack “so the safety…of the investigation team will be secured.”
U.N. Pushes Back at U.S. Calls to Abort Syria Inspection Mission
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rebuffed the U.S. request to withdraw the inspectors and „stood firm on principle,“ according to a person familiar with the matter, ordering his team to continue their work establishing whether chemical weapons or toxins were responsible for the estimated hundreds of deaths of Syrian civilians.
Terroristen-Scharfschützen haben die von syrischen Sicherheitskräften begleiteten UN-Inspektoren beschossen:
Terroristen-Scharfschützen haben die von syrischen Sicherheitskräften begleiteten UN-Inspektoren beschossen:
Die zionistische Propaganda versucht trotzdem die übliche Täter-Opfer-Umkehr und zitiert dazu einen Terroristen, der per Ferndiagnose behauptet, für den Beschuss könnten nur Regierungskräfte verantwortlich sein:
Die Scharfschützen-Attacke fand in der Gegend von Muadamiya im Südwesten von Damaskus statt.
Hysteria around chemical attack suits those who want military intervention in Syria – Lavrov
Following last week’s chemical attack, the West has engineered a media campaign to facilitate a military incursion, says Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The minister also cast doubts on the veracity of US and European claims about the incident.
Syria: The questions that must be answered before any aggression
Question 1: Why has the west been supporting Syrian terrorist forces for two years?
Question 2: Do you not entertain the notion that to solve the Syrian issue, it would suffice for the west to cease arming, financing and aiding the Syrian terrorist forces fighting President Assad?
Question 3: Are you, or are you not, aware that in supporting forces hostile to President Assad, you are also supporting sources loyal to al-Qaeda?
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigtes Königreich und Frankreich einigen sich darauf, Syrien innerhalb von zwei Wochen anzugreifen
Mit der Situation vertraute britische Regierungsvertreter sagen, dass sie nicht ausschliessen, die Unterstützung der UNO für den Krieg zu suchen, jedoch nicht erwarten, diese Unterstützung zu bekommen, und bereit sind, die UNO zu ignorieren und irgendwie anzugreifen.
Monsanto beginnt mit Rückzug bei Zulassungsanträgen von gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen
Nach der Ankündigung von Monsanto, die Anträge auf neue Anbauzulassungen gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen in der EU nicht länger zu verfolgen, hat der US-Konzern jetzt tatsächlich erstmals mindestens vier Anmeldungen zurückgenommen. Betroffen ist transgener Mais, der Insektengifte produziert und/oder gegen das Unkrautvernichtungsmittel Glyphosat („Roundup“) resistent gemacht ist (Mon89034, NK603 x MON810, MON89034 x Nk603, Mon89034 x Mon88017). Dies geht aus dem Register der EU-Lebensmittelbehörde EFSA hervor. Allerdings gibt es weitere Zulassungsanträge von Monsanto für transgene Pflanzen wie Mais, Soja und Zuckerrüben, die anscheinend immer noch aktuell sind.
Kevin Spacey: Stop worrying about piracy and give users what they want
Ignoring the misleading use of „steal,“ he‘s making exactly the right point. Nothing (absolutely nothing) does away with all copyright infringement.
Harte Methoden in der Psychiatrie: 25 Stunden gefesselt
Ilona Haslbauer lebt in der geschlossenen Psychiatrie. Nach einem Streit mit dem Personal wird sie auf einem Bett fixiert – 25 Stunden lang. Sie isst nichts, nässt sich mehrfach ein. Der Klinikchef verteidigt das Vorgehen, Haslbauers Anwalt meint: „So etwas darf sich nicht wiederholen.“
Troika, EU & ESM want to grab Greece’s public assets from Privatization Fund
The economic occupation of Greece is getting …better and more obvious. The Troika, the European Union and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) have big plans concerning the real estate assets currently managed by the Greek Privatization Fund (TAIPED).
Konflikte – Syrien: Steinbrück spricht sich gegen Militärintervention in Syrien aus
Er lege großen Wert darauf, dass sich Europa abstimmt, sagte Steinbrück der «Südwest Presse».
Each vote – a kick up the backside
The two allies PDL and PDminusL are tearing each other to pieces, like the gangsters in the final scenes of the film „Reservoir Dogs“. And perhaps we are finally at the end of the match.
Grillo rallies 5-Star Movement for possible elections
Beppe Grillo, the leader of the anit-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), rallied his party Monday for elections if the fragile left-right government collapses over ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s pending ban from office or a decision on the future of an unpopular property tax.
Muslim Brotherhood Message: Peace and Tolerance Title of Revolution
The 85-year old organization remains committed to peaceful protest, as it exhorts all Egyptians – young and old, Muslims and Christians – to join ranks and wrest their rights and freedoms and the January 25 Revolution from the brutal, bloody putschists.
Trial of Muslim Brotherhood leaders political, says lawyer
The leader of Egypt‘s Muslim Brotherhood was beaten by police during his arrest, and his trial is part of an attempt by the military to eliminate its political foes, a defense lawyer said on Sunday.
Damaskus: Scharfschützen beschießen UN-Inspektoren
Die UN-Inspektoren haben den Auftrag festzustellen, ob in Ghouta Chemiewaffen eingesetzt wurden. Herauszufinden, ob die syrische Armee oder eine Rebellengruppe für den Angriff verantwortlich ist, ist nicht Bestandteil ihrer Mission.
Italy center left rejects Berlusconi ‚blackmail‘
Italy‘s center left will not accept any „blackmail“ from its center-right coalition partner, its leader said on Monday, after Silvio Berlusconi‘s party threatened to bring down the government if he is ejected from parliament.
PdL threatens toppling government if IMU not repealed
Over the weekend bigwigs from the center right met at Berlusconi‘s residence outside Milan to discuss, among other things, a meeting Wednesday in the divided right-left cabinet to decide the fate of the tax.
Centre left weighs aftermath of banning Berlusconi
(23.08.) An Italian MP and candidate for leadership of the PD told the newspaper La Repubblica in an interview published Friday that the party, which holds a majority in the Senate, will throw Berlusconi from office in a September 9 vote even if it means the end of the fragile coalition led by Premier Enrico Letta, also of the PD.
Berlusconi‘s party says his removal from parliament is ‚unthinkable‘
(24.08) Silvio Berlusconi‘s center-right party said on Saturday that removing the former prime minister from parliament over a tax fraud conviction would be unacceptable and „unthinkable“, escalating its row with center-left coalition allies.
Ex-mafia informant regrets working with the law
(23.08.) „If I could turn back, I wouldn‘t become an informant. The institutions have abandoned us. When they failed to slaughter me physically, they sought to destroy me economically and morally,“ Carmine Schiavone told Sky Tg 24.
No amnesty for Berlusconi says PD
(23.08.) An amnesty to save centre-right People of Freedom (PdL) leader Silvio Berlusconi from losing his Senate seat next month is impossible, the PdL‘s uneasy coalition partner, the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), said Friday.
Defence minister wants amnesty for Berlusconi
(23.08) . „For him and the thousands of inmates overcrowding Italy‘s prisons,“ said Mario Mauro, a moderate in the left-right coalition government, formerly of Berlusconi‘s center-right People of Freedom (PdL) party. „The Italian prison system is inadequate and it‘s bursting.
Constitutional tweaks may empower Mubarak-era politicians in Egypt
Changes suggested by Egypt‘s army-backed rulers would scrap Islamic additions to a constitution forced through under deposed President Mohamed Mursi and revive a voting system dating back to his predecessor Hosni Mubarak.
President al-Assad: Syria will never become a western puppet state, we will fight terrorism and freely build relationships that best serve the interests of the Syrians
Q7 Interviewer: Recent statements by the American administration and other Western governments have stated that the US has not ruled out military intervention in Syria. In light of this, is it looking more likely that the US would behave in the same way it did in Iraq, in other words look for a pretext for military intervention?
President al-Assad: This is not the first time that the possibility of military intervention has been raised. From the outset, the US, along with France and Britain, has strived for military intervention in Syria. Unfortunately for them, events took a different course with the balance shifting against their interests in the Security Council despite their numerous attempts to haggle with Russia and China, but to no avail. The negative outcomes that emerged in Libya and Egypt were also not in their favour.
All of this made it impossible for them to convince their constituents and the world that they were following sound or successful policies.
The situation in Libya also differs to that of Egypt and Tunisia, and Syria as I have said is very different from all these. Each country has a unique situation and applying the same scenario across the board is no longer a plausible option. No doubt they can wage wars, but they cannot predict where they will spread or how they will end. This has led them to realise that all their crafted scenarios have now spiralled out of their control.
France says would be hard to bypass U.N. in action against Syria
„It is a problem that will be difficult,“ Laurent Fabius told Europe 1 radio. (..)
„In certain circumstances we can bypass it, but international law does exist,“ he said without elaborating.
Turkey would join coalition against Syria, says foreign minister
Turkey would join any international coalition against Syria even if a wider consensus on action cannot be reached at the U.N. Security Council, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was quoted as saying on Monday.