In conjunction with Luminous Depths by Lee Mingwei, the Peranakan Museum presents Creative Destruction – a multi-faceted campaign that pays tribute to the phoenix rising out of the ashes. You are invited to try your hand at producing your own sonic phoenix for a chance to win a shiny new 13-inch Macbook Air.
Der musikalisch rote Faden dieser Mischung liegt irgendwo im Gras zwischen Vintage Jazz, Blues und Folk. Thematisch geht es in allen Songs um Drogen, Alkohol, Sex und Glückspiel. Offenbar also all das, was den Leuten auch damals Spaß machte oder zumindest so wichtig war, dass es in einen Songtext gepackt wurde.
The sheer variety of sounds is astounding. To get an idea, take out your metaphorical blender; add equal helpings of jazz, trip-hop, and swing; add pinches of psychedelia and turntablism; top it off with a few glitches and samples; hit purée, and serve chilled. It goes down smooth, I promise. To cite just a couple tracks:
Dozens of Israeli Arabs protested in front of the Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv following clashes in Egypt between government security forces and protesters backing deposed President Mohamed Morsi.
France on Wednesday strongly condemned the ongoing repression and violence in Egypt as security forces clear areas in Cairo occupied by protesters supporting deposed president Mohammed Morsi.
Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement here that France “condemned in the firmest manner the bloody violence and was calling for an immediate halt to the repression.
This video has been uploaded by the Egyptian journal El-Watan on his YouTube channel. Several charred bodies of pro-Morsy demonstrers are still burning in the streets of Cairo; this morning the army as shot the pro-Morsy demonstrers, killing hundreands of them (groups near to the Muslim Brotherhood speak about more than 2000 deads).
„Iran is following the bitter events in Egypt closely, disapproves of the violent actions, condemns the massacre of the population and warns of the serious consequences,“ the foreign ministry said in a statement.
Am 15.08.2013 geht es in„Macht und Menschen rechte“ im Gespräch mit dem Musiker und Filmemacher Alexander („Ace“) Baker um seinen Dokumentar- und Musikfilm „The Great American Psy Opera“um die Ereign.
The promise of the 2011 revolution has simply never been fully realized, and the final outcome of that revolution is not yet decided. It will be shaped in the hours ahead, in the days ahead. It will be shaped by the decisions which all of Egypt’s political leaders make now and in these days ahead. The world is closely watching Egypt and is deeply concerned about the events that we have witnessed today.
The European revolutions of 1848, a series of popular upheavals that were the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history, affected more than 50 countries but soon collapsed under the repression of military forces loyal to royalties and aristocracies. Nonetheless they sowed the seeds of progressive political ideas that would help shape European history for the next hundred years.
(12.08.) In the middle of the traffic island, where the grass has been consumed by sand, there is a “Museum of the Revolution” that features photos of martyrs at the entrance: all young people killed during the year in clashes with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Those who were killed during the “first revolution” — in January and February 2011 — from bullets fired by troops protecting Hosni Mubarak’s regime, have disappeared.
The resumption of military aid should be conditioned on the implementation of a credible program of national reconciliation in Egypt, and the empowerment of an inclusive, civilian led government with control over the military and security forces. The U.S. response should be closely aligned with its allies so as to exert the strongest possible influence on events in Egypt to avert a further descent into violence.
Something is looming in the shadows that could help erode our basic rights and contaminate our food. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has the potential to become the biggest regional Free Trade Agreement in history, both in economic size and the ability to quietly add more countries in addition to those originally included.
Egypt’s coalition of pro-legitimacy, pro-Morsi groups and movements condemn the latest state violence and atrocities and exhorts people to persist in peaceful protests.
„Es ist für mich schwer, die Verantwortung für die Entscheidungen zu übernehmen, mit denen ich nicht einverstanden sind“, so der Friedensnobelpreisträger in seinem Gesuch nach Angaben der Agentur Reuters.
(30.Juli) „Nach dem 30. Juni hat eine neue Etappe begonnen. Wir korrigieren die Route, auf der die Revolution voranschreitet. Aber Mursi hat einen Misserfolg erlitten und es ist kein Platz mehr für ihn im politischen Prozess. Die Muslimbrüder können hingegen daran teilnehmen und wir unterstützen sie dabei“, so Al-Baradei am Dienstag in Kairo in einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit der EU-Chefdiplomatin Catherine Ashton.
While the law was theoretically intended only for times of crisis, Hosni Mubarak activated it for almost a 20-year period — from 1981 to 2012 — when he was president.
Al Jazeera‘s D. Parvaz, reporting from the Rabaa al-Adawiya make-shift hospital, sent this image of a man that was injured earlier in the day.
She said that the man was shot in the back of his neck. She added that doctors described it as a „sniper wound“.
„He was brought into the field hospital near the Rabaa sit-in, but his wound – as with those of many others – was too serious for them to treat. A local resident volunteered to drive him to the hospital.“
(10.08.) Time-lapse video of supporters of the ousted Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, who have been occupying the area surrounding the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque for more than a month.