But Baron said he never saw any attempt by the man to attack the police officers while he was there, nor did he see any other weapon.
Daily Archives: 28. Juli 2013
Russland Ausland Im postsowjetischen Raum Sicherheit und Militär Ausland USA rufen ägyptische Regierung zu Untersuchung von Zusammenstößen in Kairo auf
„In diesem kritischen Moment ist es wichtig, dass die Sicherheitskräfte und die Interimsregierung das Recht der Bürger auf friedlichen Protest achten. Die USA rufen zu einer unabhängigen und unparteiischen Untersuchung der jüngsten Ereignisse auf und erwarten von der politischen Führung unverzügliche Handlungen für die Regelung der Situation“, so Kerry.
Analysis: US stand on Egypt ‚coup‘ may have costs
For decades, foreign armies that received U.S. assistance were on notice that toppling their freely elected civilian leaders would mean an aid suspension.
After Egypt, that seems no more, despite a law requiring just that if Washington determined a coup had taken place.
Unruhen – Präsident: Machtkonflikt in Ägypten gerät außer Kontrolle
Zu den schlimmsten Zusammenstößen seit dem vom Militär verübten Staatsstreich am 3. Juli kam es, nachdem sich Demonstranten aus dem Protest-Camp auf den Weg gemacht hatten, um eine Stadtautobahn zu blockieren.
Egypt‘s interim president says PM has right to give military arrest powers
Egypt‘s interim president says he has given the prime minister the power to grant the military the right to arrest civilians after a weekend of violence between supporters of the country‘s deposed leader and security forces left at least 72 dead.
Life as a US drone operator: ‚It‘s like playing a video game for four years‘
The remarkable insight into the working life of one of the most modern of military operatives is provided in a 30-minute film that will be shown at the Imperial War Museum in London from Monday, the first in a new programme of exhibitions under the title IWM Contemporary.
Die irische Datenschutzbehörde findet nicht, dass Facebook und Apple auch nur überprüft werden müssen.
Die haben das Safe Harbour Feigenblatt-Zeugs unterschrieben und damit ist das alles final geklärt.
Jet-setter Greek island of Mykonos drowns in garbage
Budget cuts have affected both the poor and the rich across the South-Eastern European country. Austerity measures that followed debt-stricken Greece’s international bailouts led to layoffs of trash collectors on the island, and not enough are left to deal with the mounting refuse.
Three Pakistanis shot dead by Greek border guards for illegally crossing border
At least three Pakistani migrants were killed and four others were injured as they came under fire from Greek border guards when they were illegally crossing the Greek border on way to Italy.
France’s First Lady Greek Luxury Holiday
While Trierweiler stayed in luxury, Hollande was telling his ministers that their vacations this year should be low-keyed and modest with financial difficulties brewing in the country, so that they could set a good example.
Lammert fordert Diaten-Erhöhung nach der Wahl
Derzeit beträgt die Entschädigung eines Bundestagsabgeordneten 8252 Euro monatlich. Eine Orientierung der Diäten an der Besoldung von Bundesrichtern würde eine Anhebung um mehrere hundert Euro pro Monat bedeuten – wenn entsprechend der Empfehlung auch Amts-, Familien- und Kinderzulagen der Richter berücksichtigt werden.
Forscher muss über Sicherheitslücken in Luxus-Autos schweigen
Die Software zum Knacken dieser Codes gebe es bereits seit 2009 im Internet, die Technik dahinter zerlegt Chips auf ihre Einzelteile und untersucht diese mit speziellen Methoden unter dem Mikroskop, um den Algorithmus zu knacken („Chip Slicing“).
War die deutsche Gladio ein Baphomet? Teil III
Wir sind immer noch im Jahre 1972. Der von den Rechten und der CDU/CSU geschürte Hass auf die neue Ostpolitik spaltete die Bevölkerung. Willy Brandt will mit Hilfe eines Tricks (verlorene Vertrauensfrage) den Bundestag auflösen lassen. Neuwahlen soll es am 19.11.72 geben. Damit wird die Entscheidung über seine Ostpolitik in die Hände des Wählers gelegt und den Hasspredigern das Thema entzogen.
Von dieser Absicht des Bundeskanzlers wusste der BND nichts. Sein Präsident, Gerhard Wessel, will den Bundeskanzler und dessen Ostpolitik mit Hilfe der befreundeten Nachrichtendienste sabotieren. Dies ist schlicht ein „kleiner Staatsstreichversuch“..
Opinion: A look at the post-revolutionary Tunisia
The new assassination comes as Tunisia’s drawn-out transition approaches a milestone. The new constitution has been written and will be voted on in the coming weeks.
Consensus urged on Tunisia constitution
(25.07.) „We‘ve spent more than one year working on this, only to have Mr Habib Kheder unilaterally writing a constitution the way he likes,“ MP Ikbal Msadaa said July 15th during a panel discussion on the draft constitution.
After bursting out in tears, she added, „Now there is still hope…to examine the amendments that must be introduced to the fourth version of the constitution. There are certain points that we‘ve agreed on, and this is good.“
Ennahda tailors new constitution to rule unchallenged in Tunisia
(01.07.) But the debate, which began at around 1000 GMT, was suspended after less than half an hour when the presentation by the head of the drafting committee, Islamist MP Habib Kheder, was interrupted by the shouts of opposition MPs who accuse him of introducing controversial articles in a discretionary manner.
Those articles exempt laws adopted under the ruling Islamist party Ennahda — which won legislative elections in October 2011 — from constitutional control for three years.
They would also extend indefinitely the legislative powers of the National Assembly and fail to draw up an electoral calendar to replace it with a permanent parliament.
Morsi supporters pledge to stand firm after massacre
Tens of thousands of Morsi supporters have camped outside the mosque since late June when the president‘s overthrow began to seem likely. Egypt‘s interior minister has made it clear that he intends to clear Rabaa as soon as possible, and Saturday‘s massacre in a nearby street was considered an attempt to intimidate the protesters.
Statement by the Press Secretary on Guantanamo Bay
We continue to call on Congress to join us in supporting these efforts by lifting the current restrictions that significantly limit our ability to transfer detainees out of Guantanamo, even those who have been approved for transfer.
Greeks gets 1.6% of bailout loans – 98.4% goes back to Troika
For the years 2010-2014, from the 236.8 billion euro bailout money and the 25.5 billion euro from privatizations, only 1.6 percent benefits the state and the economy. 98.4% is allocated for obligations to creditors.
Germany‘s Schaeuble set to stay center stage in euro crisis
Chancellor Angela Merkel, who made her independent-minded and famously irritable former rival finance minister in 2009, is expected to reappoint him if, as widely forecast, she wins a third term in the September 22 parliamentary poll.
Machtkampf in Ägypten: Der Hass auf die Muslimbrüder
Am krassesten spiegelte sich diese Haltung in den Worten von Ägyptens Innenminister Mohammed Ibrahim wider. Der ließ am Samstag durchklingen, die Muslimbrüder hätten ihre Unterstützer selbst umgebracht, um die Sicherheitskräfte in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken.
Bundestagswahl 2013: Wie die Parteien weiter versuchen, das Grundgesetz zu verändern anstatt es einzuhalten
Die etablierten Scheinparteien und Selbstversorgungsapparate “Die Linke”, “Sozialdemokraten” S.P.D., “Christdemokraten” C.D.U. / “Christsoziale” C.S.U. , “Liberale”, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Piratenpartei, usw, sind ein Haufen Müll. Alle haben das Grundgesetz bereits aufgegeben und sich vom Acker gemacht. Jetzt kommen sie zurück gekrochen und wollen dieses und jenes in unsere Verfassung unserer Republik schreiben, der sie selbst seit Jahrzehnten auf der Kehle stehen.
US, Israel begin military exercise
The European Command of the U.S. Army and the IDF have launched the Juniper Stallion 13 exercise, which aims to improve the interoperability and cooperation between the U.S. and Israeli air forces.
Spalathronisi First Island to be Sold
The island’s starting price is set at €10 million and the auction is scheduled to take place in September.
Bloodbath in Egypt: the authoritarian state lingers
Saturday’s mass killings demonstrate that the military command and unreformed Interior Ministry are not just renegade remnants of the Mubarak regime but constitute the very core of its continued hegemony. Through a combination of skilful political manoeuvring, thoroughly planned economic sabotage and a carefully crafted media campaign replete with quasi-democratic propaganda, the army has now managed to convince a large part of the population that it is acting as a guarantor of the 2011 revolution, and that “the people and the army are one hand.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spy powers in New Zealand
Thousands of people have protested across New Zealand against the new surveillance bill that would enable the country’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) to spy on its citizens.
The protests were held in 11 cities and towns. with the strongest turnouts in Auckland and Wellington, showing the growing level of New Zealanders’ concern over the GCSB bill, the NZ Herald reports.
Progress Space Freighter Docks With Orbital Station
Russia’s Progress M-20M cargo spacecraft launched from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan earlier on Sunday successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS), the Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos, said.
A Soyuz-U launch vehicle carrying the space freighter blasted off from Baikonur at 00:45 a.m. Moscow time [20:45 GMT on Saturday].
Astronomy Picture of the Day: 2013 July 28
Hoag‘s Object: A Strange Ring Galaxy
Protesters in 40 cities take part in Bradley Manning ‘International Day of Action’
Protests are taking place in dozens of cities throughout the US and the world, in what has been dubbed the “International Day of Action.”
London protesters held banners proclaiming “Free Bradley Manning” in Trafalgar Square, although the number of demonstrators was not large. Protests took place in a number of other international cities, including Brussels and Perth, Australia.
Obama jubelt während seine besten Soldaten vor Gericht stehen weil sie seinen Job erledigen
Zwei Kriegerdenkmäler in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, zwei konträre Welten: Soldaten kämpfen für weltweiten Frieden, ihr Boss und Friedensnobelpreisträger schickt Waffen und Armee
Interpol beschlagnahmt Tropenholz im Millionenwert
In der jetzigen Operation namens «Lead» gingen die Ermittler in Bolivien, Brasilien, Chile, Kolumbien, Costa Rica, der Dominikanischen Republik, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru und Venezuela gegen illegale Rodungen vor.
Dr. Joseph Bonneau Wins NSA Award, Criticizes NSA
But Bonneau was deeply conflicted about receiving the award, noting on his blog that even though he was flattered to receive the award he didn’t condone the mass surveillance programs run by the NSA: “Simply put, I don’t think a free society is compatible with an organisation like the NSA in its current form.“
Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Proposed Initiatives to Resolve Ongoing Political Crisis
Brotherhood announces it is studying initiatives proposed by a number of politicians, intellectuals and activists to restore democratic legitimacy in Egypt following the July 3 traitorous military coup.
Situation in Egypt
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
July 27, 2013
(..) At this critical juncture, it is essential that the security forces and the interim government respect the right of peaceful protest, including the ongoing sit-in demonstrations.
The United States urges an independent and impartial inquiry into the events of the last day, and calls on all of Egypt’s leaders across the political spectrum to act immediately to help their country take a step back from the brink.
U.S. defense chief, in call with Egypt‘s Sisi, urges restraint
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel expressed deep concern over violence in Egypt and urged restraint in a call on Saturday with the Egyptian army chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, after scores of protesters were killed in the last day.
Egypt: scores killed as army launches offensive against Muslim Brotherhood
Over 100 supporters claimed dead as soldiers are accused of shoot-to-kill policy to clear protest urging Morsi‘s release
The Arab spring is being stifled by the force of arms
The grotesque murders of ordinary Egyptians by their own military says everything about the non-progress of the Arab spring. Just a year since democratic elections were meant to herald an era of freedom and stability in the third largest country by population in Africa, we are witnessing nothing less than routine street slaughter.
Faust würde heute von Gretchen eine andere Frage gestellt bekommen als die, wie er es denn mit dem Glauben halte. Er würde gefragt werden, was das denn koste
Pope urges Brazil‘s youth to seek change, fight apathy
The 76-year-old pope spoke to a crowd estimated by the Vatican to be more than 2 million people gathered on Rio‘s famed Copacabana beach for an evening rally where he also urged young people to shun fleeting fads and be „athletes of Christ.“
NSA surveillance program has had compliance problems, intelligence official says
Clapper made the statements in a four-page letter responding to a series of questions posed to him last month by a bipartisan group of 26 senators.