Die Verfolgung des Gefreiten Bradley Manning durch die Regierung hat immer versucht, das Gesetz bis zum Gehtnichtmehr zu strapazieren, um ihm so viele Beschuldigungen wie möglich anzuhängen, und hat durch einen oft übereilten und lockeren Umgang mit den Fakten den wachsenden Eindruck einer unprofessionellen Hexenjagd hervorgerufen.
Daily Archives: 26. Juli 2013
FJP’s Erian: Imprisoning Egypt President Unmasks Putschists’ Fascist Regime
Our strength lies in our peacefulness. Our unity as a people against fascism, tyranny, injustice and corruption is the secret of our sure victory against the coup.
This utterly unjust jail decision is a warning to everyone who participated in the January (2011) Revolution regarding the fate which awaits them as ‚Mubarak henchmen‘ return for revenge against the people.
Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by General Sisi himself
It must be recalled that Sisi‘s coup has since been revealed in all its glory, a spectacle meticulously choreographed and staged, in production since at least last November.
Since the coup it has emerged that the leaders of the armed forces had been meeting regularly with key opposition figures in the months before; that leading Mubarak-appointees on the constitutional court were involved; that financing and logistical support for the „grassroots“ movement against Mohamed Morsi came from the opposition‘s Naguib Sawiris; that the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia provided aid that promptly materialised upon the ouster of Morsi; that Mohamed ElBaradei, leader of the National Salvation Front, had sought the support of western governments
and that US secretary of defence Chuck Hagel was in contact with Sisi in the days leading up to the coup.
Paul Craig Roberts – Die beiden Scheindemokratien bedrohen das Leben auf der Erde
Der Grund für die meisten militärischen Aggressionen in den vergangenen 68 Jahren ist in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in Israel zu finden. Dennoch tun diese beiden Kriegsverursacher so, als wären sie die Opfer von Aggression. Der Rest der Welt hat recht, wenn er diese beiden unberechenbaren Schurkenregierungen als direkte Bedrohungen für das Leben auf der Erde sieht.
Deutsche Polizei nutzt offenbar PRISM-Daten
In einem Gespräch mit der “Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung” sagte der Vorsitzende der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft (DPolG), Rainer Wendt: “Ich bin überzeugt, dass der deutschen Polizei Ergebnisse aus dem PRISM-Programm direkt übermittelt wurden, um hierzulande Anschläge zu verhindern. Solche Erkenntnisse wachsen ja nicht auf Bäumen, sondern stammen wie bei der NSA aus nachrichtendienstlichen Erkenntnissen.”
Morgen kann man gegen Überwachung auf die Straße gehen
Kurze Erinnerung: Morgen gibt es die Möglichkeit, in fast 40 Städten in Deutschland gegen Überwachung zu demonstrieren
What a week! Three appeals courts across the nation condemn anti-immigrant laws
Three federal appeals courts decisions this week have added to what was already a lopsided score in favor of fairness and common sense, and against the snake-oil salesmen who managed to convince a few states and localities to enact laws discriminating against individuals based on their perceived immigration status.
Norbert Darabos und die NSA
Ex-Verteidigungsminister Norbert Darabos weist die Anzeigen des grünen Abgeordneten Peter Pilz gegen ihn, Minister Gerald Klug und Amtsvorgänger Günther Platter wegen behaupteter Zusammenarbeit mit der NSA zurück. Pilz gab seine Anzeigen nach § 319 des Strafgesetzbuches (Militärischer Nachrichtendienst) per Pressekonferenz aus seinem Urlaub in Kärnten bekannt.
Jeremy Scahill: Yemeni Journalist Who Exposed US Strikes Released From Prison
In 2011, then–Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced his intention to pardon the journalist, but changed his mind after a phone call with President Obama. While Shaye was accused of having connections to Al Qaeda, his trial was widely criticized by rights groups and the White House has not provided any public evidence to support the charges.
The Invisible Punishment of Prisoners With Disabilities
For inmates with disabilities who are routinely denied their mental or physical needs, incarceration can be a nightmarish fight for survival.
Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater‘s Secret Relationship with Multinational Corporations
(10.09.2013) In conversation with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Scahill explains that the documents he has obtained link Blackwater to the shady intelligence services of corporations such as Chevron and Monsanto. But Scahill‘s research may be just the tip of the iceberg. „This needs to be investigated,“ says Scahill, „I‘m hoping that other journalists can follow up on what Blackwater was doing…for these powerful multinational corporations.“
Pflanzenvielfalt auf Äckern und in Gärten bedroht: Breites Bündnis fordert Umsteuern bei der Neufassung des EU Saatgutrechtes
Mit überstrengen Zulassungsregeln hat das EU-Saatgutrecht über bald fünf Jahrzehnte den Verlust der genetischen Vielfalt auf dem Acker gefördert und zur massiven Ausweitung der Marktmacht von wenigen Saatgutkonzernen beigetragen. Am 6. Mai dieses Jahres hat die EU-Kommission ihren Vorschlag zur Reform des Gesetzes vorgelegt, der nun von vielen Verbänden kritisiert wird, da er die Gelegenheit zum Umsteuern verpasst. „EU-Ministerrat und EU-Parlament müssen nun klare Zeichen setzen und den Gesetzesvorschlag für die Erzeugung und Vermarktung von Saat- und Pflanzgut von Grund auf neu ausrichten“, sind sich die unterzeichnenden Organisationen einig.
Indien: eigenes Bio-Saatgut statt Saatgut-Abhängigkeit
Über 500 Bio-Bauern im Bundesland Gujarat, das im Westen Indiens an Pakistan grenzt, bemühen sich, eigene Samenbanken in eigener Initiative zu entwickeln, um Widerstand gegen den Druck von genetisch verändertem Saatgut zu leisten.
The Age of Regression
by John Pilger
I have known my postman for more than 20 years. Conscientious and good-humoured, he is the embodiment of public service at its best. The other day, I asked him, “Why are you standing in front of each door like a soldier on parade?”
“New system,” he replied, “I am no longer required simply to post the letters through the door. I have to approach every door in a certain way and put the letters through in a certain way.”
“Ask him.”
Across the street was a solemn young man, clipboard in hand, whose job was to stalk postmen and see they abided by the new rules, no doubt in preparation for privatisation. I told the stalker my postman was admirable. His face remained flat, except for a momentary flicker of confusion.
US-Drohnen über der Oberpfalz – aber keine Informationen
Seit Donnerstag kann hier von der US-Armee mit Drohnen geübt werden. Inzwischen wurde dies von der US-Armee auch bestätigt. Allerdings gebe es, so Strobl, bis heute keine offizielle Information an die Bevölkerung. „Was tut sich hier eigentlich über dem Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach in Zukunft in der Luft?“
Grundgesetz weiter als die Grünen
Die Grünen-Spitze hat nach der Späh-Affäre einen Vorschlag: Sie will Mails und SMS wie klassische Briefe schützen. Doch das ist längst gültiges Recht.
US-Drohnen erhalten Zulassung für den deutschen Luftraum
Die USA haben von der Bundeswehr eine offizielle Zulassung für den Betrieb von 57 Aufklärungsdrohnen in Deutschland erhalten. Das ergab eine Kleine Anfrage der Linksfraktion, die nun vom Verteidigungsministerium beantwortet wurde.
„Broken Hearts“: How plausible was the Homeland pacemaker hack?
I watched the TV show Homeland for the first time a few months ago. This particular episode had a plot twist that involved a terrorist remotely hacking into the pacemaker of the Vice President of the United States.
People follow this show religiously, and there were articles questioning the plausibility of the pacemaker hack. Physicians were questioned as to the validity of the hack and were quoted saying that this is not possible in the real world [2].
In my professional opinion, the episode was not too far off the mark.
Programmer Barnaby Jack dies a week before showing off heart-attack hack that can kill a man from 30 feet away
Jack, a security expert, became one of the most famous hackers on the planet after a 2010 demonstration in which he forced ATMs to spit out cash, dubbed “Jackpotting,” (reut.rs/gIGXVq )
Government Argues Bradley Manning Was An Anarchist, As Case Closes
We haven‘t been covering the day to day of the Bradley Manning trial, though it has been interesting (and frustrating) to follow. However, in its closing argument, it appears that the government is trying to smear Bradley Manning and his whistleblowing every possible way:
Berkman Center Report: Wie die Öffentlichkeit SOPA und PIPA stoppte!?
Wie jede wissenschaftliche Studie hat auch diese ihre Limitationen. So muss man sich fragen, wie sehr die Forschung durch das Wegfallen von Social Networks, Mails, Chats und Foren verzerrt wurde. Es liefert auch keine Antwort auf die Frage, ob und in welchem Ausmaß es nun eine “Networked Public Sphere” gibt – dazu ist das Fallbeispiel zu spezifisch, wie die Wissenschaftler selbst einräumen.
Nancy Pelosi Saved The NSA Surveillance Program; Now She Should Help Kill It
As we pointed out yesterday, there was a bizarre group of Democratic congressional reps who apparently followed the lead of Nancy Pelosi in voting against the Amash Amendment to defund the NSA program to collect all of your phone data despite the fact that those same Representatives had voted against that very same program a couple years ago.
PYD flag in Ras Al-Ayn replaced with Syrian Local Coordination Committees flag
The PYD flag which had been hoisted on a building in the Syrian town of Ras Al-Ayn has been replaced by the flag of the Syrian Local Coordination Committees (LCCS).
Head of Syrian Kurdish group meets Turkish intelligence: Erdogan
Saleh Muslim, head of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), whose militias have seized control of districts in northern Syria near the Turkish border over the past year, met with members of the National Intelligence Agency, Erdogan told reporters.
Uganda to deport U.S. journalist for illegal presence
Uganda said on Friday it would deport a U.S. freelance journalist arrested while filming opposition activists clashing with police in Kampala, accusing him of working in Uganda illegally.
Czech politicians escape graft charges thanks to immunity
The MPs were accused of accepting posts at state firms.
Supreme prosecutor Pavel Zeman cancelled charges after a court ruled last week that they were covered by parliamentary immunity. In return, they agreed to leave parliament.
Letta faces obstruction battle over reforms: M5S, SEL want examination of bill delayed
The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and the leftwing SEL want the bill establishing procedures to introduce changes to the Constitution to revamp Italy‘s public institutions and make the country easier to govern delayed until after the recess in September.
Jailed ex-Berlusconi undersecretary released to house arrest
Camorra-linked politician Nicola Cosentino, who had been held in Naples‘ Secondigliano jail since March, was released to house arrest on Friday, his lawyers told ANSA.
Merkel: Brahmis Ermordung ist feiges Attentat
Die Bundesregierung appelliere an alle Akteure in Tunesien auch diesmal Besonnenheit zu wahren. Tunesien habe auf dem Weg der Demokratisierung wichtige Etappen zurück gelegt, so die Bundeskanzlerin. „Möglich war dies durch die politische Reife und Kompromissbereitschaft aller Beteiligten. Der Verfassungsprozess befindet sich in einer entscheidenden Phase.“ Die neue Verfassung werde Grundlage für die nächsten Wahlen sein.
Japan reckons buying drones for better surveillance, defense options in the region
Having unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) capable of high-altitude surveillance will give Japan an advantage given the aggressiveness of China and the possible threat of North Korea, even Russia.
Euro-Hawk: NSA hat die Kontrolle über Funkschlüssel zur Kommunikation mit der Drohne
Doch nicht nur die Kryptoschlüssel stammen von der NSA, auch die gesamte Sende- und Empfangsanlage zur Kommunikation stammt von der NSA. Die Begründung dafür:
„So soll beim Euro Hawk wie bei den Global Hawks sichergestellt werden, dass die Drohnen nicht von Terroristen gekapert werden können.“
Juli Zeh: NSA wie Einbrecher im eigenen Haus
Die Bewohner stehen daneben und gucken zu. Die Hausverwaltung steht auch daneben und guckt zu. Sie ruft den Einbrechern vielleicht noch hinterher: ‘Wir verlangen schonungslose Aufklärung. Wir wollen wissen, was hier gespielt wird.’ Und die Einbrecher rufen zurück: ‘Geht in Ordnung.’, steigen ins Auto und fahren davon.
Salafist Al Nour Party supported Eygptian military-backed regime
While the conflict in Egypt is sometimes described as between Islamists and liberals and secularists, the situation is more complex than that in that the Al Nour Party Salafists took part in the coalition that ousted the first elected president, himself an Islamist supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Morsi. The Party itself denies that it actually took part in the coup but describes their position as simply accepting the reality of the army coup
Constituent Assembly of Tunisia
The most crucial question will be the one of the form of government. While the Islamist Ennahda movement favours a parliamentary system, its secular coalition partners CPR and Ettakatol, as well as most of the minor oppositional parties prefer a semi-presidential republic
Wahl zur Verfassunggebenden Versammlung Tunesiens 2011
Am 11. Dezember 2011 wurde von der verfassunggebenden Versammlung eine Übergangsverfassung verabschiedet, welche unter anderem den Wahlprozess für die neue Übergangsregierung und die Regeln für Exekutive, Legislative und Judikative festlegt. Die Übergangsverfassung soll solange gelten, bis eine endgültige Verfassung ausgearbeitet und ein neues Parlament gewählt ist.
U.S. Stock Futures off Ahead of Quiet Earnings Day
U.S. stock-market futures were pointing to a slight fall for Wall Street on Friday, with sentiment dulled by a sharp drop in Japan stocks and a lack of data, outside of another reading on consumer sentiment.
Rep. Schiff Offers Amendment Sunsetting Authorization for Use of Military Force– „AUMF Never Intended to Authorize a War Without End“
Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), a senior Member of the Intelligence Committee, offered an amendment to the annual Defense appropriations which would prohibit the use of funds pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) on December 31, 2014 – effectively sunsetting the law. By the end of 2014, the last American combat troops will rotate out of Afghanistan and the responsibility for that nation’s security will have passed to the Afghan people. This amendment closely mirrors Schiff’s bipartisan legislation which would sunset the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) by the end of 2014, and calls on the Administration and Congress to work together to determine what new authority, if any, is necessary to protect the country after that time.
Einen neuen Versuch die AUMF aufzuheben, hat Rep. Adam Schiff gestartet.
Solange da noch irgendwo „Al Ciada“ zu finden ist auf dem Planeten, können die alles weiter umbringen und plattbomben wie sie wollen.
Kurz erklärt: Die Kriegslobby hat schlicht Angst vor einer Aufhebung ihrer AUMF-Ermächtigung
Al-Qaeda in Iraq (a.k.a. Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria)
Since the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces in late 2011, AQI has accelerated the pace of attacks on mainly Shiite targets in what analysts say is an attempt to reignite conflict between Iraq‘s Sunni minority and the Shiite-led government of Nuri al-Maliki
U.S. General says al Qaeda just surviving in Afghanistan
Pockets of al Qaeda militants will endure in Afghanistan beyond next year‘s departure of most Western combat forces, but they have lost the ability to mount serious attacks of the kind that triggered the Afghan war, a senior U.S. commander said.
DOJ Tries, But Fails, To Delay ACLU Lawsuit Over NSA Spying
The case will move forward with motions filed by the end of August and the case to begin by November.
UK‘s Anti-Porn Filtering Being Handled By A Chinese Company
There‘s no censorship here, Cameron claims, while touting the porn filtering wonders of Homesafe, a filtering system built by TalkTalk and… Huawei.
Hey, stellt euch mal vor, ihr wäret David Cameron, der Premierminister von England, und ihr wollt gerade dem ganzen Land vorschreiben, dass im Internet die Pornos weggefiltert werden sollen. Wo würdet ihr die Technologie einkaufen?
Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
Ägypten: Mursi wegen Verschwörungsvorwürfen in U-Haft
Seit Wochen wird der von Ägyptens Militärs gestürzte Ex-Präsident ohne Prozess festgehalten. Nun haben die Behörden erstmals eine Anklage gegen Mursi formuliert: Er soll bei Angriffen auf Gefängnisse und Polizeistationen mit der palästinensischen Hamas zusammengearbeitet haben.
Morsi detained over Hamas contact, killing of soldiers
Egypt‘s military has been holding Morsi in an undisclosed location since deposing him on July 3.
War starts here! – Produkte der Rüstungsstadt Jena morden in aller Welt
Nicht nur am Gefechtsübungszentrum Letzlingen in der Altmark wird seit diesem Montag protestiert, auch wir in Jena haben genügend Anlass gegen die stillschweigend akzeptierten Rüstungsbestrebungen und die scheinbare Normalität von Krieg und Militär in der Gesellschaft aufzubegehren.
Trägerkreis Rüstungskonversion tritt heute an die Öffentlichkeit
Die Empörung über die Verwicklung Jenaer Firmen in umstrittene Waffengeschäfte (z.B. Jenoptik und die Lieferung von Panzern nach Saudi-Arabien), brachte die unterschiedlichen Akteure vor einigen Monaten zusammen.
All flights to and from Tunisia cancelled on Friday
All flights to and from Tunisia will be canceled on Friday after a general strike was called by the main labor organization in protest at the killing of a prominent opposition figure, the civil aviation office said.
Tunisia: Ennahdha Party: Statement on Assassination of Mohamed Brahmi
Today, member of the National Constituent Assembly Mohamed Brahmi was the victim of a cowardly assassination in front of his house in the capital, in a new attempt to undermine the country‘s security and drag it into violence and in-fighting. This crime comes in the context of significant progress in the political process after the election of fundamental commissions, the completion of the Constitution draft and reaching consensus on most points of difference.
Ennahdha Party which received with shock and dismay the news of this dangerous crime:
– Considers this assassination to be a dangerous crime targeting the revolution and national unity, and obstructing the democratic transition process.
– Strongly condemns this crime and calls on the security and judicial authorities to do their utmost and devote all resources to arrest the perpetrators, bring them to justice and inform public opinion of the details.
– Prays for the soul of Assembly member Mohamed Brahmi and offers its sincere condolences to his family and party.
– Calls on all Tunisians to preserve their national unity, solidarity, and restraint so as to undermine the criminals‘ plans to destroy our democratic experience and our co-existence.
Ennahdha Party
Rached Ghannouchi
Testimony by Ahmed Fahmi, Egyptian Upper House Speaker, Regarding General Sisis Claims
Since the legitimate President has been abducted, and cannot reply to General Sisi’s allegations, it became my legal and patriotic duty to tell what I indeed saw, heard and participated in, so as to highlight the truth to the Egyptian public.
At ten in the morning on July 3, 2013, Major General Mamdouh Shahin telephoned me, and asked about what General Sisi will say to people when he talks to them – whether he would apologize for the deadline he had previously announced to political actors and leave them to sort things together?
I told Shahin that I did not know what Sisi would say, since I did not meet him. An appointment was then set for me to meet Sisi at eleven in the morning that same day.
When I went to meet Sisi, he asked me: “What do you have to say?” I told him, “You‘re the one who contacted me. What do you want to tell me?”
He said: “We want to hold a referendum on the presidency, in two or three weeks”.
I told Sisi, “It‘s too short time, which may result in a power vacuum. I believe that, instead, the Cabinet could be changed, with you as its head, in addition to the Ministry of Defense. Then, parliamentary elections can be held, with you still at the helm, since the majority of people trust you. The elected House of Representatives should form a government from the party or parties of the majority. Then, a referendum on the presidency can be called or early presidential elections can be held. Thus, you avoid a power vacuum”.
Sisi replied that, “This solution is too lengthy. We want to hold a referendum in two or three weeks?”
I said: “You are a man of strategies. You must have other alternatives and options, not just one”.
He said: “This is the only option, the masses demand this. I cannot wait any longer”.
I told him that this solution is not satisfactory, and that the images of the demonstrations published in the newspapers show only opposition protest images, while no pictures were published of demonstrations in support for the constitutional legitimacy.
I then went to President Morsi and told him what took place between me and General Sisi. He agreed to everything that I mentioned to Sisi to ensure the stability of the country by electing the Parliament and the Cabinet first.
Then, I contacted Major General Mamdouh Shahin, and told him about my conversation with the President and his consent to the suggestion of electing the Parliament and the Cabinet first, and then calling a referendum on the presidency or early presidential elections. I asked Shahin to tell this to General Sisi, which he promised to do.
Then, they mounted the military coup that overthrew legitimacy, suspended the Constitution, kidnapped the President and kept him incommunicado in an undisclosed location until now, and then issued an illegitimate decree to dissolve the Shura Council (Egypt’s only legislature).
Cairo: July 25, 2013
Muslim Brotherhood Statement Regarding General Al-Sisi Speech Wednesday, July 24
He calls for new elections, having – with his bloody coup – brought us back to square one. We did hold several elections and referendums in which Sisi’s supporters failed completely. Therefore, what is required are elections that bring a certain faction and exclude the largest faction chosen by the people.
The original concept and principal is that the army belongs to the people, the whole people of the country. This coup, however, makes believe that the army belongs to a certain faction and not the other, setting it up for a confrontation with the other (larger) faction, depicting it as an enemy! This is dividing the people of Egypt. It threatens to divide the army itself, which in turn threatens national security.
Egypt braces for rival rallies, army signals crackdown
„We will not initiate any move, but will definitely react harshly against any calls for violence or black terrorism from Brotherhood leaders or their supporters,“ the army official told Reuters
U.S. does not plan decision on Egypt coup
The Obama administration told Congress on Thursday it does not plan to make a determination on whether a military coup occurred in Egypt, avoiding a decision that would force the cut off of most of the annual $1.55 billion in U.S. aid.