hat die Bilder exklusiv und bringt Teile der 4stündigen Benefizgala in zwei Episoden mit einer Gesamtlänge von mehr als eineinhalb Stunden. Im hier vorliegenden zweiten Teil treten auf: Frank-Markus Barwasser, Dieter Hildebrandt, Konstantin Wecker, Roger Willemsen,
Georg Schramm
Daily Archives: 27. Juni 2013
Ecuador bietet USA jährliche Finanzhilfen für Förderung der Menschenrechte an
Dabei erinnerte Alvarado daran, dass Ecuador eines der sieben Länder Süd-, Mittel- und Nordamerikas ist, die „alle Dokumente zu den panamerikanischen Menschenrechtsmechanismen ratifiziert haben“, und rief Washington auf, wenigstens eines davon zu ratifizieren.
Ecuador kündigt Handelsvertrag mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika wegen wiederholter Drohungen
Angesichts mehrerer Tage offener Drohungen seitens der Obama-Administration und Senatoren, welche drohten, einen wichtigen Handelsvertrag mit Ecuador zu kündigen, falls das Land es wagte, Edward Snowden Asyl zu gewähren, teilte die Regierung von Ecuador den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit, was sie mit ihrem tiefgekühlten Brokkoli und den frisch geschnittenen Blumen machen kann und kündigte den Vertrag von sich aus.
Data from Voyager 1, now more than 11 billion miles (18 billion kilometers) from the sun, suggest the spacecraft is closer to becoming the first human-made object to reach interstellar space.
Revealed: WikiLeaks Volunteer Doubled as FBI Mole
On Thursday, Wired‘s Kevin Poulsen revealed Thordarson‘s double role as a close Assange protégé and a paid informant working for the United States government in its WikiLeaks investigation.
Ein Wikileaks-Mitarbeiter war FBI-V-Mann.
Für $5000 hat der Wikileaks verraten.
UK Police Routinely Spy On 9000 ‚Domestic Terrorists‘ Very Loosely Defined
In the wake of the news that spies at GCHQ — the UK equivalent of the NSA — have been tapping into every fiber optic cable that comes into and goes out of the country, downloading and storing phone calls and Internet traffic for up to 30 days, you might think the British authorities have enough information at their disposal, without needing to turn to other sources. But it seems not, according to the latest revelations in The Guardian:
NSA inspector general report on email and internet data collection under Stellar Wind – full document
Top-secret draft report from 2009 by the NSA‘s inspector general shows development of ‚collection of bulk internet metadata‘ under program launched under Bush
Employers chief warns no one to get in way of Letta govt
Squinzi says no alternative to left-right executive
Nach dem Autounfall von Michael Hastings sollte auch der Fall von Barrett Brown nicht in Vergessenheit geraten.
The personal side of taking on the NSA: emerging smears
One of the greatest honors I‘ve had in my years of writing about politics is the opportunity to work with and befriend my long-time political hero, Daniel Ellsberg. I never quite understood why the Nixon administration, in response to his release of the Pentagon Papers, would want to break into the office of Ellsberg‘s psychoanalyst and steal his files.
Qatar‘s new PM signals lower key world role
A stickler for discipline with a security background, Qatar‘s new prime minister will have a narrower remit than his influential predecessor, who led the Gulf state‘s forays into global finance and Arab Spring politics.
Italy‘s ‚brain movement‘ not problem, says foreign minister
The high number of young Italians seeking opportunities out of the country has been fingered by politicians and by Italy‘s powerful employers‘ association Confindustria as a costly sap of resources.
Dröhnende Nachrichten für eine programmierte Gesellschaft
Millionen an Informationen fluten täglich unser Gehirn. Die meisten davon werden bewusst kaum wahrgenommen und nur mit einer Art Überschrift ins Unterbewusstsein verstaut. Wenn eine Information beim Empfänger hängen bleiben soll, muss diese oft genug wiederholt werden. Manchmal reicht nur ein Wort. Durch die Wiederholung dieses Wortes wird dieses Teil unseres Bewusstseins, es wird zur Norm, gehört zum Alltag – ob wir wollen oder nicht.
Woops! Obama Ordered Gun Report Reveals Guns Actually Save Lives
A gun report ordered in by Obama has ended up highlighting the fact that legal guns are actually saving lives and diffusing crime. Woops! In a recent study orchestrated by the CDC and carried out by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, it was found that individuals involved in violent crimes who defended themselves using techniques other than carrying a gun were more likely to be injured when compared to those who were carrying a concealed firearm.
Freak Afghan hailstorm grounded scores of Nato helicopters
The half-hour storm in late April split rotor blades, cracked windows, ruptured the choppers‘ metal skin and damaged other parts. The hail was so intense that after an intensive repair programme eight of the choppers were still inoperable more than three weeks later, according to a Nato spokesman.
Obama: US will not engage in ‚wheeling and dealing‘ over Edward Snowden
„I‘m not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,“ Obama said, according to a tweet from the Washington Post‘s David Nakamura.
Saudi Arabia Starts Clamping Down On Encrypted VoIP Services; US And UK Strangely Silent On The Moves
Back in March of this year, another BBC story noted that two other encrypted messaging services — Skype and WhatsApp — were also being told to make it possible for the authorities to eavesdrop on communications. In the wake of the Viber ban, there are now concerns that WhatsApp, Skype and the Tango messaging service may fall afoul of the Saudi authorities‘ desire to bring these new technologies under control.
Russia’s ‘SOPA’ Passed By Lawmakers, Site Blocking Begins “In Weeks”
Aggressive new anti-piracy legislation that allows for sites to be rapidly blocked by ISPs upon allegations of copyright infringement passed through its final two readings in Russia’s State Duma today.
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave: Mann malt mit wasserlöslicher Kinder-Kreide Anti-Banker-Slogans vor das Bank of America-Hauptquartier — ihm drohen 13 Jahre Haft.
„A judge has barred his attorney from mentioning freedom of speech during trial.“
ERT: Still off air since June 11th and despite Council of State decision
Two weeks after Samaras’ decision to shutdown public broadcaster ERT and Greeks enjoy the view of multicolored test bars as the government considered the replacement of the black in TV screen with color bars as restoration of ERT frequencies.
NSA Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny Anything Without Causing ‚Exceptionally Grave Damage‘ To National Security
When you find out your own government is harvesting your phone metadata and internet activity, what do you do? If you‘re Jeff Larson at ProPublica, you file a FOIA request in hopes of getting the NSA to cough up some of the info it‘s collected on you.
Kritik an Gold wird lauter
Seitdem der Goldpreis übel nach unten gedroschen wird, ist eine laute Diskussion um den Sinn und Zweck einer Anlage in das gelbe Edelmetall entbrannt.
Snowdens Flucht aus Hongkong: Name im Haftbefehl soll falsch gewesen sein
„Diese drei Namen stimmen nicht genau überein“, so Yuen, „deshalb fanden wir, dass das einer Klärung bedarf.“ Außerdem hätten die USA keine Passnummer angegeben.
Generalstreik in Portugal
Die beiden Dachverbände der Gewerkschaften UGT und CGTP mit über einer Million Mitgliedern haben am heutigen Donnerstag, den 27.Juni 2013 zu dem vierten landesweiten Generalstreik innerhalb von zwei Jahren aus Protest gegen die Sparmassnahmen der Regierung aufgerufen.
Snowden über Whistleblower: „Those people should be shot in the balls“
„Wollen die einen Krieg anzetteln? Mein Gott, die sind wie WikiLeaks. (…) Mist wie das soll doch nicht in die Zeitung kommen“, so Snowden unter seinem Nickname TheTrueHOOHA. Anonymen Informanten, die Zeitungen Geheiminformationen zukommen lassen, „sollte man in die Eier schießen“, äußerte Snowden in diesem Zusammenhang.
In 2009, Ed Snowden said leakers “should be shot.” Then he became one
Any handle can be adopted in IRC. However, such „identity theft,“ while theoretically possible, is unheard of. These IRC remarks—like the Ars forum posts—correlate precisely to publicly known facts about Snowden‘s life.
F-16 Crash in Arizona, 2 Pilots Unhurt
Two pilots ejected and walked away safely, when their F-16 fighter jet crashed near Phoenix on Wednesday evening. The cause of the crash is not known.
Power and responsibility: will new emir give Qatar‘s tribes more liberties than his father?
Now that his son Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has assumed the role of emir, will anything change?
Qatar‘s Young Ruler Vows Against Sectarianism; New PM, FM Named
A Cabinet reshuffle was also announced later naming former Minister of State for Internal Affairs Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani as Prime Minister and Interior Minister and Dr. Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah as Foreign Minister.
Gitmo protester arrested after scaling White House fence (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
An activist who has been protesting the continuous operation of the Guantanamo Bay military detention facility was arrested Wednesday after climbing over the fence on the north lawn of the White House.
What’s Next for the Perverted Food Industry: How About Meat-Scrap Ice Cream with Animal Waste?
Up to 50% of animal tissues, bones, and the like are “wasted” in the meat processing industry. These proteins are usually composted or burned because there simply isn’t anything else that can be done with them. Until now. Researchers have been looking for ways to minimize this waste and are in the process of developing protein-rich powders and products that can be reintroduced into the food marketplace.
EFF Sues FBI For Access to Facial-Recognition Records
As the FBI is rushing to build a „bigger, faster and better“ biometrics database, it‘s also dragging its feet in releasing information related to the program‘s impact on the American public. In response, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today filed a lawsuit to compel the FBI to produce records to satisfy three outstanding Freedom of Information Act requests that EFF submitted one year ago to shine light on the program and its face-recognition components.
German FinMin Schaeuble to visit Athens, July 18/2013
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble will visit Athens on July 18th 2013 and will meet with his Greek counterpart Yiannis Stournaras and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.
Die britischen Geheimdienste zahlen 100 Millionen Pfund in Boni aus.
Obwohl es eigentlich Budgetkürzungen geben sollte.
One small step…
The euro zone powers may well get there in the end but as our poll of 50-odd economists showed yesterday, most don’t see any progress before the end of the year, largely because Germany’s September elections will prevent any further leap beforehand.
UPDATE 1-Merkel reins in plan to transfer powers to Brussels
(02.06.) EU leaders to discuss Franco-German proposals end-June
Vor Gipfel in Brüssel: Merkel erwägt Soli-Fonds für Euro-Staaten
Wenn man als ersten Schritt ein gemeinsames Verständnis über Inhalt und Substanz einer stärkeren wirtschaftspolitischen Koordinierung erzielt habe, könne man weitergehen, sagte Merkel am Donnerstag im Bundestag.
Secrets and lies: Canberra‘s response to Prism
Yesterday, however, Fairfax Media’s Philip Dorling reported that Former Labor Defence Minister John Faulkner has confirmed that the heads of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and Australia‘s signals intelligence agency, the Defence Signals Directorate, David Irvine and Ian McKenzie, have briefed the federal parliament‘s intelligence committee on the US PRISM internet surveillance program.
NSA Deletes Fact Sheet On NSA Spying After Senate Points Out It‘s Actually NSA Lying
The joke around the NSA used to be that the acronym stood for „No Such Agency“ as its very existence was denied for years. While the NSA is now very official, it‘s still probably the most secretive agency out there. That‘s to be somewhat expected, given its mission, but it appears that when it needs to be transparent, it doesn‘t do very well at all.
Derivatives furore just a ‚misunderstanding‘
‚No risk of loss‘ says Economy Minister Saccomanni
Die Bundeswehr will für 800 Millionen Spionagesatelliten ins All schießen.
Der absolute Brüller ist aber, dass der Bosbach schnell die Seite gewechselt hat und jetzt plötzlich ein glühender Verfechter von Menschenrechten und ein Bekämpfer des Überwachungsstaates ist — solange jemand anderes am Ruder ist.
Ireland under pressure to delay EU car emissions agreement
After five years of lengthy negotiations, the EU was expected to finalise agreement today on introducing a new carbon dioxide limit of 95 grams per kilometre, as an average across the EU fleet, by the year 2020.
However, Germany has been fighting for a significant degree of flexibility for its luxury car sector
Merkel could scupper Irish bank plan
(06.06.) The Government’s aspirations to capitalise the Irish banks through the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) could be derailed by German chancellor Angela Merkel.
Bundesbank chief cites limits on ECB bond-buying programme
(25.06.) Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann has said a European Central Bank (ECB) programme to stabilise the euro zone by buying sovereign bonds of crisis-hit countries is strictly limited in scope.
Listen to the full Anglo recordings
(24.06.) Listen to the conversations between Anglo‘s David Drumm with John Bowe and also Peter Fitzgerald with John Bowe above and below.
How bankers planned policy of deception
As such, the content of this latest tape appears to decisively show that key bank executives worked together to purse a deliberate policy of aggression, and deception about the bank‘s true condition, in the run-up to the bank guarantee at the end of September 2008.
Signalerfassung des „Euro Hawk“ ähnelt fliegendem PRISM und verletzt Fernmeldegeheimnis
„Für die Spionagedrohne ‚Euro Hawk‘ hat der Rüstungskonzern EADS einen fliegenden Datenstaubsauger entwickelt, der Funktionen wie das US-Überwachungssystem PRISM übernimmt. Möglich ist das Abhören jeder funkbasierten Kommunikation. Das System hat daher eine hohe grundrechtliche Relevanz“, kritisiert der Bundestagsabgeordnete Andrej Hunko auf die Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage zu Spionagedrohnen für Bundeswehr und NATO.
Kabarettist Georg Schramm in Berlin: Über allen Gipfeln ist Wut
„Wir dürfen die Märkte jetzt nicht nervös machen.“ „Würde die mächtigste Person der Welt je so einen Satz sagen?“, fragt der Kabarettist und gibt selbst gleich die Antwort. „Das ist der Satz einer Ohnmächtigen!“
Das Publikum tobt. Und das ist nur der Anfang.
How the CIA Aided the NYPD‘s Surveillance Program
In the years after the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the NYPD had at least four „embedded“ CIA officers in their midst. And because at least one of the officers was on unpaid leave at the time, the officer was able to bypass the standing prohibition against domestic spying for the agency and help conduct surveillance for the police force. In his words, he had „no limitations.“
C.I.A. Report Finds Concerns With Ties to New York Police
Four Central Intelligence Agency officers were embedded with the New York Police Department in the decade after Sept. 11, 2001, including one official who helped conduct surveillance operations in the United States, according to a newly disclosed C.I.A. inspector general’s report.
U.S. Surveillance Is Not Aimed at Terrorists
The debate over the U.S. government’s monitoring of digital communications suggests that Americans are willing to allow it as long as it is genuinely targeted at terrorists. What they fail to realize is that the surveillance systems are best suited for gathering information on law-abiding citizens.
Nabucco-Projekt gescheitert – Konsortium bevorzugt TAP-Leitung (Zusammenfassung 22.15)
Das von der EU und den USA favorisierte Nabucco-Projekt, mit dem Erdgas aus Aserbaidschan nach Europa fließen sollte, ist gescheitert.
Pessimism surrounds this year‘s EU banking union prospects
European leaders are unlikely to agree a meaningful deal to achieve a banking union before the end of the year, according to a slim majority of economists polled by Reuters this week.
Dokumentation ‚EUPOLY – Ein europäischer Alptraum‘ veröffentlicht
Regisseur und Produzent Jens Blecker interviewte für EUPOLY den Börsenhändler Dirk Müller, den ehemaligen Präsidenten vom “Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie” Hans-Olaf Henkel, den ehemaligen Parlamentspräsidenten der Slowakei Richard Sulík, der Börsenhändler Jim Rogers, den Journalisten und Betreiber von “Geolitico” Günther Lachmann, den Fondmanager und Herausgeber des “Gloom Boom & Doom Reports” für Börsenhändler Marc Faber, die Autoren von “Der größte Raubzug der Geschichte: Warum die Fleißigen immer ärmer und die Reichen immer reicher werden” Marc Friedrich und Matthias Weik, sowie Daniel Neun, Gründer der Medienstation Radio Utopie