Wenn die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika keine taktischen Atomwaffen einsetzen, werden sie sich schwer tun, Nordkorea zu besiegen. Abgesehen davon stecken Boden- und Luftstreitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika bis zum Hals in Afghanistan und im Mittleren Osten fest, ihre Ausrüstung ist verschlissen und das Finanzministerium der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika hat kein Geld
Daily Archives: 6. April 2013
Nelson Mandela discharged from hospital
Former president Nelson Mandela has been discharged after spending nine days in hospital, the presidency said on Saturday.
Hezbollah bloc, rivals back Salam for Lebanon premier
A former minister from a prominent political dynasty, Salam won the backing on Thursday of the Saudi- and Western-backed March 14 political coalition after talks brokered in Saudi Arabia. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, whose seven parliamentary seats hold the balance of power, also backed him.
News World news Lebanon Lebanon names Salam as prime minister
Tammam Salam, a 68-year-old lawmaker and a former culture minister, was asked by President Michel Suleiman to head a new government. Lebanon‘s parliament strongly endorsed Salam, who is widely seen as a consensus figure, with 124 lawmakers in the 128-seat legislature voting in favour of his nomination.
Israeli journalist is accused of inciting violence after backing Palestinian stone-throwers
The prominent Israeli journalist, Amira Hass, has been subjected to a wave of hate mail and calls for prosecution for incitement to violence since writing an article defending the throwing of stones by Palestinian youths at Israeli soldiers.
Incitement charges brought against Haaretz and its journalist, Amira Hass
The Council of Settlements in the West Bank have demanded the opening of a police investigation into the Haaretz newspapers and its journalist, Amira Hass, following the publication of an article yesterday which addressed the issue of Palestinian rights to throw rocks as a means of self-defence.
After Palestinian dies in Shin Bet hands, time to question the interrogators
For years, Palestinian detainees and prisoners have complained about sleep deprivation, painful and prolonged handcuffing, humiliation, beatings and medical neglect. By international standards, this is torture.
Purim in Israel – eine Zeit, um sich zu freuen und um palästinensisches Land zu plündern
Im Gegensatz zum Ethos des nicht Plünderns, wird der andere Purim-Ethos des Sich-Freuens , streng eingehalten. Deshalb hat der verstorbene Siedlerführer Hanan Purat „Fröhliche Purim!“ gesagt und zwar kurz nachdem ein Kiryat Arba–Bewohner 29 palästinensische Gottesdienstbesucher in der Abrahamsmoschee in Hebron am 25. Februar 1994 massakrierte — in dieser Woche vor 19 Jahren.
Ministerpräsident Yitzak Rabin, der empört von Dr.Baruch Goldsteins Massaker an Palästinensern war, bestrafte Hebrons palästinensische Bewohner: Ausgangssperren, Absperrungen von Straßen, Gassen und Läden; und Straßensperren gaben dem jüdischen Siedlungsbau in Hebrons Altstadt einen großen Antrieb. Die andere Seite der Freude: Tausende der palästinensischen Bewohner der Altstadt wurden gezwungen, auf Grund der Schikanen und der Eliminierung ihrer Einkommensquellen wegzugehen. Es ist die Rechnung der Schadenfreude. Um der etwa 500 Juden willen, wurde ein Gebot veröffentlicht, um das Leben von rund 200 000 Palästinenser zu unterbrechen.
Warum es diesmal wesentlich schlimmer wird als 2008
von Marc-Stephan Arnold, Beijing
(..) Wahlen in Deutschland. So wie es derzeit aussieht, wird sich die neue Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD) einen nicht unerheblichen Teil der Stimmen sichern können – viele Indikatoren deuten darauf hin, dass für diese ausgewiesene Anti-Euro-Partei (AfD) ein riesiges Wählerpotenzial existiert (bei einer Online-Umfrage des Nachrichtenmagazins Focus stimmten in kürzester Zeit mehr als 43.000 Teilnehmer ab – über 94 Prozent davon gegen den Euro!).
Monte Verità
Der Monte Verità (dt. Wahrheitsberg) ist ein Hügel im Westen von Ascona, im Kanton Tessin, Schweiz, der in den ersten beiden Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts der Sitz einer lebensreformerischen Künstlerkolonie war, die heute als eine der Wiegen der Alternativbewegung gilt. In ihr sammelte sich der Widerstand gegen die Kultur und Gesellschaft der Zeit, die als patriarchal und militaristisch wahrgenommen wurden. Monte Verità wurde ein Zentrum neuer Bewegungen: Lebensreform, Pazifismus, Anarchismus, Theosophie, Anthroposophie, OTO, Psychoanalyse, östliche Weisheit, Ausdruckstanz.
Dichter der Revolution – Erich Mühsam zum 135. Geburtstag
Anstatt Landauers Siedlungskonzept weiterzuverfolgen, wandte sich Mühsam nunmehr der künstlerischen Bohème und dem „Lumpenproletariat“ zu, in dem er – angesichts der fast vollständigen Integration der organisierten Arbeiterschaft in der zu jeder spontanen Revolte unfähig werdenden SPD – auf idealisierte Weise sogar den Träger einer neuen Gesellschaft ausmachte: „Verbrecher, Landstreicher, Huren und Künstler – das ist Bohème, die einer neuen Kultur die Wege weist.“
27. Gedichte in Restsprache
Seit über zehn Jahren beschäftigt sich Susann Körner, geboren 1972, mit Fundstücken unseres Konsumalltags, mit Warenbezeichnungen auf Kassenbons: Ein sprachliches Paralleluniversum, in dem Produktnamen durch elektronisch bedingte Abkürzungen zu hermetischen Bedeutungsträgern mutieren. Was ist eine “Bismarck Emotion”, was eine “Montage Noir” und wie sieht ein “Happy End feucht” aus? Es entstand die Idee, gezielt so einzukaufen, dass ein Gedicht auf dem Kassenzettel entsteht.
Italy economy minister to discuss new decree with EU Commissioner: source
Italy‘s caretaker cabinet on Saturday said it had approved a decree to pay some 40 billion euros of the state‘s debts to private companies over the next 12 months
EU‘s Rehn: Big depositors could suffer in future bank bailouts under new law
The European Commission is currently drafting a directive on bank safety which would incorporate the issue of investor liability in member states‘ legislation.
Olli Rehn: EU Commission prepares directive to seize bank deposits above €100,000
The idea to bail-in banks with depositors’ money will soon be more than just an idea – or a “Cyprus template” as Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem said two weeks ago. It will be decided through an EU directive, as economic affairs commissioner Olli Rehn announced on Saturday in a television interview.
Greek Tax Trap: overtaxing even zero-euro income with ‘deemed income criteria’
A shock is awaiting 2,400,000 Greek taxpayers with annual real income between zero and 5,000 euro. This year, they will have to pay tax even if they have no income at all.
Cyprus Airways cautiously optimistic over deal with Chinese investors
Cyprus Airways President Stavros Stavrou appeared cautiously optimistic over a deal with a Chinese investment company for the acquisition of Cyprus` national air carrier.
Greek gov‘t resumes talks with troika inspectors on terms of further bailout
A key issue in deliberations with troika envoys this time is also the ongoing recapitalization of Greek banks in the aftermath of the Cyprus banking crisis in March.
Cyprus and Russia sign agreement on mutual protection
As it is noted, the agreement indicates the mutual trust between the two states and establishes the ground for more agreements in the future in fields as the economy, industry, defence, security crime prevention and others, which require the secure exchange and dissemination of classified information.
Putin: Enteignen von Anlegern auf Zypern untergräbt Vertrauen zur Eurozone
Eine derartige Enteignung der Anleger könnte eine Kapitalflucht nach Russland zur Folge haben, sagte Putin am Freitag in einem ARD-Interview im Vorfeld seines für den 7./8. April geplanten Deutschland-Besuchs. Den Wortlaut des Gesprächs veröffentlichte die ARD auf ihrer Internetseite.
Putin: Russland hat sich eindeutig für Demokratie entschieden
„Basierend auf den fundamentalen Demokratieprinzipien müssen wir solche Instrumente ausarbeiten, die der überwiegenden Mehrheit der Menschen in unserem Lande es möglich machen, die Innen- und Außenpolitik zu beeinflussen“, sagte Putin.
ROYAL SCANDAL: Government fears for image of Spain in wake of princess’s court order
The first reaction of the governing Popular Party (PP) to Princess Cristina being named as a suspect in the Nóos fraud case unfolding against her husband was one of “concern” for the image of the monarchy and of Spain abroad.
Govt needs to find €1.35bn as Constitutional Court rules budget illegal
Four of the nine articles of the 2013 budget Portugal’s Constitutional Court studied were considered to be unconstitutional Friday and, as such, null and void, backdated to 1 January when they came into force.
No comics or queers in the Government
on 3 April 2013, on the front page of the daily paper “ Il Fatto Quotidiano”, there’s the text of a threatening message signed by Cosa Nostra and sent to the antimafia judges in Palermo. The main message coming from someone signing as “a man of honour of the Trapanese family” is this: “No comics or queers in the Government”.
Voting for Italy president possible from April 18
Lower house speaker Laura Boldrini said in a statement on Wednesday that the two chambers of the Italian parliament would meet for a joint session starting on Monday, April 15, and regional representatives could join from April 18.
Italy’s president pardons US Air Force office convicted in CIA abduction case
The presidential palace statement said that in deciding to pardon Romano, Napolitano had “above all, taken into account the fact that the president of the United States, Barack Obama, immediately after his election, put an end to an approach of handling the challenges to national security”
120 Parliamentarians Set to Sign “Block Prodi” Letter
As Matteo Renzi told his deputies and senators, “It’s war now and Pier Luigi won’t find it easy to pull any funny business over the presidential election”
Triple suicide triggered by economic struggle shocks Italy
Romeo Dionisi, 62, and Anna Maria Sopranzi, 68, hung themselves in a storage room they owned in the town of Civitanova Marche on the Adriatic coast on Friday, police said. After learning of his sister‘s death, Sopranzi‘s brother, Giuseppe, 72, threw himself into the sea and drowned.
Mired in financial troubles, Italian couple commits suicide
He was a clerk at a shoe company, though he hadn‘t worked for some time. She was a retired artisan. Together, they had no more than 500 euros a month, from her pension, to live off of.
On Friday, they were dead.
Ex-SYRIZA Chief’s Plan B: Euro Exit
“Leaving the euro is a precondition for salvation and recovery but is not enough on its own,” he said. “It is a link in the chain of transformations that have to happen, which includes economic planning, stopping payments to foreign lenders and nationalizing banks.”
Wahrheiten und Lügen über Bankenkrise in Zypern
Andreas Iliadis löst sein 9-monatiges Schweigen und spricht von einem “gut vorbereiteten Plan zur Vernichtung des gesamten Bankwesens und hauptsächlich der Cyprus-Bank, die sich damals in einem guten wirtschaftlichen Zustand befand“.
Der ungekürzte Artikel des ehemaligen Geschäftsführers der BOC, Andreas Iliadis, wird nachstehend in deutscher Übersetzung wiedergegeben, die wie im griechischen Wortlaut in der 1. Person formuliert ist, die sich auf den Autor und nicht etwa das Team des Blogs bezieht.
Birgitta Jonsdottir: „Less than a week ago we had the darkest day of our parliament“
(04.04.) Birgitta Jonsdottir, Wikileaks volunteer and member of the Icelandic Pirate Party, was answering question on Reddit today. This event is called Ask me Anything, and Reddit users can ask post questions and Birgitta answers. On Reddit Birgitta for example said that Icelanders had their darkest day in parliament last week, because the new constitution did not get passed.
Is Cyprus turning into a zombie economy?
One of the biggest mistakes so far in the eurozone crisis was to not properly write down Greece’s debt. The country is therefore stuck in a downward spiral: high levels of debt require more cuts, negatively affecting growth and tax revenues, in turn requiring revised targets and more cuts.
Cyprus Economy May Shrink 13% in 2013, Government Spokesman Says
Cyprus’s economy might contract as much as 13 percent this year under the weight of austerity measures and a restructuring of the country’s banks as agreed in return for a bailout, the government spokesman said.
Cyprus: dramatic increase 18,3% y-o-y for unemployment
In comparison with March 2012, an increase of 6.840 persons or 18,3% was recorded which was mainly observed in the sectors of trade
Coming up in Berlin this weekend:
SAT, 06.04.13
LUZIA SIX Birthday Party
…and many more!
SAT, 06.04.13
PLUS: VDJ SET by dev01ded VJ
a.k.a. Valquire Veljkovic
EFF Urges FTC to Take Action Against Patent Trolls
We have written often about the rise of the patent troll—entities that don‘t create products themselves, but instead buy patents and make money from lawsuits—and the serious harm they are causing true innovators.
Exxon wins safety award as Mayflower sees no end to spill cleanup (VIDEO)
With Mayflower, Arkansas struggling to deal with the 84,000 gallons of crude that began running through its streets last week, ExxonMobil has been made the recipient of the National Safety Council‘s Green Cross for Safety medal.