She said: „They want to cut what most sustains a country, which is education and health care. The unemployment rate is so immense that young people believe they have no future here, and we are embittering their existence.“
Daily Archives: 10. März 2013
Spain takes to streets in tens of thousands against unemployment, economic scandals (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Tens of thousands of demonstrators are marching in dozens of Spanish cities to protest record unemployment rates and the government’s handling of the economic and corruption scandals. It comes just after Spain’s jobless figure hit the 5 million mark.
CIA militaristic tool of Wall Street capitalism: US activist
“That’s what the CIA is all about. It is an armed wing of the capitalist government of the United States, which serves the Wall Street. That’s what, it is plain and simple,” said Caleb Maupin in a Saturday interview.
President stresses expansion of relations with independent states
President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a meeting with Beninˈs Foreign Affairs Minister Nasiro Bakoo Arifary in Tehran on Sunday evening.
Where is America’s Hugo Chavez?
Two events coincided this week that illustrate the crisis of political economy in the capitalist West—the premature and intensely sad death of Hugo Chavez and the trite idiocy symbolizing the class warfare declared by the rich against the rest of us as the Dow Jones stock index reached its highest point ever.
In the Words of Bradley Manning
Most of us would keep our mouths shut. Not Pfc. Bradley Manning.
Italy center-left bickers after election disappointment
Parliament convenes on Friday and shortly afterwards President Giorgio Napolitano will hold consultations with party chiefs to try to find backing for a coalition.
South Africans pray for Mandela
South African Catholics pray for the health of 94-year-old Nelson Mandela who was admitted to hospital, his second period of hospital treatment in three months. Jessica Gray reports.
Susan Rice Could Be Next NSA
Sources hinted on Sunday that the embattled United Nations ambassador is the president’s top contender to become the next National Security Adviser—a position that does not need the Senate’s confirmation.
Susan Rice in line to become Obama‘s national security adviser, say reports
An announcement could come after the US assumes the rotating presidency of the UN security council in July, it was reported.
Empty Quarter – George Steinmetz
became captivated by Arabia‘s Empty Quarter as a young man when I read Wilfred Thesiger‘s Arabian Sands. The Empty Quarter is larger than France without a single permanent point of water or human habitation. It‘s both the world‘s largest sand sea and one of the hottest places on earth, and has only been traversed a handful of times. I didn‘t want to repeat Thesiger‘s epic journeys many decades later, but when I discovered motorized paragliding I found a way to visualize this remote landscape in a new way.
N. Korea threatens all-out war ahead of S. Korea-U.S. military drill
The 11-day computer-simulated drill Key Resolve kicks off on Monday while another two-month field training exercise known as Foal Eagle started earlier in the month.
C.I.A.: John Brennan`s Amtseid auf Entwurf ohne Bill of Rights
Heute sind die Medien damit beschäftigt ihren Lesern mitzuteilen, dass die Vereidigung des neuen CIA-Direktor John Brennan im Roosevelt Room im Weissen Haus am 8. März 2013 unter Anwesenheit von Familienmitgliedern eine bemerkenswerte Besonderheit enthielt.
Stuttgart 21 oder BER Flughafen: Wer macht das Rennen?
Der Erfolg der Heuteshow beruht nicht nur auf Humor. Sie spricht Dinge in einer Deutlichkeit an, die „echte“ Journalisten oft missen lassen:
Head of Greek privatization fund, Finance Ministry general secretary resign over power plant charges
A new candidate to take over as head of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund‘s (HRADF), known as TAIPED in Greek, is to be proposed for approval by Parliament‘s institutions and transparency committee in the next few days.
Shas ministers shirk last cabinet meeting
At what seems to be the last cabinet meeting of the present government, Netanyahu said: „These were four years of non-stop activity, posing and achieving goals and I think this government is one of the highest achieving governments of all time.“
Conservative Jim Molinaro Backing Democrat Christine Quinn For NYC Mayor
Molinaro, who is leaving office at the end of the year, said he also was impressed that Quinn stood her ground in a confrontation Saturday with upper East Side residents who opposed her support of a planned waste transfer station in their neighborhood.
Stahlhelm auf zum Gebet!
„Rösler schwört Liberale auf Kampf ein.“
Toni Mehdorn rettet, rettet, rettet…
er Kritik, Kunst, Barmbekiana und sonstwie Schräges von Hartmut Finkeldey
Toni Mehdorn rettet, rettet, rettet…
Mehdorn, 1999 bis zum 30. April 2009 Vorstand der Bahn (Stuttgart 21 wurde 1994 offiziell vorgestellt, 1998 von Ludewig, damaliger Bahnchef, gestoppt und 1999 u.a. vom Ludewignachfolger Mehdorn wieder auf den Weg gebracht) soll den Berliner Flughafen retten.
Wolfgang Lieb: Angela Merkel – „Mutter Blamage“ – Eine Rezension
Stephan Hebel, (noch) politischer Autor der Frankfurter Rundschau beschreibt die Wirklichkeit im Lande und die tatsächlichen Auswirkungen von Merkels Politik auf die überwiegende Mehrheit der Bevölkerung.
Kenyatta receives congratulatory messages
President elect Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta has received dozens of messages of goodwill after being declared the winner of the recently concluded presidential poll.
This indeed is Kenya’s moment
The following is the full text of the President-elect’s acceptance speech.
Marktkonformes Aushungern
Erhellendes aus Hellas.
Endlich erfahren wir, wofür eine hohe Arbeitslosigkeit gut ist, namentlich eine hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. Und das in schlichten Worten, die jeder versteht.
„Nicht nur die Troika, aber auch multinationale Unternehmen drängen in Griechenland auf die Senkung der Mindestlöhne speziell für junge Arbeitslose auf 250 – 300 Euro.“
Venezuela election race begins
Venezuela‘s electoral commission announces that new presidential elections will be held on April 14 following Hugo Chavez‘s death. Sarah Charlton reports.
Afghan Taliban, U.S. revive reconciliation talks in Qatar: Karzai
The Afghan Taliban and the United States have been holding talks in the Gulf Arab state of Qatar, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Sunday, but the militant group and Washington denied they had resumed dialogue.
Athens: “Portugal shows the way” anti-austerity protest, Mar 10/2013
“Poverty, unemployment, suicides… Enough! Portugal shows the way!” That’s the main slogan that expects to take thousand austerity-hit Greeks to the streets on Sunday, March 10th 2013.
Afghan leader: Taliban, US are colluding to help show foreign forces are needed after 2014
Afghan President Hamid Karzai is accusing the Taliban and the U.S. of working in concert to convince Afghans that violence will worsen if foreign troops leave.
Verteidigung, nicht Angriff: 10-Punkte-Plan für Chuck Hagel
Soldaten fordern den neuen Hausherrn des Pentagon auf, die Aufgaben des U.S.-Verteidigungsministeriums auf die eigentliche Bedeutung des Wortes zurückzuführen: Schutz des Landes, aber nicht im Ausland
Fred Nérac, my ITN colleague, disappeared in a warzone. The joke we shared still haunts me
Ten years after the allied invasion of Iraq was launched, Fred Nérac‘s death is still a mystery
U.S. Cancels Transfer of Bagram Prison to Afghans
A ceremony in which the American military had planned to hand over full control of the Bagram Prison to Afghanistan was canceled Saturday
Saddam‘s statue: the bitter regrets of Iraq‘s sledgehammer man
Kadom al-Jabouri became famous when he took his hammer to the dictator‘s statue. Now he wishes he had never done it
New Defense Chief Visits ‘Reality of Combat’ in Afghanistan
Before landing here in Kabul, the Afghan capital, Mr. Hagel said a significant focus of his visit would be assessing the detailed plans for transferring responsibility for security to the central government, army and the police in Afghanistan by the time the NATO combat mission expired in December 2014.
Militärische Riesendrohne kostet eine halbe Milliarde und soll ab September bundesweit einsatzbereit sein
Insgesamt hat die Bundeswehr als “Serienbeschaffung” fünf solcher Systeme von der US-Firma Northrop Grumman bestellt. In den USA firmieren sie als “GlobalHawk”. Für die Umrüstung hat EADS mit Northrop Grumman das Joint Venture “EuroHawk GmbH” gegründet.
Entwicklung des Auftragseingangs in der Industrie im Januar 2013
Während sich die Aufträge aus dem Inland leicht um 0,6 % abschwächten, gingen die Bestellungen aus dem Ausland deutlich um 3,0 % zurück.
Großhandelsumsatz im 4. Quartal 2012 real um 2,2 % gesunken
Im Großhandel mit Rohstoffen, Halbwaren und Maschinen (Produktionsverbindungshandel), der ein Indikator für die Industrieproduktion und den Export ist, lag der Umsatz im vierten Quartal 2012 nominal um 0,2 % höher und real um 2,6 % niedriger als im Vorjahresquartal.
Medienwandel: Warum Online-Journalist inzwischen ein Traumberuf ist
Online-Journalisten waren lange Zeit die Schmuddelkinder ihres Berufsstandes. Es wird Zeit, dass sich diese Wahrnehmung ändert. Denn nirgends kann man seine journalistische Leidenschaft so sehr ausleben wie im Internet.
Hallo Artikelboten. Leider können wir wg dem verschärften Urheberrecht auch die Staatssender nicht mehr verbreiten.
Abmahnfalle Facebook: Was Sie tun können, um nicht wegen geteilter Vorschaubilder abgemahnt zu werden
Die Nachricht, dass Facebook-Nutzer wegen eines geteilten Links abgemahnt werden können, hat für viel Ärger und große Verunsicherung bei Facebook-Nutzern gesorgt.
Netzkostenbefreiung gekippt – große Stromkunden müssen doch zahlen
Energieintensive Unternehmen können sich seit August 2011 von den Netzkosten befreien lassen. Sie haben dann geringere Stromkosten, der Rest wird auf die Allgemeinheit umgelegt.
Croatian tourism minister resigns due to disputed land transaction
In 2004, Ostojic‘s family bought the land for 860,000 kuna (about 156,363 U.S. dollars) and shortly after the purchase the area was urbanised and the price of that plot jumped to 25.6 million kuna (about 4.7 million dollars).
Boliviens Präsident: Chavez wurde vergiftet
In seiner Rede nach der Vereidigung verwies der venezolanische Interimspräsident im Parlament ebenfalls darauf, dass sich Chavez’ Erkrankung auf eine merkwürdige Weise entwickelt habe.
Qatar emir said to buy six Greek islands
After his purchase of the uninhabited Ionian islet of Oxia, 1,236 acres in size and near to the island of Ithaca, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani has agreed to buy another five privately owned neighbouring islets in the Echinades group, in the Ionian Sea.
As Venezuelans mourn Hugo Chavez, election set for mid-April
Venezuela called on Saturday a snap election to succeed Hugo Chavez on April 14, setting the stage for a tough campaign between the late leader‘s political heir and the opposition in this divided oil-rich nation.
Huge Rocket Launch Lights Up Tropical Night Sky (Photo)
The launch successfully delivered to orbit the Amazonas-3 satellite for Spanish company Hispasat and a spacecraft called Azerspace/Africasat-1a, which will be run by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies and the firm Azercosmos 0JSC.
How Kenya‘s High-Tech Voting Nearly Lost The Election
And then came Election Day and the triumph of Murphy‘s Law.