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19.09.2024 - 19:42 [ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic - ]

Czechia’s Explanation of Vote on the UN resolution – 18th of September

Czechia’s Explanation of Vote on the UN resolution regarding the advisory opinion of the ICJ on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in OPT, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in OPT. Stated by Ambassador to the United Nations, Jakub Kulhánek, on September 18, 2024

Mr. President,

Allow me to begin by reiterating Czechia‘s unwavering support for the people of the West Bank and Gaza in their pursuit of political aspirations for their own future statehood.

My country also stands ready to support any meaningful efforts to end violence in the region.

However, for these efforts to succeed, they must be the result of direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, as this offers the only viable path to lasting security and peace for all.