Archiv: wounded

15.05.2018 - 09:43 [ Maria ‏/ Twitter ]

There you go

15.05.2018 - 09:38 [ Kenneth Roth, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch ‏/ Twitter ]

Ivanka Trump is still all smiles at new US embassy in Jerusalem even though Israeli snipers killed 52 Palestinians at Gaza border protests.

15.05.2018 - 09:36 [ Luke Savage, writer and journalist, Jacobin, Current Affairs, The Guardian / Twitter ]

My god, this image

15.05.2018 - 09:31 [ Washington Post ]

Nothing says ‘peace’ like 58 dead Palestinians

President Trump himself, in a video message, pledged his commitment to a “lasting peace agreement.”

His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, said “peace is within reach.”

And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared it “a great day for peace.”

Because nothing says “peace” like 58 Palestinians killed, 2,700 wounded, renewed hostilities between Iran and Israel, the entire region aflame and U.S. allies reeling.

14.05.2018 - 18:21 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Live: Anti-US Embassy move protest hits Jerusalem

Israelis and Palestinians protest in Jerusalem on Monday, May 14, as the US Embassy in Israel is being moved to Jerusalem.

14.05.2018 - 18:07 [ Al Jazeera ]

Gaza protests: All the latest updates

At least 52 Palestinians were killed on Monday in Gaza and more than 2400 others wounded as the Israeli army fired live ammunition, tear gas and firebombs at protesters assembled along several points near the fence with Israel.

14.05.2018 - 17:56 [ The Associated Press ‏/ Twitter ]

VIDEO: Dozens of Palestinian protesters are killed by Israeli fire in the deadliest day in Gaza since a devastating 2014 cross-border war.

14.05.2018 - 17:27 [ Büro der Weltgesundheitsorganisation im besetzten Palästina @WHOoPt1 / Twitter ]

Dozens killed, including a health worker, and hundreds injured in demonstrations in Gaza today. WHO reiterates its calls for the protection of all health staff and facilities. #NotATarget #RightToHealth #WHOoPt #Gaza

14.05.2018 - 17:04 [ Asaf Ronel ‏/ Twitter ]

#video: Israeli army firing at a group of unarmed #GreatReturnMarch protesters – not even near the #GazaFence. At least 18 Palestinians killed & 448 wounded from Israel live ammo today – 50 in critical/serious condition – Gaza MoH

14.05.2018 - 16:50 [ Daily Sabah / Twitter ]

UPDATE — Gaza death toll rises to 43 with 1,750 injured amid massive protests over US Jerusalem embassy inauguration: Palestine Health Ministry

14.05.2018 - 14:55 [ Al Jazeera ]

Gaza protests: All the latest updates

At least 37 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and close to 1700 others wounded as the Israeli army fired live ammunition and teargas and firebombs at protesters assembled along several points near the fence with Israel.

Of the 1693 wounded, the ministry of health said at least 74 were below the age of 18, 23 were women and eight were journalists.

14.05.2018 - 14:45 [ Mike S. Omer-Man, Israel-based journalist, editor-in-chief at @972mag / Twitter ]

Israeli snipers have killed 67 Palestinian protesters in Gaza since March 30. In Jerusalem, Israel’s top court is still deliberating whether or not it’s legal for the army to shoot unarmed protesters.

14.05.2018 - 14:44 [ Squinter ‏ / Twitter ]

Gaza is a fucking charnel house right now, a free-fire zone with the number of unarmed civilians, including children, being cut down by snipers rising by the minute. The US could end this with a phone call, instead it‘s having a slaughter party in Jerusalem

14.05.2018 - 14:42 [ i24NEWS English ‏/ Twitter ]

#BREAKING: Death toll in Gaza clashes rises to 37, Palestinian health ministry says

14.05.2018 - 14:17 [ CBS This Morning / Twitter ]

The new American embassy in Jerusalem opens this morning in the face of deadly protests. Thousands of Palestinians are demonstrating in Gaza along the Israeli border. Gaza officials say Israeli troops have killed at least 25 Palestinians.

14.05.2018 - 13:57 [ Washington Post ]

Israelis kill 18 Palestinians in Gaza protesting U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers on Monday killed 18 Palestinians demonstrating along the border fence and wounded 918 in the bloodiest day of protests since they began six weeks ago, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Thousands of Palestinians gathered on the edges of Gaza as the U.S. embassy opened in Jerusalem, fanning out along the fence in what appeared to be some of the largest demonstrations yet.

14.05.2018 - 13:29 [ Haaretz ]

Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: 18 Palestinians Reported Killed by Israeli Gunfire at Border

The Israel Police is preparing for the U.S. embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with thousands of policemen deployed through the city. At 4:00 P.M. (Israel Time), the official ceremony will take place at the U.S. Consulate in the Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem, which will officially become the U.S. embassy this week

Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem were urged to turn out en masse to protest the embassy move and take part in Tuesday‘s 70th anniversary of the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” as Palestinians term Israel’s creation.

12.05.2018 - 21:12 [ Haaretz ]

Palestinians: 15-year Old Dies of Wounds Sustained in Gaza Border Protest

The development brings the death toll of Friday‘s protests up to two. A 40-year-old Palestinian was shot to death by Israeli forces and 700 others were wounded by Israeli army gunfire during the demonstrations.

11.05.2018 - 21:09 [ Haaretz ]

One Killed, ‚700 Palestinians Wounded‘ in Seventh Week of Gaza Protests

Three critically wounded, 112 of those wounded were hit by live gunfire ■ Israeli doctors NGO demands entry to Israel for wounded to prevent amputations

04.05.2018 - 18:24 [ Haaretz ]

Gaza Protests: ‘42 Wounded‘ by Israeli Fire in Sixth Consecutive Border March

Gaza Health Ministry: Three wounded protesters in critical condition ■ IDF says protesters tried to breach border ■ 45 killed since protests started six weeks ago

03.05.2018 - 15:27 [ USA Today ]

Why is Israel shooting at Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza?

So far, at least 45 people have been killed, including four children and two journalists. The number of wounded has reached 5,500, according to the United Nations.

The demonstrations have attracted as many as 30,000 participants, according to media reports.

30.04.2018 - 18:04 [ New York Times ]

For Gaza Protester, Living or Dying Is the ‘Same Thing’

Say what you will about root causes and immediate ones — about incitement and militancy, about siege and control, about who did what first to whom — one thing is clear. More than a decade of deprivation and desperation, with little hope of relief, has led thousands of young Gazans to throw themselves into a protest that few, if any, think can actually achieve its stated goal: a return to the homes in what is now Israel that their forebears left behind in 1948.

28.04.2018 - 16:29 [ Haaretz ]

Gaza Protests: ‚Three Killed, 174 Wounded‘ as Palestinians March on Border for Fifth Week

Demonstrators killed include a 15-year-old. 174 of the wounded at the ‚rebellious youth‘ themed protest were said to be by live Israeli fire

21.04.2018 - 08:25 [ Nickolay E. Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process / Twitter ]

It is OUTRAGEOUS to shoot at children! How does the killing of a child in #Gaza today help #peace? It doesn’t! It fuels anger and breeds more killing.

#Children must be protected from #violence, not exposed to it, not killed! This tragic incident must be investigated.

21.04.2018 - 08:23 [ Haaretz ]

Palestinians Report Four Killed, 156 Wounded by Israeli Fire in Fourth Friday of Gaza Protests

The ministry said a total of 729 Palestinians were wounded in the protests by, among other things, live fire, tear gas inhalation and rubber bullets. Those killed were named as Ahmad Nabil Abu Aqel, 25, Mohammed Ayoub, 15, Ahmad Rashad Al-Atamana, 24, and Said Abd Al-Aal Abu Taha, 19. Of those wounded, 305 were taken to hospital, 4 of them in serious condition and 166 in moderate condition.