Archiv: Vanessa Beeley

27.02.2020 - 15:40 [ vanessa beeley / Twitter ]

#maaratalnuman #Idlib yet again #WhiteHelmets Centres next to #Nusra_front military/weapons HQ (Photo not shown) and in midst of terrorist-occupied buildings. Full article to follow.

How much more evidence needed? #IndependentEnquiry.

11.04.2018 - 07:55 [ ]

Last Terrorists of Douma: Jaish, Helmets & SAMS Collaborate in Massacre

The last terrorists of Douma have engaged in a ghastly repeat of the heinous atrocities in Khan Sheikhoun, just days after the first anniversary of their slaughter, there. Though the dominant alQaeda faction there is alNusra, the supportive characters of the US and British intelligence funded White Helmets and the US-based, CNN and State Department approved NGO, SAMS remain the same. As with the Khan Sheikhoun slaughter, the purpose of the Douma ‘snuff porn’ slaughter is to incite the swamp-drunk Trump to again bomb Syrian soldiers and ‘collateral damage civilians,’ based on the lies of alQaeda.

The week before the mass murder in Khan Sheikhoun, 250 civilians were kidnapped from nearby villages Majal and Khattab. On 4 April 2017, it was CNN — terrorists most trusted name in news — which broke the report. CNN’s chief source was the British illegal, Shajul Islam, embedded with alNusra-still-on-US-and-UN-terror-lists. He is the guy who was indicted on terrorism charges in his native UK, the guy whose medical license was permanently revoked in his native UK.

11.04.2018 - 07:41 [ Hands off Syria / Facebook ]

Vanessa Beeley: „Before you believe the #CNN warmongers in #Damascus. Their poster boy of war, Frederick Pleitgen was with me when we visited a terrorist chemical weapons lab in #Irbin Eastern #Ghouta two days ago.

(7.4.2018) He does not mention it in his sensationalist report „live“ from Damascus.
Nor does he mention the estimated 3500 plus #prisoners being held by Jaish Al-Islam terrorists in their „repentance“ prisons, many women and children among them who are very probably now being murdered to produce the last ditch attempt #chemical weapon attack – #UK is already posturing that they will attack Syria if this CW attack is proven…and we know what proof means to these criminals.“