Archiv: Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline

10.09.2022 - 17:39 [ Hurriyet ]

TANAP carrying gas in full capacity: CEO

(January 15 2021)

With a gradual increase in capacity since then, the total of Azerbaijani gas delivered to Turkey’s national company Botaş reached 8.4 bcm as of Dec. 31, 2020.

Düzyol said that the annual volume of natural gas delivered to Turkey would stay stable at 6 bcm per year until a new increase in capacity.

TANAP’s remaining 10 bcm annual capacity is allocated for European countries, including Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and Italy.

10.09.2022 - 17:20 [ ]

An Especially Cold Winter: How Trump Helped Cause the European Natural Gas Crisis

These claims that Iran could rapidly step in to solve Europe’s woes are somewhat overstated. Although Iran does have massive natural gas reserves, the necessary pipeline and shipping infrastructure simply does not exist at present for exporting gas to Europe. To put it simply, there is no flip of a switch that can rapidly turn on supplies to Europe and help them cope with the winter ahead.