Archiv: To Be or Not to Be / Sein oder Nicht Sein

09.02.2022 - 19:58 [ Tom Trailer / Youtube ]

… To Be or Not to Be – Sein oder Nichtsein ..

André erhält einen Geheimauftrag, er soll die egozentrischen Mitglieder der Bronski-Theatergruppe dazu bringen, mit ihm den bösen Feind zu überlisten…

05.07.2021 - 16:00 [ ]

Pro and anti-maskers are new Remainers and Leavers, with same tribes

Maskers and anti-maskers look set to become the new Remainers and Leavers (with almost, if not quite, the same tribes in both camps). Very few people on either side of that bitter debate were actually very interested in the finer points of tariffs on citrus fruits, or what the European Commission‘s plans for the digital transformation of European industry might be this week. They wanted to say something about themselves.

We might have hoped that Covid-19 would soon be behind us. There seems little chance of that now. The divisions lockdowns have opened up and exacerbated will run for years.

20.03.2021 - 21:32 [ Tom Trailer / Youtube ]

1983 – To Be or Not to Be – Sein oder Nichtsein ..

André erhält einen Geheimauftrag, er soll die egozentrischen Mitglieder der Bronski-Theatergruppe dazu bringen, mit ihm den bösen Feind zu überlisten…